def start(self): start = timer() dbgp("starting threadpool") for download_img_runnable in self.download_img_runnables: self.pool.start(download_img_runnable) self.pool.waitForDone() end = timer() self.download_img_runnables = [] dbgpi("Thread pool taken {} seconds".format(str(end-start))) dbgp("Finished Threadpool")
def __init__(self, app, dtos): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() = app # pass app just in case need to do some events self.twitter_ids = list(dtos.keys()) dbgp("twitter_ids:{} => {}".format(dtos.keys(), self.twitter_ids)) self.stack_widget = QStackedWidget() for twitter_id in dtos: profile_elem, activities = dtos[twitter_id] self.stack_widget.addWidget(MainWidget(twitter_id, activities)) self.stack_widget.keyPressEvent = self.changePage self.init_ui()
def profile(user): dbgp(user) profile_img = user.profile_image_url profile_bg_img = user.profile_banner_url profile_bio = default_str_new_line(user.description) profile_location = default_str_new_line(user.location) profile_stats = [user.statuses_count, user.friends_count, user.followers_count] profile_mapping = ["Tweets", "Following", "Followers"] profile_stats_text = "" for (i, stat) in enumerate(profile_stats): profile_stats_text += "{} {},".format(stat, profile_mapping[i]) if profile_stats_text: profile_stats_text = profile_stats_text[:-1] + "\n" profile_elem = (profile_img, profile_bg_img, profile_stats, profile_bio, profile_location) content = profile_bio + profile_location + profile_stats_text return profile_elem, Pin(profile_url = profile_img, content = content)
def get_tweets(twitter_id, dtos): page, marker = 0, None while True: twitter_id_html = twitter_id + "_" + str(page) + ".html" html_doc = "" try: soup = None if debug_html: with open(twitter_id_html, "r", encoding = "utf-8") as html_file: html_doc = dtos, soup = parse_html(html_doc, dtos, page, twitter_id) page += 1 continue url = search_url + twitter_id if page == 0: url += "&min_position=0" if marker: dbgp("marker = " + marker) url += "&max_position=" + marker dbgp(('url=', url)) r = requests.get(url, headers=HEADER) if r.status_code == 200: json = r.json() html_doc = json['items_html'] if 'max_position' in json: marker = json['max_position'] dbgp("marker = " + marker) dtos, soup = parse_html(html_doc, dtos, page, twitter_id) if debug: with open(twitter_id_html, "w", encoding = "utf-8") as html_file: html_file.write(soup.prettify()) if not json['has_more_items']: break else: dbgp("Got status:", r.status_code) dbgp(r) except: dbgpe("ERROR {} : {}".format(twitter_id, sys.exc_info()[0])) dbgpe(traceback.format_exc()) soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser') with open(twitter_id_html, "w", encoding = "utf-8") as html_file: html_file.write(soup.prettify()) sys.exit(-1) page += 1 return dtos
def parse_html(html_doc, dtos, page, twitter_id): soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser') activities = [] profile_elem = None if page == 0: profile_li = soup.find("li", class_ = "AdaptiveStreamUserGallery") if profile_li: dbgp(profile_li) profile_img = profile_li.find("img", class_ = "ProfileCard-avatarImage") if profile_img: profile_img = profile_img["src"] #[tweets, followings, followers] profile_stats = ["".join(elem.get_text().split()) for elem in profile_li.find_all("span", class_ = "ProfileCardStats-statValue")] # TODO: is there an elvis operator in python? profile_bio = profile_li.find("p", class_ = "ProfileCard-bio") # TODO: These if and default values if profile_bio: profile_bio = profile_bio.get_text() profile_location = profile_li.find("p", class_ = "ProfileCard-locationAndUrl") if profile_location: profile_location = profile_location.get_text() profile_elem = (profile_img, profile_stats, profile_bio, profile_location) dtos[twitter_id] = (profile_elem, activities) dbgp(profile_elem) lis = soup.find_all("li", class_ = "js-stream-item") for li in lis: dbgp(li) ts = -1 tweet = li.find("p", class_ = "TweetTextSize") if tweet: tweet = tweet.get_text() ts = li.find("span", class_ = "_timestamp") if ts: ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(ts["data-time-ms"])/1000).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if not tweet or ts == -1: continue dbgp(("tweet:", tweet)) r = () account_group = li.find("a", class_ = "account-group") author_img = account_group.find("img", class_ = "avatar") r = r + ((account_group['href'][1:],author_img['src']),) replies = li.find("div", class_ = "ReplyingToContextBelowAuthor") if replies: for a in replies.find_all('a'): r = r + (a['href'][1:],) activities.append((tweet, ts, r)) if page > 0: dtos[twitter_id] = (dtos[twitter_id][0], dtos[twitter_id][1] + activities) return dtos, soup
def init_ui(self): self.window_widget_layout = QHBoxLayout() self.setLayout(self.window_widget_layout) self.main_widget_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.main_widget_layout.addStretch(1) self.main_widget = QWidget() self.main_widget.setLayout(self.main_widget_layout) self.scroll_area = QScrollArea() self.scroll_area.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn) self.scroll_area.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.scroll_area.setWidgetResizable(True) self.scroll_area.setFrameStyle(QFrame.NoFrame) self.scroll_area.setWidget(self.main_widget) self.window_widget_layout.addWidget(self.scroll_area) for act in self.activities: self.main_widget_layout.addWidget(PinWidget(act,self.download_img_thread_pool)) if debug_browser: self.twitter_web_view = QWebEngineView() self.twitter_web_view.load(QUrl(debug_browser_view_url.format(self.twitter_id))) dbgp("open browser for {} with title {}".format(self.twitter_id, self.twitter_web_view.title())) self.debug_browser_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.debug_browser_layout.addWidget(self.twitter_web_view) self.window_widget_layout.addLayout(self.debug_browser_layout) self.download_img_thread_pool.start()
def run(self): dbgp(("about to run Runnable:", self.url)) q_img = None if self.url in self.img_cache: dbgp("{} in cache !!!".format(self.url)) q_img = self.img_cache[self.url] else: downloaded_img =, stream=True).raw) # to avoid gc-ed ? # q_img = QImage(ImageQt(downloaded_img).copy()) self.img_cache[self.url] = q_img dbgp(("finished:", self.url)) self.runnable_signal.done.emit(QPixmap.fromImage(q_img))
def init_ui(self): self.post_layout = QHBoxLayout() self.setLayout(self.post_layout) rep_author_img_url = None tweet, ts =, author, author_img_url, urls, medias =,,, tweet_text = wrap_text_href(tweet) if ts: tweet_text += "\ " + convert_dt(ts) + "\n" dbgp(("Got urls:", urls)) tweet_text += "\n".join( href_word(url, open_status_link) for url in urls) dbgp("final text:{}".format(tweet_text)) tweet_author_label_img = QLabel() self.download_img_thread_pool.register_img_url( author_img_url, tweet_author_label_img.setPixmap) self.post_layout.addWidget(tweet_author_label_img) # the tweet tweet_layout = QVBoxLayout() tweet_label = QLabel(tweet_text) tweet_label.setTextFormat(Qt.RichText) tweet_label.setScaledContents(True) tweet_label.setWordWrap(True) tweet_label.setOpenExternalLinks(True) tweet_label.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextBrowserInteraction) tweet_layout.addWidget(tweet_label) if medias: for media in medias: media_type, media_url = media[0], media[1] if media_type == "video": # IN ORDER FOR THIS TO WORK # Download these filter in windows: # media_video_url = media[-1] dbgp("video {}".format(media_video_url)) tweet_layout.addWidget(MediaPlayer(media_video_url)) else: media_attachment_label = ResizableImageHolderQLabel() media_attachment_label.setScaledContents(True) self.download_img_thread_pool.register_img_url( media_url, media_attachment_label.setPixmap) tweet_layout.addWidget(media_attachment_label) self.post_layout.addLayout(tweet_layout) self.post_layout.addStretch(1)
def get_tweets_api(twitter_id, dtos, api): dbgpi("Getting tweets for {}".format(twitter_id)) # get profile contents profile_elem = None user = api.GetUser(screen_name=twitter_id) profile_elem, profile_pin = profile(user) profile_img, profile_bg_img, profile_stats, profile_bio, profile_location = profile_elem # activities # TODO: indicates profile in activities # Or always has profile at 0th index # and other activities for e.g next page # starting at 1th index acts = [profile_pin] # TODO : Get all tweets for days timeline = api.GetUserTimeline(screen_name=twitter_id, count=number_of_tweets) tweets = [] for tweet in timeline: tweets.append(str(tweet)) dbgp(tweet) replies = () author = () # (screen_name, profile_image_url) # favor whatever url it has urls = None medias = None profile_name = "" profile_url = "" created_at = tweet.created_at relations = [] if tweet.retweeted_status: # retweet has to pull different stuff dbgp("Retweeting") rt = tweet.retweeted_status profile_name = tweet.user.screen_name profile_url = rt.user.profile_image_url medias = # TODO: medias on all these elif tweet.quoted_status: dbgp("Quote status") qt = tweet.quoted_status profile_name = tweet.user.screen_name profile_url = qt.user.profile_image_url medias = else: dbgp("Not Retweeting") profile_name = tweet.user.screen_name profile_url = tweet.user.profile_image_url medias = urls = [status_link.format(profile_name,] media_urls = [] if medias: for media in medias: media_url = [media.type, media.media_url] media_url.append(media.media_url) # TODO: Confirm gif saved as mp4 ? if media.type == "video" or media.type == "animated_gif": video_url = media.video_info["variants"][-1]["url"] dbgp("video {}".format(video_url)) media_url = ["video", media.media_url, video_url] media_urls.append(media_url) content = "@" + profile_name if tweet.in_reply_to_screen_name: # not replying to self dbgp("Replying to {}".format(tweet.in_reply_to_screen_name)) content += " replies to @" + tweet.in_reply_to_screen_name if not urls: dbgp("Reconstructing urls:") urls = [status_link.format(tweet.in_reply_to_screen_name, tweet.in_reply_to_status_id)] elif tweet.quoted_status: # TODO: Refactor these content += " (quoted @" + tweet.quoted_status.user.screen_name + ": \"" + tweet.quoted_status.text + "\")" content += " : " + tweet.text dbgp(("final_urls:", urls)) # TODO: relation acts.append(Pin(profile_name, profile_url, created_at, content, urls, media_urls)) if debug: with open(twitter_id + ".json", "w") as json_file: json_dict = {} json_dict["profile_img"] = profile_img json_dict["profile_bg_img"] = profile_bg_img json_dict["profile_stats"] = profile_stats json_dict["profile_bio"] = profile_bio json_dict["profile_location"] = profile_location json_dict["acts"] = [json.dumps(dataclasses.asdict(act)) for act in acts] json_dict["tweets"] = tweets json.dump(json_dict, json_file, indent=4) dtos[twitter_id] = (profile_elem, acts) dbgpi("Finished getting tweets for {}".format(twitter_id)) return dtos
def changePage(self, event): if event.key() == ord(next_page_key): next_index = (self.stack_widget.currentIndex() + 1) % self.stack_widget.count() dbgp("Changing to show the content of twitter_id :{}:".format(self.twitter_ids[next_index])) self.stack_widget.setCurrentIndex((next_index))
json_dict["acts"] = [json.dumps(dataclasses.asdict(act)) for act in acts] json_dict["tweets"] = tweets json.dump(json_dict, json_file, indent=4) dtos[twitter_id] = (profile_elem, acts) dbgpi("Finished getting tweets for {}".format(twitter_id)) return dtos if __name__ == "__main__": dtos = OrderedDict() api = None if not use_api and not debug_json else twitter.Api(consumer_key=consumer_key, consumer_secret=consumer_secret, access_token_key=access_token_key, access_token_secret=access_token_secret) for twitter_id in twitter_ids: if debug_json: dbgp("debug_json") twitter_id_json = twitter_id + ".json" if not Path(twitter_id_json).is_file(): dbgp("{} does not exist!!!".format(twitter_id_json)) else: with open(twitter_id_json, "r") as json_file: json_dict = json.load(json_file) # TODO: idiomatic way of deserialize json # TODO : better way to write out debugs acts = [] for act_str in json_dict["acts"]: act = json.loads(act_str) profile_name = act["profile_name"] profile_url = act["profile_url"] created_at = act["created_at"] content = act["content"]