Exemplo n.º 1
    def generatePML(self, page, pageNr, cfg):
        fl = 0

        if self.isBold:
            fl |= pml.BOLD

        if self.isItalic:
            fl |= pml.ITALIC

        if self.isUnderlined:
            fl |= pml.UNDERLINED

        if self.align == util.ALIGN_LEFT:
            x = cfg.marginLeft
        elif self.align == util.ALIGN_CENTER:
            x = (cfg.marginLeft + (cfg.paperWidth - cfg.marginRight)) / 2.0
            x = cfg.paperWidth - cfg.marginRight

        fs = cfg.fontSize

        if self.xoff != 0:
            x += util.getTextWidth(" ", pml.COURIER, fs) * self.xoff

        y = cfg.marginTop + (self.line - 1) * util.getTextHeight(fs)

        text = self.text.replace("${PAGE}", pageNr)

        page.add(pml.TextOp(text, x, y, fs, fl, self.align))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, text, x, y, size, flags = NORMAL | COURIER,
                 align = util.ALIGN_LEFT, valign = util.VALIGN_TOP,
                 line = -1, angle = None):
        self.text = text
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.size = size
        self.flags = flags
        self.angle = angle

        # TOCItem, by default we have none
        self.toc = None

        # index of line in Screenplay.lines, or -1 if some other text.
        # only used when drawing display, pdf output doesn't use this.
        self.line = line

        if align != util.ALIGN_LEFT:
            w = util.getTextWidth(text, flags, size)

            if align == util.ALIGN_CENTER:
                self.x -= w / 2.0
            elif align == util.ALIGN_RIGHT:
                self.x -= w

        if valign != util.VALIGN_TOP:
            h = util.getTextHeight(size)

            if valign == util.VALIGN_CENTER:
                self.y -= h / 2.0
            elif valign == util.VALIGN_BOTTOM:
                self.y -= h
Exemplo n.º 3
    def generatePML(self, page, pageNr, cfg):
        fl = 0

        if self.isBold:
            fl |= pml.BOLD

        if self.isItalic:
            fl |= pml.ITALIC

        if self.isUnderlined:
            fl |= pml.UNDERLINED

        if self.align == util.ALIGN_LEFT:
            x = cfg.marginLeft
        elif self.align == util.ALIGN_CENTER:
            x = (cfg.marginLeft + (cfg.paperWidth - cfg.marginRight)) / 2.0
            x = cfg.paperWidth - cfg.marginRight

        fs = cfg.fontSize

        if self.xoff != 0:
            x += util.getTextWidth(" ", pml.COURIER, fs) * self.xoff

        y = cfg.marginTop + (self.line - 1) * util.getTextHeight(fs)

        text = self.text.replace("${PAGE}", pageNr)

        page.add(pml.TextOp(text, x, y, fs, fl, self.align))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, text, x, y, size, flags=NORMAL | COURIER,
                 align=util.ALIGN_LEFT, valign=util.VALIGN_TOP,
                 line=-1, angle=None):
        self.text = text
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.size = size
        self.flags = flags
        self.angle = angle

        # TOCItem, by default we have none
        self.toc = None

        # index of line in Screenplay.lines, or -1 if some other text.
        # only used when drawing display, pdf output doesn't use this.
        self.line = line

        if align != util.ALIGN_LEFT:
            w = util.getTextWidth(text, flags, size)

            if align == util.ALIGN_CENTER:
                self.x -= w / 2.0
            elif align == util.ALIGN_RIGHT:
                self.x -= w

        if valign != util.VALIGN_TOP:
            h = util.getTextHeight(size)

            if valign == util.VALIGN_CENTER:
                self.y -= h / 2.0
            elif valign == util.VALIGN_BOTTOM:
                self.y -= h
Exemplo n.º 5
    def generatePML(self, page):
        y = self.y

        for line in self.items:
            x = self.x

            if self.isCentered:
                x = page.doc.w / 2.0

            page.add(pml.TextOp(line, x, y, self.size,
                                self.getStyle(), self.getAlignment()))

            y += util.getTextHeight(self.size)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def OnAddString(self, event):
        if self.pageIndex == -1:

        if self.tsIndex != -1:
            ts = copy.deepcopy(self.titles.pages[self.pageIndex][self.tsIndex])
            ts.y += util.getTextHeight(ts.size)
            ts = titles.TitleString(["new string"], 0.0, 100.0)

        self.tsIndex = len(self.titles.pages[self.pageIndex]) - 1

Exemplo n.º 7
    def OnAddString(self, event):
        if self.pageIndex == -1:

        if self.tsIndex != -1:
            ts = copy.deepcopy(self.titles.pages[self.pageIndex][self.tsIndex])
            ts.y += util.getTextHeight(ts.size)
            ts = titles.TitleString(["new string"], 0.0, 100.0)

        self.tsIndex = len(self.titles.pages[self.pageIndex]) - 1

Exemplo n.º 8
    def generatePML(self, page):
        y = self.y

        for line in self.items:
            x = self.x

            if self.isCentered:
                x = page.doc.w / 2.0

                pml.TextOp(line, x, y, self.size, self.getStyle(),

            y += util.getTextHeight(self.size)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def addText(self, text, x=None, fs=None, style=NORMAL):
        if x is None:
            x = self.margin

        if fs is None:
            fs = self.fontSize

        yd = util.getTextHeight(fs)

        if (self.y + yd) > (self.doc.h - self.margin):

        self.pg.add(TextOp(text, x, self.y, fs, style))

        self.y += yd
Exemplo n.º 10
    def addText(self, text, x=None, fs=None, style=NORMAL):
        if x == None:
            x = self.margin

        if fs == None:
            fs = self.fontSize

        yd = util.getTextHeight(fs)

        if (self.y + yd) > (self.doc.h - self.margin):

        self.pg.add(TextOp(text, x, self.y, fs, style))

        self.y += yd
Exemplo n.º 11
    def OnPreview(self, event):
        doc = pml.Document(self.cfg.paperWidth, self.cfg.paperHeight)

        pg = pml.Page(doc)
        self.headers.generatePML(pg, "42", self.cfg)

        fs = self.cfg.fontSize
        chY = util.getTextHeight(fs)

        y = self.cfg.marginTop + self.headers.getNrOfLines() * chY

        pg.add(pml.TextOp("Mindy runs away from the dinosaur, but trips on"
            " the power", self.cfg.marginLeft, y, fs))

        pg.add(pml.TextOp("cord. The raptor approaches her slowly.",
            self.cfg.marginLeft, y + chY, fs))


        tmp = pdf.generate(doc)
        gutil.showTempPDF(tmp, self.cfgGl, self)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def OnPreview(self, event):
        doc = pml.Document(self.cfg.paperWidth, self.cfg.paperHeight)

        pg = pml.Page(doc)
        self.headers.generatePML(pg, "99", self.cfg)

        fs = self.cfg.fontSize
        chY = util.getTextHeight(fs)

        y = self.cfg.marginTop + self.headers.getNrOfLines() * chY

        pg.add(pml.TextOp("Mindy runs away from the dinosaur, but trips on"
            " the power", self.cfg.marginLeft, y, fs))

        pg.add(pml.TextOp("cord. The raptor approaches her slowly.",
            self.cfg.marginLeft, y + chY, fs))


        tmp = pdf.generate(doc)
        gutil.showTempPDF(tmp, self.cfgGl, self)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def recalc(self, doAll=True):
        for it in self.cvars.numeric.itervalues():
            util.clampObj(self, it.name, it.minVal, it.maxVal)

        for el in self.types.itervalues():
            for it in el.cvars.numeric.itervalues():
                util.clampObj(el, it.name, it.minVal, it.maxVal)

        for it in self.cvars.stringLatin1.itervalues():
            setattr(self, it.name, util.toInputStr(getattr(self, it.name)))

        for pf in self.pdfFonts.itervalues():

        # make sure usable space on the page isn't too small
        if doAll and (self.marginTop + self.marginBottom) >= (self.paperHeight - 100.0):
            self.marginTop = 0.0
            self.marginBottom = 0.0

        h = self.paperHeight - self.marginTop - self.marginBottom

        # how many lines on a page
        self.linesOnPage = int(h / util.getTextHeight(self.fontSize))
Exemplo n.º 14
    def recalc(self, doAll=True):
        for it in self.cvars.numeric.itervalues():
            util.clampObj(self, it.name, it.minVal, it.maxVal)

        for el in self.types.itervalues():
            for it in el.cvars.numeric.itervalues():
                util.clampObj(el, it.name, it.minVal, it.maxVal)

        for it in self.cvars.stringLatin1.itervalues():
            setattr(self, it.name, util.toInputStr(getattr(self, it.name)))

        for pf in self.pdfFonts.itervalues():

        # make sure usable space on the page isn't too small
        if doAll and (self.marginTop + self.marginBottom) >= \
               (self.paperHeight - 100.0):
            self.marginTop = 0.0
            self.marginBottom = 0.0

        h = self.paperHeight - self.marginTop - self.marginBottom

        # how many lines on a page
        self.linesOnPage = int(h / util.getTextHeight(self.fontSize))
Exemplo n.º 15
    def OnPaint(self, event):
        dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self, self.screenBuf)

        # widget size
        ww, wh = self.GetClientSize()

        dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, ww, wh)

        # aspect ratio of paper
        aspect = self.cfg.paperWidth / self.cfg.paperHeight

        # calculate which way we can best fit the paper on screen
        h = wh
        w = int(aspect * wh)

        if w > ww:
            w = ww
            h = int(ww / aspect)

        # offset of paper
        ox = (ww - w) // 2
        oy = (wh - h) // 2

        dc.DrawRectangle(ox, oy, w, h)

        if self.ctrl.pageIndex != -1:
            page = self.ctrl.titles.pages[self.ctrl.pageIndex]

            for i in range(len(page)):
                ts = page[i]

                # text height in mm
                textHinMM = util.getTextHeight(ts.size)

                textH = int((textHinMM / self.cfg.paperHeight) * h)
                textH = max(1, textH)
                y = ts.y

                for line in ts.items:
                    # people may have empty lines in between non-empty
                    # lines to achieve double spaced lines; don't draw a
                    # rectangle for lines consisting of nothing but
                    # whitespace

                    if line.strip():
                        textW = int(
                            (util.getTextWidth(line, ts.getStyle(), ts.size) /
                             self.cfg.paperWidth) * w)
                        textW = max(1, textW)

                        if ts.isCentered:
                            xp = w // 2 - textW // 2
                            xp = int((ts.x / self.cfg.paperWidth) * w)

                        if ts.isRightJustified:
                            xp -= textW

                        if i == self.ctrl.tsIndex:

                        yp = int((y / self.cfg.paperHeight) * h)

                        dc.DrawRectangle(ox + xp, oy + yp, textW, textH)

                    y += textHinMM
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, sp, minLines):

        self.sp = sp

        ls = sp.lines

        # PageInfo's for each page, 0-indexed.
        self.pages = []

        for i in xrange(len(sp.pages) - 1):

        # map of CharInfo objects. key = name, value = CharInfo.
        tmpCinfo = {}

        name = "UNKNOWN"

        for i in xrange(len(ls)):
            pgNr = sp.line2page(i) - 1
            pi = self.pages[pgNr]
            line = ls[i]


            if (line.lt == screenplay.CHARACTER) and (line.lb == screenplay.LB_LAST):
                name = util.upper(line.text)

            elif line.lt == screenplay.DIALOGUE:

                ci = tmpCinfo.get(name)

                if ci:
                    tmpCinfo[name] = CharInfo(name, pgNr)

            elif line.lt != screenplay.PAREN:
                name = "UNKNOWN"

        # CharInfo's.
        self.cinfo = []
        for v in tmpCinfo.values():
            if v.lineCnt >= minLines:

        # start Y of page markers
        self.pageY = 20.0

        # where dialogue density bars start and how tall they are
        self.barY = 30.0
        self.barHeight = 15.0

        # chart Y pos
        self.chartY = 50.0

        # how much to leave empty on each side (mm)
        self.margin = 10.0

        # try point sizes 10,9,8,7,6 until all characters fit on the page
        # (if 6 is still too big, too bad)
        size = 10
        while 1:
            # character font size in points
            self.charFs = size

            # how many mm in Y direction for each character
            self.charY = util.getTextHeight(self.charFs)

            # height of chart
            self.chartHeight = len(self.cinfo) * self.charY

            if size <= 6:

            if (self.chartY + self.chartHeight) <= (sp.cfg.paperWidth - self.margin):

            size -= 1

        # calculate maximum length of character name, and start position
        # of chart from that

        maxLen = 0
        for ci in self.cinfo:
            maxLen = max(maxLen, len(ci.name))
        maxLen = max(10, maxLen)

        charX = util.getTextWidth(" ", pml.COURIER, self.charFs)

        # chart X pos
        self.chartX = self.margin + maxLen * charX + 3

        # width of chart
        self.chartWidth = sp.cfg.paperHeight - self.chartX - self.margin

        # page contents bar legends' size and position
        self.legendWidth = 23.0
        self.legendHeight = 23.0
        self.legendX = self.margin + 2.0
        self.legendY = self.barY + self.barHeight - self.legendHeight

        # margin from legend border to first item
        self.legendMargin = 2.0

        # spacing from one legend item to next
        self.legendSpacing = 5.0

        # spacing from one legend item to next
        self.legendSize = 4.0
Exemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, sp, minLines):

        self.sp = sp

        ls = sp.lines

        # PageInfo's for each page, 0-indexed.
        self.pages = []

        for i in xrange(len(sp.pages) - 1):

        # map of CharInfo objects. key = name, value = CharInfo.
        tmpCinfo = {}

        name = "UNKNOWN"

        for i in xrange(len(ls)):
            pgNr = sp.line2page(i) - 1
            pi = self.pages[pgNr]
            line = ls[i]


            if (line.lt == screenplay.CHARACTER) and\
                   (line.lb == screenplay.LB_LAST):
                name = util.upper(line.text)

            elif line.lt == screenplay.DIALOGUE:

                ci = tmpCinfo.get(name)

                if ci:
                    tmpCinfo[name] = CharInfo(name, pgNr)

            elif line.lt != screenplay.PAREN:
                name = "UNKNOWN"

        # CharInfo's.
        self.cinfo = []
        for v in tmpCinfo.values():
            if v.lineCnt >= minLines:

        # start Y of page markers
        self.pageY = 20.0

        # where dialogue density bars start and how tall they are
        self.barY = 30.0
        self.barHeight = 15.0

        # chart Y pos
        self.chartY = 50.0

        # how much to leave empty on each side (mm)
        self.margin = 10.0

        # try point sizes 10,9,8,7,6 until all characters fit on the page
        # (if 6 is still too big, too bad)
        size = 10
        while 1:
            # character font size in points
            self.charFs = size

            # how many mm in Y direction for each character
            self.charY = util.getTextHeight(self.charFs)

            # height of chart
            self.chartHeight = len(self.cinfo) * self.charY

            if size <= 6:

            if (self.chartY + self.chartHeight) <= \
                   (sp.cfg.paperWidth - self.margin):

            size -= 1

        # calculate maximum length of character name, and start position
        # of chart from that

        maxLen = 0
        for ci in self.cinfo:
            maxLen = max(maxLen, len(ci.name))
        maxLen = max(10, maxLen)

        charX = util.getTextWidth(" ", pml.COURIER, self.charFs)

        # chart X pos
        self.chartX = self.margin + maxLen * charX + 3

        # width of chart
        self.chartWidth = sp.cfg.paperHeight - self.chartX - self.margin

        # page contents bar legends' size and position
        self.legendWidth = 23.0
        self.legendHeight = 23.0
        self.legendX = self.margin + 2.0
        self.legendY = self.barY + self.barHeight - self.legendHeight

        # margin from legend border to first item
        self.legendMargin = 2.0

        # spacing from one legend item to next
        self.legendSpacing = 5.0

        # spacing from one legend item to next
        self.legendSize = 4.0
Exemplo n.º 18
    def OnPaint(self, event):
        dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self, self.screenBuf)

        # widget size
        ww, wh = self.GetClientSizeTuple()

        dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, ww, wh)

        # aspect ratio of paper
        aspect = self.cfg.paperWidth / self.cfg.paperHeight

        # calculate which way we can best fit the paper on screen
        h = wh
        w = int(aspect * wh)

        if w > ww:
            w = ww
            h = int(ww / aspect)

        # offset of paper
        ox = (ww - w) // 2
        oy = (wh - h) // 2

        dc.DrawRectangle(ox, oy, w, h)

        if self.ctrl.pageIndex != -1:
            page = self.ctrl.titles.pages[self.ctrl.pageIndex]

            for i in range(len(page)):
                ts = page[i]

                if len(ts.text) == 0:

                textW = int((util.getTextWidth(ts.text, ts.getStyle(),
                    ts.size) / self.cfg.paperWidth) * w)
                textW = max(1, textW)

                textH = int((util.getTextHeight(ts.size) /
                             self.cfg.paperHeight) * h)
                textH = max(1, textH)

                if ts.isCentered:
                    xp = w // 2 - textW // 2
                    xp = int((ts.x / self.cfg.paperWidth) * w)

                yp = int((ts.y / self.cfg.paperHeight) * h)

                if i == self.ctrl.tsIndex:

                dc.DrawRectangle(ox + xp, oy + yp, textW, textH)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def OnPaint(self, event):
        dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self, self.screenBuf)

        # widget size
        ww, wh = self.GetClientSizeTuple()

        dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, ww, wh)

        # aspect ratio of paper
        aspect = self.cfg.paperWidth / self.cfg.paperHeight

        # calculate which way we can best fit the paper on screen
        h = wh
        w = int(aspect * wh)

        if w > ww:
            w = ww
            h = int(ww / aspect)

        # offset of paper
        ox = (ww - w) // 2
        oy = (wh - h) // 2

        dc.DrawRectangle(ox, oy, w, h)

        if self.ctrl.pageIndex != -1:
            page = self.ctrl.titles.pages[self.ctrl.pageIndex]

            for i in range(len(page)):
                ts = page[i]

                # text height in mm
                textHinMM = util.getTextHeight(ts.size)

                textH = int((textHinMM / self.cfg.paperHeight) * h)
                textH = max(1, textH)
                y = ts.y

                for line in ts.items:
                    # people may have empty lines in between non-empty
                    # lines to achieve double spaced lines; don't draw a
                    # rectangle for lines consisting of nothing but
                    # whitespace

                    if line.strip():
                        textW = int((util.getTextWidth(line, ts.getStyle(),
                            ts.size) / self.cfg.paperWidth) * w)
                        textW = max(1, textW)

                        if ts.isCentered:
                            xp = w // 2 - textW // 2
                            xp = int((ts.x / self.cfg.paperWidth) * w)

                        if ts.isRightJustified:
                            xp -= textW

                        if i == self.ctrl.tsIndex:

                        yp = int((y / self.cfg.paperHeight) * h)

                        dc.DrawRectangle(ox + xp, oy + yp, textW, textH)

                    y += textHinMM