Exemplo n.º 1
 def getObjSDC(self):
     obj_path = util.getObjPath(self.design)
     obj_sdc = os.path.join(obj_path, self.design.top_name + ".sdc")
     return obj_sdc
Exemplo n.º 2
 def getObjMMMC(self):
     obj_path = util.getObjPath(self.design)
     mmmc_path = os.path.join(obj_path, "flow.view")
     return mmmc_path
Exemplo n.º 3
 def getObjHDL(self):
     obj_path = util.getObjPath(self.design)
     obj_hdl = os.path.join(obj_path, self.design.top_name + ".vh")
     return obj_hdl
Exemplo n.º 4
 def getObjSDC(self):
     obj_path = util.getObjPath(self.design, "Cadence")
     obj_sdc = obj_path + "/" + self.design.top_name + ".sdc"
     return obj_sdc
Exemplo n.º 5
 def getObjHDL(self):
     obj_path = util.getObjPath(self.design, "Cadence")
     obj_hdl = obj_path + "/" + self.design.top_name + ".vh"
     return obj_hdl
Exemplo n.º 6
 def getObjHDL(self):
     obj_path = util.getObjPath(self.design, "Yosys")
     obj_hdl = obj_path + "/" + self.design.top_name + ".v"
     return obj_hdl
Exemplo n.º 7
def run(design, flow, flow_name):
    begin_t = time.time()

    design_name = design.top_name
    run_path = util.getRunPath(design)
    # print(run_path)
    os.system("mkdir -p %s && rm -rf %s*" % (run_path, run_path))
    make_file = open(os.path.join(run_path, "Makefile"), "w")

    tcl_path = util.getScriptPath(design)
    os.system("mkdir -p %s && rm -rf %s*" % (tcl_path, tcl_path))
    overall_tcl = open(os.path.join(tcl_path, "flow.tcl"),

    obj_path = util.getObjPath(design)
    os.system("mkdir -p %s && rm -rf %s*" % (obj_path, obj_path))
    os.system(f"cp {design.rtl_input} {obj_path}")

    rpt_path = util.getRptPath(design)
    os.system("mkdir -p %s && rm -rf %s*" % (rpt_path, rpt_path))

    for x in flow.ops:
        if x[0] == "GenusSynth":
            script_path = "../scripts/"
            tmp_op_syn = syn.GenusSynth(design)
            tmp_op_syn.config(design_name + "_" + x[1])
            output = "\n" if flow.verbose else f" > {os.path.join(rpt_path, 'GenusSynth.log')}\n"
            make_file.write("\tgenus -legacy_ui -batch -files " + script_path +
                            design_name + "_" + x[1] + ".tcl" + output)

        if x[0] == "yosys":
            script_path = "../scripts/"
            tmp_op_syn = syn.YosysSynth(design)
            tmp_op_syn.config(design_name + "_" + x[1], flow)
            yosys_path = os.path.join(flow.yosys_bin_path, "yosys")
            save_log = f" | tee -a {os.path.join(rpt_path, 'yosys.log')}\n" if flow.verbose else f" > {os.path.join(rpt_path, 'YosysSynth.log')}\n"
            make_file.write(f"\t{yosys_path} " + script_path + design_name +
                            "_" + x[1] + ".ys" + save_log)

        if x[0] == "InnovusFloorplan":
            tmp_op_fp = fp.InnovusFloorplan(design)
            for key, val in flow.params_fp.items():
                tmp_op_fp.setParams(key, val)
            tmp_op_fp.config(design, design_name + "_" + x[1])
            overall_tcl.write('source %s%s_to_floorplan.tcl\n' %
                              (tcl_path, design_name))

        if x[0] == "InnovusPDN":
            tmp_op_pdn = pdn.InnovusPDN(design)
            tmp_op_pdn.config(design, design_name + "_" + x[1])
            overall_tcl.write('source %s%s_to_pdn.tcl\n' %
                              (tcl_path, design_name))

        if x[0] == "InnovusPlace":
            tmp_op_pdn = place.InnovusPlace(design)
            tmp_op_pdn.params['cadence_version'] = flow.cadence_version
            tmp_op_pdn.config(design, design_name + "_" + x[1])
            overall_tcl.write('source %s%s_to_place.tcl\n' %
                              (tcl_path, design_name))

        if x[0] == "DREAMPlace":
            tmp_op_place = place.DREAMPlace(design)
            tmp_op_place.config(design, design_name + "_" + x[1])

        if x[0] == "InnovusCTS":
            tmp_op_cts = cts.InnovusCTS(design)
            tmp_op_cts.config(design, design_name + "_" + x[1])
            overall_tcl.write('source %s%s_to_cts.tcl\n' %
                              (tcl_path, design_name))

        if x[0] == "InnovusRoute":
            tmp_op_route = route.InnovusRoute(design)
            for key, val in flow.params_route.items():
                tmp_op_route.setParams(key, val)
            tmp_op_route.paramsExtern['cadence_version'] = flow.cadence_version
            tmp_op_route.config(design, design_name + "_" + x[1])

            overall_tcl.write('source %s%s_to_route.tcl\n' %
                              (tcl_path, design_name))
            # overall_tcl.write('set dbgLefDefOutVersion 5.8\ndefOut -floorplan -netlist -routing %s.def\n'%(design_name))
        if x[0] == "InnovusDRC":
            tmp_op_drc = drc.InnovusDRC(design)
            tmp_op_drc.config(design, design_name + "_" + x[1])
            overall_tcl.write('source %s%s_to_drc.tcl\n' %
                              (tcl_path, design_name))

    if flow.flow['placement'] == "innovus":
        output = "\n" if flow.verbose else f" > {os.path.join(rpt_path, 'innovus.log')}\n"
        make_file.write("\tinnovus -batch -files " + script_path + "flow.tcl" +
    elif flow.flow['placement'] == "dreamplace":
        output = "\n" if flow.verbose else f" > {os.path.join(rpt_path, 'innovus_fp.log')}\n"
        make_file.write("\tinnovus -batch -files " + script_path +
                        ("%s_to_floorplan.tcl" % design_name) + output)

        save_log = f" | tee -a {os.path.join(rpt_path, 'dreamplace.log')}\n" if flow.verbose else f" > {os.path.join(rpt_path, 'dreamplace.log')}\n"
        make_file.write("\tpython %s %s" %
                        (flow.dreamplace_bin_path, script_path +
                         "%s_to_place.json" % design_name) + save_log)

        output = "\n" if flow.verbose else f" > {os.path.join(rpt_path, 'innovus_route.log')}\n"
        make_file.write("\tinnovus -batch -files " + script_path +
                        ("%s_to_route.tcl" % design_name) + output)


    run_path = util.getRunPath(design)
    print("Current working directory: %s" % run_path)
    proc_make = subprocess.Popen('make', cwd=run_path)  # Start a child process
    proc_make.wait()  # Wait until the process finishes
    assert proc_make.poll(
    ) == 0, "The flow [%s] failed and the process finished abnormally" % flow_name
    print("The basic flow has finished successfully!")
    print(f"Design is saved to {run_path}{design.top_name}\n\n")

    # Iterative Feedback Tuning
    if flow.n_iter_IFT > 0:
        for i in range(flow.n_iter_IFT):
            print("========== Start of the IFT iteration %d ==========\n" %
                  (i + 1))

            rpt_path = tmp_op_syn.getRptTiming()
            critical_path = util.parseTimingRpt(rpt_path)
            tmp_op_syn = syn.GenusSynth(design, critical_path)
            tmp_op_syn.config(design_name + "_" + "to_synth")

            proc_make = subprocess.Popen('make',
                                         cwd=run_path)  # Start a child process
            proc_make.wait()  # Wait until the process finishes
            assert proc_make.poll(
            ) == 0, "The flow failed and the process finished abnormally"
            print(f"========== Finish IFT round [{i+1}] ==========\n")

    end_t = time.time()
        "*************** Flow [{}] finishes in {:.1f} seconds ***************\n"
        .format(flow_name, end_t - begin_t))