Exemplo n.º 1
    elif instr[0] == 'F':
        return step((directions[facing], instr[1]), loc, facing)
        return movementFuncs[instr[0]](loc, instr[1]), facing

def step2(instr, shipLoc, waypointLoc):
    if instr[0] == 'L' or instr[0] == 'R':
        return shipLoc, rotate(instr, waypointLoc)
    elif instr[0] == 'F':
        return moveToWaypoint(instr[1], shipLoc, waypointLoc), waypointLoc
        return shipLoc, movementFuncs[instr[0]](waypointLoc, instr[1])

input = getLinesFromFile('input.txt')

movementFuncs = {
    'E': lambda coord, dist: (coord[0] + dist, coord[1]),
    'S': lambda coord, dist: (coord[0], coord[1] - dist),
    'W': lambda coord, dist: (coord[0] - dist, coord[1]),
    'N': lambda coord, dist: (coord[0], coord[1] + dist),
directions = ['E', 'S', 'W', 'N']
facingIndex = 0
currentLocation = (0, 0)
instructions = [(line[0], int(line[1:])) for line in input]

for instr in instructions:
    currentLocation, facingIndex = step(instr, currentLocation, facingIndex)
Exemplo n.º 2
def countVisibleOccupied(row, col, state):
  mask = [
    lambda r,c: (r-1,c-1), lambda r,c: (r-1,c), lambda r,c: (r-1,c+1),
    lambda r,c: (r,c-1),                        lambda r,c: (r,c+1),
    lambda r,c: (r+1,c-1), lambda r,c: (r+1,c), lambda r,c: (r+1,c+1),
  count = 0
  for los in mask:
    if canSeeOccupied(row,col,state, los):
      count += 1
  return count

def countOccupied(state):
  return sum([len([seat for seat in row if seat == OCCUPIED]) for row in state])

input = [list(line) for line in getLinesFromFile('input.txt')]

currentState = input
changedSeats = -1

while changedSeats != 0:
  changedSeats = 0
  nextState = deepcopy(currentState)
  for row in range(len(currentState)):
    for seat in range(len(currentState[0])):
      if currentState[row][seat] == VACANT and countAdjacentOccupied(row,seat, currentState) == 0: #empty and no one sitting adjacent
        nextState[row][seat] = OCCUPIED
        changedSeats += 1
      elif currentState[row][seat] == OCCUPIED and countAdjacentOccupied(row,seat, currentState) >= 4: #occupied and 4 or more people in adjacent seats
        nextState[row][seat] = VACANT
        changedSeats += 1
Exemplo n.º 3
def isValidForPreamble(preamble, value):
  candidateValues = set([sum(x) for x in combinations(preamble,2)])
  return value in candidateValues

def findEncryptionWeakness(pivot, targetValue):
  sizes = range(3,pivot)
  for windowLength in sizes:
    contiguousStart = 0
    while(contiguousStart + windowLength < pivot):
      window = input[contiguousStart:contiguousStart+windowLength]
      if sum(window) == targetValue:
        return min(window) + max(window)
      contiguousStart += 1

input = [int(x) for x in getLinesFromFile('input.txt')]

preambleStart = 0
preambleLength = 25
while(isValidForPreamble(input[preambleStart:preambleStart+preambleLength], input[preambleStart + preambleLength])):
  preambleStart += 1

#part1 answer
print(preambleStart + preambleLength)
invalid = input[preambleStart + preambleLength]

contiguousStart = 0
contiguousLength = 2

while(sum(input[contiguousStart:contiguousStart+contiguousLength]) <= invalid):
  contiguousStart += 1
Exemplo n.º 4
            splitAddress[1:], ''.join([currentAddress, splitAddress[0], '0']))
        yield from floatingAddressGenerator(
            splitAddress[1:], ''.join([currentAddress, splitAddress[0], '1']))

def getFloatingAddress(address, mask):
    binAddress = bin(address)[2:].zfill(36)
    for m in re.finditer('1', mask):
        binAddress = binAddress[:m.start()] + '1' + binAddress[m.start() + 1:]
    for m in re.finditer('X', mask):
        binAddress = binAddress[:m.start()] + 'X' + binAddress[m.start() + 1:]
    return binAddress

mem = defaultdict(int)
input = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in getLinesFromFile('input.txt')]
for line in input:
    if line.startswith('mask'):
        onMask = int(line[-36:].replace('X', '0'), 2)
        offMask = int(line[-36:].replace('X', '1'), 2)
        m = re.match(r'mem\[(\d+)\] = (\d+)', line)

        mem[m[1]] = (int(m[2]) | onMask) & offMask


mem = defaultdict(int)
for line in input:
    if line.startswith('mask'):