def load(self): """ Loads a config.json file and run a validation process. If the configurations seem valid, returns Configuration object. """ util.set_working_directory() # paths relatively to this script's location schema_json = util.json_decode(self.schema_path) if schema_json is None: msg = "Problem has occurred during the decoding procedure" + \ " with the following file: " + self.schema_path + "." logging.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) tools_json = util.json_decode(self.tools_path) if tools_json is None: msg = "Problem has occurred during the decoding procedure" + \ " with the following file: " + self.tools_path + "." logging.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) try: with open(self.config_path, mode="r") as file: config_string = decoder = json.JSONDecoder(object_pairs_hook=checking_hook) config_json = decoder.decode(config_string) except IOError: msg = "The file does not exist or cannot be read:" + \ (os.path.split(self.config_path))[1] logging.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) except ValueError as value_error: msg = (os.path.split(self.config_path))[1] + " file is not valid" logging.error(msg) print(value_error) raise ValidationError(msg) except KeyError as k_error: msg = "Duplicate key specified." logging.error(msg) print(k_error) print("Modify: " + (os.path.split(self.config_path))[1]) raise ValidationError(msg) valid = validation.is_valid_json(config_json, schema_json) if not valid: msg = "Validation failed for " + \ (os.path.split(self.config_path))[1] + "." logging.error(msg) raise ValidationError(msg) config = Configuration() config.iterations = config_json["IterationCount"] config.runs = config_json["Runs"] config.queries = config_json["Queries"] config.scenarios = config_json["Scenarios"] config.sizes = util.get_power_of_two(config_json["MinSize"], config_json["MaxSize"]) = config_json["Tools"] config.optional_arguments = config_json["OptionalArguments"] return config
def read_config(args): if not os.path.isfile("config.json"): print "config.json does not exist! Please copy config-sample.json to config.json and edit to your liking, then run the script." sys.exit(1) countries = if isinstance(countries, basestring): countries = [countries] countries = [country.lower().strip() for country in countries] for country in countries: if not os.path.isfile("proxies/proxies-%s.json" % country): print "The proxy configuration file proxies-%s.json does not exist! Exiting." % country sys.exit(1) content = util.get_contents("config.json") config = util.json_decode(content) if args.ip: config["public_ip"] = args.ip if args.bind_ip: config["bind_ip"] = args.ip if args.base_ip: config["base_ip"] = args.base_ip if args.base_port: config["base_port"] = args.base_port if not config["public_ip"]: try: print("Autodetecting public IP address...") public_ip = urllib2.urlopen("").read().strip() print("Detected public IP as %s. If it's wrong, please cancel the script now and set it in config.json or specify with --ip" % public_ip) time.sleep(1) config["public_ip"] = public_ip except: print("Could not detect public IP. Please update the public_ip setting in config.json or specify with --ip.") sys.exit(1) if util.put_contents('config.json', util.json_encode(config)) groups = {} for country in countries: groups.update(util.json_decode(util.get_contents("proxies/proxies-%s.json" % country))) if args.only: only = set(args.only) for item in args.only: if item not in groups: print "Nonexistent Item: %s, exiting" % item sys.exit() for item in groups.keys(): if item not in only: del groups[item] elif args.skip: for item in args.skip: del groups[item] config["groups"] = groups return config
def get_ssh_state(): """Getting the state of the remote queue from a text file""" try: filename = os.path.expanduser('~/glidein_state') return json_decode(open(filename).read()) except Exception: logger.warn('error getting ssh state', exc_info=True)
def put(self, classname, objectId): """Update a object """ self.classname = classname data = json_decode(self.request.body) self.objectid = ObjectId(objectId) result = self.db[self.collection].update({"_id": self.objectid}, data)
def get(self, dir, seq): opts = { 'startkey': [seq, 'z'], 'endkey': [seq], 'descending': True, 'limit': 1, } cur = self.db.view('seq/%s' % dir, **opts) msg = cur.rows[0].value if cur.rows else None return msg if msg is None else util.json_decode(msg)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.project_id = kwargs["project_id"] self.jsonkey = kwargs["jsonkey"] self.appname = kwargs["appname"] self.instanceid = kwargs["instanceid"] jsonData = json_decode(self.jsonkey) self.oauth_client = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_dict( jsonData, SCOPES ) self.endpoint = "%s/v1/projects/%s/messages:send" % (BASE_URL, self.project_id)
def post(self, classname): """Create collections """ self.classname = classname try: data = json_decode(self.request.body) except Exception as ex: self.send_response(BAD_REQUEST, ex) self.add_to_log("Add object to %s" % self.classname, data) objectId = self.db[self.collection].insert(data) self.send_response(OK, dict(objectId=objectId))
def get_format(self, tool): """ Returns the tool's format as string. """ # path relatively to this script's location current_directory = os.getcwd() util.set_working_directory() formats_json = util.json_decode(self.dependencies_path) if formats_json is None: raise IOError("Problem has occurred during the decoding procedure" + " with the following file: " + self.dependencies_path) util.set_working_directory(current_directory) if tool not in formats_json: raise IOError("Format for " + tool + " not specified.") else: return formats_json[tool]["format"]
def post(self): """Create a new token """ if not self.can("create_token"): self.send_response(FORBIDDEN, dict(error="No permission to create token")) return data = json_decode(self.request.body) device = data.get("device", DEVICE_TYPE_IOS).lower() channel = data.get("channel", "default") devicetoken = data.get("token", "") if device == DEVICE_TYPE_IOS: if len(devicetoken) != 64: self.send_response(BAD_REQUEST, dict(error="Invalid token")) return try: binascii.unhexlify(devicetoken) except Exception as ex: self.send_response(BAD_REQUEST, dict(error="Invalid token")) token = EntityBuilder.build_token(devicetoken, device, self.appname, channel) try: result = self.db.tokens.update( { "device": device, "token": devicetoken, "appname": self.appname }, token, upsert=True, ) # result # {u'updatedExisting': True, u'connectionId': 47, u'ok': 1.0, u'err': None, u'n': 1} if result["updatedExisting"]: self.add_to_log("Token exists", devicetoken) self.send_response(OK) else: self.send_response(OK) self.add_to_log("Add token", devicetoken) except Exception as ex: self.add_to_log("Cannot add token", devicetoken, "warning") self.send_response(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, dict(error=str(ex)))
def request(self, methodname, kwargs): """Send request to RPC Server""" # check method name for bad characters if methodname[0] == '_': logger.warning('cannot use RPC for private methods') raise Exception('Cannot use RPC for private methods') # translate request to json body = json_encode({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': methodname, 'params': kwargs, 'id': Client.newid() }) headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} request = urllib2.Request(self._address, data=body, headers=headers) # make request to server try: response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=self._timeout) except Exception: logger.warn('error making jsonrpc request', exc_info=True) raise # translate response from json try: cb_data = data = json_decode(cb_data) except Exception: try:'json data: %r', cb_data) except Exception: pass raise if 'error' in data: try: raise Exception('Error %r: %r %r' % data['error']) except Exception: raise Exception('Error %r' % data['error']) if 'result' in data: return data['result'] else: return None
def get(self): """Query users """ where = self.get_argument("where", None) if not where: data = {} else: try: # unpack query conditions data = json_decode(where) except Exception as ex: self.send_response(BAD_REQUEST, dict(error=str(ex))) cursor = self.db.users.find(data) users = [] for u in cursor: users.append(u) self.send_response(OK, users)
def get(self, classname): """Query collection """ self.classname = classname where = self.get_argument("where", None) if not where: data = {} else: try: # unpack query conditions data = json_decode(where) except Exception as ex: self.send_response(BAD_REQUEST, dict(error=str(ex))) objects = self.db[self.collection].find(data) results = [] for obj in objects: results.append(obj) self.send_response(OK, results)
async def test_fcm(self, req, oauth): self.maxDiff = None kwargs = { "project_id": "xxx", "jsonkey": "{}", "appname": "", "instanceid": "" } fcm = FCMClient(**kwargs) accesstoken, e = fcm.oauth_client.get_access_token() self.assertEqual(accesstoken, "access_token") response = await fcm.process( token="aaa", alert="alert", fcm={ "android": { "droid": 1 }, "apns": { "apple": 2 }, "webpush": {}, "data": {}, }, ) self.assertDictEqual( json_decode(response), { "message": { "token": "aaa", "notification": { "body": "alert", "title": "alert" }, "android": { "droid": 1 }, "apns": { "apple": 2 }, } }, )
async def post(self): if not self.can("send_broadcast"): self.send_response(FORBIDDEN, dict(error="No permission to send broadcast")) return # if request body is json entity data = json_decode(self.request.body) # the channel to be broadcasted channel = data.get("channel", "default") # device type device = data.get("device", None) # iOS and Android shared param if type(data["alert"]) is not dict: alert = "".join(data.get("alert", "").splitlines()) else: alert = data["alert"] # iOS sound = data.get("sound", None) badge = data.get("badge", None) if type(data["alert"]) is not dict: self.add_to_log("%s broadcast" % self.appname, alert, "important") else: self.add_to_log( "%s broadcast" % self.appname, alert["title"] + ": " + alert["body"], "important", ) await self.application.send_broadcast( self.appname, self.db, channel=channel, alert=alert, sound=sound, badge=badge, device=device, fcm=data.get("fcm", {}), wns=data.get("wns", {}), apns=data.get("apns", {}), ) delta_t = time.time() - self._time_start"Broadcast took time: %sms" % (delta_t * 1000)) self.send_response(ACCEPTED)
def request(self, methodname, kwargs): """Send request to RPC Server""" # check method name for bad characters if methodname[0] == '_': logger.warning('cannot use RPC for private methods') raise Exception('Cannot use RPC for private methods') # translate request to json body = json_encode({'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': methodname, 'params': kwargs, 'id': Client.newid()}) headers = {'Content-type':'application/json'} request = urllib2.Request(self._address, data=body, headers=headers) # make request to server try: response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=self._timeout) except Exception: logger.warn('error making jsonrpc request', exc_info=True) raise # translate response from json try: cb_data = data = json_decode(cb_data) except Exception: try:'json data: %r', cb_data) except Exception: pass raise if 'error' in data: try: raise Exception('Error %r: %r %r'%data['error']) except Exception: raise Exception('Error %r'%data['error']) if 'result' in data: return data['result'] else: return None
async def post(self): try: """ Send notifications """ if not self.can("send_notification"): self.send_response( FORBIDDEN, dict(error="No permission to send notification")) return # if request body is json entity request_dict = json_decode(self.request.body) # application specific request_dict extra = request_dict.get("extra", {}) # Hook if "processor" in extra: try: proc = import_module("hooks." + extra["processor"]) request_dict = proc.process_pushnotification_payload( request_dict) except Exception as ex: logging.error(str(ex)) self.send_response(BAD_REQUEST, dict(error=str(ex))) return if not self.token: self.token = request_dict.get("token", None) device = request_dict.get("device", DEVICE_TYPE_FCM).lower() channel = request_dict.get("channel", "default") alert = request_dict.get("alert", "") token = self.dao.find_token(self.token) if not token: token = EntityBuilder.build_token(self.token, device, self.appname, channel) if not self.can("create_token"): self.send_response( BAD_REQUEST, dict( error= "Unknow token and you have no permission to create" ), ) return try: # TODO check permission to insert self.dao.add_token(token) except Exception as ex: logging.error(str(ex)) self.send_response(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, dict(error=str(ex))) return"sending notification to %s: %s" % (device, self.token)) # if device in [DEVICE_TYPE_FCM, DEVICE_TYPE_ANDROID]: if device.endswith(DEVICE_TYPE_FCM): fcm = request_dict.get("fcm", {}) try: fcmconn = self.fcmconnections[["shortname"]][0] await fcmconn.process(token=self.token, alert=alert, fcm=fcm) except Exception as ex: statuscode = ex.code # reference: # response_json = json_decode(ex.response.body) logging.error(response_json) self.add_to_log( "error", tornado.escape.to_unicode(ex.response.body)) self.send_response(statuscode, dict(error="error response from fcm")) return elif device == DEVICE_TYPE_IOS: # Use splitlines trick to remove line ending (only for iOS). if type(alert) is not dict: alert = "".join(alert.splitlines()) # apns_default = { "badge": None, "sound": "default", "push_type": "alert" } apnspayload = request_dict.get("apns", request_dict.get("fcm", {})) conn = self.get_apns_conn() if conn: try: conn.process( token=self.token, alert=alert, apns={ **apns_default, **apnspayload }, ) except Exception as ex: logging.error(ex) self.reattempt_push_apns(alert, apnspayload, self.token) return else: logging.error("no active apns connection") elif device == DEVICE_TYPE_WNS: request_dict.setdefault("wns", {}) wns = self.wnsconnections[["shortname"]][0] wns.process( token=request_dict["token"], alert=alert, extra=extra, wns=request_dict["wns"], ) else: logging.error("invalid device type %s" % device) self.send_response(BAD_REQUEST, dict(error="Invalid device type")) return logmessage = "payload: %s, access key: %s" % ( tornado.escape.to_unicode(self.request.body), self.appkey, ) self.add_to_log("notification", logmessage) self.send_response(ACCEPTED) except Exception as ex: traceback_ex = traceback.format_exc() logging.error("%s %s" % (traceback_ex, str(ex))) self.send_response(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, dict(error=str(ex)))
def setconfig(self, key, value): """Set a configuration variable. 'value' may be a string or a Python expression.""" if key not in ('rpcuser', 'rpcpassword'): value = json_decode(value) self.config.set_key(key, value) return True
def from_json(cls, jsonstr): return cls.from_dict(json_decode(jsonstr))
def handle_read(self): raw = self.recv(8192) if raw: msg = util.json_decode(json.loads(raw)) self.dest.queue(msg) self.buffer = {'result': 'done'}