Exemplo n.º 1
def run(processor=FrameProcessor(options={ 'gui': True, 'debug': True }), gui=True, debug=True):  # default options
  """Run a FrameProcessor object on a static image (repeatedly) or on frames from a camera/video."""
  # TODO Use VideoInput instance instead of duplicating input logic
  # * Initialize parameters and flags
  delay = 10  # ms
  delayS = delay / 1000.0  # sec; only used in non-GUI mode, so this can be set to 0
  #gui = options.get('gui', True)
  #debug = options.get('debug', True)
  showInput = gui
  showOutput = gui
  showFPS = False
  showKeys = False
  isImage = False
  isVideo = False
  isOkay = False
  isFrozen = False
  # * Setup logging
  logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s | %(module)s | %(funcName)s() | %(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.INFO)
  # * Read input image or video, if specified
  if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    filename = sys.argv[1]
    if isImageFile(filename):
      print "run(): Reading image: \"" + filename + "\""
      frame = cv2.imread(filename)
      if frame is not None:
        if showInput:
          cv2.imshow("Input", frame)
        isImage = True
        isOkay = True
        print "run(): Error reading image; fallback to camera."
      print "run(): Reading video: \"" + filename + "\""
      camera = cv2.VideoCapture(filename)
      if camera.isOpened():
        isVideo = True
        isOkay = True
        print "run(): Error reading video; fallback to camera."
  # * Open camera if image/video is not provided/available
  if not isOkay:
    print "run(): Opening camera..."
    camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    # ** Final check before processing loop
    if camera.isOpened():
      result_width = camera.set(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cameraWidth)
      result_height = camera.set(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cameraHeight)
      print "run(): Camera frame size set to {width}x{height} (result: {result_width}, {result_height})".format(width=cameraWidth, height=cameraHeight, result_width=result_width, result_height=result_height)
      isOkay = True
      print "run(): Error opening camera; giving up now."
  # * Initialize supporting variables
  fresh = True
  # * Processing loop
  timeStart = cv2.getTickCount() / cv2.getTickFrequency()
  timeLast = timeNow = 0.0
    # ** [timing] Obtain relative timestamp for this loop iteration
    timeNow = (cv2.getTickCount() / cv2.getTickFrequency()) - timeStart
    if showFPS:
      timeDiff = (timeNow - timeLast)
      fps = (1.0 / timeDiff) if (timeDiff > 0.0) else 0.0
      print "run(): {0:5.2f} fps".format(fps)
    # ** If not static image, read frame from video/camera
    if not isImage and not isFrozen:
      isValid, frame = camera.read()
      if not isValid:
        break  # camera disconnected or reached end of video
      if showInput:
        cv2.imshow("Input", frame)
    # ** Initialize FrameProcessor, if required
      processor.initialize(frame, timeNow) # timeNow should be zero on initialize
      fresh = False
    # ** Process frame
    imageOut = processor.process(frame, timeNow)
    # ** Show output image
    if showOutput and imageOut is not None:
      cv2.imshow("Output", imageOut)
    # ** Check if GUI is available
    if gui:
      # *** If so, wait for inter-frame delay and process keyboard events using OpenCV
      key = cv2.waitKey(delay)
      if key != -1:
        keyCode = key & 0x00007f  # key code is in the last 8 bits, pick 7 bits for correct ASCII interpretation (8th bit indicates 
        keyChar = chr(keyCode) if not (key & KeyCode.SPECIAL) else None # if keyCode is normal, convert to char (str)
        if showKeys:
          print "run(): Key: " + KeyCode.describeKey(key)
          #print "run(): key = {key:#06x}, keyCode = {keyCode}, keyChar = {keyChar}".format(key=key, keyCode=keyCode, keyChar=keyChar)
        if keyCode == 0x1b or keyChar == 'q':
        elif keyChar == ' ':
          print "run(): [PAUSED] Press any key to continue..."
          ticksPaused = cv2.getTickCount()  # [timing] save time when paused
          cv2.waitKey()  # wait indefinitely for a key press
          timeStart += (cv2.getTickCount() - ticksPaused) / cv2.getTickFrequency()  # [timing] compensate for duration paused
        elif keyCode == 0x0d:
          isFrozen = not isFrozen  # freeze frame, but keep processors running
        elif keyChar == 'f':
          showFPS = not showFPS
        elif keyChar == 'k':
          showKeys = not showKeys
        elif keyChar == 'i':
          showInput = not showInput
          if not showInput:
        elif keyChar == 'o':
          showOutput = not showOutput
          if not showOutput:
        elif not processor.onKeyPress(key, keyChar):
      # *** Else, wait for inter-frame delay using system method
    # ** [timing] Save timestamp for fps calculation
    timeLast = timeNow
  # * Clean-up
  print "run(): Cleaning up..."
  if gui:
  if not isImage:
Exemplo n.º 2
    def start(self):
        """Create FrameProcessor objects and start vision loop (works on a static image, video or camera input)."""
        # * Initialize other parameters and flags
        delay = 10  # ms
        delayS = delay / 1000.0  # sec; only used in non-GUI mode, so this can be set to 0
        showInput = self.gui and True
        showOutput = self.gui and True
        showFPS = False
        showKeys = False

        isImage = False
        isVideo = False
        isReady = False
        isFrozen = False

        # * Read input image or video, if specified
        if self.filename is not None and not self.filename == "camera":
            if isImageFile(self.filename):
                self.logi("start", 'Reading image: "' + self.filename + '"')
                frame = cv2.imread(self.filename)
                if frame is not None:
                    if showInput:
                        cv2.imshow("Input", frame)
                    frozenFrame = frame.copy()  # useful if simulating and rotating image every frame
                    isImage = True
                    isReady = True
                    self.loge("start", "Error reading image; fallback to camera.")
                self.logi("start", 'Reading video: "' + self.filename + '"')
                camera = cv2.VideoCapture(self.filename)
                if camera.isOpened():
                    isVideo = True
                    isReady = True
                    self.loge("start", "Error reading video; fallback to camera.")

        # * Open camera if input image/video is not provided/available
        if not isReady:
            self.logi("start", "Opening camera...")
            camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
            # ** Final check before vision loop
            if camera.isOpened():
                result_width = camera.set(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, camera_frame_width)
                result_height = camera.set(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, camera_frame_height)
                    "Camera frame size set to {width}x{height} (result: {result_width}, {result_height})".format(
                isReady = True
                self.loge("start", "Error opening camera; giving up now.")

        # * Create pipeline(s) of FrameProcessor objects, initialize supporting variables
        # pipeline = FrameProcessorPipeline(self.options, [ColorFilterProcessor, LineDetector, LineWalker])  # line walking pipeline
        # pipeline = FrameProcessorPipeline(self.options, [CMYKBlobDetector])  # CMYK blob detection
        # pipeline = FrameProcessorPipeline(self.options, [ColorFilterProcessor, BlobTracker])  # blob tracking pipeline
        # pipeline = FrameProcessorPipeline(self.options, [ColorFilterProcessor, LineDetector, LineWalker, BlobTracker])  # combined pipeline
        # pipeline = FrameProcessorPipeline(self.options, [ColorPaletteDetector, LineDetector, LineWalker, CMYKBlobDetector])  # CMYK blob detection + line walking pipeline
        pipeline = FrameProcessorPipeline(
            self.options, [ColorFilterProcessor, LineDetector, LineWalker, BlobTracker, CMYKBlobDetector]
        )  # combined pipeline: line walking + blob tracking + CMYK blob detection
        # ** Get references to specific processors for fast access
        # colorFilter = pipeline.getProcessorByType(ColorFilterProcessor)
        colorPaletteDetector = pipeline.getProcessorByType(ColorPaletteDetector)
        lineDetector = pipeline.getProcessorByType(LineDetector)
        lineWalker = pipeline.getProcessorByType(LineWalker)
        blobDetector = pipeline.getProcessorByType(CMYKBlobDetector)
        blobTracker = pipeline.getProcessorByType(BlobTracker)

        # * Set signal handler before starting vision loop (NOTE must be done in the main thread of this process)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.handleSignal)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.handleSignal)

        # * Vision loop
        self.logi("start", "Starting vision loop...")
        self.isOkay = True
        fresh = True
        frameCount = 0
        timeLast = timeNow = 0.0
        timeStart = cv2.getTickCount() / cv2.getTickFrequency()
        while self.isOkay and not self.bot_state.get("die", False):
            # ** [timing] Obtain relative timestamp for this loop iteration
            timeNow = (cv2.getTickCount() / cv2.getTickFrequency()) - timeStart

            # ** Print any pre-frame messages
            if not self.gui:
                    "start", "[LOOP] Frame: {0:05d}, time: {1:07.3f}".format(frameCount, timeNow)
                )  # if no GUI, print something to show we are running
            if showFPS:
                timeDiff = timeNow - timeLast
                fps = (1.0 / timeDiff) if (timeDiff > 0.0) else 0.0
                self.logi("start", "[LOOP] {0:5.2f} fps".format(fps))
            # self.logd("start", "Pipeline: " + str(pipeline))  # current state of pipeline (preceding ~ means processor is inactive)

            # ** If not static image, read frame from video/camera
            if not isImage and not isFrozen:
                isValid, frame = camera.read()
                if not isValid:
                    break  # camera disconnected or reached end of video
                frameCount = frameCount + 1

                if showInput:
                    cv2.imshow("Input", frame)

            # [Sim] Rotate image to simulate bot movement
            if self.sim and lineWalker is not None:
                if self.heading != 0.0:
                    if isImage or isFrozen:
                        frame = frozenFrame.copy()
                    frame = rotateImage(frame, self.heading)

            # ** Initialize FrameProcessors, if required
            if fresh:
                pipeline.initialize(frame, timeNow)
                fresh = False

            # ** Check bot_state activate only those processors that should be active
            cv_offsetDetect = self.bot_state.get("cv_offsetDetect", True)  # default True
            # self.logd("start", "[LOOP] cv_offsetDetect? {0}".format(cv_offsetDetect))  # [debug]
            if colorPaletteDetector is not None:
                colorPaletteDetector.active = cv_offsetDetect

            cv_lineTrack = self.bot_state.get("cv_lineTrack", False)
            # self.logd("start", "[LOOP] cv_lineTrack? {0}".format(cv_lineTrack))  # [debug]
            # pipeline.activateProcessors([LineDetector, LineWalker], cv_lineTrack)
            if lineDetector is not None:
                lineDetector.active = cv_lineTrack
            if lineWalker is not None:
                lineWalker.active = cv_lineTrack

            cv_blobTrack = self.bot_state.get("cv_blobTrack", False)
            # self.logd("start", "[LOOP] cv_blobTrack? {0}".format(cv_blobTrack))  # [debug]
            # pipeline.activateProcessors([BlobTracker], cv_blobTrack)
            if blobTracker is not None:
                blobTracker.active = cv_blobTrack

            cv_blockDetect = self.bot_state.get("cv_blockDetect", False)
            # self.logd("start", "[LOOP] cv_blockDetect? {0}".format(cv_blockDetect))  # [debug]
            # pipeline.activateProcessors([CMYKBlobDetector], cv_blockDetect)
            if blobDetector is not None:
                blobDetector.active = cv_blockDetect

            # ** Process frame
            keepRunning, imageOut = pipeline.process(frame, timeNow)
            if not keepRunning:

            # ** Perform post-process functions
            if colorPaletteDetector is not None and colorPaletteDetector.active:
                if colorPaletteDetector.cameraOffset is not None:
                    if (
                        self.bot_state["camera_offset"][0] != colorPaletteDetector.cameraOffset[0]
                        or self.bot_state["camera_offset"][1] != colorPaletteDetector.cameraOffset[1]
                        self.bot_state["camera_offset"] = colorPaletteDetector.cameraOffset
                            "start", "[LOOP] camera_offset (changed): {0}".format(self.bot_state["camera_offset"])
                    self.loge("start", "[LOOP] camera_offset not available!")

            if blobTracker is not None and blobTracker.active:
                del self.blobs[:]
                self.logd("start", "[LOOP] Got {0} blob(s) from blob tracker".format(len(self.blobs)))
            elif blobDetector is not None and blobDetector.active:
                del self.blobs[:]
                self.logd("start", "[LOOP] Got {0} blob(s) from blob detector".format(len(self.blobs)))
                if (
                    self.blobs and do_blockDetect_once
                ):  # if some blobs have been found and we're supposed to do this only once
                    self.bot_state["cv_blockDetect"] = False
                    self.logd("start", "[LOOP] Set cv_blockDetect to {0}".format(self.bot_state["cv_blockDetect"]))

            # TODO Send out actual movement commands to navigator (only in LINE_WALKING state)
            if cv_lineTrack and lineWalker is not None:
                if lineWalker.state is LineWalker.State.GOOD and lineWalker.headingError != 0.0:
                    self.logd("start", "[LOOP] heading_error: {0:.2f}".format(lineWalker.headingError))
                # [Sim] Simulate bot movement from heading error reported by LineWalker
                if self.sim:
                    self.heading -= 0.1 * lineWalker.headingError

            # ** Show output image
            if (
                showOutput and not self.debug and imageOut is not None
            ):  # no need to display when debug is True because pipeline then shows individual outputs
                cv2.imshow("Output", imageOut)  # output image from last processor

            # ** Check if GUI is available
            if self.gui:
                # *** If so, wait for inter-frame delay and process keyboard events using OpenCV
                key = cv2.waitKey(delay)
                if key != -1:
                    keyCode = key & 0x00007F
                    keyChar = chr(keyCode) if not (key & KeyCode.SPECIAL) else None

                    if showKeys:
                        self.logi("start", "Key: " + KeyCode.describeKey(key))

                    if keyCode == 0x1B or keyChar == "q":
                    elif keyChar == " ":
                        self.logi("start", "[PAUSED] Press any key to continue...")
                        ticksPaused = cv2.getTickCount()  # [timing] save time when paused
                        cv2.waitKey()  # wait indefinitely for a key press
                        timeStart += (
                            cv2.getTickCount() - ticksPaused
                        ) / cv2.getTickFrequency()  # [timing] compensate for duration paused
                    elif keyCode == 0x0D:
                        if not isImage:
                            isFrozen = not isFrozen  # freeze frame, but keep processors running
                            if isFrozen:
                                frozenFrame = frame
                                "Frame {0:05d} is now frozen".format(frameCount)
                                if isFrozen
                                else "Frame processing unfrozen",
                    elif keyChar == "x":
                        self.logi("start", "Pipeline processors deactivated.")
                    elif keyChar == "y":
                        self.logi("start", "Pipeline processors activated.")
                    elif keyChar == "f":
                        showFPS = not showFPS
                    elif keyChar == "k":
                        showKeys = not showKeys
                        keepRunning = pipeline.onKeyPress(
                            key, keyChar
                        )  # pass along key-press to processors in pipeline
                        if not keepRunning:

            # ** [timing] Save timestamp for fps calculation
            timeLast = timeNow

        # * Reset signal handlers to default behavior
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_DFL)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)

        # * Clean-up
        self.logi("start", "Cleaning up...")
        if self.gui:
        if not isImage:
Exemplo n.º 3
def run(processor=FrameProcessor(options={
    'gui': True,
    'debug': True
        debug=True):  # default options
    """Run a FrameProcessor object on a static image (repeatedly) or on frames from a camera/video."""
    # TODO Use VideoInput instance instead of duplicating input logic
    # * Initialize parameters and flags
    delay = 10  # ms
    delayS = delay / 1000.0  # sec; only used in non-GUI mode, so this can be set to 0
    #gui = options.get('gui', True)
    #debug = options.get('debug', True)
    showInput = gui
    showOutput = gui
    showFPS = False
    showKeys = False

    isImage = False
    isVideo = False
    isOkay = False
    isFrozen = False

    # * Setup logging
        format="%(levelname)s | %(module)s | %(funcName)s() | %(message)s",
        level=logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.INFO)

    # * Read input image or video, if specified
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        filename = sys.argv[1]
        if isImageFile(filename):
            print "run(): Reading image: \"" + filename + "\""
            frame = cv2.imread(filename)
            if frame is not None:
                if showInput:
                    cv2.imshow("Input", frame)
                isImage = True
                isOkay = True
                print "run(): Error reading image; fallback to camera."
            print "run(): Reading video: \"" + filename + "\""
            camera = cv2.VideoCapture(filename)
            if camera.isOpened():
                isVideo = True
                isOkay = True
                print "run(): Error reading video; fallback to camera."

    # * Open camera if image/video is not provided/available
    if not isOkay:
        print "run(): Opening camera..."
        camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
        # ** Final check before processing loop
        if camera.isOpened():
            result_width = camera.set(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cameraWidth)
            result_height = camera.set(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT,
            print "run(): Camera frame size set to {width}x{height} (result: {result_width}, {result_height})".format(
            isOkay = True
            print "run(): Error opening camera; giving up now."

    # * Initialize supporting variables
    fresh = True

    # * Processing loop
    timeStart = cv2.getTickCount() / cv2.getTickFrequency()
    timeLast = timeNow = 0.0
    while (1):
        # ** [timing] Obtain relative timestamp for this loop iteration
        timeNow = (cv2.getTickCount() / cv2.getTickFrequency()) - timeStart
        if showFPS:
            timeDiff = (timeNow - timeLast)
            fps = (1.0 / timeDiff) if (timeDiff > 0.0) else 0.0
            print "run(): {0:5.2f} fps".format(fps)

        # ** If not static image, read frame from video/camera
        if not isImage and not isFrozen:
            isValid, frame = camera.read()
            if not isValid:
                break  # camera disconnected or reached end of video

            if showInput:
                cv2.imshow("Input", frame)

        # ** Initialize FrameProcessor, if required
        if (fresh):
                frame, timeNow)  # timeNow should be zero on initialize
            fresh = False

        # ** Process frame
        imageOut = processor.process(frame, timeNow)

        # ** Show output image
        if showOutput and imageOut is not None:
            cv2.imshow("Output", imageOut)

        # ** Check if GUI is available
        if gui:
            # *** If so, wait for inter-frame delay and process keyboard events using OpenCV
            key = cv2.waitKey(delay)
            if key != -1:
                keyCode = key & 0x00007f  # key code is in the last 8 bits, pick 7 bits for correct ASCII interpretation (8th bit indicates
                keyChar = chr(keyCode) if not (
                    key & KeyCode.SPECIAL
                ) else None  # if keyCode is normal, convert to char (str)

                if showKeys:
                    print "run(): Key: " + KeyCode.describeKey(key)
                    #print "run(): key = {key:#06x}, keyCode = {keyCode}, keyChar = {keyChar}".format(key=key, keyCode=keyCode, keyChar=keyChar)

                if keyCode == 0x1b or keyChar == 'q':
                elif keyChar == ' ':
                    print "run(): [PAUSED] Press any key to continue..."
                    ticksPaused = cv2.getTickCount(
                    )  # [timing] save time when paused
                    cv2.waitKey()  # wait indefinitely for a key press
                    timeStart += (cv2.getTickCount() -
                                  ticksPaused) / cv2.getTickFrequency(
                                  )  # [timing] compensate for duration paused
                elif keyCode == 0x0d:
                    isFrozen = not isFrozen  # freeze frame, but keep processors running
                elif keyChar == 'f':
                    showFPS = not showFPS
                elif keyChar == 'k':
                    showKeys = not showKeys
                elif keyChar == 'i':
                    showInput = not showInput
                    if not showInput:
                elif keyChar == 'o':
                    showOutput = not showOutput
                    if not showOutput:
                elif not processor.onKeyPress(key, keyChar):
            # *** Else, wait for inter-frame delay using system method

        # ** [timing] Save timestamp for fps calculation
        timeLast = timeNow

    # * Clean-up
    print "run(): Cleaning up..."
    if gui:
    if not isImage: