Exemplo n.º 1
def reduce_anno_mtd(smpls, tmpl, cls, mtd):
    if not mtd.annos: return
    mname = mtd.name
    for _anno in mtd.annos:

        ## @Error void mname()
        if _anno.name == C.A.ERR:
            if not hasattr(cls, "state"):
                raise ReduceError("no state variable")
            setattr(cls.state, "error", mtd)
            state = cls.state.name
            body = T("${state} = ??;").safe_substitute(locals())
            mtd.body = st.to_statements(mtd, body) + mtd.body

        ## @Assemble typ mname(...)

        ## @CFG(other_mname) typ mname(...)
        elif _anno.name == C.A.CFG:
            # find the designated method
            _, cls_c_name, mtd_c_name = util.explode_mname(_anno.mid)
            if cls_c_name:
                mtd_c = class_lookup(cls_c_name).mtd_by_name(mtd_c_name)
                mtd_c = cls.mtd_by_name(mtd_c_name)
            # and then copy its body
            if mtd_c: mtd.body = mtd_c[0].body
Exemplo n.º 2
def reduce_anno_mtd(smpls, tmpl, cls, mtd):
  if not mtd.annos: return
  mname = mtd.name
  for _anno in mtd.annos:

    ## @Error void mname()
    if _anno.name == C.A.ERR:
      if not hasattr(cls, "state"): raise ReduceError("no state variable")
      setattr(cls.state, "error", mtd)
      state = cls.state.name
      body = T("${state} = ??;").safe_substitute(locals())
      mtd.body = st.to_statements(mtd, body) + mtd.body

    ## @Assemble typ mname(...)

    ## @CFG(other_mname) typ mname(...)
    elif _anno.name == C.A.CFG:
      # find the designated method
      _, cls_c_name, mtd_c_name = util.explode_mname(_anno.mid)
      if cls_c_name: mtd_c = class_lookup(cls_c_name).mtd_by_name(mtd_c_name)
      else: mtd_c = cls.mtd_by_name(mtd_c_name)
      # and then copy its body
      if mtd_c: mtd.body = mtd_c[0].body
Exemplo n.º 3
def sanitize_id(dot_id):
  pkg, cls, mtd = util.explode_mname(dot_id)
  if cls and util.is_class_name(cls) and class_lookup(cls):
    clazz = class_lookup(cls)
    if clazz.pkg and pkg and clazz.pkg != pkg: # to avoid u'' != None
      raise Exception("wrong package", pkg, clazz.pkg)
    return '.'.join([cls, mtd])

  return dot_id
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, line, depth=0):
   self._depth = depth
   m = re.match(r"(>|<) (.*)\((.*)\)", line)
   if m: # m.group(1) = '>' or '<'
     self._pkg, self._cls, self._mtd = util.explode_mname(m.group(2))
     vals = map(op.methodcaller("strip"), m.group(3).split(','))
     self._vals = util.ffilter(vals) # to remove empty strings
     raise Exception("wrong call sequences", line)
Exemplo n.º 5
def sanitize_id(dot_id):
  pkg, cls, mtd = util.explode_mname(dot_id)
  if cls and util.is_class_name(cls) and class_lookup(cls):
    clazz = class_lookup(cls)
    if clazz.pkg and pkg and clazz.pkg != pkg: # to avoid u'' != None
      raise Exception("wrong package", pkg, clazz.pkg)
    return '.'.join([cls, mtd])

  return dot_id
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, line, depth=0):
     self._depth = depth
     m = re.match(r"(>|<) (.*)\((.*)\)", line)
     if m:  # m.group(1) = '>' or '<'
         self._pkg, self._cls, self._mtd = util.explode_mname(m.group(2))
         vals = map(op.methodcaller("strip"), m.group(3).split(','))
         self._vals = util.ffilter(vals)  # to remove empty strings
         raise Exception("wrong call sequences", line)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def wrap_obj(val):
      if '@' not in val: return val
      typ_w_pkg, hsh = val.split('@')
      _, typ, _ = util.explode_mname(typ_w_pkg + ".<init>")

      # regard the type's <init> is used at the least
      if typ not in self._decls:
        self._decls[typ] = []

      if typ in self._objs:
        if hsh in self._objs[typ]:
          idx = self._objs[typ].index(hsh)
        else: # first appearance of this hash
          idx = len(self._objs[typ])
      else: # first obj of this typ
        idx = 0
        self._objs[typ] = [hsh]
      return u"@Object(typ={}, idx={})".format(typ, idx)
Exemplo n.º 8
        def wrap_obj(val):
            if '@' not in val: return val
            typ_w_pkg, hsh = val.split('@')
            _, typ, _ = util.explode_mname(typ_w_pkg + ".<init>")

            # regard the type's <init> is used at the least
            if typ not in self._decls:
                self._decls[typ] = []

            if typ in self._objs:
                if hsh in self._objs[typ]:
                    idx = self._objs[typ].index(hsh)
                else:  # first appearance of this hash
                    idx = len(self._objs[typ])
            else:  # first obj of this typ
                idx = 0
                self._objs[typ] = [hsh]
            return u"@Object(typ={}, idx={})".format(typ, idx)