Exemplo n.º 1
 def _dirignore(self, f):
     if f == '.':
         return False
     if self._ignore(f):
         return True
     for p in util.finddirs(f):
         if self._ignore(p):
             return True
     return False
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _dirignore(self, f):
     if f == '.':
         return False
     if self._ignore(f):
         return True
     for p in util.finddirs(f):
         if self._ignore(p):
             return True
     return False
Exemplo n.º 3
    def visitdir(self, dir):
        '''Decides whether a directory should be visited based on whether it
        has potential matches in it or one of its subdirectories. This is
        based on the match's primary, included, and excluded patterns.

        This function's behavior is undefined if it has returned False for
        one of the dir's parent directories.
        if dir in self._excluderoots:
            return False
        if (self._includeroots and '.' not in self._includeroots
                and dir not in self._includeroots
                and dir not in self._includedirs
                and not any(parent in self._includeroots
                            for parent in util.finddirs(dir))):
            return False
        return (not self._fileroots or '.' in self._fileroots
                or dir in self._fileroots or dir in self._dirs
                or any(parentdir in self._fileroots
                       for parentdir in util.finddirs(dir)))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def visitdir(self, dir):
        '''Decides whether a directory should be visited based on whether it
        has potential matches in it or one of its subdirectories. This is
        based on the match's primary, included, and excluded patterns.

        This function's behavior is undefined if it has returned False for
        one of the dir's parent directories.
        if dir in self._excluderoots:
            return False
        if (self._includeroots and
            '.' not in self._includeroots and
            dir not in self._includeroots and
            dir not in self._includedirs and
            not any(parent in self._includeroots
                    for parent in util.finddirs(dir))):
            return False
        return (not self._fileroots or
                '.' in self._fileroots or
                dir in self._fileroots or
                dir in self._dirs or
                any(parentdir in self._fileroots
                    for parentdir in util.finddirs(dir)))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _addpath(self, f, state, mode, size, mtime):
     oldstate = self[f]
     if state == 'a' or oldstate == 'r':
         if f in self._dirs:
             raise error.Abort(_('directory %r already in dirstate') % f)
         # shadows
         for d in util.finddirs(f):
             if d in self._dirs:
             if d in self._map and self[d] != 'r':
                 raise error.Abort(
                     _('file %r in dirstate clashes with %r') % (d, f))
     if oldstate in "?r" and "_dirs" in self.__dict__:
     self._dirty = True
     self._map[f] = dirstatetuple(state, mode, size, mtime)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _addpath(self, f, state, mode, size, mtime):
     oldstate = self[f]
     if state == 'a' or oldstate == 'r':
         if f in self._dirs:
             raise util.Abort(_('directory %r already in dirstate') % f)
         # shadows
         for d in util.finddirs(f):
             if d in self._dirs:
             if d in self._map and self[d] != 'r':
                 raise util.Abort(
                     _('file %r in dirstate clashes with %r') % (d, f))
     if oldstate in "?r" and "_dirs" in self.__dict__:
     self._dirty = True
     self._map[f] = dirstatetuple(state, mode, size, mtime)