Exemplo n.º 1
def check_transfer(contract, sender, receiver, amount):
    sender_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [sender])
    receiver_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [receiver])

    tx_hash = transact_function(sender, contract, 'transfer',
                                [receiver, amount])

    new_sender_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [sender])
    new_receiver_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [receiver])

    # check that balances are correct after transfer
    if sender != receiver:
        assert new_sender_balance == sender_balance - amount, \
            wrong('balance of sender {} after transfer', new_sender_balance, sender_balance - amount)

        assert new_receiver_balance == receiver_balance + amount, \
            wrong('balance of receiver {} after transfer'.format(receiver), new_receiver_balance,
                  receiver_balance + amount)
        assert sender_balance == new_sender_balance, \
            wrong('balance of address {} after transferring to itself'.format(sender), new_sender_balance,

    # check that Transfer event is emitted correctly
    check_event(contract, tx_hash, 'Transfer', {
        'from': sender,
        'to': receiver,
        'tokens': amount
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_transfer_from(contract, accounts, approvers, spenders):
    print('check that transferFrom works correctly: ')

    receivers = accounts[3:4]
    amount = 1
    for approver in approvers:
        for spender in spenders:
            for receiver in receivers:
                print("Approver: {} Spender: {} Receiver: {}".format(
                    approver, spender, receiver))
                check_transfer_from(contract, approver, spender, receiver,

                # should not send more than balance of approver
                approver_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf',
                assert reverts(transact_function,
                               [spender, contract, 'transferFrom', [approver, receiver, approver_balance + 1]]), \
                    'spender should not be able to send more tokens than balance of approver'

                # should not send more than allowance
                allowance = call_function(contract, 'allowance',
                                          [approver, spender])
                assert reverts(transact_function,
                               [spender, contract, 'transferFrom', [approver, receiver, allowance + 1]]), \
                    'spender should not be able to send more tokens than allowance'

                # spender should not be able to transfer tokens to zero address
                assert reverts(transact_function, [spender, contract, 'transferFrom', [approver, ZERO_ADDRESS, 1]]), \
                    'transferFrom to 0x0 should revert'

Exemplo n.º 3
def print_dividend_account(contract, account):
    print("Dividends for Account: {}".format(account))
    print("getLastEthPoints: {}".format(
        call_function(contract, 'getLastEthPoints', [account])))
    print("dividendsOwingEth: {}".format(
        call_function(contract, 'dividendsOwing', [account])))
    print("unclaimedDividendByAccount: {}".format(
        call_function(contract, 'unclaimedDividendByAccount', [account])))
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_enable_transfers(contract, accounts, approvers, spenders):
    print('check that enabling transfers works correctly: ', end='')

    # non owner account should not be able to enable transfers
    owner = call_function(contract, 'owner')
    not_owners = [account for account in accounts if account != owner]
    for account in not_owners:
        assert reverts(transact_function, [account, contract, 'enableTransfers']), \
            'non owner account {} should not be able to enable transfers'.format(account)

    # owner should be able to enable transfers
    tx_hash = transact_function(owner, contract, 'enableTransfers')
    check_event(contract, tx_hash, 'TransfersEnabled')

    # check that transfer works after enabling transfers
    senders = accounts[:2]
    receivers = accounts[1:3]
    for sender in senders:
        for receiver in receivers:
            check_transfer(contract, sender, receiver, 1)

    # check that transferFrom works after enabling transfers
    for approver in approvers:
        for spender in spenders:
            receiver = accounts[3]
            check_transfer_from(contract, approver, spender, receiver, 1)

    # check that triggering enableTransfers one more time fails
    assert reverts(transact_function, [owner, contract, 'enableTransfers']), \
        'owner should not be able to enable transfers when it is already enabled'

Exemplo n.º 5
def test_disable_transfers(contract, accounts, approvers, spenders):
    print('check that disabling transfers works correctly: ', end='')

    # non owner account should not be able to enable transfers
    owner = call_function(contract, 'owner')
    not_owners = [account for account in accounts if account != owner]
    for account in not_owners:
        assert reverts(transact_function, [account, contract, 'disableTransfers']), \
            'non owner account {} should not be able to disable transfers'.format(account)

    # owner should be able to enable transfers
    tx_hash = transact_function(owner, contract, 'disableTransfers')
    check_event(contract, tx_hash, 'TransfersDisabled')

    # check that transfer reverts
    senders = accounts[:2]
    receivers = accounts[1:3]
    for sender in senders:
        for receiver in receivers:
            assert reverts(transact_function, [sender, contract, 'transfer', [receiver, 1]]), \
                '{} should not be able to transfer when transferring is disabled'.format(sender)

    # check that transferFrom reverts
    for approver in approvers:
        for spender in spenders:
            receiver = accounts[3]
            assert reverts(
                [spender, contract, 'transferFrom', [approver, receiver, 1]])

    # check that triggering disableTransfers one more time fails
    assert reverts(transact_function, [owner, contract, 'disableTransfers']), \
        'owner should not be able to disable transfers when it is already disabled'

Exemplo n.º 6
def test_initialized_correctly(contract, owner):
    print('check that contract is initialized correctly: ', end='')

    got_owner = call_function(contract, 'owner')
    assert got_owner == owner, wrong('owner', got_owner, owner)

Exemplo n.º 7
def test_transfer(contract, accounts):
    print('check that tokens are transferred correctly: ', end='')

    senders = accounts[:3]
    receivers = accounts[2:5]
    amount = 10
    for sender in senders:
        for receiver in receivers:
            check_transfer(contract, sender, receiver, amount)

            # should not send more than balance
            sender_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [sender])
            assert reverts(transact_function, [sender, contract, 'transfer', [receiver, sender_balance + 1]]), \
                'owner should not be able to send more tokens than his balance'

            # should be able to send 0 tokens
            check_transfer(contract, sender, receiver, 0)

            # account should be able to transfer to itself
            check_transfer(contract, sender, sender, amount)

            # account should not be able to transfer tokens to zero address -> Not for BTTS token
            #assert reverts(transact_function, [sender, contract, 'transfer', [ZERO_ADDRESS, 1]]), \
            #        'transfer to 0x0 should revert'

Exemplo n.º 8
def test_implements_interfaces(contract, interfaces):
    print('check that contract implements interfaces: {}: '.format(
        [interface['name'] for interface in interfaces]),

    implements_zero_id = call_function(contract, 'supportsInterface',
    assert not implements_zero_id, 'should not implement 0xffffffff'

    for interface in interfaces:
        implements = call_function(contract, 'supportsInterface',
        assert implements, 'does not implement interface: {}'.format(

Exemplo n.º 9
def test_initial_balances(contract, accounts):
    print('check that balances are initialized correctly: ', end='')

    owner = call_function(contract, 'owner')
    owner_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [owner])
    total_supply = call_function(contract, 'totalSupply')

    assert owner_balance == total_supply, wrong('balance of owner',
                                                owner_balance, total_supply)

    for address in accounts:
        if address != owner:
            balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [address])
            assert balance == 0, wrong('balance of {}'.format(address),
                                       balance, 0)

Exemplo n.º 10
def fund_accounts(contract, accounts, amount):
    print('funding accounts: ', end='')

    owner = call_function(contract, 'owner')
    for account in accounts:
        check_transfer(contract, owner, account, amount)

Exemplo n.º 11
def test_initialized_correctly(contract, name, symbol):
    print('check that contract is initialized correctly: ', end='')

    got_name = call_function(contract, 'name')
    assert got_name == name, wrong('name', got_name, name)

    got_symbol = call_function(contract, 'symbol')
    assert got_symbol == symbol, wrong('symbol', got_symbol, symbol)

    total_supply = call_function(contract, 'totalSupply')
    assert total_supply == 0, wrong('initial supply', 0, total_supply)

    for token_number in [0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50]:
        assert reverts(call_function, [contract, 'tokenByIndex', [token_number]]), \
            'should not be able to access token #{}'.format(token_number)

Exemplo n.º 12
 def run(self):
         ta_module = self._import_module(self.ta_module_name)
         student_module = self._import_module(self.student_module_name)
         ta_func = getattr(ta_module, self.function_name)
         student_func = getattr(student_module, self.function_name)
     except Exception as e:
         return ProgramCrash(e)
     (_, student_output) = call_function(student_func, self.test_input)
     (_, ta_output) = call_function(ta_func, self.test_input)
     if student_output == None:
         return ProgramCrash("An error occurred running {}".format(
         ignore_whitespace_cmp = lambda x, y: ' '.join(x.split(
         )) == ' '.join(y.split())
         return compare_outputs(student_output, ta_output,
Exemplo n.º 13
def set_frames_crowdsale(owner, royalty_crowdsale_contract, crowdsale):
    tx_hash = transact_function(owner, royalty_crowdsale_contract,
                                'setFrameCrowdsaleContract', [crowdsale])
    w3 = royalty_crowdsale_contract.web3
    tx_receipt = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
    assert tx_receipt['status'] == 1, 'transaction failed'
    set_crowdsale = call_function(royalty_crowdsale_contract,
    assert set_crowdsale == crowdsale, 'crowdsaleContract not set'
    print("SUCCESS: Frames Crowdsale set on Royalty Crowdsale: {}".format(
Exemplo n.º 14
def test(w3, accounts, contract_path, contract_name, crowdsale,

    crowdsale_contract = deploy(w3, accounts, contract_path, contract_name,
                                crowdsale, max_royalty_frames)
    owner = call_function(crowdsale_contract, 'owner')
    test_initialized_correctly(crowdsale_contract, owner)
    # AG: Test if frame tokens are generated correctly
    # AG: Test hardcap limit

    return crowdsale_contract
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_initialized_correctly(contract, owner, name, symbol, decimals,
    print('check that contract is initialized correctly: ', end='')

    got_owner = call_function(contract, 'owner')
    assert got_owner == owner, wrong('owner', got_owner, owner)

    got_name = call_function(contract, 'name')
    assert got_name == name, wrong('name', got_name, name)

    got_symbol = call_function(contract, 'symbol')
    assert got_symbol == symbol, wrong('symbol', got_symbol, symbol)

    got_decimals = call_function(contract, 'decimals')
    assert got_decimals == decimals, wrong('decimals', got_decimals, decimals)

    total_supply = call_function(contract, 'totalSupply')
    assert total_supply == initial_supply, wrong('initial supply',
                                                 total_supply, initial_supply)

Exemplo n.º 16
def test_initial_allowances(contract, accounts):
    print('check that allowances are initialized correctly: ', end='')

    owner = call_function(contract, 'owner')
    for address in accounts:
        allowance = call_function(contract, 'allowance', [owner, address])
        assert allowance == 0, wrong('owner allowance for {}'.format(address),
                                     allowance, 0)

        allowance = call_function(contract, 'allowance', [address, owner])
        assert allowance == 0, wrong('{} allowance for owner'.format(address),
                                     allowance, 0)

    for sender in accounts:
        for receiver in accounts:
            allowance = call_function(contract, 'allowance',
                                      [sender, receiver])
            assert allowance == 0, wrong(
                '{} allowance for {}'.format(sender, receiver), allowance, 0)

Exemplo n.º 17
 def run(self):
         client_module = self._import_module(self.client_module_name)
         func = getattr(client_module, self.function_name)
     except Exception as e:
         return ProgramCrash(e)
     (_, student_output) = call_function(func, self.test_input)
     if student_output is not None:
         student_output = ' '.join(student_output.strip().split())
         ta_output = ' '.join(self.ta_output.strip().split())
         return compare_outputs(student_output, ta_output)
         return ProgramCrash("Got no results from function call.")
Exemplo n.º 18
def check_adjust_approval(contract, approver, spender, amount):
    allowance = call_function(contract, 'allowance', [approver, spender])

    if amount >= 0:
        function_name = 'increaseApproval'
        function_name = 'decreaseApproval'

    tx_hash = transact_function(approver, contract, function_name,
                                [spender, abs(amount)])

    new_allowance = call_function(contract, 'allowance', [approver, spender])
    assert new_allowance == allowance + amount, wrong(
        '{} allowance for {}'.format(approver, spender), allowance, amount)

    # check that Approval event is emitted correctly
    check_event(contract, tx_hash, 'Approval', {
        'tokenOwner': approver,
        'spender': spender,
        'tokens': new_allowance
Exemplo n.º 19
def check_approve(contract, approver, spender, amount):
    tx_hash = transact_function(approver, contract, 'approve',
                                [spender, amount])

    allowance = call_function(contract, 'allowance', [approver, spender])
    assert allowance == amount, wrong(
        '{} allowance for {}'.format(approver, spender), allowance, amount)

    # check that Approval event is emitted correctly
    check_event(contract, tx_hash, 'Approval', {
        'tokenOwner': approver,
        'spender': spender,
        'tokens': amount
Exemplo n.º 20
def check_transfer_from(contract, approver, spender, receiver, amount):
    approver_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [approver])
    receiver_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [receiver])
    spender_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [spender])
    allowance = call_function(contract, 'allowance', [approver, spender])

    tx_hash = transact_function(spender, contract, 'transferFrom',
                                [approver, receiver, amount])

    new_approver_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [approver])
    new_receiver_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [receiver])
    new_spender_balance = call_function(contract, 'balanceOf', [spender])
    new_allowance = call_function(contract, 'allowance', [approver, spender])

    assert new_allowance == allowance - amount, \
        wrong('{} allowance to {}'.format(approver, spender), new_allowance, allowance - amount)

    # check that balances are correct after transferFrom
    if approver != receiver:
        assert new_approver_balance == approver_balance - amount, \
            wrong('balance of approver {} after transfer', new_approver_balance, approver_balance - amount)

        assert new_receiver_balance == receiver_balance + amount, \
            wrong('balance of receiver {} after transfer'.format(receiver), new_receiver_balance,
                  receiver_balance + amount)
        assert new_approver_balance == approver_balance, \
            wrong('balance of approver {} after transfer to itself'.format(approver), new_approver_balance,

    if spender != receiver and spender != spender:
        assert new_spender_balance == spender_balance, \
            wrong('balance of spender {} after transfer', new_spender_balance, spender_balance)

    # check that Transfer event is emitted correctly
    check_event(contract, tx_hash, 'Transfer', {
        'from': approver,
        'to': receiver,
        'tokens': amount
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_add_to_whitelist(w3, owner, whitelist_contract, addresses):
    print('add addresses: {}: to whitelist at address: {}: '
          .format(prettify_args(addresses), whitelist_contract.address), end='')

    tx_hash = transact_function(owner, whitelist_contract, 'add', [addresses])
    tx_receipt = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
    assert tx_receipt['status'] == 1, 'transaction failed'

    events = get_event(whitelist_contract, tx_hash, 'AccountListed')
    event_args = [events[i]['args'] for i in range(len(events))]

    accounts = [event_arg['account'] for event_arg in event_args]
    assert sorted(accounts) == sorted(addresses), \
        'wrong accounts listed in events, should be: {}, got: {}'.format(sorted(addresses), sorted(accounts))

    for event_arg in event_args:
        assert event_arg['status'] == True, 'wrong status, should be: {}, got: {}'.format(False, event_arg['status'])
        in_whitelist = call_function(whitelist_contract, 'isInWhiteList', [event_arg['account']])
        assert in_whitelist, 'address not added to whitelist: {}'.format(event_arg['account'])

    print('gas used: {}: SUCCESS'.format(tx_receipt['gasUsed']))
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_empty(account, contract):
    print('RBT is empty: ', end='')

    root = call_function(account, contract, 'root')
    expected = 0
    assert root == 0, 'root should be: {}, got: {}'.format(expected, root)

    first = call_function(account, contract, 'first')
    expected = 0
    assert first == expected, 'first should be: {}, got: {}'.format(
        expected, first)

    last = call_function(account, contract, 'last')
    expected = 0
    assert last == expected, 'last should be: {}, got: {}'.format(
        expected, last)

    next_123 = call_function(account, contract, 'next', 123)
    expected = 0
    assert next_123 == expected, 'next(123) should be: {}, got: {}'.format(
        expected, next_123)

    prev_123 = call_function(account, contract, 'prev', 123)
    expected = 0
    assert prev_123 == expected, 'prev(123) should be: {}, got: {}'.format(
        expected, prev_123)

    exists_123 = call_function(account, contract, 'exists', 123)
    expected = False
    assert exists_123 == expected, 'exists(123) should be: {}, got: {}'.format(
        expected, exists_123)

    node_123 = call_function(account, contract, 'getNode', 123)
    expected = [0, 0, 0, 0, False]
    assert node_123 == expected, 'getNode(123) should be: {}, got: {}'.format(
        expected, node_123)

    parent_123 = call_function(account, contract, 'parent', 123)
    expected = 0
    assert parent_123 == expected, 'parent(123) should be: {}, got: {}'.format(
        expected, parent_123)

    grandparent_123 = call_function(account, contract, 'grandparent', 123)
    expected = 0
    assert grandparent_123 == expected, 'grandparent(123) should be: {}, got: {}'.format(
        expected, grandparent_123)

    sibling_123 = call_function(account, contract, 'sibling', 123)
    expected = 0
    assert sibling_123 == expected, 'sibling(123) should be: {}, got: {}'.format(
        expected, sibling_123)

    uncle_123 = call_function(account, contract, 'uncle', 123)
    expected = 0
    assert uncle_123 == expected, 'uncle(123) should be: {}, got: {}'.format(
        expected, uncle_123)

Exemplo n.º 23
def print_dividend_contract(contract):
    print_break("Dividend Contract: {}".format(contract.address))
    print("Symbol: {}".format(call_function(contract, 'symbol')))
    print("Name: {}".format(call_function(contract, 'name')))
Exemplo n.º 24
def get_last_eth_points(contract, account):
    last_eth_points = call_function(contract, 'getLastEthPoints', [account])
    print("Last Eth Points for {}: {}".format(short_address(account),
Exemplo n.º 25
def get_dividends_owing(contract, account):
    dividends_owing = call_function(contract, 'dividendsOwing', [account])
    print("Dividends owed for {}: {}".format(short_address(account),
Exemplo n.º 26
def get_unclaimed_dividends(contract):
    unclaimed_dividends = call_function(contract, 'totalUnclaimedDividends')
    print("Total Unclaimed Dividends: {}".format(unclaimed_dividends))
Exemplo n.º 27
def get_total_dividend_points(contract):
    total_dividend_points = call_function(contract, 'totalDividendPoints')
    print("Total Dividend Points: {}".format(total_dividend_points))