def fit(self, X, Y, learning_rate=10e-7, reg=0*10e-22, epochs=120000, show_fig=False):
        X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
        Xvalid, Yvalid = X[-1000:], Y[-1000:]
        X, Y = X[:-1000], Y[:-1000]

        N, D = X.shape
        self.W = np.random.randn(D) / np.sqrt(D)
        self.b = 0

        costs = []
        best_validation_error = 1
        for i in xrange(epochs):
                # forward propagation and cost calculation
                pY = self.forward(X)

                # gradient descent step
                self.W -= learning_rate*( - Y) + reg*self.W)
                self.b -= learning_rate*((pY - Y).sum() + reg*self.b)

                if i % 20 == 0:
                    pYvalid = self.forward(Xvalid)
                    c = sigmoid_cost(Yvalid, pYvalid)
                    e = error_rate(Yvalid, np.round(pYvalid))
                    print "i:", i, "cost:", c, "error:", e
                    if e < best_validation_error:
                        best_validation_error = e
        print "best_validation_error:", best_validation_error
        if show_fig:
    def fit(self, X, Y, learning_rate=1e-7, reg=0., epochs=10000, show_fig=False):
        X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
        Xvalid, Yvalid = X[-1000:], Y[-1000:]
        Tvalid = y2indicator(Yvalid)
        X, Y = X[:-1000], Y[:-1000]

        N, D = X.shape
        K = len(set(Y))
        T = y2indicator(Y)
        self.W = np.random.randn(D, K) / np.sqrt(D)
        self.b = np.zeros(K)

        costs = []
        best_validation_error = 1
        for i in range(epochs):
            # forward propagation and cost calculation
            pY = self.forward(X)

            # gradient descent step
            self.W -= learning_rate*( - T) + reg*self.W)
            self.b -= learning_rate*((pY - T).sum(axis=0) + reg*self.b)

            if i % 10 == 0:
                pYvalid = self.forward(Xvalid)
                c = cost(Tvalid, pYvalid)
                e = error_rate(Yvalid, np.argmax(pYvalid, axis=1))
                print("i:", i, "cost:", c, "error:", e)
                if e < best_validation_error:
                    best_validation_error = e
        print("best_validation_error:", best_validation_error)

        if show_fig:
    def fit(self, X, Y, learning_rate=1e-6, reg=1e-6, epochs=10000, show_fig=False):
        X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
        Xvalid, Yvalid = X[-1000:], Y[-1000:]
        # Tvalid = y2indicator(Yvalid)
        X, Y = X[:-1000], Y[:-1000]

        N, D = X.shape
        K = len(set(Y))
        T = y2indicator(Y)
        self.W1 = np.random.randn(D, self.M) / np.sqrt(D)
        self.b1 = np.zeros(self.M)
        self.W2 = np.random.randn(self.M, K) / np.sqrt(self.M)
        self.b2 = np.zeros(K)

        costs = []
        best_validation_error = 1
        for i in range(epochs):
            # forward propagation and cost calculation
            pY, Z = self.forward(X)

            # gradient descent step
            pY_T = pY - T
            self.W2 -= learning_rate*( + reg*self.W2)
            self.b2 -= learning_rate*(pY_T.sum(axis=0) + reg*self.b2)
            # dZ = * (Z > 0) # relu
            dZ = * (1 - Z*Z) # tanh
            self.W1 -= learning_rate*( + reg*self.W1)
            self.b1 -= learning_rate*(dZ.sum(axis=0) + reg*self.b1)

            if i % 10 == 0:
                pYvalid, _ = self.forward(Xvalid)
                c = cost2(Yvalid, pYvalid)
                e = error_rate(Yvalid, np.argmax(pYvalid, axis=1))
                print("i:", i, "cost:", c, "error:", e)
                if e < best_validation_error:
                    best_validation_error = e
        print("best_validation_error:", best_validation_error)

        if show_fig:
    def fit(self, X, Y, learning_rate=5*10e-7, reg=1.0, epochs=10000, show_fig=False):
        X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
        Xvalid, Yvalid = X[-1000:], Y[-1000:]
        X, Y = X[:-1000], Y[:-1000]

        N, D = X.shape
        self.W1 = np.random.randn(D, self.M) / np.sqrt(D + self.M)
        self.b1 = np.zeros(self.M)
        self.W2 = np.random.randn(self.M) / np.sqrt(self.M)
        self.b2 = 0

        costs = []
        best_validation_error = 1
        for i in xrange(epochs):
            # forward propagation and cost calculation
            pY, Z = self.forward(X)

            # gradient descent step
            pY_Y = pY - Y
            self.W2 -= learning_rate*( + reg*self.W2)
            self.b2 -= learning_rate*((pY_Y).sum() + reg*self.b2)

            # print "(pY_Y).dot(self.W2.T) shape:", (pY_Y).dot(self.W2.T).shape
            # print "Z shape:", Z.shape
            # dZ = np.outer(pY_Y, self.W2) * (Z > 0)
            dZ = np.outer(pY_Y, self.W2) * (1 - Z*Z)
            self.W1 -= learning_rate*( + reg*self.W1)
            self.b1 -= learning_rate*(np.sum(dZ, axis=0) + reg*self.b1)

            if i % 20 == 0:
                pYvalid, _ = self.forward(Xvalid)
                c = sigmoid_cost(Yvalid, pYvalid)
                e = error_rate(Yvalid, np.round(pYvalid))
                print "i:", i, "cost:", c, "error:", e
                if e < best_validation_error:
                    best_validation_error = e
        print "best_validation_error:", best_validation_error

        if show_fig:
    def fit(self, X, Y, Xtest, Ytest, pretrain=True, epochs=1, batch_sz=100):
        N = len(X)

        # greedy layer-wise training of autoencoders
        pretrain_epochs = 1
        if not pretrain:
            pretrain_epochs = 0

        current_input = X
        for ae in self.hidden_layers:
  , epochs=pretrain_epochs)

            # create current_input for the next layer
            current_input = ae.transform(current_input)

        n_batches = N // batch_sz
        costs = []
        print("supervised training...")
        for i in range(epochs):
            print("epoch:", i)
            X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
            for j in range(n_batches):
                Xbatch = X[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz)]
                Ybatch = Y[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz)]
                    feed_dict={self.X: Xbatch, self.Y: Ybatch}
                c, p =
                    (self.cost, self.prediction),
                    feed_dict={self.X: Xtest, self.Y: Ytest
                error = error_rate(p, Ytest)
                if j % 10 == 0:
                    print("j / n_batches:", j, "/", n_batches, "cost:", c, "error:", error)
    def fit(self, X, Y, learning_rate=0.01, mu=0.99, epochs=30, batch_sz=100):
        # cast to float32
        learning_rate = np.float32(learning_rate)
        mu = np.float32(mu)

        N, D = X.shape
        K = len(set(Y))

        self.hidden_layers = []
        mi = D
        for mo in self.hidden_layer_sizes:
            h = HiddenLayer(mi, mo)
            mi = mo

        # initialize logistic regression layer
        W = init_weights((mo, K))
        b = np.zeros(K, dtype=np.float32)
        self.W = theano.shared(W)
        self.b = theano.shared(b)

        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        self.allWs = []
        for h in self.hidden_layers:
            self.params += h.params

        X_in = T.matrix('X_in')
        targets = T.ivector('Targets')
        pY = self.forward(X_in)

        cost = -T.mean(T.log(pY[T.arange(pY.shape[0]), targets]))
        prediction = self.predict(X_in)

        updates = momentum_updates(cost, self.params, mu, learning_rate)
        train_op = theano.function(
            inputs=[X_in, targets],
            outputs=[cost, prediction],

        n_batches = N // batch_sz
        costs = []
        lastWs = [W.get_value() for W in self.allWs]
        W_changes = []
        print("supervised training...")
        for i in range(epochs):
            print("epoch:", i)
            X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
            for j in range(n_batches):
                Xbatch = X[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz)]
                Ybatch = Y[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz)]
                c, p = train_op(Xbatch, Ybatch)
                if j % 100 == 0:
                    print("j / n_batches:", j, "/", n_batches, "cost:", c,
                          "error:", error_rate(p, Ybatch))

                # log changes in all Ws
                W_change = [
                    np.abs(W.get_value() - lastW).mean()
                    for W, lastW in zip(self.allWs, lastWs)
                lastWs = [W.get_value() for W in self.allWs]

        W_changes = np.array(W_changes)
        plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
        for i in range(W_changes.shape[1]):
            plt.plot(W_changes[:, i], label='layer %s' % i)

        plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
Exemplo n.º 7
def batch_grad():

    #get data and for test and train sets
    X, Y = get_normalized_data()
    #XTrain = X[:-1000, :]
    #YTrain = Y[:-1000]
    #YTrain_ind = y2indicator(YTrain)
    #XTest = X[-1000:, :]
    #YTest = Y[-1000:]
    # = y2indicator(YTest)
    Y_ind = y2indicator(Y)

    batchSz = 500
    #Initialize random weights
    N, D = X.shape
    K = len(set(Y))
    M = 300
    W1 = np.random.randn(D, M)
    b1 = np.random.randn(M)
    W2 = np.random.randn(M, K)
    b2 = np.random.randn(K)

    learning_rate = 10e-5
    reg = 0.01

    no_batches = int(N / batchSz)
    print("No of bathces: ", no_batches)
    for i in range(300):
        for n in range(no_batches):
            #get current batch
            XBatch = X[n * batchSz:(n * batchSz + batchSz), :]
            YBatch_ind = Y_ind[n * batchSz:(n * batchSz + batchSz), :]
            #Forward prop
            pY, Z = forward_relu(XBatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)

            W2 += learning_rate * (derivative_w2(pY, YBatch_ind, Z) + reg * W2)
            b2 += learning_rate * (derivative_b2(pY, YBatch_ind) + reg * b2)
            W1 += learning_rate * (
                derivative_w1(pY, YBatch_ind, W2, Z, XBatch) + reg * W1)
            b1 += learning_rate * (derivative_b1(pY, YBatch_ind, W2, Z) +
                                   reg * b1)

            if n % 100 == 0:
                #Forward prop
                #pY, Z = forward_relu(XBatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                YBatch = Y[n * batchSz:n * batchSz + batchSz]
                P = np.argmax(pY, axis=1)
                er = error_rate(P, YBatch)

                c = cost(YBatch_ind, pY)
                print("Loop: ", i, n, "Error rate: ", er, "Cost: ", c)

    pY, Z = forward_relu(X, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    p = np.argmax(pY, axis=1)
    print("Final training error rate: ", error_rate(p, Y))

    XTest = get_test_data()
    pY, ZTest = forward_relu(XTest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    YTest = np.argmax(pY, axis=1)

    f = open("test_result.csv", "w")
    n = YTest.shape[0]
    for i in range(n):
        f.write(str(i + 1) + "," + str(YTest[i]) + "\n")
Exemplo n.º 8
def main():
    max_iter = 10
    print_period = 10

    Xtrain, Xtest, Ytrain, Ytest = get_normalized_data()
    reg = 0.01

    Ytrain_ind = y2indicator(Ytrain)
    Ytest_ind = y2indicator(Ytest)

    N, D = Xtrain.shape
    batch_sz = 500
    n_batches = N // batch_sz

    M = 300
    K = 10
    W1_0 = np.random.randn(D, M) / np.sqrt(D)
    b1_0 = np.zeros(M)
    W2_0 = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(M)
    b2_0 = np.zeros(K)

    W1 = W1_0.copy()
    b1 = b1_0.copy()
    W2 = W2_0.copy()
    b2 = b2_0.copy()

    # 1st moment
    mW1 = 0
    mb1 = 0
    mW2 = 0
    mb2 = 0

    # 2nd moment
    vW1 = 0
    vb1 = 0
    vW2 = 0
    vb2 = 0

    # hyperparams
    lr0 = 0.001
    beta1 = 0.9
    beta2 = 0.999
    eps = 1e-8

    # 1. Adam
    loss_adam = []
    err_adam = []
    t = 1
    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), ]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), ]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)

            # updates
            # gradients
            gW2 = derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg * W2
            gb2 = derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg * b2
            gW1 = derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg * W1
            gb1 = derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg * b1

            # new m
            mW1 = beta1 * mW1 + (1 - beta1) * gW1
            mb1 = beta1 * mb1 + (1 - beta1) * gb1
            mW2 = beta1 * mW2 + (1 - beta1) * gW2
            mb2 = beta1 * mb2 + (1 - beta1) * gb2

            # new v
            vW1 = beta2 * vW1 + (1 - beta2) * gW1 * gW1
            vb1 = beta2 * vb1 + (1 - beta2) * gb1 * gb1
            vW2 = beta2 * vW2 + (1 - beta2) * gW2 * gW2
            vb2 = beta2 * vb2 + (1 - beta2) * gb2 * gb2

            # bias correction
            correction1 = 1 - beta1**t
            hat_mW1 = mW1 / correction1
            hat_mb1 = mb1 / correction1
            hat_mW2 = mW2 / correction1
            hat_mb2 = mb2 / correction1

            correction2 = 1 - beta2**t
            hat_vW1 = vW1 / correction2
            hat_vb1 = vb1 / correction2
            hat_vW2 = vW2 / correction2
            hat_vb2 = vb2 / correction2

            # update t
            t += 1

            # apply updates to the params
            W1 = W1 - lr0 * hat_mW1 / np.sqrt(hat_vW1 + eps)
            b1 = b1 - lr0 * hat_mb1 / np.sqrt(hat_vb1 + eps)
            W2 = W2 - lr0 * hat_mW2 / np.sqrt(hat_vW2 + eps)
            b2 = b2 - lr0 * hat_mb2 / np.sqrt(hat_vb2 + eps)

            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                l = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print("Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, l))

                err = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print("Error rate:", err)

    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print("Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest))

    # 2. RMSprop with momentum
    W1 = W1_0.copy()
    b1 = b1_0.copy()
    W2 = W2_0.copy()
    b2 = b2_0.copy()
    loss_rms = []
    err_rms = []

    # comparable hyperparameters for fair comparison
    lr0 = 0.001
    mu = 0.9
    decay_rate = 0.999
    eps = 1e-8

    # rmsprop cache
    cache_W2 = 1
    cache_b2 = 1
    cache_W1 = 1
    cache_b1 = 1

    # momentum
    dW1 = 0
    db1 = 0
    dW2 = 0
    db2 = 0

    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), ]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), ]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)

            # updates
            gW2 = derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg * W2
            cache_W2 = decay_rate * cache_W2 + (1 - decay_rate) * gW2 * gW2
            dW2 = mu * dW2 + (1 - mu) * lr0 * gW2 / (np.sqrt(cache_W2) + eps)
            W2 -= dW2

            gb2 = derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg * b2
            cache_b2 = decay_rate * cache_b2 + (1 - decay_rate) * gb2 * gb2
            db2 = mu * db2 + (1 - mu) * lr0 * gb2 / (np.sqrt(cache_b2) + eps)
            b2 -= db2

            gW1 = derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg * W1
            cache_W1 = decay_rate * cache_W1 + (1 - decay_rate) * gW1 * gW1
            dW1 = mu * dW1 + (1 - mu) * lr0 * gW1 / (np.sqrt(cache_W1) + eps)
            W1 -= dW1

            gb1 = derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg * b1
            cache_b1 = decay_rate * cache_b1 + (1 - decay_rate) * gb1 * gb1
            db1 = mu * db1 + (1 - mu) * lr0 * gb1 / (np.sqrt(cache_b1) + eps)
            b1 -= db1

            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                l = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print("Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, l))

                err = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print("Error rate:", err)

    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print("Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest))

    plt.plot(loss_adam, label='adam')
    plt.plot(loss_rms, label='rmsprop')
Exemplo n.º 9
def main():
    X, Y, _, _ = get_transformed_data()
    X = X[:, :300]

    # normalize X first
    mu = X.mean(axis=0)
    std = X.std(axis=0)
    X = (X - mu) / std

    print "Performing logistic regression..."
    Xtrain = X[:-1000, ]
    Ytrain = Y[:-1000]
    Xtest = X[-1000:, ]
    Ytest = Y[-1000:]

    N, D = Xtrain.shape
    Ytrain_ind = y2indicator(Ytrain)
    Ytest_ind = y2indicator(Ytest)

    # 1. full
    W = np.random.randn(D, 10) / 28
    b = np.zeros(10)
    LL = []
    lr = 0.0001
    reg = 0.01
    t0 =
    for i in xrange(200):
        p_y = forward(Xtrain, W, b)

        W += lr * (gradW(Ytrain_ind, p_y, Xtrain) - reg * W)
        b += lr * (gradb(Ytrain_ind, p_y) - reg * b)

        p_y_test = forward(Xtest, W, b)
        ll = cost(p_y_test, Ytest_ind)
        if i % 10 == 0:
            err = error_rate(p_y_test, Ytest)
            print "Cost at iteration %d: %.6f" % (i, ll)
            print "Error rate:", err
    p_y = forward(Xtest, W, b)
    print "Final error rate:", error_rate(p_y, Ytest)
    print "Elapsted time for full GD:", - t0

    # 2. stochastic
    W = np.random.randn(D, 10) / 28
    b = np.zeros(10)
    LL_stochastic = []
    lr = 0.0001
    reg = 0.01

    t0 =
    for i in xrange(
            1):  # takes very long since we're computing cost for 41k samples
        tmpX, tmpY = shuffle(Xtrain, Ytrain_ind)
        for n in xrange(min(N, 500)):  # shortcut so it won't take so long...
            x = tmpX[n, :].reshape(1, D)
            y = tmpY[n, :].reshape(1, 10)
            p_y = forward(x, W, b)

            W += lr * (gradW(y, p_y, x) - reg * W)
            b += lr * (gradb(y, p_y) - reg * b)

            p_y_test = forward(Xtest, W, b)
            ll = cost(p_y_test, Ytest_ind)

            if n % (N / 2) == 0:
                err = error_rate(p_y_test, Ytest)
                print "Cost at iteration %d: %.6f" % (i, ll)
                print "Error rate:", err
    p_y = forward(Xtest, W, b)
    print "Final error rate:", error_rate(p_y, Ytest)
    print "Elapsted time for SGD:", - t0

    # 3. batch
    W = np.random.randn(D, 10) / 28
    b = np.zeros(10)
    LL_batch = []
    lr = 0.0001
    reg = 0.01
    batch_sz = 500
    n_batches = N / batch_sz

    t0 =
    for i in xrange(50):
        tmpX, tmpY = shuffle(Xtrain, Ytrain_ind)
        for j in xrange(n_batches):
            x = tmpX[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), :]
            y = tmpY[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), :]
            p_y = forward(x, W, b)

            W += lr * (gradW(y, p_y, x) - reg * W)
            b += lr * (gradb(y, p_y) - reg * b)

            p_y_test = forward(Xtest, W, b)
            ll = cost(p_y_test, Ytest_ind)
            if j % (n_batches / 2) == 0:
                err = error_rate(p_y_test, Ytest)
                print "Cost at iteration %d: %.6f" % (i, ll)
                print "Error rate:", err
    p_y = forward(Xtest, W, b)
    print "Final error rate:", error_rate(p_y, Ytest)
    print "Elapsted time for batch GD:", - t0

    x1 = np.linspace(0, 1, len(LL))
    plt.plot(x1, LL, label="full")
    x2 = np.linspace(0, 1, len(LL_stochastic))
    plt.plot(x2, LL_stochastic, label="stochastic")
    x3 = np.linspace(0, 1, len(LL_batch))
    plt.plot(x3, LL_batch, label="batch")
Exemplo n.º 10
        # Update T
        t += 1

        # Apply Update to parameters
        W1 = W1 - lr0 * hat_mW1 / np.sqrt(hat_vW1 + eps)
        b1 = b1 - lr0 * hat_mb1 / np.sqrt(hat_vb1 + eps)
        W2 = W2 - lr0 * hat_mW2 / np.sqrt(hat_vW2 + eps)
        b1 = b2 - lr0 * hat_mb2 / np.sqrt(hat_vb2 + eps)

        if j % print_period == 0:
            pY, _ = forward(X_test, W1, b1, W2, b2)
            l = cost(pY, Y_test_ind)
            print("Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, l))

            err = error_rate(pY, Y_test)
            print("Eror rate: ", err)

pY, _ = forward(X_test, W1, b1, W2, b2)
print("Final error rate: ", error_rate(pY, Y_test))

# 2. RMSprop with momentum
W1 = W1_0.copy()
b1 = b1_0.copy()
W2 = W2_0.copy()
b2 = b2_0.copy()

loss_rms = []
err_rms = []
Exemplo n.º 11
    def fit(self,
        # greedy layer-wise training of autoencoders
        pretrain_epochs = 1
        if not pretrain:
            pretrain_epochs = 0

        current_input = X
        for ae in self.hidden_layers:
  , epochs=pretrain_epochs)

            # create current_input for the next layer
            current_input = ae.hidden_op(current_input)

        # initialize logistic regression layer
        N = len(Y)
        K = len(set(Y))
        W0 = init_weights((self.hidden_layers[-1].M, K))
        self.W = theano.shared(W0, "W_logreg")
        self.b = theano.shared(np.zeros(K), "b_logreg")

        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        for ae in self.hidden_layers:
            self.params += ae.forward_params

        # for momentum
        self.dW = theano.shared(np.zeros(W0.shape), "dW_logreg")
        self.db = theano.shared(np.zeros(K), "db_logreg")
        self.dparams = [self.dW, self.db]
        for ae in self.hidden_layers:
            self.dparams += ae.forward_dparams

        X_in = T.matrix('X_in')
        targets = T.ivector('Targets')
        pY = self.forward(X_in)

        # squared_magnitude = [(p*p).sum() for p in self.params]
        # reg_cost = T.sum(squared_magnitude)
        cost = -T.mean(T.log(pY[T.arange(pY.shape[0]),
                                targets]))  #+ reg*reg_cost
        prediction = self.predict(X_in)
        cost_predict_op = theano.function(
            inputs=[X_in, targets],
            outputs=[cost, prediction],

        updates = [(p, p + mu * dp - learning_rate * T.grad(cost, p))
                   for p, dp in zip(self.params, self.dparams)
                   ] + [(dp, mu * dp - learning_rate * T.grad(cost, p))
                        for p, dp in zip(self.params, self.dparams)]
        # updates = [(p, p - learning_rate*T.grad(cost, p)) for p in self.params]
        train_op = theano.function(
            inputs=[X_in, targets],

        n_batches = N / batch_sz
        costs = []
        print "supervised training..."
        for i in xrange(epochs):
            print "epoch:", i
            X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
            for j in xrange(n_batches):
                Xbatch = X[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz)]
                Ybatch = Y[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz)]
                train_op(Xbatch, Ybatch)
                the_cost, the_prediction = cost_predict_op(Xtest, Ytest)
                error = error_rate(the_prediction, Ytest)
                print "j / n_batches:", j, "/", n_batches, "cost:", the_cost, "error:", error
Exemplo n.º 12
    def fit(self,
        K = len(set(Y))  # won't work later b/c we turn it into indicator

        # make a validation set
        X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
        X = X.astype(np.float32)
        Y = y2indicator(Y).astype(np.float32)
        # Y = Y.astype(np.int32)
        Xvalid, Yvalid = X[-1000:], Y[-1000:]
        Yvalid_flat = np.argmax(Yvalid, axis=1)  # for calculating error rate
        X, Y = X[:-1000], Y[:-1000]

        # initialize hidden layers
        N, D = X.shape

        self.hidden_layers = []
        M1 = D
        count = 0
        for M2 in self.hidden_layer_sizes:
            h = HiddenLayer(M1, M2, count)
            M1 = M2
            count += 1
        W, b = init_weight_and_bias(M1, K)
        self.W = tf.Variable(W.astype(np.float32))
        self.b = tf.Variable(b.astype(np.float32))

        # collect params for later use
        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        for h in self.hidden_layers:
            self.params += h.params

        # set up theano functions and variables
        tfX = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, D), name='X')
        tfT = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, K), name='T')
        act = self.forward(tfX)

        rcost = reg * sum([tf.nn.l2_loss(p) for p in self.params])
        cost = tf.reduce_mean(
                                                    labels=tfT)) + rcost
        prediction = self.predict(tfX)
        train_op = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate,

        n_batches = N // batch_sz
        costs = []
        init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
        with tf.Session() as session:
            for i in range(epochs):
                X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
                for j in range(n_batches):
                    Xbatch = X[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz)]
                    Ybatch = Y[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz)]

          , feed_dict={tfX: Xbatch, tfT: Ybatch})

                    if j % 20 == 0:
                        c =,
                                            tfX: Xvalid,
                                            tfT: Yvalid

                        p =,
                                            tfX: Xvalid,
                                            tfT: Yvalid
                        e = error_rate(Yvalid_flat, p)
                        print("i:", i, "j:", j, "nb:", n_batches, "cost:", c,
                              "error rate:", e)

        # TODO: ask lazy programmer how to make a score function.
        # For this lecture:

        if show_fig:
def main():
    max_iter = 10
    print_period = 10

    X, Y = get_normalized_data()
    reg = 0.01

    Xtrain = X[:-1000,]
    Ytrain = Y[:-1000]
    Xtest  = X[-1000:,]
    Ytest  = Y[-1000:]
    Ytrain_ind = y2indicator(Ytrain)
    Ytest_ind = y2indicator(Ytest)

    N, D = Xtrain.shape
    batch_sz = 500
    n_batches = N // batch_sz

    M = 300
    K = 10
    W1_0 = np.random.randn(D, M) / np.sqrt(D)
    b1_0 = np.zeros(M)
    W2_0 = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(M)
    b2_0 = np.zeros(K)

    W1 = W1_0.copy()
    b1 = b1_0.copy()
    W2 = W2_0.copy()
    b2 = b2_0.copy()

    # 1st moment
    mW1 = 0
    mb1 = 0
    mW2 = 0
    mb2 = 0

    # 2nd moment
    vW1 = 0
    vb1 = 0
    vW2 = 0
    vb2 = 0

    # hyperparams
    lr0 = 0.001
    beta1 = 0.9
    beta2 = 0.999
    eps = 1e-8

    # 1. Adam
    loss_adam = []
    err_adam = []
    t = 1
    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)

            # updates
            # gradients
            gW2 = derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*W2
            gb2 = derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*b2
            gW1 = derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*W1
            gb1 = derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*b1

            # new m
            mW1 = beta1 * mW1 + (1 - beta1) * gW1
            mb1 = beta1 * mb1 + (1 - beta1) * gb1
            mW2 = beta1 * mW2 + (1 - beta1) * gW2
            mb2 = beta1 * mb2 + (1 - beta1) * gb2

            # new v
            vW1 = beta2 * vW1 + (1 - beta2) * gW1 * gW1
            vb1 = beta2 * vb1 + (1 - beta2) * gb1 * gb1
            vW2 = beta2 * vW2 + (1 - beta2) * gW2 * gW2
            vb2 = beta2 * vb2 + (1 - beta2) * gb2 * gb2

            # bias correction
            correction1 = 1 - beta1 ** t
            hat_mW1 = mW1 / correction1
            hat_mb1 = mb1 / correction1
            hat_mW2 = mW2 / correction1
            hat_mb2 = mb2 / correction1

            correction2 = 1 - beta2 ** t
            hat_vW1 = vW1 / correction2
            hat_vb1 = vb1 / correction2
            hat_vW2 = vW2 / correction2
            hat_vb2 = vb2 / correction2

            # update t
            t += 1

            # apply updates to the params
            W1 = W1 - lr0 * hat_mW1 / np.sqrt(hat_vW1 + eps)
            b1 = b1 - lr0 * hat_mb1 / np.sqrt(hat_vb1 + eps)
            W2 = W2 - lr0 * hat_mW2 / np.sqrt(hat_vW2 + eps)
            b2 = b2 - lr0 * hat_mb2 / np.sqrt(hat_vb2 + eps)

            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                l = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print("Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, l))

                err = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print("Error rate:", err)

    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print("Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest))

    # 2. RMSprop with momentum
    W1 = W1_0.copy()
    b1 = b1_0.copy()
    W2 = W2_0.copy()
    b2 = b2_0.copy()
    loss_rms = []
    err_rms = []

    # comparable hyperparameters for fair comparison
    lr0 = 0.001
    mu = 0.9
    decay_rate = 0.999
    eps = 1e-8

    # rmsprop cache
    cache_W2 = 1
    cache_b2 = 1
    cache_W1 = 1
    cache_b1 = 1

    # momentum
    dW1 = 0
    db1 = 0
    dW2 = 0
    db2 = 0
    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)

            # updates
            gW2 = derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*W2
            cache_W2 = decay_rate*cache_W2 + (1 - decay_rate)*gW2*gW2
            dW2 = mu * dW2 + (1 - mu) * lr0 * gW2 / (np.sqrt(cache_W2) + eps)
            W2 -= dW2

            gb2 = derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*b2
            cache_b2 = decay_rate*cache_b2 + (1 - decay_rate)*gb2*gb2
            db2 = mu * db2 + (1 - mu) * lr0 * gb2 / (np.sqrt(cache_b2) + eps)
            b2 -= db2

            gW1 = derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*W1
            cache_W1 = decay_rate*cache_W1 + (1 - decay_rate)*gW1*gW1
            dW1 = mu * dW1 + (1 - mu) * lr0 * gW1 / (np.sqrt(cache_W1) + eps)
            W1 -= dW1

            gb1 = derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*b1
            cache_b1 = decay_rate*cache_b1 + (1 - decay_rate)*gb1*gb1
            db1 = mu * db1 + (1 - mu) * lr0 * gb1 / (np.sqrt(cache_b1) + eps)
            b1 -= db1

            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                l = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print("Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, l))

                err = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print("Error rate:", err)

    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print("Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest))

    plt.plot(loss_adam, label='adam')
    plt.plot(loss_rms, label='rmsprop')
def batch_grad():

    #get data and for test and train sets
    X, Y = get_normalized_data()
    #XTrain = X[:-1000, :]
    #YTrain = Y[:-1000]
    #YTrain_ind = y2indicator(YTrain)
    #XTest = X[-1000:, :]
    #YTest = Y[-1000:]
    # = y2indicator(YTest)
    Y_ind = y2indicator(Y)

    batchSz = 500
    #Initialize random weights
    N, D = X.shape
    K = len(set(Y))
    M = 300
    W1 = np.random.randn(D, M)
    b1 = np.random.randn(M)
    W2 = np.random.randn(M, K)
    b2 = np.random.randn(K)

    learning_rate = 10e-5

    no_batches = int(N / batchSz)
    print("No of bathces: ", no_batches)
    for i in range(300):
        for n in range(no_batches):
            #get current batch
            XBatch = X[n * batchSz:(n * batchSz + batchSz), :]
            #YBatch = Y[n*batchSz:n*batchSz + batchSz]
            YBatch_ind = Y_ind[n * batchSz:(n * batchSz + batchSz), :]
            #Forward prop
            pY, Z = forward_relu(XBatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)

            W2 += learning_rate * derivative_w2(pY, YBatch_ind, Z)
            b2 += learning_rate * derivative_b2(pY, YBatch_ind)
            W1 += learning_rate * derivative_w1(pY, YBatch_ind, W2, Z, XBatch)
            b1 += learning_rate * derivative_b1(pY, YBatch_ind, W2, Z)

            if n % 100 == 0:
                #Forward prop
                #pY, Z = forward_relu(XBatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                YBatch = Y[n * batchSz:n * batchSz + batchSz]
                P = np.argmax(pY, axis=1)
                er = error_rate(P, YBatch)

                c = cost(YBatch_ind, pY)
                print("Loop: ", i, n, "Error rate: ", er, "Cost: ", c)

    # pY, Z = forward_prop(XTrain, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    # P = np.argmax(pY, axis=1)
    # print("Final training error rate: ", error_rate(P, YTrain))
    # pY, Z = forward_prop(XTest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    # P = np.argmax(pY, axis=1)
    # print("Final testing error rate: ", error_rate(P, YTest))

    pY, Z = forward_relu(X, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    p = np.argmax(pY, axis=1)
    print("Final Final training error rate: ", error_rate(p, Y))
Exemplo n.º 15
def main():
    Xtrain, Xtest, Ytrain, Ytest = get_transformed_data()
    print("Performing logistic regression...")

    N, D = Xtrain.shape
    Ytrain_ind = y2indicator(Ytrain)
    Ytest_ind = y2indicator(Ytest)

    # 1. full
    W = np.random.randn(D, 10) / np.sqrt(D)
    b = np.zeros(10)
    LL = []
    lr = 0.0001
    reg = 0.01
    t0 =
    for i in range(50):
        p_y = forward(Xtrain, W, b)

        W += lr*(gradW(Ytrain_ind, p_y, Xtrain) - reg*W)
        b += lr*(gradb(Ytrain_ind, p_y) - reg*b)

        p_y_test = forward(Xtest, W, b)
        ll = cost(p_y_test, Ytest_ind)
        if i % 1 == 0:
            err = error_rate(p_y_test, Ytest)
            if i % 10 == 0:
                print("Cost at iteration %d: %.6f" % (i, ll))
                print("Error rate:", err)
    p_y = forward(Xtest, W, b)
    print("Final error rate:", error_rate(p_y, Ytest))
    print("Elapsted time for full GD:", - t0)

    # 2. stochastic
    W = np.random.randn(D, 10) / np.sqrt(D)
    b = np.zeros(10)
    LL_stochastic = []
    lr = 0.0001
    reg = 0.01

    t0 =
    for i in range(50): # takes very long since we're computing cost for 41k samples
        tmpX, tmpY = shuffle(Xtrain, Ytrain_ind)
        for n in range(min(N, 500)): # shortcut so it won't take so long...
            x = tmpX[n,:].reshape(1,D)
            y = tmpY[n,:].reshape(1,10)
            p_y = forward(x, W, b)

            W += lr*(gradW(y, p_y, x) - reg*W)
            b += lr*(gradb(y, p_y) - reg*b)

            p_y_test = forward(Xtest, W, b)
            ll = cost(p_y_test, Ytest_ind)

        if i % 1 == 0:
            err = error_rate(p_y_test, Ytest)
            if i % 10 == 0:
                print("Cost at iteration %d: %.6f" % (i, ll))
                print("Error rate:", err)
    p_y = forward(Xtest, W, b)
    print("Final error rate:", error_rate(p_y, Ytest))
    print("Elapsted time for SGD:", - t0)

    # 3. batch
    W = np.random.randn(D, 10) / np.sqrt(D)
    b = np.zeros(10)
    LL_batch = []
    lr = 0.0001
    reg = 0.01
    batch_sz = 500
    n_batches = N // batch_sz

    t0 =
    for i in range(50):
        tmpX, tmpY = shuffle(Xtrain, Ytrain_ind)
        for j in range(n_batches):
            x = tmpX[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),:]
            y = tmpY[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),:]
            p_y = forward(x, W, b)

            W += lr*(gradW(y, p_y, x) - reg*W)
            b += lr*(gradb(y, p_y) - reg*b)

            p_y_test = forward(Xtest, W, b)
            ll = cost(p_y_test, Ytest_ind)
        if i % 1 == 0:
            err = error_rate(p_y_test, Ytest)
            if i % 10 == 0:
                print("Cost at iteration %d: %.6f" % (i, ll))
                print("Error rate:", err)
    p_y = forward(Xtest, W, b)
    print("Final error rate:", error_rate(p_y, Ytest))
    print("Elapsted time for batch GD:", - t0)

    x1 = np.linspace(0, 1, len(LL))
    plt.plot(x1, LL, label="full")
    x2 = np.linspace(0, 1, len(LL_stochastic))
    plt.plot(x2, LL_stochastic, label="stochastic")
    x3 = np.linspace(0, 1, len(LL_batch))
    plt.plot(x3, LL_batch, label="batch")
Exemplo n.º 16
def main():
    # 3 scenarios
    # 1. batch SGD
    # 2. batch SGD with momentum
    # 3. batch SGD with Nesterov momentum

    max_iter = 15
    print_period = 10

    Xtrain, Xtest, Ytrain, Ytest = get_normalized_data()
    lr = 0.0001
    reg = 0.001

    # Xtrain = X[:-1000, ]
    # Ytrain = Y[:-1000]
    # Xtest = X[-1000:, ]
    # Ytest = Y[-1000:, ]
    Ytrain_ind = y2indicator(Ytrain)
    Ytest_ind = y2indicator(Ytest)

    N, D = Xtrain.shape
    batch_sz = 500
    n_batches = int(N / batch_sz)

    M = 300
    K = 10
    W1 = np.random.randn(D, M) / 28
    b1 = np.zeros(M)
    W2 = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(M)
    b2 = np.zeros(K)

    W1_0 = W1.copy()
    b1_0 = b1.copy()
    W2_0 = W2.copy()
    b2_0 = b2.copy()

    # Batch
    losses_batch = []
    error_batch = []

    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), ]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), ]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)

            # updates
            W2 -= lr * (derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg * W2)
            b2 -= lr * (derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg * b2)
            W1 -= lr * (derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) +
                        reg * W1)
            b1 -= lr * (derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg * b1)
            # A = ' '
            # A = u"\n|                      |\n|----------------------|   \n(\\__/)   || \n(• v •)  || \n /   D"
            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                l = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print("Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, l))
                # print(
                # u"|----------------------|\n|                      | \n Costo
                # en i=%d, j=%d: \n      %.6f" % (i, j, l) + A)

                e = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print("Ratio de error:", e)

    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print("Final error rate: ", error_rate(pY, Ytest))

    # Momentum
    W1 = W1_0.copy()
    b1 = b1.copy()
    W2 = W2.copy()
    b2 = b2.copy()

    losses_rms = []
    errors_rms = []
    lr0 = 0.001
    cacheW2 = 0
    cacheb2 = 0
    cacheW1 = 0
    cacheb1 = 0
    decay_rate = 0.99
    eps = 0.000001

    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), ]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), ]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)

            # gradients
            gW2 = (derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg * W2)
            gb2 = (derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg * b2)
            gW1 = (derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg * W1)
            gb1 = (derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg * b1)

            # caches
            cacheW2 = decay_rate * cacheW2 + (1 - decay_rate) * gW2 * gW2
            cacheb2 = decay_rate * cacheb2 + (1 - decay_rate) * gb2 * gb2
            cacheW1 = decay_rate * cacheW1 + (1 - decay_rate) * gW1 * gW1
            cacheb1 = decay_rate * cacheb1 + (1 - decay_rate) * gb1 * gb1

            W2 -= lr0 * gW2 / (np.sqrt(cacheW2) + eps)
            b2 -= lr0 * gb2 / (np.sqrt(cacheb2) + eps)
            W1 -= lr0 * gW1 / (np.sqrt(cacheW1) + eps)
            b1 -= lr0 * gb1 / (np.sqrt(cacheb1) + eps)

            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                l = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print("Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, l))

                e = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print("Error rate:", e)

    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print("Final error rate: ", error_rate(pY, Ytest))

    plt.plot(losses_batch, label='batch')
    plt.plot(losses_rms, label='rmsprop')
Exemplo n.º 17
    def fit(self,

        # cast to float32
        learning_rate = np.float32(learning_rate)
        mu = np.float32(mu)
        reg = np.float32(reg)

        # greedy layer-wise training of autoencoders
        pretrain_epochs = 2
        if not pretrain:
            pretrain_epochs = 0

        current_input = X
        for ae in self.hidden_layers:
  , epochs=pretrain_epochs)

            # create current_input for the next layer
            current_input = ae.hidden_op(current_input)

        # initialize logistic regression layer
        N = len(Y)
        K = len(set(Y))
        W0 = init_weights((self.hidden_layers[-1].M, K))
        self.W = theano.shared(W0, "W_logreg")
        self.b = theano.shared(np.zeros(K, dtype=np.float32), "b_logreg")

        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        if not train_head_only:
            for ae in self.hidden_layers:
                self.params += ae.forward_params

        X_in = T.matrix('X_in')
        targets = T.ivector('Targets')
        pY = self.forward(X_in)

        squared_magnitude = [(p * p).sum() for p in self.params]
        reg_cost = T.sum(squared_magnitude)
        cost = -T.mean(T.log(pY[T.arange(pY.shape[0]),
                                targets])) + reg * reg_cost
        prediction = self.predict(X_in)
        cost_predict_op = theano.function(
            inputs=[X_in, targets],
            outputs=[cost, prediction],

        updates = momentum_updates(cost, self.params, mu, learning_rate)
        train_op = theano.function(
            inputs=[X_in, targets],

        n_batches = N // batch_sz
        costs = []
        print("supervised training...")
        for i in range(epochs):
            print("epoch:", i)
            X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
            for j in range(n_batches):
                Xbatch = X[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz)]
                Ybatch = Y[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz)]
                train_op(Xbatch, Ybatch)
                the_cost, the_prediction = cost_predict_op(Xtest, Ytest)
                error = error_rate(the_prediction, Ytest)
                print("j / n_batches:", j, "/", n_batches, "cost:", the_cost,
                      "error:", error)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def fit(self,
        # step1. get data
        X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
        X = X.astype(np.float32)
        Y = y2indicator(Y).astype(np.int32)
        Xvalid = Xvalid.astype(np.float32)
        Yvalid_vector = Yvalid.astype(np.int32)
        Yvalid = y2indicator(Yvalid).astype(np.int32)

        # step1.1 initialize each layer and parameters(with tf.Variable) of NN and keep them in a list
        N, D = X.shape
        M1 = D
        K = Y.shape[1]
        self.hidden_layers = []  # for saving HiddenLayer object
        count = 0
        for M2 in self.hidden_layer_size:  # 這邊做出第一層~ 倒數第二層 hidden layer 的HiddenLayer object
            h = HiddenLayer(M1, M2, count)
            M1 = M2
            count += 1

        W, b = init_weight_and_bias(M1, K)  # 最後輸出層的 weight
        self.W = tf.Variable(W.astype(np.float32))
        self.b = tf.Variable(b.astype(np.float32))

        # collect all the parameters that we are going to use grediant descent
        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        for layer in self.hidden_layers:
            self.params += layer.params

        # step1.2 tf.palceholder
        tfX = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, D), name="X")
        tfT = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, K), name="T")

        # step2. model
        act = self.forward(
            tfX)  # 最後不經過softmax喔,也不通過其他的activation fun(因為tf 就是這樣要求的)

        # step3. cost function
        rcost = reg * sum([tf.nn.l2_loss(p) for p in self.params])
        cost = tf.reduce_mean(
                                                       labels=tfT)) + rcost

        prediction_op = self.predict(tfX)

        # step4. solver
        traiin_op = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate,

        init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

        n_batches = N // batch_sz
        costs = []
        with tf.Session() as sess:

            for i in range(epoches):
                for j in range(n_batches):
                    Xbatch = X[j * batch_sz:(j + 1) * batch_sz, ]
                    Ybatch = Y[j * batch_sz:(j + 1) * batch_sz, ]

          , feed_dict={tfX: Xbatch, tfT: Ybatch})
                    if j % 50 == 0:
                        cost_val =,
                                                tfX: Xvalid,
                                                tfT: Yvalid
                        preds =,
                                         feed_dict={tfX: Xvalid})
                        err = error_rate(Yvalid_vector, preds)
                        print("i:", i, "j:", j, "nb:", n_batches, "cost:",
                              cost_val, "error rate:", err)

        if show_fig:
    def fit(self, X, Y, lr=10e-5, mu=0.99, reg=10e-7, decay=0.99999, eps=10e-3, batch_sz=30, epochs=100, show_fig=True):
        lr = np.float32(lr)
        mu = np.float32(mu)
        reg = np.float32(reg)
        decay = np.float32(decay)
        eps = np.float32(eps)

        # make a validation set
        X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
        X = X.astype(np.float32)
        Y = Y.astype(np.int32)
        Xvalid, Yvalid = X[-1000:], Y[-1000:]
        X, Y = X[:-1000], Y[:-1000]

        # initialize convpool layers
        N, c, d, d = X.shape
        mi = c
        outw = d
        outh = d
        self.convpool_layers = []
        for mo, fw, fh in self.convpool_layer_sizes:
            layer = ConvPoolLayer(mi, mo, fw, fh)
            outw = (outw - fw + 1) / 2
            outh = (outh - fh + 1) / 2
            mi = mo

        # initialize mlp layers
        K = len(set(Y))
        self.hidden_layers = []
        M1 = self.convpool_layer_sizes[-1][0]*outw*outh # size must be same as output of last convpool layer
        count = 0
        for M2 in self.hidden_layer_sizes:
            h = HiddenLayer(M1, M2, count)
            M1 = M2
            count += 1

        # logistic regression layer
        W, b = init_weight_and_bias(M1, K)
        self.W = theano.shared(W, 'W_logreg')
        self.b = theano.shared(b, 'b_logreg')

        # collect params for later use
        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        for c in self.convpool_layers:
            self.params += c.params
        for h in self.hidden_layers:
            self.params += h.params

        # for momentum
        dparams = [theano.shared(np.zeros(p.get_value().shape, dtype=np.float32)) for p in self.params]

        # for rmsprop
        cache = [theano.shared(np.zeros(p.get_value().shape, dtype=np.float32)) for p in self.params]

        # set up theano functions and variables
        thX = T.tensor4('X', dtype='float32')
        thY = T.ivector('Y')
        pY = self.forward(thX)

        rcost = reg*T.sum([(p*p).sum() for p in self.params])
        cost = -T.mean(T.log(pY[T.arange(thY.shape[0]), thY])) + rcost
        prediction = self.predict(thX)

        cost_predict_op = theano.function(inputs=[thX, thY], outputs=[cost, prediction])

        # updates = [
        #     (c, decay*c + (np.float32(1)-decay)*T.grad(cost, p)*T.grad(cost, p)) for p, c in zip(self.params, cache)
        # ] + [
        #     (p, p + mu*dp - lr*T.grad(cost, p)/T.sqrt(c + eps)) for p, c, dp in zip(self.params, cache, dparams)
        # ] + [
        #     (dp, mu*dp - lr*T.grad(cost, p)/T.sqrt(c + eps)) for p, c, dp in zip(self.params, cache, dparams)
        # ]

        # momentum only
        updates = [
            (p, p + mu*dp - lr*T.grad(cost, p)) for p, dp in zip(self.params, dparams)
        ] + [
            (dp, mu*dp - lr*T.grad(cost, p)) for p, dp in zip(self.params, dparams)

        train_op = theano.function(
            inputs=[thX, thY],

        n_batches = N / batch_sz
        costs = []
        for i in xrange(epochs):
            X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
            for j in xrange(n_batches):
                Xbatch = X[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz+batch_sz)]
                Ybatch = Y[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz+batch_sz)]

                train_op(Xbatch, Ybatch)

                if j % 20 == 0:
                    c, p = cost_predict_op(Xvalid, Yvalid)
                    e = error_rate(Yvalid, p)
                    print "i:", i, "j:", j, "nb:", n_batches, "cost:", c, "error rate:", e

        if show_fig:
Exemplo n.º 20
def main():
    max_iter = 20 # make it 30 for sigmoid
    print_period = 10

    X, Y = get_normalized_data()
    lr = 0.00004
    reg = 0.01

    Xtrain = X[:-1000,]
    Ytrain = Y[:-1000]
    Xtest  = X[-1000:,]
    Ytest  = Y[-1000:]
    Ytrain_ind = y2indicator(Ytrain)
    Ytest_ind = y2indicator(Ytest)

    N, D = Xtrain.shape
    batch_sz = 500
    n_batches = N / batch_sz

    M = 300
    K = 10
    W1 = np.random.randn(D, M) / 28
    b1 = np.zeros(M)
    W2 = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(M)
    b2 = np.zeros(K)

    # 1. const
    # cost = -16
    LL_batch = []
    CR_batch = []
    for i in xrange(max_iter):
        for j in xrange(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)
            # print "first batch cost:", cost(pYbatch, Ybatch)

            # updates
            W2 -= lr*(derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*W2)
            b2 -= lr*(derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*b2)
            W1 -= lr*(derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*W1)
            b1 -= lr*(derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*b1)

            if j % print_period == 0:
                # calculate just for LL
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                # print "pY:", pY
                ll = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print "Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, ll)

                err = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print "Error rate:", err

    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print "Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest)

    # 2. RMSprop
    W1 = np.random.randn(D, M) / 28
    b1 = np.zeros(M)
    W2 = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(M)
    b2 = np.zeros(K)
    LL_rms = []
    CR_rms = []
    lr0 = 0.001 # if you set this too high you'll get NaN!
    cache_W2 = 0
    cache_b2 = 0
    cache_W1 = 0
    cache_b1 = 0
    decay_rate = 0.999
    eps = 0.0000000001
    for i in xrange(max_iter):
        for j in xrange(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)
            # print "first batch cost:", cost(pYbatch, Ybatch)

            # updates
            gW2 = derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*W2
            cache_W2 = decay_rate*cache_W2 + (1 - decay_rate)*gW2*gW2
            W2 -= lr0 * gW2 / (np.sqrt(cache_W2) + eps)

            gb2 = derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*b2
            cache_b2 = decay_rate*cache_b2 + (1 - decay_rate)*gb2*gb2
            b2 -= lr0 * gb2 / (np.sqrt(cache_b2) + eps)

            gW1 = derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*W1
            cache_W1 = decay_rate*cache_W1 + (1 - decay_rate)*gW1*gW1
            W1 -= lr0 * gW1 / (np.sqrt(cache_W1) + eps)

            gb1 = derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*b1
            cache_b1 = decay_rate*cache_b1 + (1 - decay_rate)*gb1*gb1
            b1 -= lr0 * gb1 / (np.sqrt(cache_b1) + eps)

            if j % print_period == 0:
                # calculate just for LL
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                # print "pY:", pY
                ll = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print "Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, ll)

                err = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print "Error rate:", err

    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print "Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest)

    plt.plot(LL_batch, label='const')
    plt.plot(LL_rms, label='rms')
Exemplo n.º 21
def main():
	#Get train and test data
	XTrain, YTrain = get_train_data()
	YTrain_ind = y2indicator(YTrain)
	XTrain = reshape(XTrain)
	XTest, YTest = get_test_data()
	YTest_ind = y2indicator(YTest)
	XTest = reshape(XTest)

	N,K = YTrain_ind.shape
	lr = np.float32(0.000001)
	reg = np.float32(0.01)
	mu = np.float32(0.99)
	poolsize = (2,2)
	batch_sz = 500
	no_batches = int(N/batch_sz)

	#Initial random weight values
	W1_shape = (20, 3, 5, 5)
	W1_init = init_filter(W1_shape, poolsize)
	b1_init = np.zeros([W1_shape[0]])

	W2_shape = (50, 20, 5, 5)
	W2_init = init_filter(W2_shape, poolsize)
	b2_init = np.zeros([W2_shape[0]])

	W3_init = np.random.randn(W2_shape[0]*5*5, M)/np.sqrt(W2_shape[0]*5*5 + M)
	b3_init = np.zeros([M])

	W4_init = np.random.randn(M,K)/np.sqrt(M+K)
	b4_init = np.zeros([K])
	#Create theano variables
	X = T.tensor4('X', dtype='float32')			#inputs
	Y = T.matrix('Y')
	W1 = theano.shared(W1_init.astype(np.float32), 'W1')		#Weights
	b1 = theano.shared(b1_init.astype(np.float32), 'b1')
	W2 = theano.shared(W2_init.astype(np.float32), 'W2')
	b2 = theano.shared(b2_init.astype(np.float32), 'b2')
	W3 = theano.shared(W3_init.astype(np.float32), 'W3')
	b3 = theano.shared(b3_init.astype(np.float32), 'b3')
	W4 = theano.shared(W4_init.astype(np.float32), 'W4')
	b4 = theano.shared(b4_init.astype(np.float32), 'b4')

	dW1 = theano.shared(np.zeros(W1_init.shape, dtype=np.float32))	#Momentum variables
	db1 = theano.shared(np.zeros(b1_init.shape, dtype=np.float32))
	dW2 = theano.shared(np.zeros(W2_init.shape, dtype=np.float32))
	db2 = theano.shared(np.zeros(b2_init.shape, dtype=np.float32))
	dW3 = theano.shared(np.zeros(W3_init.shape, dtype=np.float32))
	db3 = theano.shared(np.zeros(b3_init.shape, dtype=np.float32))
	dW4 = theano.shared(np.zeros(W4_init.shape, dtype=np.float32))
	db4 = theano.shared(np.zeros(b4_init.shape, dtype=np.float32))

	#Forward prop equations
	Z1 = convpool(X, W1, b1)			#2 Conv-pool layer
	Z2 = convpool(Z1, W2, b2)
	Z3 = relu(Z2.flatten(ndim=2).dot(W3) + b3)		#Fully connected NN
	P = T.nnet.softmax( + b4)

	#Cost and prediction equations
	params = (W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3, W4, b4)
	reg_cost = reg*np.sum([(param*param).sum() for param in params])
	cost = (Y * T.log(P)).sum() + reg_cost
	pred = T.argmax(P, axis=1)

	#Update Weights
	W1_update = W1 + mu*dW1 + lr*T.grad(cost, W1)
	b1_update = b1 + mu*db1 + lr*T.grad(cost,b1)
	W2_update = W2 + mu*dW2 + lr*T.grad(cost, W2)
	b2_update = b2 + mu*db2 + lr*T.grad(cost,b2)
	W3_update = W3 + mu*dW3 + lr*T.grad(cost, W3)
	b3_update = b3 + mu*db3 + lr*T.grad(cost,b3)
	W4_update = W4 + mu*dW4 + lr*T.grad(cost, W4)
	b4_update = b4 + mu*db4 + lr*T.grad(cost,b4)

	#Gradient updates for momentum
	dW1_update = mu*dW1 + lr*T.grad(cost, W1)
	db1_update = mu*db1 + lr*T.grad(cost, b1)
	dW2_update = mu*dW2 + lr*T.grad(cost, W2)
	db2_update = mu*db2 + lr*T.grad(cost, b2)
	dW3_update = mu*dW3 + lr*T.grad(cost, W3)
	db3_update = mu*db3 + lr*T.grad(cost, b3)
	dW4_update = mu*dW4 + lr*T.grad(cost, W4)
	db4_update = mu*db4 + lr*T.grad(cost, b4)

	#Train function
	train = theano.function(
		updates=[ (W1, W1_update),
			(b1, b1_update),
			(W2, W2_update),
			(b2, b2_update),
			(W3, W3_update),
			(b3, b3_update),
			(W4, W4_update),
			(b4, b4_update),
			(dW1, dW1_update),
			(db1, db1_update),
			(dW2, dW2_update),
			(db2, db2_update),
			(dW3, dW3_update),
			(db3, db3_update),
			(dW4, dW4_update),
			(db4, db4_update),

	#Get cost and prediction function
	get_res = theano.function(

	#Run batch gradient descent
	costs = []
	for i in range(400):
		for n in range(no_batches):
			#get current batches
			XBatch = XTrain[n*batch_sz:(n*batch_sz + batch_sz), :]
			YBatch_ind = YTrain_ind[n*batch_sz:(n*batch_sz + batch_sz), :]
			#Forward prop
			train(XBatch, YBatch_ind)

			if(n%200 == 0):
				#YBatch = YTrain[n*batch_sz:(n*batch_sz + batch_sz)]
				c, P = get_res(XTest, YTest_ind)
				er = error_rate(P, YTest)	
				print("Iteration: ", i, "Cost: ", c, "Error rate: ", er)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def score(self,X,Y):
     prediction = self.forward(X)
     return (1 - error_rate(Y,prediction))
Exemplo n.º 23
def main():
    # compare 3 scenarios:
    # 1. batch SGD
    # 2. batch SGD with momentum
    # 3. batch SGD with Nesterov momentum

    max_iter = 20 # make it 30 for sigmoid
    print_period = 10

    X, Y = get_normalized_data()
    lr = 0.00004
    reg = 0.01

    Xtrain = X[:-1000,]
    Ytrain = Y[:-1000]
    Xtest  = X[-1000:,]
    Ytest  = Y[-1000:]
    Ytrain_ind = y2indicator(Ytrain)
    Ytest_ind = y2indicator(Ytest)

    N, D = Xtrain.shape
    batch_sz = 500
    n_batches = N / batch_sz

    M = 300
    K = 10
    W1 = np.random.randn(D, M) / 28
    b1 = np.zeros(M)
    W2 = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(M)
    b2 = np.zeros(K)

    # 1. batch
    # cost = -16
    LL_batch = []
    CR_batch = []
    for i in xrange(max_iter):
        for j in xrange(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)
            # print "first batch cost:", cost(pYbatch, Ybatch)

            # updates
            W2 -= lr*(derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*W2)
            b2 -= lr*(derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*b2)
            W1 -= lr*(derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*W1)
            b1 -= lr*(derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*b1)

            if j % print_period == 0:
                # calculate just for LL
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                # print "pY:", pY
                ll = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print "Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, ll)

                err = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print "Error rate:", err

    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print "Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest)

    # 2. batch with momentum
    W1 = np.random.randn(D, M) / 28
    b1 = np.zeros(M)
    W2 = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(M)
    b2 = np.zeros(K)
    LL_momentum = []
    CR_momentum = []
    mu = 0.9
    dW2 = 0
    db2 = 0
    dW1 = 0
    db1 = 0
    for i in xrange(max_iter):
        for j in xrange(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)

            # updates
            dW2 = mu*dW2 - lr*(derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*W2)
            W2 += dW2
            db2 = mu*db2 - lr*(derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*b2)
            b2 += db2
            dW1 = mu*dW1 - lr*(derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*W1)
            W1 += dW1
            db1 = mu*db1 - lr*(derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*b1)
            b1 += db1

            if j % print_period == 0:
                # calculate just for LL
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                # print "pY:", pY
                ll = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print "Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, ll)

                err = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print "Error rate:", err
    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print "Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest)

    # 3. batch with Nesterov momentum
    W1 = np.random.randn(D, M) / 28
    b1 = np.zeros(M)
    W2 = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(M)
    b2 = np.zeros(K)
    LL_nest = []
    CR_nest = []
    mu = 0.9
    dW2 = 0
    db2 = 0
    dW1 = 0
    db1 = 0
    for i in xrange(max_iter):
        for j in xrange(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)

            # updates
            dW2 = mu*mu*dW2 - (1 + mu)*lr*(derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*W2)
            W2 += dW2
            db2 = mu*mu*db2 - (1 + mu)*lr*(derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*b2)
            b2 += db2
            dW1 = mu*mu*dW1 - (1 + mu)*lr*(derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*W1)
            W1 += dW1
            db1 = mu*mu*db1 - (1 + mu)*lr*(derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*b1)
            b1 += db1

            if j % print_period == 0:
                # calculate just for LL
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                # print "pY:", pY
                ll = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print "Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, ll)

                err = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print "Error rate:", err
    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print "Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest)

    plt.plot(LL_batch, label="batch")
    plt.plot(LL_momentum, label="momentum")
    plt.plot(LL_nest, label="nesterov")
Exemplo n.º 24
def main():
    # compare 2 scenarios:
    # 1. batch GD with RMSProp and momentum
    # 2. Adam GD

    max_iter = 20
    print_period = 10

    X, Y = get_normalized_data()
    reg = 0.01

    Xtrain, Ytrain = X[:-1000, :], Y[:-1000]
    Xtest, Ytest = X[-1000:, :], Y[-1000:]
    Ytrain_ind = y2indicator(Ytrain)
    Ytest_ind = y2indicator(Ytest)

    N, D = Xtrain.shape
    M = 300  # number of hidden layer units
    K = len(set(Ytrain))
    batch_size = 500
    n_batches = N // batch_size

    # randomly initialize weights:
    W1_0 = np.random.randn(D, M) / np.sqrt(D)
    b1_0 = np.zeros(M)
    W2_0 = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(M)
    b2_0 = np.zeros(K)

    # 1. batch GD with RMSProp and momentum:
    print('\nperforming batch GD with RMSProp and momentum...')
    W1 = W1_0.copy()
    b1 = b1_0.copy()
    W2 = W2_0.copy()
    b2 = b2_0.copy()

    LL_rm = []
    CR_rm = []

    # hyperparams:
    lr0 = 0.001
    #lr0 = 0.0001
    mu = 0.9
    decay = 0.999
    eps = 10e-9

    # momentum (velocity terms):
    dW1 = 0
    db1 = 0
    dW2 = 0
    db2 = 0

    # rms-prop cache (with no bias correction):
    cache_W2 = 1
    cache_b2 = 1
    cache_W1 = 1
    cache_b1 = 1

    t0 =
    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j * batch_size:(j + 1) * batch_size, :]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j * batch_size:(j + 1) * batch_size, :]
            p_Ybatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)
            #print(Z.shape, p_Ybatch.shape, Ybatch.shape)
            #print('First batch cost:', cost(p_Ybatch, Ybatch))

            # updates:
            # (note: we utilize a bit different version of momentum)
            gW2 = (derivative_W2(Z, Ybatch, p_Ybatch) + reg * W2)
            cache_W2 = decay * cache_W2 + (1 - decay) * gW2 * gW2
            dW2 = mu * dW2 + (1 - mu) * lr0 * gW2 / (np.sqrt(cache_W2 + eps))
            W2 -= dW2
            #dW2 = mu*dW2 - lr0*gW2 / (np.sqrt(cache_W2) + eps)
            #W2 += dW2

            gb2 = (derivative_b2(Ybatch, p_Ybatch) + reg * b2)
            cache_b2 = decay * cache_b2 + (1 - decay) * gb2 * gb2
            db2 = mu * db2 + (1 - mu) * lr0 * gb2 / (np.sqrt(cache_b2 + eps))
            b2 -= db2
            #db2 = mu*db2 - lr0*gb2 / (np.sqrt(cache_b2) + eps)
            #b2 += db2

            gW1 = (derivative_W1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, p_Ybatch, W2) + reg * W1)
            cache_W1 = decay * cache_W1 + (1 - decay) * gW1 * gW1
            dW1 = mu * dW1 + (1 - mu) * lr0 * gW1 / (np.sqrt(cache_W1 + eps))
            W1 -= dW1
            #dW1 = mu*dW1 - lr0*gW1 / (np.sqrt(cache_W1) + eps)
            #W1 += dW1

            gb1 = (derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, p_Ybatch, W2) + reg * b1)
            cache_b1 = decay * cache_b1 + (1 - decay) * gb1 * gb1
            db1 = mu * db1 + (1 - mu) * lr0 * gb1 / (np.sqrt(cache_b1 + eps))
            b1 -= db1
            #db1 = mu*db1 - lr0*gb1 / (np.sqrt(cache_b1) + eps)
            #b1 += db1

            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                #print('pY:', pY)
                ll = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print('\ni: %d, j: %d, cost: %.6f' % (i, j, ll))

                error = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print('error rate:', error)

    dt1 = - t0
    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print('\nFinal error rate:', error_rate(pY, Ytest))
    print('Elapsed time for batch GD with RMSProp and momentum:', dt1)

    # plot the cost
    plt.title('Cost for batch GD with RMSProp and momentum')

    # 2. Adam optimizer
    print('\nperforming Adam optimizer...')
    W1 = W1_0.copy()
    b1 = b1_0.copy()
    W2 = W2_0.copy()
    b2 = b2_0.copy()

    # hyperparams:
    lr = 0.001
    beta1 = 0.9
    beta2 = 0.999
    eps = 10e-9

    # 1st moment:
    mW1 = 0
    mb1 = 0
    mW2 = 0
    mb2 = 0

    # 2nd moment:
    vW1 = 0
    vb1 = 0
    vW2 = 0
    vb2 = 0

    LL_adam = []
    CR_adam = []
    t0 =
    t = 1  # index; used instead of j, because j starts with 0
    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j * batch_size:(j + 1) * batch_size, :]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j * batch_size:(j + 1) * batch_size, :]
            p_Ybatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)

            # updates:
            # gradients:
            gW2 = derivative_W2(Z, Ybatch, p_Ybatch) + reg * W2
            gb2 = derivative_b2(Ybatch, p_Ybatch) + reg * b2
            gW1 = derivative_W1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, p_Ybatch, W2) + reg * W1
            gb1 = derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, p_Ybatch, W2) + reg * b1

            # 1st moment:
            mW2 = beta1 * mW2 + (1 - beta1) * gW2
            mb2 = beta1 * mb2 + (1 - beta1) * gb2
            mW1 = beta1 * mW1 + (1 - beta1) * gW1
            mb1 = beta1 * mb1 + (1 - beta1) * gb1

            # 2nd moment:
            vW2 = beta2 * vW2 + (1 - beta2) * gW2 * gW2
            vb2 = beta2 * vb2 + (1 - beta2) * gb2 * gb2
            vW1 = beta2 * vW1 + (1 - beta2) * gW1 * gW1
            vb1 = beta2 * vb1 + (1 - beta2) * gb1 * gb1

            # bias correction:
            mW2_bc = mW2 / (1 - beta1**t)
            mb2_bc = mb2 / (1 - beta1**t)
            mW1_bc = mW1 / (1 - beta1**t)
            mb1_bc = mb1 / (1 - beta1**t)

            vW2_bc = vW2 / (1 - beta2**t)
            vb2_bc = vb2 / (1 - beta2**t)
            vW1_bc = vW1 / (1 - beta2**t)
            vb1_bc = vb1 / (1 - beta2**t)

            # weights and biases (parameters):
            W2 = W2 - lr * mW2_bc / np.sqrt(vW2_bc + eps)
            b2 = b2 - lr * mb2_bc / np.sqrt(vb2_bc + eps)
            W1 = W1 - lr * mW1_bc / np.sqrt(vW1_bc + eps)
            b1 = b1 - lr * mb1_bc / np.sqrt(vb1_bc + eps)

            t += 1

            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                ll = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print('\ni: %d, j: %d, cost: %.6f' % (i, j, ll))

                error = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print('error rate:', error)

    dt2 = - t0
    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print('\nFinal error rate:', error_rate(pY, Ytest))
    print('Elapsed time for Adam optimizer:', dt2)

    # plot the cost
    plt.title('Cost for Adam optimizer')

    # plot costs from the two experiments together:
    plt.plot(LL_rm, label='RMSProp with momentum')
    plt.plot(LL_adam, label='Adam optimizer')
    def fit(self, X, Y, learning_rate=1e-3, mu=0.9, decay=0.9, reg=0, eps=1e-10, epochs=100, batch_sz=30, show_fig=False):
        learning_rate = np.float32(learning_rate)
        mu = np.float32(mu)
        decay = np.float32(decay)
        reg = np.float32(reg)
        eps = np.float32(eps)

        # make a validation set
        X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
        X = X.astype(np.float32)
        Y = Y.astype(np.int32)
        Xvalid, Yvalid = X[-1000:], Y[-1000:]
        X, Y = X[:-1000], Y[:-1000]

        # initialize hidden layers
        N, D = X.shape
        K = len(set(Y))
        self.hidden_layers = []
        M1 = D
        count = 0
        for M2 in self.hidden_layer_sizes:
            h = HiddenLayer(M1, M2, count)
            M1 = M2
            count += 1
        W, b = init_weight_and_bias(M1, K)
        self.W = theano.shared(W, 'W_logreg')
        self.b = theano.shared(b, 'b_logreg')

        # collect params for later use
        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        for h in self.hidden_layers:
            self.params += h.params

        # set up theano functions and variables
        thX = T.fmatrix('X')
        thY = T.ivector('Y')
        pY = self.th_forward(thX)

        rcost = reg*T.sum([(p*p).sum() for p in self.params])
        cost = -T.mean(T.log(pY[T.arange(thY.shape[0]), thY])) + rcost
        prediction = self.th_predict(thX)

        # actual prediction function
        self.predict_op = theano.function(inputs=[thX], outputs=prediction)
        cost_predict_op = theano.function(inputs=[thX, thY], outputs=[cost, prediction])

        updates = rmsprop(cost, self.params, learning_rate, mu, decay, eps)
        train_op = theano.function(
            inputs=[thX, thY],

        n_batches = N // batch_sz
        costs = []
        for i in range(epochs):
            X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
            for j in range(n_batches):
                Xbatch = X[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz+batch_sz)]
                Ybatch = Y[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz+batch_sz)]

                train_op(Xbatch, Ybatch)

                if j % 20 == 0:
                    c, p = cost_predict_op(Xvalid, Yvalid)
                    e = error_rate(Yvalid, p)
                    print("i:", i, "j:", j, "nb:", n_batches, "cost:", c, "error rate:", e)
        if show_fig:
Exemplo n.º 26
def main():

    train, test = get_data()

    Xtrain = rearrange(train['X'])
    Ytrain = train['y'].flatten() - 1
    del train
    Xtrain, Ytrain = shuffle(Xtrain, Ytrain)
    Ytrain_ind = y2indicator(Ytrain)

    Xtest  = rearrange(test['X'])
    Ytest  = test['y'].flatten() - 1
    del test
    Ytest_ind  = y2indicator(Ytest)

    max_iter = 8
    print_period = 10

    lr = np.float32(0.00001)
    reg = np.float32(0.01)
    mu = np.float32(0.99)

    N = Xtrain.shape[0]
    batch_sz = 500
    n_batches = N // batch_sz

    M = 500
    K = 10
    poolsz = (2, 2)

    # after conv will be of dimension 32 - 5 + 1 = 28
    # after downsample 28 / 2 = 14
    W1_shape = (20, 3, 5, 5) # (num_feature_maps, num_color_channels, filter_width, filter_height)
    W1_init = init_filter(W1_shape, poolsz)
    b1_init = np.zeros(W1_shape[0], dtype=np.float32) # one bias per output feature map

    # after conv will be of dimension 14 - 5 + 1 = 10
    # after downsample 10 / 2 = 5
    W2_shape = (50, 20, 5, 5) # (num_feature_maps, old_num_feature_maps, filter_width, filter_height)
    W2_init = init_filter(W2_shape, poolsz)
    b2_init = np.zeros(W2_shape[0], dtype=np.float32)

    # vanilla ANN weights
    W3_init = np.random.randn(W2_shape[0]*5*5, M) / np.sqrt(W2_shape[0]*5*5 + M)
    b3_init = np.zeros(M, dtype=np.float32)
    W4_init = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(M + K)
    b4_init = np.zeros(K, dtype=np.float32)

    # step 2: define theano variables and expressions
    X = T.tensor4('X', dtype='float32')
    Y = T.matrix('T')
    W1 = theano.shared(W1_init, 'W1')
    b1 = theano.shared(b1_init, 'b1')
    W2 = theano.shared(W2_init, 'W2')
    b2 = theano.shared(b2_init, 'b2')
    W3 = theano.shared(W3_init.astype(np.float32), 'W3')
    b3 = theano.shared(b3_init, 'b3')
    W4 = theano.shared(W4_init.astype(np.float32), 'W4')
    b4 = theano.shared(b4_init, 'b4')

    # momentum changes
    dW1 = theano.shared(np.zeros(W1_init.shape, dtype=np.float32), 'dW1')
    db1 = theano.shared(np.zeros(b1_init.shape, dtype=np.float32), 'db1')
    dW2 = theano.shared(np.zeros(W2_init.shape, dtype=np.float32), 'dW2')
    db2 = theano.shared(np.zeros(b2_init.shape, dtype=np.float32), 'db2')
    dW3 = theano.shared(np.zeros(W3_init.shape, dtype=np.float32), 'dW3')
    db3 = theano.shared(np.zeros(b3_init.shape, dtype=np.float32), 'db3')
    dW4 = theano.shared(np.zeros(W4_init.shape, dtype=np.float32), 'dW4')
    db4 = theano.shared(np.zeros(b4_init.shape, dtype=np.float32), 'db4')

    # forward pass
    Z1 = convpool(X, W1, b1)
    Z2 = convpool(Z1, W2, b2)
    Z3 = relu(Z2.flatten(ndim=2).dot(W3) + b3)
    pY = T.nnet.softmax( + b4)

    # define the cost function and prediction
    params = (W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3, W4, b4)
    reg_cost = reg*np.sum((param*param).sum() for param in params)
    cost = -(Y * T.log(pY)).sum() + reg_cost
    prediction = T.argmax(pY, axis=1)

    # step 3: training expressions and functions
    update_W1 = W1 + mu*dW1 - lr*T.grad(cost, W1)
    update_b1 = b1 + mu*db1 - lr*T.grad(cost, b1)
    update_W2 = W2 + mu*dW2 - lr*T.grad(cost, W2)
    update_b2 = b2 + mu*db2 - lr*T.grad(cost, b2)
    update_W3 = W3 + mu*dW3 - lr*T.grad(cost, W3)
    update_b3 = b3 + mu*db3 - lr*T.grad(cost, b3)
    update_W4 = W4 + mu*dW4 - lr*T.grad(cost, W4)
    update_b4 = b4 + mu*db4 - lr*T.grad(cost, b4)

    # update weight changes
    update_dW1 = mu*dW1 - lr*T.grad(cost, W1)
    update_db1 = mu*db1 - lr*T.grad(cost, b1)
    update_dW2 = mu*dW2 - lr*T.grad(cost, W2)
    update_db2 = mu*db2 - lr*T.grad(cost, b2)
    update_dW3 = mu*dW3 - lr*T.grad(cost, W3)
    update_db3 = mu*db3 - lr*T.grad(cost, b3)
    update_dW4 = mu*dW4 - lr*T.grad(cost, W4)
    update_db4 = mu*db4 - lr*T.grad(cost, b4)

    train = theano.function(
        inputs=[X, Y],
            (W1, update_W1),
            (b1, update_b1),
            (W2, update_W2),
            (b2, update_b2),
            (W3, update_W3),
            (b3, update_b3),
            (W4, update_W4),
            (b4, update_b4),
            (dW1, update_dW1),
            (db1, update_db1),
            (dW2, update_dW2),
            (db2, update_db2),
            (dW3, update_dW3),
            (db3, update_db3),
            (dW4, update_dW4),
            (db4, update_db4),

    # create another function for this because we want it over the whole dataset
    get_prediction = theano.function(
        inputs=[X, Y],
        outputs=[cost, prediction],

    t0 =
    LL = []
    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]

            train(Xbatch, Ybatch)
            if j % print_period == 0:
                cost_val, prediction_val = get_prediction(Xtest, Ytest_ind)
                err = error_rate(prediction_val, Ytest)
                # cost_val = 0
                # err = 0 ### test
                print("Cost / err at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.3f / %.3f" % (i, j, cost_val, err))
    print("Elapsed time:", ( - t0))
Exemplo n.º 27
def main():
    X, Y, _, _ = get_transformed_data()
    X = X[:, :300]

    # normalize X first
    mu = X.mean(axis=0)
    std = X.std(axis=0)
    X = (X - mu) / std

    print "Performing logistic regression..."
    Xtrain = X[:-1000,]
    Ytrain = Y[:-1000]
    Xtest  = X[-1000:,]
    Ytest  = Y[-1000:]

    N, D = Xtrain.shape
    Ytrain_ind = y2indicator(Ytrain)
    Ytest_ind = y2indicator(Ytest)

    # 1. full
    W = np.random.randn(D, 10) / 28
    b = np.zeros(10)
    LL = []
    lr = 0.0001
    reg = 0.01
    t0 =
    for i in xrange(200):
        p_y = forward(Xtrain, W, b)

        W += lr*(gradW(Ytrain_ind, p_y, Xtrain) - reg*W)
        b += lr*(gradb(Ytrain_ind, p_y) - reg*b)

        p_y_test = forward(Xtest, W, b)
        ll = cost(p_y_test, Ytest_ind)
        if i % 10 == 0:
            err = error_rate(p_y_test, Ytest)
            print "Cost at iteration %d: %.6f" % (i, ll)
            print "Error rate:", err
    p_y = forward(Xtest, W, b)
    print "Final error rate:", error_rate(p_y, Ytest)
    print "Elapsted time for full GD:", - t0

    # 2. stochastic
    W = np.random.randn(D, 10) / 28
    b = np.zeros(10)
    LL_stochastic = []
    lr = 0.0001
    reg = 0.01

    t0 =
    for i in xrange(1): # takes very long since we're computing cost for 41k samples
        tmpX, tmpY = shuffle(Xtrain, Ytrain_ind)
        for n in xrange(min(N, 500)): # shortcut so it won't take so long...
            x = tmpX[n,:].reshape(1,D)
            y = tmpY[n,:].reshape(1,10)
            p_y = forward(x, W, b)

            W += lr*(gradW(y, p_y, x) - reg*W)
            b += lr*(gradb(y, p_y) - reg*b)

            p_y_test = forward(Xtest, W, b)
            ll = cost(p_y_test, Ytest_ind)

            if n % (N/2) == 0:
                err = error_rate(p_y_test, Ytest)
                print "Cost at iteration %d: %.6f" % (i, ll)
                print "Error rate:", err
    p_y = forward(Xtest, W, b)
    print "Final error rate:", error_rate(p_y, Ytest)
    print "Elapsted time for SGD:", - t0

    # 3. batch
    W = np.random.randn(D, 10) / 28
    b = np.zeros(10)
    LL_batch = []
    lr = 0.0001
    reg = 0.01
    batch_sz = 500
    n_batches = N / batch_sz

    t0 =
    for i in xrange(50):
        tmpX, tmpY = shuffle(Xtrain, Ytrain_ind)
        for j in xrange(n_batches):
            x = tmpX[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),:]
            y = tmpY[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),:]
            p_y = forward(x, W, b)

            W += lr*(gradW(y, p_y, x) - reg*W)
            b += lr*(gradb(y, p_y) - reg*b)

            p_y_test = forward(Xtest, W, b)
            ll = cost(p_y_test, Ytest_ind)
            if j % (n_batches/2) == 0:
                err = error_rate(p_y_test, Ytest)
                print "Cost at iteration %d: %.6f" % (i, ll)
                print "Error rate:", err
    p_y = forward(Xtest, W, b)
    print "Final error rate:", error_rate(p_y, Ytest)
    print "Elapsted time for batch GD:", - t0

    x1 = np.linspace(0, 1, len(LL))
    plt.plot(x1, LL, label="full")
    x2 = np.linspace(0, 1, len(LL_stochastic))
    plt.plot(x2, LL_stochastic, label="stochastic")
    x3 = np.linspace(0, 1, len(LL_batch))
    plt.plot(x3, LL_batch, label="batch")
    def fit(self, X, Y, learning_rate=10e-7, mu=0.99, decay=0.999, reg=10e-12, eps=10e-10, epochs=400, batch_sz=100, show_fig=False):
        learning_rate = np.float32(learning_rate)
        mu = np.float32(mu)
        decay = np.float32(decay)
        reg = np.float32(reg)
        eps = np.float32(eps)

        # make a validation set
        X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
        X = X.astype(np.float32)
        Y = Y.astype(np.int32)
        Xvalid, Yvalid = X[-1000:], Y[-1000:]
        X, Y = X[:-1000], Y[:-1000]

        # initialize hidden layers
        N, D = X.shape
        K = len(set(Y))
        self.hidden_layers = []
        M1 = D
        count = 0
        for M2 in self.hidden_layer_sizes:
            h = HiddenLayer(M1, M2, count)
            M1 = M2
            count += 1
        W, b = init_weight_and_bias(M1, K)
        self.W = theano.shared(W, 'W_logreg')
        self.b = theano.shared(b, 'b_logreg')

        # collect params for later use
        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        for h in self.hidden_layers:
            self.params += h.params

        # for momentum
        dparams = [theano.shared(np.zeros(p.get_value().shape, dtype=np.float32)) for p in self.params]

        # for rmsprop
        cache = [theano.shared(np.zeros(p.get_value().shape, dtype=np.float32)) for p in self.params]

        # set up theano functions and variables
        thX = T.fmatrix('X')
        thY = T.ivector('Y')
        pY = self.forward(thX)

        rcost = reg*T.sum([(p*p).sum() for p in self.params])
        cost = -T.mean(T.log(pY[T.arange(thY.shape[0]), thY])) + rcost
        prediction = self.predict(thX)

        cost_predict_op = theano.function(inputs=[thX, thY], outputs=[cost, prediction])

        updates = [
            (c, decay*c + (np.float32(1)-decay)*T.grad(cost, p)*T.grad(cost, p)) for p, c in zip(self.params, cache)
        ] + [
            (p, p + mu*dp - learning_rate*T.grad(cost, p)/T.sqrt(c + eps)) for p, c, dp in zip(self.params, cache, dparams)
        ] + [
            (dp, mu*dp - learning_rate*T.grad(cost, p)/T.sqrt(c + eps)) for p, c, dp in zip(self.params, cache, dparams)

        # momentum only
        # updates = [
        #     (p, p + mu*dp - learning_rate*T.grad(cost, p)) for p, dp in zip(self.params, dparams)
        # ] + [
        #     (dp, mu*dp - learning_rate*T.grad(cost, p)) for p, dp in zip(self.params, dparams)
        # ]

        train_op = theano.function(
            inputs=[thX, thY],

        n_batches = N / batch_sz
        costs = []
        for i in xrange(epochs):
            X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
            for j in xrange(n_batches):
                Xbatch = X[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz+batch_sz)]
                Ybatch = Y[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz+batch_sz)]

                train_op(Xbatch, Ybatch)

                if j % 20 == 0:
                    c, p = cost_predict_op(Xvalid, Yvalid)
                    e = error_rate(Yvalid, p)
                    print "i:", i, "j:", j, "nb:", n_batches, "cost:", c, "error rate:", e
        if show_fig:
Exemplo n.º 29
def main():
    # compare 5 scenarios:
    # 1. batch SGD with constant learning rate
    # 2. batch SGD with RMSProp
    # 3. batch SGD with AdaGrad
    # 4. batch SGD with exponential decay


    max_iter = 20
    print_period = 10

    X, Y = get_normalized_data()
    lr = 0.00004
    reg = 0.01

    Xtrain, Ytrain = X[:-1000, :], Y[:-1000]
    Xtest, Ytest = X[-1000:, :], Y[-1000:]
    Ytrain_ind = y2indicator(Ytrain)
    Ytest_ind = y2indicator(Ytest)

    N, D = Xtrain.shape
    M = 300  # number of hidden layer units
    K = len(set(Ytrain))
    batch_size = 500
    n_batches = N // batch_size

    # randomly initialize weights:
    W1 = np.random.randn(D, M) / np.sqrt(D)
    b1 = np.zeros(M)
    W2 = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(M)
    b2 = np.zeros(K)

    # save initial weights:
    W1_0 = W1.copy()
    b1_0 = b1.copy()
    W2_0 = W2.copy()
    b2_0 = b2.copy()

    # 1. batch SGD with constant learning rate:
    LL_batch = []
    CR_batch = []
    t0 =
    print('\nperforming batch SGD with constant learning rate...')
    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j * batch_size:(j + 1) * batch_size, :]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j * batch_size:(j + 1) * batch_size, :]
            p_Ybatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)
            #print(Z.shape, p_Ybatch.shape, Ybatch.shape)
            #print('First batch cost:', cost(p_Ybatch, Ybatch))

            # updates:
            W2 -= lr * (derivative_W2(Z, Ybatch, p_Ybatch) + reg * W2)
            b2 -= lr * (derivative_b2(Ybatch, p_Ybatch) + reg * b2)
            W1 -= lr * (derivative_W1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, p_Ybatch, W2) +
                        reg * W1)
            b1 -= lr * (derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, p_Ybatch, W2) + reg * b1)

            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                #print('pY:', pY)
                ll = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print('\ni: %d, j: %d, cost: %.6f' % (i, j, ll))

                error = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print('error rate:', error)

    dt1 = - t0
    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    final_err1 = error_rate(pY, Ytest)

    # plot the cost
    #plt.title('Cost for batch GD with const lr')

    # 2. batch GD with RMSProp:
    W1 = W1_0.copy()
    b1 = b1_0.copy()
    W2 = W2_0.copy()
    b2 = b2_0.copy()

    LL_RMSProp = []
    CR_RMSProp = []

    lr0 = 0.001  # initial learning rate
    cache_W2 = 1
    cache_b2 = 1
    cache_W1 = 1
    cache_b1 = 1
    decay = 0.999
    eps = 10e-10

    t0 =

    print('\nperforming batch SGD with RMSProp...')
    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j * batch_size:(j + 1) * batch_size, :]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j * batch_size:(j + 1) * batch_size, :]
            p_Ybatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)
            #print(Z.shape, p_Ybatch.shape, Ybatch.shape)
            #print('First batch cost:', cost(p_Ybatch, Ybatch))

            # updates:
            gW2 = (derivative_W2(Z, Ybatch, p_Ybatch) + reg * W2)
            cache_W2 = decay * cache_W2 + (1 - decay) * gW2 * gW2
            W2 -= lr0 * gW2 / np.sqrt(cache_W2 + eps)

            gb2 = (derivative_b2(Ybatch, p_Ybatch) + reg * b2)
            cache_b2 = decay * cache_b2 + (1 - decay) * gb2 * gb2
            b2 -= lr0 * gb2 / np.sqrt(cache_b2 + eps)

            gW1 = (derivative_W1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, p_Ybatch, W2) + reg * W1)
            cache_W1 = decay * cache_W1 + (1 - decay) * gW1 * gW1
            W1 -= lr0 * gW1 / np.sqrt(cache_W1 + eps)

            gb1 = (derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, p_Ybatch, W2) + reg * b1)
            cache_b1 = decay * cache_b1 + (1 - decay) * gb1 * gb1
            b1 -= lr0 * gb1 / np.sqrt(cache_b1 + eps)

            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                #print('pY:', pY)
                ll = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print('\ni: %d, j: %d, cost: %.6f' % (i, j, ll))

                error = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print('error rate:', error)

    dt2 = - t0
    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    final_err2 = error_rate(pY, Ytest)

    # plot the cost
    #plt.title('Cost for batch SGD with RMSProp')

    # 3. batch SGD with AdaGrad:
    W1 = W1_0.copy()
    b1 = b1_0.copy()
    W2 = W2_0.copy()
    b2 = b2_0.copy()

    LL_AdaGrad = []
    CR_AdaGrad = []

    lr0 = 0.01  # initial learning rate
    cache_W2 = 1
    cache_b2 = 1
    cache_W1 = 1
    cache_b1 = 1
    eps = 10e-10

    t0 =

    print('\nperforming batch SGD with AdaGrad...')
    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j * batch_size:(j + 1) * batch_size, :]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j * batch_size:(j + 1) * batch_size, :]
            p_Ybatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)
            #print(Z.shape, p_Ybatch.shape, Ybatch.shape)
            #print('First batch cost:', cost(p_Ybatch, Ybatch))

            # updates:
            gW2 = (derivative_W2(Z, Ybatch, p_Ybatch) + reg * W2)
            cache_W2 = cache_W2 + gW2 * gW2
            W2 -= lr0 * gW2 / np.sqrt(cache_W2 + eps)

            gb2 = (derivative_b2(Ybatch, p_Ybatch) + reg * b2)
            cache_b2 = cache_b2 + gb2 * gb2
            b2 -= lr0 * gb2 / np.sqrt(cache_b2 + eps)

            gW1 = (derivative_W1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, p_Ybatch, W2) + reg * W1)
            cache_W1 = cache_W1 + gW1 * gW1
            W1 -= lr0 * gW1 / np.sqrt(cache_W1 + eps)

            gb1 = (derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, p_Ybatch, W2) + reg * b1)
            cache_b1 = cache_b1 + gb1 * gb1
            b1 -= lr0 * gb1 / np.sqrt(cache_b1 + eps)

            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                #print('pY:', pY)
                ll = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print('\ni: %d, j: %d, cost: %.6f' % (i, j, ll))

                error = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print('error rate:', error)

    dt3 = - t0
    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    final_err3 = error_rate(pY, Ytest)

    # plot the cost
    #plt.title('Cost for batch SGD with AdaGrad')

	# 4. batch SGD with exponential decay:
	W1 = W1_0.copy()
	b1 = b1_0.copy()
	W2 = W2_0.copy()
	b2 = b2_0.copy()

	LL_exp = []
	CR_exp = []

	lr0 = 0.0004 # initial learning rate
	k = 1e-7
	t = 0 # initial log
	lr = lr0 
	t0 =

	print('\nperforming batch SGD with lr exponential decay...')
	for i in range(max_iter):
		for j in range(n_batches):
			Xbatch = Xtrain[j*batch_size:(j+1)*batch_size, :]
			Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j*batch_size:(j+1)*batch_size, :]
			p_Ybatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)
			#print(Z.shape, p_Ybatch.shape, Ybatch.shape)
			#print('First batch cost:', cost(p_Ybatch, Ybatch))
			# updates:
			gW2 = (derivative_W2(Z, Ybatch, p_Ybatch) + reg*W2)
			W2 -= lr*gW2
			gb2 = (derivative_b2(Ybatch, p_Ybatch) + reg*b2)			
			b2 -= lr*gb2
			gW1 = (derivative_W1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, p_Ybatch, W2) + reg*W1)
			W1 -= lr*gW1
			gb1 = (derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, p_Ybatch, W2) + reg*b1)
			b1 -= lr*gb1 

			# decrease the learning rate
			lr = lr0 * np.exp(-k*t)
			t += 1

			if j % print_period == 0:
				print('current learning rate:', lr)
				pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
				#print('pY:', pY)
				ll = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
				print('\ni: %d, j: %d, cost: %.6f' % (i, j, ll))

				error = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
				print('error rate:', error)

	dt4 = - t0
	pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
	print('\nFinal error rate:', error_rate(pY, Ytest))
	print('Elapsed time for batch SGD with lr exponential decay:', dt4)

	# plot the cost
	#plt.title('Cost for batch SGD with lr exponential decay')

    print('\nBatch SGD with constant learning rate:')
    print('final error rate:', final_err1)
    print('elapsed time:', dt1)

    print('\nBatch SGD with RMSProp:')
    print('final error rate:', final_err2)
    print('elapsed time:', dt2)

    print('\nBatch SGD with AdaGrad:')
    print('final error rate:', final_err3)
    print('elapsed time:', dt3)

    # plot the costs together:
    plt.plot(LL_batch, label='const_lr')
    plt.plot(LL_RMSProp, label='RMSProp')
    plt.plot(LL_AdaGrad, label='AdaGrad')
    #plt.plot(LL_exp, label='lr_exp_decay')
Exemplo n.º 30
    def fit(self,
            reg=0 * .1,
        pretrain_epochs = 1
        if not pretrain:
            pretrain_epochs = 0

        current_input = X
        for ae in self.hidden_layers:
  , epochs=pretrain_epochs)
            current_input = ae.hidden_op(current_input)

        N = len(Y)
        K = len(set(Y))
        W0 = init_weight(self.hidden_layers[-1].M, K)

        self.W = theano.shared(W0, 'W_logreg')
        self.b = theano.shared(np.zeros(K), 'b_logreg')
        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        for ae in self.hidden_layers:
            self.params += ae.forward_params

        self.dW = theano.shared(np.zeros(W0.shape), 'dW_logreg')
        self.db = theano.shared(np.zeros(K), 'db_logreg')
        self.dparams = [self.dW, self.db]
        for ae in self.hidden_layers:
            self.dparams += ae.forward_dparams

        X_in = T.matrix('X_in')
        targets = T.ivector('Targets')
        pY = self.forward(X_in)

        # squared_magnitude = [(p*p) for p in self.params]
        # reg_cost= T.sum(squared_magnitude)
        cost = -T.mean(T.log(pY[T.arange(pY.shape[0]), targets]))  #+ reg_cost
        prediction = self.predict(X_in)
        cost_predict_op = theano.function(inputs=[X_in, targets],
                                          outputs=[cost, prediction])
        updates = [(p, p + mu * dp - learning_rate * T.grad(cost, p))
                   for p, dp in zip(self.params, self.dparams)
                   ] + [(dp, mu * dp - learning_rate * T.grad(cost, p))
                        for p, dp in zip(self.params, self.dparams)]

        train_op = theano.function(
            inputs=[X_in, targets],
        n_batches = N / batch_sz
        costs = []
        print 'supervised training'
        for i in xrange(epochs):
            print "epoch:", i
            X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
            for j in xrange(n_batches):
                Xbatch = X[j * batch_sz:(j + 1) * batch_sz]
                Ybatch = Y[j * batch_sz:(j + 1) * batch_sz]
                train_op(Xbatch, Ybatch)
                the_cost, the_prediction = cost_predict_op(Xtest, Ytest)
                error = error_rate(the_prediction, Ytest)
                print "i:%d\tj:%d\tnb:%d\tcost:%.6f\terror:%.3f\t" % (
                    i, j, n_batches, the_cost, error)

        if show_fig:
Exemplo n.º 31
def main():
    max_iter = 20  # make it 30 for sigmoid
    print_period = 10

    Xtrain, Xtest, Ytrain, Ytest = get_normalized_data()
    lr = 0.00004
    reg = 0.01

    Ytrain_ind = y2indicator(Ytrain)
    Ytest_ind = y2indicator(Ytest)

    N, D = Xtrain.shape
    batch_sz = 500
    n_batches = N // batch_sz

    M = 300
    K = 10
    W1 = np.random.randn(D, M) / 28
    b1 = np.zeros(M)
    W2 = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(M)
    b2 = np.zeros(K)

    # 1. const
    # cost = -16
    LL_batch = []
    CR_batch = []
    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), ]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), ]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)
            # print "first batch cost:", cost(pYbatch, Ybatch)

            # updates
            W2 -= lr * (derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg * W2)
            b2 -= lr * (derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg * b2)
            W1 -= lr * (derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) +
                        reg * W1)
            b1 -= lr * (derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg * b1)

            if j % print_period == 0:
                # calculate just for LL
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                # print "pY:", pY
                ll = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print("Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, ll))

                err = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print("Error rate:", err)

    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print("Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest))

    # 2. RMSprop
    W1 = np.random.randn(D, M) / 28
    b1 = np.zeros(M)
    W2 = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(M)
    b2 = np.zeros(K)
    LL_rms = []
    CR_rms = []
    lr0 = 0.001  # if you set this too high you'll get NaN!
    cache_W2 = 1
    cache_b2 = 1
    cache_W1 = 1
    cache_b1 = 1
    decay_rate = 0.999
    eps = 1e-10
    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), ]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), ]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)
            # print "first batch cost:", cost(pYbatch, Ybatch)

            # updates
            gW2 = derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg * W2
            cache_W2 = decay_rate * cache_W2 + (1 - decay_rate) * gW2 * gW2
            W2 -= lr0 * gW2 / (np.sqrt(cache_W2) + eps)

            gb2 = derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg * b2
            cache_b2 = decay_rate * cache_b2 + (1 - decay_rate) * gb2 * gb2
            b2 -= lr0 * gb2 / (np.sqrt(cache_b2) + eps)

            gW1 = derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg * W1
            cache_W1 = decay_rate * cache_W1 + (1 - decay_rate) * gW1 * gW1
            W1 -= lr0 * gW1 / (np.sqrt(cache_W1) + eps)

            gb1 = derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg * b1
            cache_b1 = decay_rate * cache_b1 + (1 - decay_rate) * gb1 * gb1
            b1 -= lr0 * gb1 / (np.sqrt(cache_b1) + eps)

            if j % print_period == 0:
                # calculate just for LL
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                # print "pY:", pY
                ll = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print("Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, ll))

                err = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print("Error rate:", err)

    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print("Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest))

    plt.plot(LL_batch, label='const')
    plt.plot(LL_rms, label='rms')
    def fit(self,
        K = len(set(Y))

        # make a validation set
        X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
        X = X.astype(np.float32)
        Y = y2indicator(Y).astype(np.float32)
        Xvalid, Yvalid = X[-1000:], Y[-1000:]
        Yvalid_flat = np.argmax(Yvalid, axis=1)
        X, Y = X[:-1000], Y[:-1000]

        # intialize hidden layers
        N, D = X.shape
        self.hidden_layers = []
        M1 = D
        count = 0
        for M2 in self.hidden_layer_sizes:
            h = HiddenLayer(M1, M2, count)
            M1 = M2  #output of last layer is input of next
            count += 1

        # initaliz params of output layers
        W, b = init_weight_and_bias(M1, K)
        self.W = tf.Variable(W.astype(np.float32))
        self.b = tf.Variable(b.astype(np.float32))

        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        for h in self.hidden_layers:
            self.params += h.params

        tfX = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, D), name='X')
        tfT = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, K), name='T')
        act = self.forward(tfX)

        rcost = reg * sum([tf.nn.l2_loss(p) for p in self.params])
        cost = tf.reduce_mean(
                                                    labels=tfT)) + rcost
        predction = self.predict(tfX)
        train_op = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate,

        n_batches = int(N / batch_sz)
        costs = []
        init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
        with tf.Session() as session:
            for i in range(epochs):
                X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
                for j in range(n_batches):
                    Xbatch = X[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz)]
                    Ybatch = Y[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz)]

          , feed_dict={tfX: Xbatch, tfT: Ybatch})

                    if j % 20 == 0:
                        c =,
                                            tfX: Xvalid,
                                            tfT: Yvalid

                        p =,
                                            tfX: Xvalid,
                                            tfT: Yvalid
                        e = error_rate(Yvalid_flat, p)
                        print("i:", i, "j:", j, "nb:", n_batches, "cost:", c,
                              "error_rate", e)

        if show_fig:
Exemplo n.º 33
    def fit(self,
        lr = np.float32(lr)
        mu = np.float32(mu)
        reg = np.float32(reg)
        decay = np.float32(decay)
        eps = np.float32(eps)
        K = len(set(Y))

        # make a validation set
        X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
        X = X.astype(np.float32)
        Y = y2indicator(Y).astype(np.float32)

        Xvalid, Yvalid = X[-1000:], Y[-1000:]
        X, Y = X[:-1000], Y[:-1000]
        Yvalid_flat = np.argmax(Yvalid, axis=1)  # for calculating error rate

        # initialize convpool layers
        N, width, height, c = X.shape
        mi = c
        outw = width
        outh = height
        self.convpool_layers = []
        for mo, fw, fh in self.convpool_layer_sizes:
            layer = ConvPoolLayer(mi, mo, fw, fh)
            outw = outw // 2
            outh = outh // 2
            mi = mo

        # initialize mlp layers
        self.hidden_layers = []
        M1 = self.convpool_layer_sizes[-1][
            0] * outw * outh  # size must be same as output of last convpool layer
        count = 0
        for M2 in self.hidden_layer_sizes:
            h = HiddenLayer(M1, M2, count)
            M1 = M2
            count += 1

        # logistic regression layer
        W, b = init_weight_and_bias(M1, K)
        self.W = tf.Variable(W, 'W_logreg')
        self.b = tf.Variable(b, 'b_logreg')

        # collect params for later use
        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        for h in self.convpool_layers:
            self.params += h.params
        for h in self.hidden_layers:
            self.params += h.params

        # set up tensorflow functions and variables
        tfX = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                             shape=(None, width, height, c),
        tfY = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, K), name='Y')
        act = self.forward(tfX)

        rcost = reg * sum([tf.nn.l2_loss(p) for p in self.params])
        cost = tf.reduce_mean(
                                                    labels=tfY)) + rcost
        prediction = self.predict(tfX)

        train_op = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(lr, decay=decay,

        n_batches = N // batch_sz
        costs = []
        init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
        with tf.Session() as session:
            for i in range(epochs):
                X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
                for j in range(n_batches):
                    Xbatch = X[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz)]
                    Ybatch = Y[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz)]

          , feed_dict={tfX: Xbatch, tfY: Ybatch})

                    if j % 20 == 0:
                        c =,
                                            tfX: Xvalid,
                                            tfY: Yvalid

                        p =,
                                            tfX: Xvalid,
                                            tfY: Yvalid
                        e = error_rate(Yvalid_flat, p)
                        print("i:", i, "j:", j, "nb:", n_batches, "cost:", c,
                              "error rate:", e)

        if show_fig:
def main():
    #Get train and test data
    XTrain, YTrain = get_train_data()
    YTrain_ind = y2indicator(YTrain)
    XTrain = reshape(XTrain)

    XTest, YTest = get_test_data()
    YTest_ind = y2indicator(YTest)
    XTest = reshape(XTest)

    N, K = YTrain_ind.shape
    lr = np.float32(0.001)
    mu = np.float32(0.99)
    reg = np.float32(0.01)
    poolsz = (2, 2)
    M = 100
    batch_sz = 500
    no_batches = int(N / batch_sz)

    #Initial random weights
    W1_shape = (5, 5, 3, 20)
    W1_init = init_filter(W1_shape, poolsz)
    b1_init = np.zeros([W1_shape[3]])

    W2_shape = (5, 5, 25, 50)
    W2_init = init_filter(W2_shape, poolsz)
    b2_init = np.zeros([W2_shape[3]])

    W3_init = np.random.randn(W2_shape[3] * 8 * 8,
                              M) / np.sqrt(W2_shape[3] * 8 * 8 + M)
    b3_init = np.zeros([M])

    W4_init = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(M + K)
    b4_init = np.zeros([K])

    #Tensorflow variables
    X = tf.placeholder(name='X', dtype='float32', shape=(batch_sz, 32, 32, 3))
    Y = tf.placeholder(name='Y', dtype='float32', shape=(batch_sz, K))
    W1 = tf.Variable(W1_init.astype(np.float32), name='W1')
    b1 = tf.Variable(b1_init.astype(np.float32), name='b1')
    W2 = tf.Variable(W2_init.astype(np.float32), name='W2')
    b2 = tf.Variable(b2_init.astype(np.float32), name='b2')
    W3 = tf.Variable(W3_init.astype(np.float32), name='W3')
    b3 = tf.Variable(b3_init.astype(np.float32), name='b3')
    W4 = tf.Variable(W4_init.astype(np.float32), name='W4')
    b4 = tf.Variable(b4_init.astype(np.float32), name='b4')

    #Forward prop
    Z1 = convpool(X, W1, b1)
    Z2 = convpool(Z1, W2, b2)
    Z2_shape = Z2.get_shape().as_list()
    Z2_flat = tf.reshape(Z2, [Z2_shape[0],[1:])])
    Z3 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(Z2_flat, W3) + b3)
    pY = tf.matmul(Z3, W4) + b4

    #Cost and prediction
    cost = tf.reduce_sum(
        tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=pY, labels=Y))

    #Train function
    train = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(lr, decay=0.99,

    #Get prediction
    pred = tf.argmax(pY, axis=1)

    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
    with tf.Session() as session:
        for i in range(100):
            for n in range(no_batches):
                #get current batches
                XBatch = XTrain[n * batch_sz:(n * batch_sz + batch_sz), :]
                YBatch_ind = YTrain_ind[n * batch_sz:(n * batch_sz +
                                                      batch_sz), :]
                #Forward prop
      , feed_dict={X: XBatch, Y: YBatch_ind})

                if (n % 200 == 0):
                    YBatch = YTrain[n * batch_sz:(n * batch_sz + batch_sz)]
                    c =, feed_dict={X: XBatch, Y: YBatch_ind})
                    P =, feed_dict={X: XBatch})
                    er = error_rate(P, YBatch)
                    print("Iteration: ", i, "Cost: ", c, "Error rate: ", er)
Exemplo n.º 35
def main():
    max_iter = 20
    print_period = 20

    Xtrain, Xtest, Ytrain, Ytest = get_normalized_data()
    Ytrain_ind = y2indicator(Ytrain)   # Target of train data 
    Ytest_ind = y2indicator(Ytest)      # Target of test data 

    lr = 0.00004
    reg = 0.01

    N, D = Xtrain.shape
    M = 300
    K = 10

    W1 = np.random.randn(D, M) / np.sqrt(D)   
    b1 = np.zeros(M)
    W2 = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(M)  
    b2 = np.zeros(K)

    batch_sz = 500
    n_batches = N // batch_sz    # 82

    # save initial weights
    W1_0 = W1.copy()
    b1_0 = b1.copy()
    W2_0 = W2.copy()
    b2_0 = b2.copy()

    # 1. learning rate =  constant
    losses_batch = []
    errors_batch = []
    for i in range(max_iter):
        # Xtrain, Ytrain_ind = shuffle(Xtrain, Ytrain_ind)
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]  # Target of each batch
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)
            # print "first batch cost:", cost(pYbatch, Ybatch)

            # updates
            W2 -= lr*(derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*W2)    
            b2 -= lr*(derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*b2)
            W1 -= lr*(derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*W1)
            b1 -= lr*(derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*b1)

            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                l = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print("Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, l))

                e = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print("Error rate:", e)

    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print("Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest))

    # 2.  RMSprop
    W1 = W1_0.copy()
    b1 = b1_0.copy()
    W2 = W2_0.copy()
    b2 = b2_0.copy()

    losses_rms = []
    errors_rms = []

    in RMSprop you can use a bigger lr, 
    but if you set this too high you'll get NaN!
    if you use the same learning rate within RMSprop and General method, there is only slight difference between them. 
    lr0 = 0.001   
    cache_W2 = 1
    cache_b2 = 1
    cache_W1 = 1
    cache_b1 = 1
    decay_rate = 0.999
    eps = 1e-10
    for i in range(max_iter):
        # Xtrain, Ytrain_ind = shuffle(Xtrain, Ytrain_ind)
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]  # Target of each batch
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)
            # print "first batch cost:", cost(pYbatch, Ybatch)

            # # update
            # cache_W2 = decay_rate*cache_W2 + (1 - decay_rate)*np.square(derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*W2)
            # W2 -= lr0 / (np.sqrt(cache_W2) + eps) *(derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*W2)

            # cache_b2 = decay_rate*cache_b2 + (1 - decay_rate)*np.square(derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*b2)
            # b2 -= lr0 / (np.sqrt(cache_b2) + eps) *(derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*b2)

            # cache_W1 = decay_rate*cache_W1 + (1 - decay_rate)*np.square(derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2))
            # W1 -= lr0 / (np.sqrt(cache_W1) + eps) *(derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*W1)

            # cache_b1 = decay_rate*cache_b1 + (1 - decay_rate)*np.square(derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*b1)
            # b1 -= lr0 / (np.sqrt(cache_b1) + eps) *(derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*b1)

            # updates
            # 更聰明的寫法,是把上面式子中,會重複計算到的部分提出來計算並指派給變數,讓它只計算一次,這樣會加速
            gW2 = derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*W2
            cache_W2 = decay_rate*cache_W2 + (1 - decay_rate)*gW2*gW2
            W2 -= lr0 * gW2 / (np.sqrt(cache_W2) + eps)

            gb2 = derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*b2
            cache_b2 = decay_rate*cache_b2 + (1 - decay_rate)*gb2*gb2
            b2 -= lr0 * gb2 / (np.sqrt(cache_b2) + eps)

            gW1 = derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*W1
            cache_W1 = decay_rate*cache_W1 + (1 - decay_rate)*gW1*gW1
            W1 -= lr0 * gW1 / (np.sqrt(cache_W1) + eps)

            gb1 = derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*b1
            cache_b1 = decay_rate*cache_b1 + (1 - decay_rate)*gb1*gb1
            b1 -= lr0 * gb1 / (np.sqrt(cache_b1) + eps)

            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                l = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print("Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, l))

                e = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print("Error rate:", e)

    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print("Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest))

    plt.plot(losses_batch, label='contant')
    plt.plot(losses_rms, label='RMSprop')
Exemplo n.º 36
def main():
		RMSprop is a form adaptative learning rate which decreases over time
	max_iter = 20  #for RelU
	#max_iter = 30 #for sigmoid
	print_period = 10 	
	X, Y   = get_normalized_data()
	lr = 0.0004
	reg = 0.01 

	Xtrain = X[:-1000,]
	Ytrain = Y[:-1000]
	Xtest = X[-1000:,]
	Ytest = Y[-1000:]
	Ytrain_ind = y2indicator(Ytrain)
	Ytest_ind = y2indicator(Ytest)
	N, D = Xtrain.shape
	batch_sz = 500
	n_batches = N / batch_sz

	M =300

	#1. batch SGD
	W1 = np.random.randn(D, M) / 28
	b1 = np.zeros(M)
	W2 = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(M)
	b2 = np.zeros(K)

	LL_batch = [] 
	CR_batch = [] 
	for i in xrange(max_iter):
		for j in xrange(n_batches):
			Xbatch = Xtrain[j*batch_sz:((j+1)*batch_sz), :]
			Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j*batch_sz:((j+1)*batch_sz), :]
			pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2) 

			W2 -=  lr*(derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*W2)
			b2 -=  lr*(derivative_b2(Ybatch,pYbatch) + reg*b2)
			W1 -=  lr*(derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*W1)
			b1 -=  lr*(derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*b1)			

			if j % print_period ==0:
				pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
				ll = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
				print "Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, ll)

				err = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
				print "Error rate:", err 

	pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2) 			
	print "Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest)

	#2. RMSProp
	W1 = np.random.randn(D, M) / 28
	b1 = np.zeros(M)
	W2 = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(M)
	b2 = np.zeros(K)

	LL_rms = [] 
	CR_rms = [] 
	lr0 = 0.001
	cache_W2 = 0 
	cache_b2 = 0 
	cache_W1 = 0 
	cache_b1 = 0 
	decay_rate = 1 - 1e-5
	eps = 1e-10
	for i in xrange(max_iter):
		for j in xrange(n_batches):
			Xbatch = Xtrain[j*batch_sz:((j+1)*batch_sz), :]
			Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j*batch_sz:((j+1)*batch_sz), :]
			pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2) 

			gW2 =  derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*W2
			cache_W2 = decay_rate*cache_W2 + (1-decay_rate)*gW2*gW2 			
			W2 -=  lr0*gW2 /(np.sqrt(cache_W2) + eps)
			gb2 = derivative_b2(Ybatch,pYbatch) + reg*b2
			cache_b2  = decay_rate*cache_b2 + (1-decay_rate)*gb2*gb2 			
			b2 -=  lr0*gb2 /(np.sqrt(cache_b2) + eps)

			gW1 =  derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*W1
			cache_W1 = decay_rate*cache_W1 + (1-decay_rate)*gW1*gW1 			
			W1 -=  lr0*gW1 /(np.sqrt(cache_W1) + eps)
			gb1 = derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*b1
			cache_b1  = decay_rate*cache_b1 + (1-decay_rate)*gb1*gb1			
			b1 -=  lr0*gb1 /(np.sqrt(cache_b1) + eps)

			if j % print_period ==0:
				pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
				ll = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
				print "RMS Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, ll)

				err = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
				print "RMS Error rate:", err 

	pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2) 			
	print "RMS 	Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest)

	plt.plot(LL_batch, label='batch')	
	plt.plot(LL_rms, label='rms')	
Exemplo n.º 37
 def score(self, X, Y):
     prediction = self.predict(X)
     return 1 - error_rate(Y, prediction)
Exemplo n.º 38
    def fit(self,
        learning_rate = np.float32(learning_rate)
        mu = np.float32(mu)
        decay = np.float32(decay)
        reg = np.float32(reg)
        eps = np.float32(eps)

        # make a validation set
        X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
        X = X.astype(np.float32)
        Y = Y.astype(np.int32)
        Xvalid, Yvalid = X[-1000:], Y[-1000:]
        X, Y = X[:-1000], Y[:-1000]

        # initialize hidden layers
        N, D = X.shape
        K = len(set(Y))
        self.hidden_layers = []
        M1 = D
        count = 0
        for M2 in self.hidden_layer_sizes:
            h = HiddenLayer(M1, M2, count)
            M1 = M2
            count += 1
        W, b = weights_and_bias_init(M1, K)
        self.W = theano.shared(W, 'W_logreg')
        self.b = theano.shared(b, 'b_logreg')

        # collect params for later use
        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        for h in self.hidden_layers:
            self.params += h.params

        # for momentum
        dparams = [
            theano.shared(np.zeros(p.get_value().shape, dtype=np.float32))
            for p in self.params

        # for rmsprop
        cache = [
            theano.shared(np.zeros(p.get_value().shape, dtype=np.float32))
            for p in self.params

        # set up theano functions and variables
        thX = T.fmatrix('X')
        thT = T.ivector('T')
        Y = self.th_forward(thX)

        rcost = reg * T.sum([(p * p).sum() for p in self.params])
        cost = -T.mean(T.log(Y[T.arange(thT.shape[0]), thT])) + rcost
        prediction = self.th_predict(thX)

        # actual prediction function
        self.predict_op = theano.function(inputs=[thX], outputs=prediction)
        cost_predict_op = theano.function(inputs=[thX, thT],
                                          outputs=[cost, prediction])

        updates = [
            (c, decay * c +
             (np.float32(1) - decay) * T.grad(cost, p) * T.grad(cost, p))
            for p, c in zip(self.params, cache)
        ] + [
             p + mu * dp - learning_rate * T.grad(cost, p) / T.sqrt(c + eps))
            for p, c, dp in zip(self.params, cache, dparams)
        ] + [(dp, mu * dp - learning_rate * T.grad(cost, p) / T.sqrt(c + eps))
             for p, c, dp in zip(self.params, cache, dparams)]

        # momentum only
        # updates = [
        #     (p, p + mu*dp - learning_rate*T.grad(cost, p)) for p, dp in zip(self.params, dparams)
        # ] + [
        #     (dp, mu*dp - learning_rate*T.grad(cost, p)) for p, dp in zip(self.params, dparams)
        # ]

        train_op = theano.function(inputs=[thX, thT], updates=updates)

        n_batches = N // batch_sz
        costs = []
        for i in range(epochs):
            X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
            for j in range(n_batches):
                Xbatch = X[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz)]
                Ybatch = Y[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz)]

                train_op(Xbatch, Ybatch)

                if j % 20 == 0:
                    c, p = cost_predict_op(Xvalid, Yvalid)
                    e = error_rate(Yvalid, p)
                    print("i:", i, "j:", j, "nb:", n_batches, "cost:", c,
                          "error rate:", e)

        if show_fig:
 def score(self, X, Y):
     prediction = self.predict(X)
     return 1 - error_rate(Y, prediction)
Exemplo n.º 40
def main():
    # compare 3 scenarios:
    # 1. batch SGD
    # 2. batch SGD with momentum
    # 3. batch SGD with Nesterov momentum

    max_iter = 20 # make it 30 for sigmoid
    print_period = 50

    Xtrain, Xtest, Ytrain, Ytest = get_normalized_data()
    lr = 0.00004
    reg = 0.01

    Ytrain_ind = y2indicator(Ytrain)
    Ytest_ind = y2indicator(Ytest)

    N, D = Xtrain.shape
    batch_sz = 500
    n_batches = N // batch_sz

    M = 300
    K = 10
    W1 = np.random.randn(D, M) / np.sqrt(D)
    b1 = np.zeros(M)
    W2 = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(M)
    b2 = np.zeros(K)

    # save initial weights
    W1_0 = W1.copy()
    b1_0 = b1.copy()
    W2_0 = W2.copy()
    b2_0 = b2.copy()

    # 1. batch
    losses_batch = []
    errors_batch = []
    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)
            # print "first batch cost:", cost(pYbatch, Ybatch)

            # updates
            W2 -= lr*(derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*W2)
            b2 -= lr*(derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*b2)
            W1 -= lr*(derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*W1)
            b1 -= lr*(derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*b1)

            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                l = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print("Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, l))

                e = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print("Error rate:", e)

    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print("Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest))

    # 2. batch with momentum
    W1 = W1_0.copy()
    b1 = b1_0.copy()
    W2 = W2_0.copy()
    b2 = b2_0.copy()
    losses_momentum = []
    errors_momentum = []
    mu = 0.9
    dW2 = 0
    db2 = 0
    dW1 = 0
    db1 = 0
    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)

            # gradients
            gW2 = derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*W2
            gb2 = derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*b2
            gW1 = derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*W1
            gb1 = derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*b1

            # update velocities
            dW2 = mu*dW2 - lr*gW2
            db2 = mu*db2 - lr*gb2
            dW1 = mu*dW1 - lr*gW1
            db1 = mu*db1 - lr*gb1

            # updates
            W2 += dW2
            b2 += db2
            W1 += dW1
            b1 += db1

            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                l = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print("Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, l))

                e = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print("Error rate:", e)
    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print("Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest))

    # 3. batch with Nesterov momentum
    W1 = W1_0.copy()
    b1 = b1_0.copy()
    W2 = W2_0.copy()
    b2 = b2_0.copy()

    losses_nesterov = []
    errors_nesterov = []

    mu = 0.9
    vW2 = 0
    vb2 = 0
    vW1 = 0
    vb1 = 0
    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)

            # updates
            gW2 = derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*W2
            gb2 = derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*b2
            gW1 = derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*W1
            gb1 = derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*b1

            # v update
            vW2 = mu*vW2 - lr*gW2
            vb2 = mu*vb2 - lr*gb2
            vW1 = mu*vW1 - lr*gW1
            vb1 = mu*vb1 - lr*gb1

            # param update
            W2 += mu*vW2 - lr*gW2
            b2 += mu*vb2 - lr*gb2
            W1 += mu*vW1 - lr*gW1
            b1 += mu*vb1 - lr*gb1

            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                l = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print("Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, l))

                e = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print("Error rate:", e)
    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print("Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest))

    plt.plot(losses_batch, label="batch")
    plt.plot(losses_momentum, label="momentum")
    plt.plot(losses_nesterov, label="nesterov")
Exemplo n.º 41
def main():
    max_iter = 10
    print_period = 10
    X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = get_normalized_data()
    reg = 0.01

    Y_train_ind = y2indicator(Y_train)
    Y_test_ind = y2indicator(Y_test)

    N, D = X_train.shape
    batch_sz = 500
    n_batches = N // batch_sz

    M = 300
    K = 10

    W1_0 = np.random.randn(D, M) / np.sqrt(D)
    b1_0 = np.zeros(M)
    W2_0 = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(K)
    b2_0 = np.zeros(K)

    # .1 Adam

    W1 = W1_0.copy()
    W2 = W2_0.copy()
    b1 = b1_0.copy()
    b2 = b2_0.copy()

    losses_adam = []
    errors_adam = []

    # 1st moment
    mW1 = 0
    mW2 = 0
    mb1 = 0
    mb2 = 0

    # 2nd moment
    vW1 = 0
    vW2 = 0
    vb1 = 0
    vb2 = 0

    # Hyperparams
    eps = 1e-8
    lr = 0.001
    beta1 = 0.9
    beta2 = 0.999

    t = 1

    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = X_train[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), ]
            Ybatch = Y_train_ind[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), ]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)

            # updates

            # gradients
            gW2 = derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg * W2
            gb2 = derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg * b2
            gW1 = derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg * W1
            gb1 = derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg * b1

            # new m
            mW1 = beta1 * mW1 + (1 - beta1) * gW1
            mb1 = beta1 * mb1 + (1 - beta1) * gb1
            mW2 = beta1 * mW2 + (1 - beta1) * gW2
            mb2 = beta1 * mb2 + (1 - beta1) * gb2

            # new v
            vW2 = beta2 * vW2 + (1 - beta2) * gW2 * gW2
            vb2 = beta2 * vb2 + (1 - beta2) * gb2 * gb2
            vW1 = beta2 * vW1 + (1 - beta2) * gW1 * gW1
            vb1 = beta2 * vb1 + (1 - beta2) * gb1 * gb1
            # bias correction
            correction1 = 1 - beta1 ** t
            mW1_hat = mW1 / correction1
            mb1_hat = mb1 / correction1
            mW2_hat = mW2 / correction1
            mb2_hat = mb2 / correction1

            correction2 = 1 - beta2 ** t
            vb2_hat = vb2 / correction2
            vb1_hat = vb1 / correction2
            vW2_hat = vW2 / correction2
            vW1_hat = vW1 / correction2

            t += 1
            # weights
            W1 = W1 - lr * mW1_hat / np.sqrt(vW1_hat + eps)
            b1 = b1 - lr * mb1_hat / np.sqrt(vb1_hat + eps)
            W2 = W2 - lr * mW2_hat / np.sqrt(vW2_hat + eps)
            b2 = b2 - lr * mb2_hat / np.sqrt(vb2_hat + eps)

            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(X_test, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                l = cost(pY, Y_test_ind)
                print(f'Adam Cost at iteration i={i}, j={j} : {l}')

                e = error_rate(pY, Y_test)
                print("error_rate", e)

    pY, _ = forward(X_test, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    adam_error = error_rate(pY, Y_test)

    # 3. RMSProp with momentum
    W1 = W1_0.copy()
    b1 = b1_0.copy()
    W2 = W2_0.copy()
    b2 = b2_0.copy()
    losses_rms = []
    errors_rms = []

    # comparable hyper parameters for fair
    lr0 = 0.001
    mu = 0.9
    decay_rate = 0.999
    eps = 1e-8

    # rmsprop cache
    cache_W2 = 1
    cache_b2 = 1
    cache_W1 = 1
    cache_b1 = 1

    # momentum
    dW1 = 0
    db1 = 0
    dW2 = 0
    db2 = 0

    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = X_train[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), ]
            Ybatch = Y_train_ind[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), ]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)

            # updates
            gW2 = derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg * W2
            cache_W2 = decay_rate * cache_W2 + (1 - decay_rate) * gW2 * gW2
            dW2 = mu * dW2 + (1 - mu) * lr0 * gW2 / (np.sqrt(cache_W2) + eps)
            W2 -= dW2

            gb2 = derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg * b2
            cache_b2 = decay_rate * cache_b2 + (1 - decay_rate) * gb2 * gb2
            db2 = mu * db2 + (1 - mu) * lr0 * gb2 / (np.sqrt(cache_b2) + eps)
            b2 -= db2

            gW1 = derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg * W1
            cache_W1 = decay_rate * cache_W1 + (1 - decay_rate) * gW1 * gW1
            dW1 = mu * dW1 + (1 - mu) * lr0 * gW1 / (np.sqrt(cache_W1) + eps)
            W1 -= dW1

            gb1 = derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg * b1
            cache_b1 = decay_rate * cache_b1 + (1 - decay_rate) * gb1 * gb1
            db1 = mu * db1 + (1 - mu) * lr0 * gb1 / (np.sqrt(cache_b1) + eps)
            b1 -= db1
            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(X_test, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                l = cost(pY, Y_test_ind)
                print(f'Cost at iteration i={i}, j={j} : {l}')
                err = error_rate(pY, Y_test)
                print("Error rate:", err)

    pY, _ = forward(X_test, W1, b1, W2, b2)

    rms_error = error_rate(pY, Y_test)

    print(f"Final RMSProp error rate: {rms_error}")
    print(f"Final Adam error rate: {adam_error}")
    plt.plot(losses_adam, label='batch cost')
    plt.plot(losses_rms, label='RMSProp cost')
Exemplo n.º 42
    def fit(self,
        lr = np.float32(lr)
        mu = np.float32(mu)
        reg = np.float32(reg)
        decay = np.float32(decay)
        eps = np.float32(eps)

        # A cross validation set
        X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
        X = X.astype(np.float32)
        Y = Y.astype(np.int32)
        Xvalid, Yvalid = X[-1000:], Y[-1000:]
        X, Y = X[:-1000], Y[:-1000]

        # initialize convpool layers
        N, c, width, height = X.shape
        mi = c
        outw = width
        outh = height
        self.convpool_layers = []
        for mo, fw, fh in self.convpool_layer_sizes:
            layer = ConvPoolLayer(mi, mo, fw, fh)
            outw = (outw - fw + 1) // 2
            outh = (outh - fh + 1) // 2
            mi = mo

        # initialize mlp layers
        K = len(set(Y))
        self.hidden_layers = []
        M1 = self.convpool_layer_sizes[-1][
            0] * outw * outh  # size must be same as output of last convpool layer
        count = 0
        for M2 in self.hidden_layer_sizes:
            h = HiddenLayer(M1, M2, count)
            M1 = M2
            count += 1

        # logistic regression layer
        W, b = init_weight_and_bias(M1, K)
        self.W = theano.shared(W, 'W_logreg')
        self.b = theano.shared(b, 'b_logreg')

        # collect params for later use
        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        for c in self.convpool_layers:
            self.params += c.params
        for h in self.hidden_layers:
            self.params += h.params

        # set up theano functions and variables
        thX = T.tensor4('X', dtype='float32')
        thY = T.ivector('Y')
        pY = self.forward(thX)

        rcost = reg * T.sum([(p * p).sum() for p in self.params])
        cost = -T.mean(T.log(pY[T.arange(thY.shape[0]), thY])) + rcost
        prediction = self.th_predict(thX)

        cost_predict_op = theano.function(inputs=[thX, thY],
                                          outputs=[cost, prediction])

        updates = rmsprop(cost, self.params, lr, mu, decay, eps)
        train_op = theano.function(inputs=[thX, thY],

        n_batches = N // batch_sz
        costs = []
        for i in range(epochs):
            X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
            for j in range(n_batches):
                Xbatch = X[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz)]
                Ybatch = Y[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz)]

                train_c = train_op(Xbatch, Ybatch)

                if j % 20 == 0:
                    c, p = cost_predict_op(Xvalid, Yvalid)
                    e = error_rate(Yvalid, p)
                    print("i:", i, "j:", j, "nb:", n_batches, "train cost:",
                          train_c, "cost:", c, "error rate:", e)

        if show_fig:
    def fit(self, X, Y, Xtest, Ytest, pretrain=True, learning_rate=0.01, mu=0.99, reg=0.1, epochs=1, batch_sz=100):
        # greedy layer-wise training of autoencoders
        pretrain_epochs = 1
        if not pretrain:
            pretrain_epochs = 0

        current_input = X
        for ae in self.hidden_layers:
  , epochs=pretrain_epochs)

            # create current_input for the next layer
            current_input = ae.hidden_op(current_input)

        # initialize logistic regression layer
        N = len(Y)
        K = len(set(Y))
        W0 = init_weights((self.hidden_layers[-1].M, K))
        self.W = theano.shared(W0, "W_logreg")
        self.b = theano.shared(np.zeros(K), "b_logreg")

        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        for ae in self.hidden_layers:
            self.params += ae.forward_params

        # for momentum
        self.dW = theano.shared(np.zeros(W0.shape), "dW_logreg")
        self.db = theano.shared(np.zeros(K), "db_logreg")
        self.dparams = [self.dW, self.db]
        for ae in self.hidden_layers:
            self.dparams += ae.forward_dparams

        X_in = T.matrix('X_in')
        targets = T.ivector('Targets')
        pY = self.forward(X_in)

        # squared_magnitude = [(p*p).sum() for p in self.params]
        # reg_cost = T.sum(squared_magnitude)
        cost = -T.mean( T.log(pY[T.arange(pY.shape[0]), targets]) ) #+ reg*reg_cost
        prediction = self.predict(X_in)
        cost_predict_op = theano.function(
            inputs=[X_in, targets],
            outputs=[cost, prediction],

        updates = [
            (p, p + mu*dp - learning_rate*T.grad(cost, p)) for p, dp in zip(self.params, self.dparams)
        ] + [
            (dp, mu*dp - learning_rate*T.grad(cost, p)) for p, dp in zip(self.params, self.dparams)
        # updates = [(p, p - learning_rate*T.grad(cost, p)) for p in self.params]
        train_op = theano.function(
            inputs=[X_in, targets],

        n_batches = N // batch_sz
        costs = []
        print("supervised training...")
        for i in range(epochs):
            print("epoch:", i)
            X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
            for j in range(n_batches):
                Xbatch = X[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz)]
                Ybatch = Y[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz)]
                train_op(Xbatch, Ybatch)
                the_cost, the_prediction = cost_predict_op(Xtest, Ytest)
                error = error_rate(the_prediction, Ytest)
                print("j / n_batches:", j, "/", n_batches, "cost:", the_cost, "error:", error)
Exemplo n.º 44
    def fit(self,
        # set evarything to np.float32 to enable tf computation running correctly
        learning_rate = np.float32(learning_rate)
        mu = np.float32(mu)
        decay = np.float32(decay)

        # create a vailidation set:
        X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)

        Xvalid, Yvalid = X[-1000:, ], Y[-1000:]
        X, Y = X[:-1000, ], Y[:-1000]

        # initialize hidden layers:
        N, D = X.shape
        K = len(set(Y))
        self.hidden_layers = []
        M1 = D
        count = 0
        # iterate the self.hidden_layer_sizes list through M1 variable:
        for M2 in self.hidden_layer_sizes:
            h = HiddenLayer(M1, M2, count)
            M1 = M2
            count += 1

        # the last_hidden_layer-output_layer weights and bias:
        W, b = init_weight_and_bias(M1, K)
        self.W = tf.Variable(W, name='W%s' % count)
        self.b = tf.Variable(b, name='b%s' % count)

        # collect all the network's parameters:
        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        for h in self.hidden_layers:
            self.params += h.parameters

        # define tensorflow placeholders:
        tfX = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, D), name='X')
        tfT = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None, ), name='T')

        # the logits ouputs of the network:
        Y_logits = self.forward_train(tfX)

        # define the expression for cost:
        cost = tf.reduce_mean(

        # define the tensorflow train function:
        train_op = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate,

        predict_op = self.predict(tfX)

        # validation cost will be calculated separately since nothing will be dropped
        Y_logits_valid = self.forward_predict(tfX)
        cost_valid = tf.reduce_mean(
                logits=Y_logits_valid, labels=tfT))

        n_batches = N // batch_sz
        costs = []
        init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
        with tf.Session() as session:
            # initialize all tf variables:
            print('\nInitializing variables...')
            print('\nPerforming batch SGD with RMSProp and momentum...')
            for i in range(epochs):
                X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
                for j in range(n_batches):
                    Xbatch = X[j * batch_sz:(j + 1) * batch_sz, :]
                    Ybatch = Y[j * batch_sz:(j + 1) * batch_sz]

          , feed_dict={tfX: Xbatch, tfT: Ybatch})
                    if j % 20 == 0:
                        c =,
                                            tfX: Xvalid,
                                            tfT: Yvalid
                        prediction =,
                                                     tfX: Xvalid,
                                                     tfT: Yvalid
                        error = error_rate(Yvalid, prediction)
                        print('\ni: %d,  j: %d,  cost: %.6f,  error: %.6f' %
                              (i, j, c, error))

            # make the final prediction:
            prediction =, feed_dict={tfX: Xvalid})
            final_error = error_rate(Yvalid, prediction)

            if save_params:
                for h in self.hidden_layers:
                    p_type = 'W'
                    for p in h.parameters:
                        p = p.eval()
                        name = p_type + str(
              , p)
                        p_type = 'b'
                # last hidden layer - output layer parameters:
      'W%s' % count, self.W.eval())
      'b%s' % count, self.b.eval())

        if display_cost:
    def fit(self, X, Y, lr=10e-4, mu=0.99, reg=10e-4, decay=0.99999, eps=10e-3, batch_sz=30, epochs=3, show_fig=True):
        lr = np.float32(lr)
        mu = np.float32(mu)
        reg = np.float32(reg)
        decay = np.float32(decay)
        eps = np.float32(eps)
        K = len(set(Y))

        # make a validation set
        X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
        X = X.astype(np.float32)
        Y = y2indicator(Y).astype(np.float32)

        Xvalid, Yvalid = X[-1000:], Y[-1000:]
        X, Y = X[:-1000], Y[:-1000]
        Yvalid_flat = np.argmax(Yvalid, axis=1) # for calculating error rate

        # initialize convpool layers
        N, d, d, c = X.shape
        mi = c
        outw = d
        outh = d
        self.convpool_layers = []
        for mo, fw, fh in self.convpool_layer_sizes:
            layer = ConvPoolLayer(mi, mo, fw, fh)
            outw = outw / 2
            outh = outh / 2
            mi = mo

        # initialize mlp layers
        self.hidden_layers = []
        M1 = self.convpool_layer_sizes[-1][0]*outw*outh # size must be same as output of last convpool layer
        count = 0
        for M2 in self.hidden_layer_sizes:
            h = HiddenLayer(M1, M2, count)
            M1 = M2
            count += 1

        # logistic regression layer
        W, b = init_weight_and_bias(M1, K)
        self.W = tf.Variable(W, 'W_logreg')
        self.b = tf.Variable(b, 'b_logreg')

        # collect params for later use
        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        for h in self.convpool_layers:
            self.params += h.params
        for h in self.hidden_layers:
            self.params += h.params

        # set up tensorflow functions and variables
        tfX = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, d, d, c), name='X')
        tfY = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, K), name='Y')
        act = self.forward(tfX)

        rcost = reg*sum([tf.nn.l2_loss(p) for p in self.params])
        cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(act, tfY)) + rcost
        prediction = self.predict(tfX)

        train_op = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(lr, decay=decay, momentum=mu).minimize(cost)

        n_batches = N / batch_sz
        costs = []
        init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
        with tf.Session() as session:
            for i in xrange(epochs):
                X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
                for j in xrange(n_batches):
                    Xbatch = X[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz+batch_sz)]
                    Ybatch = Y[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz+batch_sz)]

          , feed_dict={tfX: Xbatch, tfY: Ybatch})

                    if j % 20 == 0:
                        c =, feed_dict={tfX: Xvalid, tfY: Yvalid})

                        p =, feed_dict={tfX: Xvalid, tfY: Yvalid})
                        e = error_rate(Yvalid_flat, p)
                        print "i:", i, "j:", j, "nb:", n_batches, "cost:", c, "error rate:", e

        if show_fig:
Exemplo n.º 46
def main():
    Xtrain, Xtest, Ytrain, Ytest = get_transformed_data()
    print("Performing logistic regression...")

    N, D = Xtrain.shape
    Ytrain_ind = y2indicator(Ytrain)
    Ytest_ind = y2indicator(Ytest)

    # 1. full
    W = np.random.randn(D, 10) / np.sqrt(D)
    b = np.zeros(10)
    LL = []
    lr = 0.0001
    reg = 0.01
    t0 =
    for i in range(50):
        p_y = forward(Xtrain, W, b)

        W += lr * (gradW(Ytrain_ind, p_y, Xtrain) - reg * W)
        b += lr * (gradb(Ytrain_ind, p_y) - reg * b)

        p_y_test = forward(Xtest, W, b)
        ll = cost(p_y_test, Ytest_ind)
        if i % 1 == 0:
            err = error_rate(p_y_test, Ytest)
            if i % 10 == 0:
                print("Cost at iteration %d: %.6f" % (i, ll))
                print("Error rate:", err)
    p_y = forward(Xtest, W, b)
    print("Final error rate:", error_rate(p_y, Ytest))
    print("Elapsted time for full GD:", - t0)

    # 2. stochastic
    W = np.random.randn(D, 10) / np.sqrt(D)
    b = np.zeros(10)
    LL_stochastic = []
    lr = 0.0001
    reg = 0.01

    t0 =
    for i in range(
            50):  # takes very long since we're computing cost for 41k samples
        tmpX, tmpY = shuffle(Xtrain, Ytrain_ind)
        for n in range(min(N, 500)):  # shortcut so it won't take so long...
            x = tmpX[n, :].reshape(
                1, D
            )  # in this case, x is a vector, shape=(D,) ,為了讓 feature and target 可以計算 forward and Weights 要做reshape
            y = tmpY[n, :].reshape(
                1, 10
            )  # y is a vector, need to convert into metrix for y2indicator calculation
            p_y = forward(x, W, b)

            W += lr * (gradW(y, p_y, x) - reg * W)
            b += lr * (gradb(y, p_y) - reg * b)

            p_y_test = forward(Xtest, W, b)
            ll = cost(p_y_test, Ytest_ind)

        if i % 1 == 0:
            err = error_rate(p_y_test, Ytest)
            if i % 10 == 0:
                print("Cost at iteration %d: %.6f" % (i, ll))
                print("Error rate:", err)
    p_y = forward(Xtest, W, b)
    print("Final error rate:", error_rate(p_y, Ytest))
    print("Elapsted time for SGD:", - t0)

    # 3. batch
    W = np.random.randn(D, 10) / np.sqrt(D)
    b = np.zeros(10)
    LL_batch = []
    lr = 0.0001
    reg = 0.01
    batch_sz = 500
    n_batches = N // batch_sz

    t0 =
    for i in range(50):
        tmpX, tmpY = shuffle(Xtrain, Ytrain_ind)
        for j in range(n_batches):
            x = tmpX[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), :]
            y = tmpY[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), :]
            p_y = forward(x, W, b)

            W += lr * (gradW(y, p_y, x) - reg * W)
            b += lr * (gradb(y, p_y) - reg * b)

            p_y_test = forward(Xtest, W, b)
            ll = cost(p_y_test, Ytest_ind)
        if i % 1 == 0:
            err = error_rate(p_y_test, Ytest)
            if i % 10 == 0:
                print("Cost at iteration %d: %.6f" % (i, ll))
                print("Error rate:", err)
    p_y = forward(Xtest, W, b)
    print("Final error rate:", error_rate(p_y, Ytest))
    print("Elapsted time for batch GD:", - t0)

    x1 = np.linspace(0, 1, len(LL))
    plt.plot(x1, LL, label="full")
    x2 = np.linspace(0, 1, len(LL_stochastic))
    plt.plot(x2, LL_stochastic, label="stochastic")
    x3 = np.linspace(0, 1, len(LL_batch))
    plt.plot(x3, LL_batch, label="batch")
    def fit(self, X, Y, learning_rate=0.01, mu=0.99, epochs=30, batch_sz=100):
        N, D = X.shape
        K = len(set(Y))

        self.hidden_layers = []
        mi = D
        for mo in self.hidden_layer_sizes:
            h = HiddenLayer(mi, mo)
            mi = mo

        # initialize logistic regression layer
        W = init_weights((mo, K))
        b = np.zeros(K)
        self.W = theano.shared(W)
        self.b = theano.shared(b)

        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        self.allWs = []
        for h in self.hidden_layers:
            self.params += h.params

        X_in = T.matrix('X_in')
        targets = T.ivector('Targets')
        pY = self.forward(X_in)

        cost = -T.mean( T.log(pY[T.arange(pY.shape[0]), targets]) )
        prediction = self.predict(X_in)
        # cost_predict_op = theano.function(
        #     inputs=[X_in, targets],
        #     outputs=[cost, prediction],
        # )

        dparams = [theano.shared(p.get_value()*0) for p in self.params]
        grads = T.grad(cost, self.params)

        updates = [
            (p, p + mu*dp - learning_rate*g) for p, dp, g in zip(self.params, dparams, grads)
        ] + [
            (dp, mu*dp - learning_rate*g) for dp, g in zip(dparams, grads)
        train_op = theano.function(
            inputs=[X_in, targets],
            outputs=[cost, prediction],

        n_batches = N / batch_sz
        costs = []
        lastWs = [W.get_value() for W in self.allWs]
        W_changes = []
        print "supervised training..."
        for i in xrange(epochs):
            print "epoch:", i
            X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
            for j in xrange(n_batches):
                Xbatch = X[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz)]
                Ybatch = Y[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz)]
                c, p = train_op(Xbatch, Ybatch)
                if j % 100 == 0:
                    print "j / n_batches:", j, "/", n_batches, "cost:", c, "error:", error_rate(p, Ybatch)

                # log changes in all Ws
                W_change = [np.abs(W.get_value() - lastW).mean() for W, lastW in zip(self.allWs, lastWs)]
                lastWs = [W.get_value() for W in self.allWs]

        W_changes = np.array(W_changes)
        for i in xrange(W_changes.shape[1]):
            plt.plot(W_changes[:,i], label='layer %s' % i)

Exemplo n.º 48
def main():
    # compare 3 scenarios:
    # 1. batch SGD
    # 2. batch SGD with momentum
    # 3. batch SGD with Nesterov momentum

    max_iter = 20 # make it 30 for sigmoid
    print_period = 50

    Xtrain, Xtest, Ytrain, Ytest = get_normalized_data()
    lr = 0.00004
    reg = 0.01

    Ytrain_ind = y2indicator(Ytrain)
    Ytest_ind = y2indicator(Ytest)

    N, D = Xtrain.shape
    batch_sz = 500
    n_batches = N // batch_sz

    M = 300
    K = 10
    W1 = np.random.randn(D, M) / np.sqrt(D)
    b1 = np.zeros(M)
    W2 = np.random.randn(M, K) / np.sqrt(M)
    b2 = np.zeros(K)

    # save initial weights
    W1_0 = W1.copy()
    b1_0 = b1.copy()
    W2_0 = W2.copy()
    b2_0 = b2.copy()

    # 1. batch
    losses_batch = []
    errors_batch = []
    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)
            # print "first batch cost:", cost(pYbatch, Ybatch)

            # gradients
            gW2 = derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*W2
            gb2 = derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*b2
            gW1 = derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*W1
            gb1 = derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*b1

            # updates
            W2 -= lr*gW2
            b2 -= lr*gb2
            W1 -= lr*gW1
            b1 -= lr*gb1

            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                l = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print("Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, l))

                e = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print("Error rate:", e)

    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print("Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest))

    # 2. batch with momentum
    W1 = W1_0.copy()
    b1 = b1_0.copy()
    W2 = W2_0.copy()
    b2 = b2_0.copy()
    losses_momentum = []
    errors_momentum = []
    mu = 0.9
    dW2 = 0
    db2 = 0
    dW1 = 0
    db1 = 0
    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)

            # gradients
            gW2 = derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*W2
            gb2 = derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*b2
            gW1 = derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*W1
            gb1 = derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*b1

            # update velocities
            dW2 = mu*dW2 - lr*gW2
            db2 = mu*db2 - lr*gb2
            dW1 = mu*dW1 - lr*gW1
            db1 = mu*db1 - lr*gb1

            # updates
            W2 += dW2
            b2 += db2
            W1 += dW1
            b1 += db1

            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                l = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print("Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, l))

                e = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print("Error rate:", e)
    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print("Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest))

    # 3. batch with Nesterov momentum
    W1 = W1_0.copy()
    b1 = b1_0.copy()
    W2 = W2_0.copy()
    b2 = b2_0.copy()

    losses_nesterov = []
    errors_nesterov = []

    mu = 0.9
    vW2 = 0
    vb2 = 0
    vW1 = 0
    vb1 = 0
    for i in range(max_iter):
        for j in range(n_batches):
            Xbatch = Xtrain[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            Ybatch = Ytrain_ind[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
            pYbatch, Z = forward(Xbatch, W1, b1, W2, b2)

            # updates
            gW2 = derivative_w2(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*W2
            gb2 = derivative_b2(Ybatch, pYbatch) + reg*b2
            gW1 = derivative_w1(Xbatch, Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*W1
            gb1 = derivative_b1(Z, Ybatch, pYbatch, W2) + reg*b1

            # v update
            vW2 = mu*vW2 - lr*gW2
            vb2 = mu*vb2 - lr*gb2
            vW1 = mu*vW1 - lr*gW1
            vb1 = mu*vb1 - lr*gb1

            # param update
            W2 += mu*vW2 - lr*gW2
            b2 += mu*vb2 - lr*gb2
            W1 += mu*vW1 - lr*gW1
            b1 += mu*vb1 - lr*gb1

            if j % print_period == 0:
                pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
                l = cost(pY, Ytest_ind)
                print("Cost at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.6f" % (i, j, l))

                e = error_rate(pY, Ytest)
                print("Error rate:", e)
    pY, _ = forward(Xtest, W1, b1, W2, b2)
    print("Final error rate:", error_rate(pY, Ytest))

    plt.plot(losses_batch, label="batch")
    plt.plot(losses_momentum, label="momentum")
    plt.plot(losses_nesterov, label="nesterov")
    def fit(self, X, Y, learning_rate=1e-2, mu=0.99, decay=0.999, reg=1e-3, epochs=10, batch_sz=100, show_fig=False):
        K = len(set(Y)) # won't work later b/c we turn it into indicator

        # make a validation set
        X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
        X = X.astype(np.float32)
        Y = y2indicator(Y).astype(np.float32)
        # Y = Y.astype(np.int32)
        Xvalid, Yvalid = X[-1000:], Y[-1000:]
        Yvalid_flat = np.argmax(Yvalid, axis=1) # for calculating error rate
        X, Y = X[:-1000], Y[:-1000]

        # initialize hidden layers
        N, D = X.shape
        self.hidden_layers = []
        M1 = D
        count = 0
        for M2 in self.hidden_layer_sizes:
            h = HiddenLayer(M1, M2, count)
            M1 = M2
            count += 1
        W, b = init_weight_and_bias(M1, K)
        self.W = tf.Variable(W.astype(np.float32))
        self.b = tf.Variable(b.astype(np.float32))

        # collect params for later use
        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        for h in self.hidden_layers:
            self.params += h.params

        # set up theano functions and variables
        tfX = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, D), name='X')
        tfT = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, K), name='T')
        act = self.forward(tfX)

        rcost = reg*sum([tf.nn.l2_loss(p) for p in self.params])
        cost = tf.reduce_mean(
        ) + rcost
        prediction = self.predict(tfX)
        train_op = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate, decay=decay, momentum=mu).minimize(cost)

        n_batches = N // batch_sz
        costs = []
        init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
        with tf.Session() as session:
            for i in range(epochs):
                X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
                for j in range(n_batches):
                    Xbatch = X[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz+batch_sz)]
                    Ybatch = Y[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz+batch_sz)]

          , feed_dict={tfX: Xbatch, tfT: Ybatch})

                    if j % 20 == 0:
                        c =, feed_dict={tfX: Xvalid, tfT: Yvalid})

                        p =, feed_dict={tfX: Xvalid, tfT: Yvalid})
                        e = error_rate(Yvalid_flat, p)
                        print("i:", i, "j:", j, "nb:", n_batches, "cost:", c, "error rate:", e)
        if show_fig:
    def fit(self, X, Y, lr=1e-3, mu=0.99, reg=1e-3, decay=0.99999, eps=1e-10, batch_sz=30, epochs=3, show_fig=True):
        lr = np.float32(lr)
        mu = np.float32(mu)
        reg = np.float32(reg)
        decay = np.float32(decay)
        eps = np.float32(eps)

        # make a validation set
        X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
        X = X.astype(np.float32)
        Y = Y.astype(np.int32)
        Xvalid, Yvalid = X[-1000:], Y[-1000:]
        X, Y = X[:-1000], Y[:-1000]

        # initialize convpool layers
        N, c, width, height = X.shape
        mi = c
        outw = width
        outh = height
        self.convpool_layers = []
        for mo, fw, fh in self.convpool_layer_sizes:
            layer = ConvPoolLayer(mi, mo, fw, fh)
            outw = (outw - fw + 1) // 2
            outh = (outh - fh + 1) // 2
            mi = mo

        # initialize mlp layers
        K = len(set(Y))
        self.hidden_layers = []
        M1 = self.convpool_layer_sizes[-1][0]*outw*outh # size must be same as output of last convpool layer
        count = 0
        for M2 in self.hidden_layer_sizes:
            h = HiddenLayer(M1, M2, count)
            M1 = M2
            count += 1

        # logistic regression layer
        W, b = init_weight_and_bias(M1, K)
        self.W = theano.shared(W, 'W_logreg')
        self.b = theano.shared(b, 'b_logreg')

        # collect params for later use
        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
        for c in self.convpool_layers:
            self.params += c.params
        for h in self.hidden_layers:
            self.params += h.params

        # set up theano functions and variables
        thX = T.tensor4('X', dtype='float32')
        thY = T.ivector('Y')
        pY = self.forward(thX)

        rcost = reg*T.sum([(p*p).sum() for p in self.params])
        cost = -T.mean(T.log(pY[T.arange(thY.shape[0]), thY])) + rcost
        prediction = self.th_predict(thX)

        cost_predict_op = theano.function(inputs=[thX, thY], outputs=[cost, prediction])

        updates = rmsprop(cost, self.params, lr, mu, decay, eps)
        train_op = theano.function(
            inputs=[thX, thY],

        n_batches = N // batch_sz
        costs = []
        for i in range(epochs):
            X, Y = shuffle(X, Y)
            for j in range(n_batches):
                Xbatch = X[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz+batch_sz)]
                Ybatch = Y[j*batch_sz:(j*batch_sz+batch_sz)]

                train_c = train_op(Xbatch, Ybatch)

                if j % 20 == 0:
                    c, p = cost_predict_op(Xvalid, Yvalid)
                    e = error_rate(Yvalid, p)
                        "i:", i,
                        "j:", j,
                        "nb:", n_batches,
                        "train cost:", train_c,
                        "cost:", c,
                        "error rate:", e

        if show_fig: