Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: camo.py Projeto: jwgu/camo
def analyze_costs(scan,
    """ Visualize which costs contributed to the solution (warning: slow) """

    if frames is None:
        frames = range(
        )  #sorted(set(map(int, np.linspace(0, scan.length-1, 10))))

    if cost_names is None:
        cost_names = range(len(costs))

    subcosts = np.array(
        [cost[range(len(results)), results].copy() for cost in costs])
    #total = float(np.max(subcosts))

    print 'costs:'
    table = [cost_names, map(ut.pr, [np.sum(x) for x in subcosts])]

    if smooth_faces:
        for subcost in subcosts:
            print 'subcost', np.sum(subcost)
            as_juv = np.squeeze(mesh.index_as_juv(subcost))
            for j in xrange(as_juv.shape[0]):
                D, I = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt(
                    as_juv[j] == 0, return_indices=True)
                res = np.where(D < 20, as_juv[j][I[0], I[1]], as_juv[j]).copy()
                as_juv[j, :, :] = res
            print np.max(as_juv)
            subcost[:] = mesh.index_as_flat(as_juv).flatten()

    labeling_colors = np.array(ut.distinct_colors(len(label_info)))
    labeling_colors[ut.land(label_info[:, 1] == 0, label_info[:,
                                                              2] == 0)] = 255

    for frame in frames:
        row = [mesh.render(scan, frame, texel_colors)]

        frame_lc = labeling_colors.copy()
        frame_lc[label_info[:, 0] != frame] = 0
        row.append(mesh.render(scan, frame, frame_lc[results]))

        for subcost in subcosts:
            total = float(np.max(subcost))
            colors = np.clip(
                255 * np.tile(subcost[:, np.newaxis], (1, 3)) / total, 0, 255)
            row.append(mesh.render(scan, frame, colors))

Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: box.py Projeto: jwgu/camo
        def backproj(face_visible):
            # (alpha*r + t)*n + d = 0
            # alpha*r'n + t'*n + d = 0
            # (-d - t'*n)/(r'*n)
            ray_juv = -1 + np.zeros(rays.shape, 'd')
            best_dist = np.inf + np.zeros(rays.shape[0])

            if len(rays) == 0:
                return ray_juv, best_dist

            for j in np.nonzero(face_visible)[0]:
                plane = self.face_planes[j]
                dist = (-plane[3] - np.dot(center, plane[:3])) / np.dot(
                    rays, plane[:3])
                #dist2 = (-plane[3] - np.dot(center, plane[:3]))/np.dot(rays, plane[:3])
                pts = dist[:, na] * rays + center

                p1, edges = self.face_edges[j]
                # R = edges / ut.normax(edges, 1)[:, na]
                # uv = np.array((self.texsize-1)*np.dot(R/ut.normax(edges, 1)[:, na], (pts - p1).T), 'd').T

                uv = np.linalg.lstsq(edges.T, (pts - p1).T)[0].T

                in_bounds = ut.land(0 <= uv[:, 0], uv[:, 0] <= 1,
                                    0 <= uv[:, 1], uv[:, 1] <= 1)

                uv = np.array((self.texsize - 1) * uv)

                visible = ut.land(in_bounds, 0 <= dist, dist < best_dist)

                best_dist[visible] = dist[visible]
                ray_juv[visible, 0] = j
                ray_juv[visible, 1] = uv[visible, 0]
                ray_juv[visible, 2] = uv[visible, 1]

            #print np.bincount(np.array(ray_juv[ray_juv[:, 0] >= 0, 0], 'l'), minlength = 6)
            # in first call to backproj this assertion might fail (need to double check the rest of the code if that happens)
            assert np.sum(
                np.bincount(np.array(ray_juv[ray_juv[:, 0] >= 0, 0], 'l'),
                            minlength=6) > 0) <= 3

            return ray_juv, best_dist
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: box.py Projeto: abhishah/camo
    def backproj(face_visible):
      # (alpha*r + t)*n + d = 0
      # alpha*r'n + t'*n + d = 0
      # (-d - t'*n)/(r'*n)
      ray_juv = -1 + np.zeros(rays.shape, 'd')
      best_dist = np.inf + np.zeros(rays.shape[0])

      if len(rays) == 0:
        return ray_juv, best_dist
      for j in np.nonzero(face_visible)[0]:
        plane = self.face_planes[j]
        dist = (-plane[3] - np.dot(center, plane[:3]))/np.dot(rays, plane[:3])
        #dist2 = (-plane[3] - np.dot(center, plane[:3]))/np.dot(rays, plane[:3])
        pts = dist[:, na]*rays + center

        p1, edges = self.face_edges[j]
        # R = edges / ut.normax(edges, 1)[:, na]
        # uv = np.array((self.texsize-1)*np.dot(R/ut.normax(edges, 1)[:, na], (pts - p1).T), 'd').T

        uv = np.linalg.lstsq(edges.T, (pts - p1).T)[0].T

        in_bounds = ut.land(0 <= uv[:, 0], uv[:, 0] <= 1,
                            0 <= uv[:, 1], uv[:, 1] <= 1)

        uv = np.array((self.texsize-1)*uv)

        visible = ut.land(in_bounds, 0 <= dist, dist < best_dist)

        best_dist[visible] = dist[visible]
        ray_juv[visible, 0] = j
        ray_juv[visible, 1] = uv[visible, 0]
        ray_juv[visible, 2] = uv[visible, 1]

      #print np.bincount(np.array(ray_juv[ray_juv[:, 0] >= 0, 0], 'l'), minlength = 6)
      # in first call to backproj this assertion might fail (need to double check the rest of the code if that happens)
      assert np.sum(np.bincount(np.array(ray_juv[ray_juv[:, 0] >= 0, 0], 'l'), minlength = 6) > 0) <= 3

      return ray_juv, best_dist
Exemplo n.º 4
def occlusion_texels(scan, mesh, frame, thresh = 1., only_border = True):
  occ_mask = np.array(occlusion_mask(scan, mesh, frame, thresh = thresh), 'd')
  vis = mesh.texel_visible(scan, frame)
  proj = np.array(scan.project(frame, mesh.texel_pts), 'l')
  occ = np.zeros(mesh.ntexels, 'bool')
  occ[vis] = occ_mask[proj[vis, 1], proj[vis, 0]]

  if only_border:
    occ = ut.land(occ, mesh.on_border)

  assert np.all(vis[occ])

  return occ
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: camo.py Projeto: jwgu/camo
def occlusion_texels(scan, mesh, frame, thresh=1., only_border=True):
    occ_mask = np.array(occlusion_mask(scan, mesh, frame, thresh=thresh), 'd')
    vis = mesh.texel_visible(scan, frame)
    proj = np.array(scan.project(frame, mesh.texel_pts), 'l')
    occ = np.zeros(mesh.ntexels, 'bool')
    occ[vis] = occ_mask[proj[vis, 1], proj[vis, 0]]

    if only_border:
        occ = ut.land(occ, mesh.on_border)

    assert np.all(vis[occ])

    return occ
Exemplo n.º 6
def analyze_costs(scan, mesh, results, costs, texel_colors, label_info, cost_names = None, smooth_faces = True, frames = None):
  """ Visualize which costs contributed to the solution (warning: slow) """
  if frames is None:
    frames = range(scan.length)#sorted(set(map(int, np.linspace(0, scan.length-1, 10))))
  if cost_names is None:
    cost_names = range(len(costs))

  subcosts = np.array([cost[range(len(results)), results].copy() for cost in costs])
  #total = float(np.max(subcosts))
  print 'costs:'
  table = [cost_names, map(ut.pr, [np.sum(x) for x in subcosts])]
  if smooth_faces:
    for subcost in subcosts:
      print 'subcost', np.sum(subcost)
      as_juv = np.squeeze(mesh.index_as_juv(subcost))
      for j in xrange(as_juv.shape[0]):
        D, I = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt(as_juv[j] == 0, return_indices = True)
        res = np.where(D < 20, as_juv[j][I[0], I[1]], as_juv[j]).copy()
        as_juv[j, :, :] = res
      print np.max(as_juv)
      subcost[:] = mesh.index_as_flat(as_juv).flatten()

  labeling_colors = np.array(ut.distinct_colors(len(label_info)))
  labeling_colors[ut.land(label_info[:, 1] == 0, label_info[:, 2] == 0)] = 255

  for frame in frames:
    row = [mesh.render(scan, frame, texel_colors)]

    frame_lc = labeling_colors.copy()
    frame_lc[label_info[:, 0] != frame] = 0
    row.append(mesh.render(scan, frame, frame_lc[results]))

    for subcost in subcosts:
      total = float(np.max(subcost))
      colors = np.clip(255*np.tile(subcost[:, np.newaxis], (1, 3))/total, 0, 255)
      row.append(mesh.render(scan, frame, colors))
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: img.py Projeto: abhishah/camo
def pixels_in_bounds(im_shape, xs, ys):
  return ut.land(0 <= xs, xs < im_shape[1],
                 0 <= ys, ys < im_shape[0])
Exemplo n.º 8
def pixels_in_bounds(im_shape, xs, ys):
    return ut.land(0 <= xs, xs < im_shape[1], 0 <= ys, ys < im_shape[0])
Exemplo n.º 9
def label_box(seq,
    print seq

    if type(seq) == type(''):
        scan = dset.Scan(seq, None)
        scan = seq
        seq = scan.path

    if mode == 'normal':
        _, _, tracks = dset.read_bundler(scan.bundle_file, scan.full_shape)
        pts = np.array([t[0] for t in tracks])

        proj = scan.project(root, pts)

        w = 1

        im_with_pts = ig.draw_pts(scan.im(root), proj, width=w)
        rect = ut.bbox2d(pylab.ginput(2, timeout=-1))
        #rect = (1782.005828476269, 1431.7364696086595, 529.75936719400488, 354.40549542048279)
        print rect

        ok = ut.land(rect[0] <= proj[:, 0], proj[:, 0] <= rect[0] + rect[2],
                     rect[1] <= proj[:, 1], proj[:, 1] <= rect[1] + rect[3])
        pts_in_box = pts[ok]
        thresh = pylab.dist(scan.center(root), scan.center(root + 1)) / 50.
        plane, _ = planefit.fit_plane_ransac(pts_in_box, thresh)
        if plane[1] < 0 and y_flip:
            plane *= -1

        ins = planefit.plane_inliers(plane, pts, thresh)

        colors = np.zeros_like(pts)
        colors[:, 0] = 255
        colors[ins] = (0, 255, 0)

        im_ins = ig.draw_pts(scan.im(root),
                             map(ut.itup, proj),
                             map(ut.itup, colors),

        if not input('ok? '):

        print 'click 2 points (used to recalibrate the plane)'
        rect = ut.bbox2d(pylab.ginput(2, timeout=-1))
        ok = ut.land(rect[0] <= proj[:, 0], proj[:, 0] <= rect[0] + rect[2],
                     rect[1] <= proj[:, 1], proj[:, 1] <= rect[1] + rect[3])
        pts_in_box = pts[ok]
        print 'plane before', plane
        plane[3] = -np.median(np.dot(pts_in_box, plane[:3]))
        print 'plane after', plane[3]

        if 1:
            print 'hack'
            im_ins = scan.im(root)

        print 'click 3 base points'
        px = pylab.ginput(3, timeout=-1)

        #px = [(2270.2989175686921, 1482.9937552039967), (2297.2764363030801, 1555.8330557868442), (2405.1865112406322, 1550.4375520399667)]

        def backproj(p):
            ray = ut.normalized(
                np.dot(mvg.pixel_ray_matrix(scan.R(root), scan.K(root)),
            c = scan.center(root)

            dist = (-plane[3] - np.dot(c, plane[:3])) / np.dot(ray, plane[:3])
            assert dist >= 0
            pt = c + ray * dist
            print planefit.dist_to_plane(plane, pt[np.newaxis, :])
            return pt

        sc = 1.
        while 1:
            cb = np.array(map(backproj, px))
            v1 = cb[0] - cb[1]
            v2 = cb[2] - cb[1]

            if side_len1 is None:
                side_len1 = 0.5 * (np.linalg.norm(v1) + np.linalg.norm(v2))
            if side_len2 is None:
                side_len2 = side_len1
            if side_len3 is None:
                side_len3 = side_len1

            a1 = sc * side_len1
            a2 = sc * side_len2
            a3 = sc * side_len3

            print 'side1', a1, 'side2', a2, 'side3', a3, 'thresh =', thresh, \
                  'v1 =', np.linalg.norm(v1), 'v2 = ', np.linalg.norm(v2)

            R = np.zeros((3, 3))
            cr = ut.normalized(np.cross(v1, plane[:3]))
            cr *= np.sign(np.dot(cr, v2))
            R[0] = a1 * ut.normalized(v1)
            R[1] = a2 * ut.normalized(cr)
            R[2] = a3 * ut.normalized(plane[:3])
            print ut.normax(R, 1)

            mesh_pts = []
            for zi in xrange(2):
                for yi in xrange(2):
                    for xi in xrange(2):
                        mesh_pts.append(cb[1] + R[0] * xi + R[1] * yi +
                                        R[2] * zi)
            face_idx = -1 + np.array(
                [[1, 2, 4, 3],
                 np.array([1, 2, 4, 3]) + 4, [1, 2, 2 + 4, 1 + 4],
                 [2, 4, 4 + 4, 2 + 4], [4, 3, 3 + 4, 4 + 4],
                 [3, 1, 1 + 4, 3 + 4]])
            mesh = box.Mesh(face_idx, mesh_pts, texsize=128)

            # show a preview
            scan_ = dset.Scan(seq)
                [[1 + i,
                  box.draw_faces(mesh, scan_, i, hires=0),
                  scan_.im(i)] for i in [root, root + 1]])
            if input('ok? '):
                box.save_mesh(ut.pjoin(seq, 'cube.mat'), mesh)
                sc = float(input('scale? '))

        mesh = box.load_from_mat(ut.pjoin(seq, 'cube.mat'))

    scan = dset.Scan(seq, use_cams_file=False)

    print 'Already marked as bad:'
    good_cams_file = os.path.join(scan.path, 'good_cams.txt')
    if os.path.exists(good_cams_file):
        inds = map(int, open(good_cams_file, 'r').read().split())
        file_ids = map(scan.file_index, scan.im_files)
        bad = sorted(set(file_ids) - set(inds))
        print '\n'.join(map(str, bad))

    if 1:
            box.draw_faces(mesh, scan, frame, hires=0)
        ] for frame in xrange(scan.length)])

    inp = input('Bad cameras (as string): ')
    if inp != 'skip':
        bad_cams = map(int, inp.split())
        all_idx = map(scan.file_index, scan.im_files)
        good_cams = sorted(set(all_idx) - set(bad_cams))
        ut.write_lines(ut.pjoin(seq, 'good_cams.txt'), map(str, good_cams))