Exemplo n.º 1
def FromHex(obj, hex_string):
    return obj
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_tampered_rawtx_cbh(node_from, node_to, tx_amount, fee, mode):

    genesis_block_hash = node_from.getblock(str(0))['hash']

    # select necessary UTXOs
    usp = node_from.listunspent()
    assert (len(usp) != 0)

    amount = Decimal('0')
    inputs = []

    for x in usp:
        amount += Decimal(x['amount'])
        inputs.append({"txid": x['txid'], "vout": x['vout']})
        if amount >= tx_amount + fee:

    outputs = {
        node_from.getnewaddress(): (Decimal(amount) - tx_amount - fee),
        node_to.getnewaddress(): tx_amount
    rawTx = node_from.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)

    # build an object from the raw Tx in order to be able to modify it
    tx_01 = CTransaction()
    f = StringIO(unhexlify(rawTx))

    # corrupt vouts in this Tx
    for vout_idx in range(len(tx_01.vout)):
        decodedScriptOrig = node_from.decodescript(

        scriptOrigAsm = decodedScriptOrig['asm']
        params = scriptOrigAsm.split()
        hash160 = hex_str_to_bytes(params[2])
        original_height = int(params[6])
        original_hash = hex_str_to_bytes(params[5])

        if mode == MODE_HEIGHT:
            # new referenced block height
            evil_height = -1
            # new referenced block hash
            modTargetHash = hex_str_to_bytes(swap_bytes(genesis_block_hash))
            # build modified script: CScript is putting a 4f (OP_NEGATE) for our -1
            # edit script.py to send different stuff for the -1 value (like ff itself!)
            modScriptPubKey = CScript([
                OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, hash160, OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG,
                modTargetHash, evil_height, OP_CHECKBLOCKATHEIGHT
        elif mode == MODE_SWAP_ARGS:
            modScriptPubKey = CScript([
                OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, hash160, OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG,
                original_height, original_hash, OP_CHECKBLOCKATHEIGHT
        elif mode == MODE_NON_MIN_ENC:
            non_min_h = hex_str_to_bytes("07000000")
            modScriptPubKey = CScript([
                OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, hash160, OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG,
                original_hash, non_min_h, OP_CHECKBLOCKATHEIGHT
            assert (False)

        tx_01.vout[vout_idx].scriptPubKey = modScriptPubKey

    signedRawTx = node_from.signrawtransaction(ToHex(tx_01))
    return signedRawTx