def pack_atlas(args, dirPath, curr_size):
    texture_packer = get_packer(args['packing_algorithm'], curr_size, args['maxrects_heuristic'])
    childDirs = os.listdir(dirPath)

    index = 0
    imagesList = []

    # Open all images in the directory and add to the packer input data structure.
    for currPath in childDirs:
        file_path = os.path.join(dirPath, currPath)
        if (currPath.startswith(".") or os.path.isdir(file_path)):

            img =
            texture_packer.add_texture(img.size[0], img.size[1], currPath)
            imagesList.append((currPath, img))
            index += 1
        except (IOError):
            print "ERROR: PIL failed to open file: ", file_path

    # Pack the textures into an atlas as efficiently as possible.
    packResult = texture_packer.pack_textures(True, True)

    return (texture_packer, packResult, imagesList)
def pack_fonts(font_filename, point_size, text, color, atlas_size):
    texture_packer = get_packer("maxrects", str(atlas_size), "area")
    font = ImageFont.truetype(font_filename, point_size)

    image_dict = {}
    for character in text:
        size = font.getsize(character)
        name = "%s_%s_%s" % (os.path.basename(font_filename), str(point_size), character)
        image_dict[name] ="RGBA", size, color)
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image_dict[name])
        draw.text((0, 0), character, font=font)
        texture_packer.add_texture(image_dict[name].size[0], image_dict[name].size[1], name)

    # Pack the textures into an atlas as efficiently as possible.
    packResult = texture_packer.pack_textures(True, True)

    return (texture_packer, packResult, image_dict)