def main(): util.line() print("PEP300 - Metaheuristics Techniques for Combinatorial Optimization") print("TSPLib") util.line("-") sourceFile = '' resultFile = '' try: sourceFile = sys.argv[1] except: print("Usage: <sourceFile>") sys.exit(2) name, dimension, distances = problem.readTSPLibFiles(sourceFile) # print("Distances", distances) # pcb442 -> cost: 221440 -> 1:n # testSolution = [*range(1, dimension + 1)] # print(testSolution) # cost = problem.calculateCost(testSolution, distances) # print(cost) menu(name, dimension, distances)
def move(): global T global cnt head = snake[-1].copy() head.move(aim) if head in walls: rectangle(-200, -195, 60, 20, 'white') f timer() ontimer(move, 100) return if head in pwalls: if pwalls.get(head) != None: pwalls[head] -= 1 if pwalls[head] == 0: pwalls.pop(head) walls.add(head) if head in thorns: again() return for body in snake: for i in range(len(lasers)): if cnt > 0 and lasers[i][0].x <= body.x <= lasers[i][1].x and lasers[i][0].y <= body.y <= lasers[i][1].y: again() return if len(foods) == 0: nextstage() return if head in teledict: head = teledict[head] if head in foods: foods.remove(head) else: snake.pop(0) snake.append(head) clear() for body in snake: square(body.x, body.y, 9, 'black') for telep in teledict: square(telep.x, telep.y, 9, 'magenta') square(teledict[telep].x, teledict[telep].y, 9, 'purple') for food in foods: square(food.x, food.y, 9, 'green') for i in range(len(lasers)): if cnt > 0 : line(lasers[i][0].x, lasers[i][0].y+4.5, lasers[i][1].x, lasers[i][1].y+4.5) cnt += 1 if cnt == 10: cnt = -5 for wall in walls: square(wall.x, wall.y, 9, 'gray') for pwall in pwalls: squarenum(pwall.x, pwall.y, 9, 'blue', pwalls[pwall]) for thorn in thorns: triangle(thorn.x, thorn.y, 9, 'red') timer() update() ontimer(move, 100)
def isvalid(x_new, x_near, constraints, obstacles): l = line(x_new, x_near) if isinstance(constraints, list): isinside = any(contains(c, x_new) for c in constraints) else: isinside = contains(constraints, x_new) return isinside and \ all(not obs.contains(l) for obs in obstacles)
def _extend_slope(cls, h, m, n_fit_points=10): for i in range(m.shape[0]): j = util.arg_first_not_nan(m[i]) popt, _ = so.curve_fit(util.line, h[i, j:j + n_fit_points], m[i, j:j + n_fit_points]) m[i, 0:j] = util.line(h[i, 0:j], *popt) return
def menuConstructiveMethods(dimension, distances, solution): util.line() print("Métodos construtivos:") util.line("-") print("1 - Construção aleatória") print("2 - Construção gulosa - vizinho mais próximo") print("3 - Construção parcialmente gulosa") print("0 - Voltar") choice = int(input("Opção: ")) util.line() if choice == 0: return solution elif choice == 1: solution = constructive.createRandom(dimension) elif choice == 2: solution = constructive.nearestNeighbour(dimension, distances) elif choice == 3: alpha = float(input("Informe um valor para alpha [0; 1]: ")) solution = constructive.semiGreedyNearNeighbour( dimension, distances, alpha) else: print("Metodo ainda não implementado.") print("Solução: ", solution) return solution
def menu(name, dimension, distances): solution = [] cost = sys.maxsize while True: util.line() print("Defina a operação: ") util.line() print("1 - Construir solução") print("2 - Refinar solução") print("3 - Aplicar meta-heurística") print("4 - Calcular custo") print("0 - Sair") util.line("-") choice = int(input("Opção: ")) util.line() if choice == 0: print("The end.") sys.exit(0) elif choice == 1: solution = menuConstructiveMethods(dimension, distances, solution) elif choice == 2: solution, cost = menuRefiningHeuristics(dimension, distances, solution) elif choice == 3: solution, cost = menuMetaHeuristics(dimension, distances) elif choice == 4: print("Solução: ", solution) cost = problem.calculateCost(solution, distances) util.line("-") print("Custo: ", cost) else: print("Metodo ainda não implementado.")
def plot_nnoutput(plotObject, kwargs): savename = kwargs['cname'] + '.pdf' cut = kwargs['cut'] from ROOT import TH1F, TCanvas, gROOT, gStyle, kTRUE gROOT.SetBatch(kTRUE) from ROOT import kCyan, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kBlack, kMagenta, gPad from RingerCore.util import Roc_to_histogram from util import setBox, line gStyle.SetOptStat(1111) curve = plotObject[0][kwargs['rocname']] signal, background = Roc_to_histogram(curve, kwargs['nsignal'], kwargs['nbackground']) hist_signal = TH1F('Signal', 'dist output;output;count', 100, -1, 1) hist_background = TH1F('Background', 'dist output;output;count', 100, -1, 1) for out in signal: hist_signal.Fill(out) for out in background: hist_background.Fill(out) canvas = TCanvas('canvas', 'canvas', 800, 600) hist_signal.SetStats(1) hist_background.SetStats(1) hist_signal.SetLineColor(kBlack) hist_background.SetLineColor(kRed) #hist_signal.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05); #hist_signal.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05); #hist_background.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05); #hist_background.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05); if hist_signal.GetEntries() > hist_background.GetEntries(): hist_signal.Draw() hist_background.Draw('sames') else: hist_background.Draw() hist_signal.Draw('sames') canvas.SetLogy() setBox(gPad, [hist_signal, hist_background]) l = line(cut, 0, cut, 1000, kBlue, 2, 2) l.Draw() canvas.SaveAs(savename) return savename
def plot_nnoutput(plotObject, kwargs): savename = kwargs["cname"] + ".pdf" cut = kwargs["cut"] from ROOT import TH1F, TCanvas, gROOT, gStyle, kTRUE gROOT.SetBatch(kTRUE) from ROOT import kCyan, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kBlack, kMagenta, gPad from RingerCore.util import Roc_to_histogram from util import setBox, line gStyle.SetOptStat(1111) curve = plotObject[0][kwargs["rocname"]] signal, background = Roc_to_histogram(curve, kwargs["nsignal"], kwargs["nbackground"]) hist_signal = TH1F("Signal", "dist output;output;count", 100, -1, 1) hist_background = TH1F("Background", "dist output;output;count", 100, -1, 1) for out in signal: hist_signal.Fill(out) for out in background: hist_background.Fill(out) canvas = TCanvas("canvas", "canvas", 800, 600) hist_signal.SetStats(1) hist_background.SetStats(1) hist_signal.SetLineColor(kBlack) hist_background.SetLineColor(kRed) # hist_signal.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05); # hist_signal.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05); # hist_background.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05); # hist_background.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05); if hist_signal.GetEntries() > hist_background.GetEntries(): hist_signal.Draw() hist_background.Draw("sames") else: hist_background.Draw() hist_signal.Draw("sames") canvas.SetLogy() setBox(gPad, [hist_signal, hist_background]) l = line(cut, 0, cut, 1000, kBlue, 2, 2) l.Draw() canvas.SaveAs(savename) return savename
def menuMetaHeuristics(dimension, distances): util.line() print("Meta-heurísticas:") util.line("-") print("1 - Multi-start") print("2 - GRASP") print("3 - Simulated Annealing") print("4 - Busca Tabu") print("5 - VNS") print("6 - Iterated Local Search") print("7 - Algoritmos genéticos") print("8 - Colônia de Formigas") print("9 - Scatter Search") print("0 - Voltar") choice = int(input("Opção: ")) util.line() solution = [] cost = sys.maxsize if choice == 1: # Multi-start iterMax = int( input( "Defina o número máximo de iterações sem melhora (critério de parada): " )) solution, cost = multistart.multiStart(dimension, distances, iterMax) print("Solução: ", solution) print("Custo: ", cost) elif choice == 2: # GRASP graspMax = int( input("Defina o número máximo de iterações (GRASPmax): ")) alpha = float(input("Informe um valor para alpha [0; 1]: ")) solution, cost = grasp.grasp(dimension, distances, graspMax, alpha) print("Solução: ", solution) print("Custo: ", cost) else: print("Metodo ainda não implementado.") return solution, cost
def view (id, fileName=''): log.debug("Viewing Gist with ID: {0} and fileName: '{1}'".format(id,fileName)) if id[0] in _cmds['#']: id = _get_id_for_index(id) if id: gist = _get_gist(id) # display line delims only if more than one file exists. facilitates piping file content noDelim = len(gist['files']) == 1 or fileName != '' for (file, data) in gist['files'].items(): content = data['content'] if not noDelim: util.line() print 'Gist: {0} File: {1}'.format(id, file) util.line() if fileName != '': if fileName.strip().lower() == file.strip().lower(): print content else: print content if not noDelim: util.line()
def menuRefiningHeuristics(dimension, distances, solution): util.line() print("Heurísticas de refinamento:") util.line("-") print("1 - First improvement descent") print("2 - Best improvement descent") print("3 - Random descent") print("0 - Voltar") choice = int(input("Opção: ")) util.line() if choice == 1: solution, cost = refining.firstImprovementDescent( dimension, distances, solution) print("Solução: ", solution) print("Custo: ", cost) elif choice == 2: solution, cost = refining.bestImprovementDescent( dimension, distances, solution) print("Solução: ", solution) print("Custo: ", cost) elif choice == 3: iterMax = int( input("Defina o número máximo de iterações sem melhora: ")) solution, cost = refining.randomDescent(dimension, distances, solution, iterMax) print("Solução: ", solution) print("Custo: ", cost) else: print("Metodo ainda não implementado.") return solution, cost
def view(id, fileName=''): log.debug("Viewing Gist with ID: {0} and fileName: '{1}'".format( id, fileName)) if id[0] in _cmds['#']: id = _get_id_for_index(id) if id: gist = _get_gist(id) # display line delims only if more than one file exists. facilitates piping file content noDelim = len(gist['files']) == 1 or fileName != '' for (file, data) in list(gist['files'].items()): content = data['content'] if not noDelim: util.line() print('Gist: {0} File: {1}'.format(id, file)) util.line() if fileName != '': if fileName.strip().lower() == file.strip().lower(): print(content) else: print(content) if not noDelim: util.line()
label = kp[-1] xs = [int(float(i)) for i in kp[2:-1:2]] ys = [int(float(i)) for i in kp[3:-1:2]] # Show the keypoints if SHOW: plt.scatter(xs, ys) # Sort the keypoints to head, tail, and wings of plane pH = (xs[0], ys[0]) pT = (xs[1], ys[1]) pW1 = (xs[2], ys[2]) pW2 = (xs[3], ys[3]) # Find the major/longest axis for the plane and the points of the major and minor axis LMaj = u.line(pH, pT) pMaj = (pH, pT) pMin = (pW1, pW2) # if u.longer((pW1, pW2), (pH, pT)): # LMaj = u.line(pW1, pW2) # pMaj = (pW1, pW2) # pMin = (pH, pT) # Find the equations of the long and short edges of the bounding box le = (u.linePointSlope(LMaj, pMin[0]), u.linePointSlope(LMaj, pMin[1])) se = (u.linePointSlopeInverted(LMaj, pMaj[0]), u.linePointSlopeInverted(LMaj, pMaj[1])) # Find the vertices of the bounding box from the lines v = (u.intersection(le[0], se[0]),
def plot_rocs(plotObjects, kwargs): from ROOT import kCyan, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kBlack, kMagenta, kGray, kWhite, kYellow Colors = [kBlue, kRed, kMagenta, kBlack, kCyan, kGreen] from RingerCore import StdPair as std_pair from util import line, minmax dset = kwargs['set'] ref = kwargs['reference'] refVal = kwargs['refVal'] eps = kwargs['eps'] savename = kwargs['cname'] + '.pdf' #Some protection if not ('operation' in dset or 'tst' in dset): raise ValueError('Option set must be: tst (test) or val (validation)') if not ('SP' in ref or 'Pd' in ref or 'Pf' in ref): raise ValueError('Option reference must be: SP, Pd or Pf') #Create dict to hold all list plots curves = dict() #list of dicts to dict of lists for name in plotObjects.keys(): curves[name] = plotObjects.tolist(name) paintIdx = kwargs['paintListIdx'] # [best, worst] paintCurves = [ std_pair(plotObjects.index_correction(paintIdx[0]), kBlack), std_pair(plotObjects.index_correction(paintIdx[1]), kRed) ] curves['roc'] = curves['roc_' + dset] #Start to build all ROOT objects from ROOT import TCanvas, gROOT, kTRUE gROOT.SetBatch(kTRUE) canvas = TCanvas('canvas', 'canvas', 1600, 1300) x_limits = [0.00, 0.40] y_limits = [0.6, 1.03] #create dummy graph dummy = curves['roc'][0] dummy.SetTitle('Receive Operation Curve') dummy.GetXaxis().SetTitle('False Alarm') dummy.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Detection') dummy.GetHistogram().SetAxisRange(y_limits[0], y_limits[1], 'Y') dummy.GetHistogram().SetAxisRange(x_limits[0], x_limits[1], 'X') dummy.Draw('AL') corredor = None target = None from ROOT import TBox if ref == 'Pf': corredor = TBox(refVal - eps, y_limits[0], refVal + eps, y_limits[1]) target = line(refVal, y_limits[0], refVal, y_limits[1], kBlack, 2, 1, '') elif ref == 'Pd': corredor = TBox(x_limits[0], refVal - eps, x_limits[1], refVal + eps) target = line(x_limits[0], refVal, x_limits[1], refVal, kBlack, 2, 1, '') if ref != 'SP': corredor.SetFillColor(kYellow - 9) corredor.Draw('same') target.Draw('same') canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() #Plot curves for c in curves['roc']: c.SetLineColor(kGray + 1) #c.SetMarkerStyle(7) #c.SetMarkerColor(kBlue) c.SetLineWidth(1) c.SetLineStyle(3) #c.Draw('PLsame') c.Draw('same') marker = list() #Paint a specifical curve for pair in paintCurves: curves['roc'][pair.first].SetLineWidth(1) curves['roc'][pair.first].SetLineStyle(1) #curves['roc'][pair.first].SetMarkerStyle(7) #curves['roc'][pair.first].SetMarkerColor(kBlue) curves['roc'][pair.first].SetLineColor(pair.second) #curves['roc'][pair.first].Draw('PLsame') curves['roc'][pair.first].Draw('same') if ref == 'SP': faVec = curves['roc'][pair.first].GetX() detVec = curves['roc'][pair.first].GetY() from RingerCore import calcSP spVec = [ calcSP(detVec[i], 1 - faVec[i]) for i in range(curves['roc'][pair.first].GetN()) ] imax = spVec.index(max(spVec)) from ROOT import TMarker marker.append(TMarker(faVec[imax], detVec[imax], 4)) marker[-1].SetMarkerColor(pair.second) marker[-1].Draw('same') #Update Canvas canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() canvas.SaveAs(savename) del canvas return savename
def plot_4c(plotObjects, kwargs): """ kwargs is a dict with all kwargsion needed to config the figure and the curves. The kwargsions will be: reference: Pd, SP or Pf operation: True or False set: tst or val plot 4 curves """ from ROOT import kCyan, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kBlack, kMagenta, kGray Colors = [kBlue, kRed, kMagenta, kBlack, kCyan, kGreen] from RingerCore import StdPair as std_pair from util import line ref = kwargs['reference'] refVal = kwargs['refVal'] dset = kwargs['set'] isOperation = kwargs['operation'] detailed = True if plotObjects.size() == 1 else False percent = 0.03 #(default for now) savename = kwargs['cname'] + '.pdf' lines = [] #Some protection if not ('val' in dset or 'tst' in dset): raise ValueError('Option set must be: tst (test) or val (validation)') if not ('SP' in ref or 'Pd' in ref or 'Pf' in ref): raise ValueError('Option reference must be: SP, Pd or Pf') ylabel = { 'mse': 'MSE (' + dset + ')', 'sp': 'SP (' + dset + ')', 'det': 'Det (' + dset + ')', 'fa': 'FA (' + dset + ')' } #Create dict to hold all list plots curves = dict() #list of dicts to dict of lists for name in plotObjects.keys(): curves[name] = plotObjects.tolist(name) #Adapt reference into the validation set #mse_trn, mse_val, mse_tst if ref == 'Pd': curves['sp_val'] = curves['det_point_sp_val'] curves['det_val'] = curves['det_point_det_val'] # det_fitted curves['fa_val'] = curves['det_point_fa_val'] curves['sp_tst'] = curves['det_point_sp_tst'] curves['det_tst'] = curves['det_point_det_tst'] curves['fa_tst'] = curves['det_point_fa_tst'] elif ref == 'Pf': curves['sp_val'] = curves['fa_point_sp_val'] curves['det_val'] = curves['fa_point_det_val'] curves['fa_val'] = curves['fa_point_fa_val'] # fa_fitted curves['sp_tst'] = curves['fa_point_sp_tst'] curves['det_tst'] = curves['fa_point_det_tst'] curves['fa_tst'] = curves['fa_point_fa_tst'] else: # ref == 'SP' curves['sp_val'] = curves['bestsp_point_sp_val'] # best SP curve curves['det_val'] = curves['bestsp_point_det_val'] curves['fa_val'] = curves['bestsp_point_fa_val'] curves['sp_tst'] = curves['bestsp_point_sp_tst'] curves['det_tst'] = curves['bestsp_point_det_tst'] curves['fa_tst'] = curves['bestsp_point_fa_tst'] from util import minmax #check if the test set is zeros hasTst = True if curves['mse_tst'][0].GetMean(2) > 1e-10 else False if dset == 'tst' and not hasTst: print 'We dont have test set into plotObjects, abort plot!' return False #If only one plot per key, enabled analysis using all sets if detailed: #train, validation and test paint_curves = [std_pair(i, Colors[i]) for i in range(3)] curves['mse'] = [curves['mse_trn'][0], curves['mse_val'][0]] curves['sp'] = [curves['sp_val'][0]] curves['det'] = [curves['det_val'][0]] curves['fa'] = [curves['fa_val'][0]] if hasTst: for key in ['mse', 'sp', 'det', 'fa']: curves[key].append(curves[key + '_tst'][0]) ylabel = {'mse': 'MSE', 'sp': 'SP', 'det': 'Det', 'fa': 'FA'} else: #Do analysis for each set type paintIdx = kwargs['paintListIdx'] # [best, worst] paint_curves = [ std_pair(plotObjects.index_correction(paintIdx[0]), kBlack), std_pair(plotObjects.index_correction(paintIdx[1]), kRed) ] curves['mse'] = curves['mse_' + dset] curves['sp'] = curves['sp_' + dset] curves['det'] = curves['det_' + dset] curves['fa'] = curves['fa_' + dset] #Adapt the legend and percent vec pmask = [1, 1, 1, 1] if ref == 'Pd': ylabel['det'] = ylabel['det'] + ' [Reference]' ylabel['fa'] = ylabel['fa'] + ' [benchmark]' pmask = [1, 1, 0, 1] elif ref == 'Pf': ylabel['det'] = ylabel['det'] + ' [benchmark]' ylabel['fa'] = ylabel['fa'] + ' [Reference]' pmask = [1, 1, 1, 0] else: ylabel['sp'] = ylabel['sp'] + ' [benchmark]' #Build lines lines = {'mse': [], 'sp': [], 'det': [], 'fa': [], 'ref': None} if detailed: # Hard code setting lines y = dict() x = dict() for idx, key in enumerate(['mse', 'sp', 'det', 'fa']): y[key] = minmax(curves[key], 8, pmask[idx] * percent) x[key] = curves[key + '_stop'][0] #Colors = [kBlue, kRed, kMagenta, kBlack, kCyan, kGreen] lines['mse'].append( line(x['mse'], y['mse'][0], x['mse'], y['mse'][1], Colors[3], 1, 2)) lines['sp'].append( line(x['sp'], y['sp'][0], x['sp'], y['sp'][1], Colors[3], 1, 2)) if ref == 'Pd': lines['det'].append( line(x['det'], y['det'][0], x['det'], y['det'][1], Colors[2], 1, 2)) lines['fa'].append( line(x['det'], y['fa'][0], x['det'], y['fa'][1], Colors[2], 2, 2)) if ref == 'Pf': lines['det'].append( line(x['fa'], y['det'][0], x['fa'], y['det'][1], Colors[2], 2, 2)) lines['fa'].append( line(x['fa'], y['fa'][0], x['fa'], y['fa'][1], Colors[2], 1, 2)) #Start to build all ROOT objects from ROOT import TCanvas, gROOT, kTRUE gROOT.SetBatch(kTRUE) canvas = TCanvas('canvas', 'canvas', 1600, 1300) canvas.Divide(1, 4) def __plot_curves(tpad, curves, y_limits, **kw): from ROOT import kCyan, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kBlack, kMagenta, kGray title = kw.pop('title', '') xlabel = kw.pop('xlabel', '') ylabel = kw.pop('ylabel', '') paintCurves = kw.pop('paintCurves', None) colorCurves = kw.pop('colorCurves', kGray) lines = kw.pop('lines', []) #create dummy graph x_max = 0 dummy = None for i in range(len(curves)): curves[i].SetLineColor(colorCurves) x = curves[i].GetXaxis().GetXmax() if x > x_max: x_max = x dummy = curves[i] dummy.SetTitle(title) dummy.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xlabel) dummy.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ylabel) dummy.GetHistogram().SetAxisRange(y_limits[0], y_limits[1], 'Y') dummy.Draw('AL') #Plot curves for c in curves: c.SetLineWidth(1) c.SetLineStyle(3) c.Draw('same') #Paint a specifical curve if paintCurves: if len(paintCurves) > len(curves): for idx, c in enumerate(curves): c.SetLineWidth(1) c.SetLineColor(paintCurves[idx].second) c.SetLineStyle(1) c.Draw('same') else: for pair in paintCurves: curves[pair.first].SetLineWidth(1) curves[pair.first].SetLineStyle(1) curves[pair.first].SetLineColor(pair.second) curves[pair.first].Draw('same') #Plot lines for l in lines: l.Draw() #Update TPad tpad.Modified() tpad.Update() return x_max #__plot_curves end xlimits = list() for idx, key in enumerate(['mse', 'sp', 'det', 'fa']): #There are more plots x_max = __plot_curves( + 1), curves[key], minmax(curves[key], 8, pmask[idx] * percent), xlabel='Epoch', ylabel=ylabel[key], paintCurves=paint_curves, colorCurves=kGray + 1, lines=lines[key]) xlimits.append(x_max) #Loop over plots #Check if there is any label if 'label' in kwargs.keys(): tpad = from TuningStyle import Label Label(0.6, 0.7, kwargs['label'], 1, 0.15) tpad.Modified() tpad.Update() # Reference base line if ref == 'Pd': tpad = lines['ref'] = line(0.0, refVal, xlimits[2], refVal, kGreen, 2, 1) lines['ref'].Draw() tpad.Modified() tpad.Update() if ref == 'Pf': tpad = lines['ref'] = line(0.0, refVal, xlimits[3], refVal, kGreen, 2, 1) lines['ref'].Draw() tpad.Modified() tpad.Update() canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() canvas.SaveAs(savename) del canvas return savename
def test_misc(self): self.assertEqual(, char='#'), "##########") self.assertEqual(util.line(width=11, char='@'), "@@@@@@@@@@@")
setup(600, 600, 370, 0) hideturtle() tracer(False) listen() #stage setting snake = [vector(20, 20)] walls = {vector(100, 0), vector(-100, 0)} pwalls = {vector(150, 0): 5} thorns = {vector(10, 10)} lasers = [[vector(-100, 0), vector(100, 0)]] teledict = {vector(0, 100): vector(0, -100)} foods = {vector(0, 0), vector(50, 50)} for body in snake: square(body.x, body.y, 9, 'black') for telep in teledict: square(telep.x, telep.y, 9, 'magenta') square(teledict[telep].x, teledict[telep].y, 9, 'purple') for food in foods: square(food.x, food.y, 9, 'green') for i in range(len(lasers)): line(lasers[i][0].x, lasers[i][0].y + 4.5, lasers[i][1].x, lasers[i][1].y + 4.5) for wall in walls: square(wall.x, wall.y, 9, 'gray') for pwall in pwalls: squarenum(pwall.x, pwall.y, 9, 'blue', pwalls[pwall]) for thorn in thorns: triangle(thorn.x, thorn.y, 9, 'red') done()
def plot_4c(plotObjects, kwargs): """ kwargs is a dict with all kwargsion needed to config the figure and the curves. The kwargsions will be: reference: Pd, SP or Pf operation: True or False set: tst or val plot 4 curves """ from ROOT import kCyan, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kBlack, kMagenta, kGray Colors = [kBlue, kRed, kMagenta, kBlack, kCyan, kGreen] from RingerCore import StdPair as std_pair from util import line ref = kwargs["reference"] refVal = kwargs["refVal"] dset = kwargs["set"] isOperation = kwargs["operation"] detailed = True if plotObjects.size() == 1 else False percent = 0.03 # (default for now) savename = kwargs["cname"] + ".pdf" lines = [] # Some protection if not ("val" in dset or "tst" in dset): raise ValueError("Option set must be: tst (test) or val (validation)") if not ("SP" in ref or "Pd" in ref or "Pf" in ref): raise ValueError("Option reference must be: SP, Pd or Pf") ylabel = { "mse": "MSE (" + dset + ")", "sp": "SP (" + dset + ")", "det": "Det (" + dset + ")", "fa": "FA (" + dset + ")", } # Create dict to hold all list plots curves = dict() # list of dicts to dict of lists for name in plotObjects.keys(): curves[name] = plotObjects.tolist(name) # Adapt reference into the validation set # mse_trn, mse_val, mse_tst if ref == "Pd": curves["sp_val"] = curves["det_point_sp_val"] curves["det_val"] = curves["det_point_det_val"] # det_fitted curves["fa_val"] = curves["det_point_fa_val"] curves["sp_tst"] = curves["det_point_sp_tst"] curves["det_tst"] = curves["det_point_det_tst"] curves["fa_tst"] = curves["det_point_fa_tst"] elif ref == "Pf": curves["sp_val"] = curves["fa_point_sp_val"] curves["det_val"] = curves["fa_point_det_val"] curves["fa_val"] = curves["fa_point_fa_val"] # fa_fitted curves["sp_tst"] = curves["fa_point_sp_tst"] curves["det_tst"] = curves["fa_point_det_tst"] curves["fa_tst"] = curves["fa_point_fa_tst"] else: # ref == 'SP' curves["sp_val"] = curves["bestsp_point_sp_val"] # best SP curve curves["det_val"] = curves["bestsp_point_det_val"] curves["fa_val"] = curves["bestsp_point_fa_val"] curves["sp_tst"] = curves["bestsp_point_sp_tst"] curves["det_tst"] = curves["bestsp_point_det_tst"] curves["fa_tst"] = curves["bestsp_point_fa_tst"] from util import minmax # check if the test set is zeros hasTst = True if curves["mse_tst"][0].GetMean(2) > 1e-10 else False if dset == "tst" and not hasTst: print "We dont have test set into plotObjects, abort plot!" return False # If only one plot per key, enabled analysis using all sets if detailed: # train, validation and test paint_curves = [std_pair(i, Colors[i]) for i in range(3)] curves["mse"] = [curves["mse_trn"][0], curves["mse_val"][0]] curves["sp"] = [curves["sp_val"][0]] curves["det"] = [curves["det_val"][0]] curves["fa"] = [curves["fa_val"][0]] if hasTst: for key in ["mse", "sp", "det", "fa"]: curves[key].append(curves[key + "_tst"][0]) ylabel = {"mse": "MSE", "sp": "SP", "det": "Det", "fa": "FA"} else: # Do analysis for each set type paintIdx = kwargs["paintListIdx"] # [best, worst] paint_curves = [ std_pair(plotObjects.index_correction(paintIdx[0]), kBlack), std_pair(plotObjects.index_correction(paintIdx[1]), kRed), ] curves["mse"] = curves["mse_" + dset] curves["sp"] = curves["sp_" + dset] curves["det"] = curves["det_" + dset] curves["fa"] = curves["fa_" + dset] # Adapt the legend and percent vec pmask = [1, 1, 1, 1] if ref == "Pd": ylabel["det"] = ylabel["det"] + " [Reference]" ylabel["fa"] = ylabel["fa"] + " [benchmark]" pmask = [1, 1, 0, 1] elif ref == "Pf": ylabel["det"] = ylabel["det"] + " [benchmark]" ylabel["fa"] = ylabel["fa"] + " [Reference]" pmask = [1, 1, 1, 0] else: ylabel["sp"] = ylabel["sp"] + " [benchmark]" # Build lines lines = {"mse": [], "sp": [], "det": [], "fa": [], "ref": None} if detailed: # Hard code setting lines y = dict() x = dict() for idx, key in enumerate(["mse", "sp", "det", "fa"]): y[key] = minmax(curves[key], 8, pmask[idx] * percent) x[key] = curves[key + "_stop"][0] # Colors = [kBlue, kRed, kMagenta, kBlack, kCyan, kGreen] lines["mse"].append(line(x["mse"], y["mse"][0], x["mse"], y["mse"][1], Colors[3], 1, 2)) lines["sp"].append(line(x["sp"], y["sp"][0], x["sp"], y["sp"][1], Colors[3], 1, 2)) if ref == "Pd": lines["det"].append(line(x["det"], y["det"][0], x["det"], y["det"][1], Colors[2], 1, 2)) lines["fa"].append(line(x["det"], y["fa"][0], x["det"], y["fa"][1], Colors[2], 2, 2)) if ref == "Pf": lines["det"].append(line(x["fa"], y["det"][0], x["fa"], y["det"][1], Colors[2], 2, 2)) lines["fa"].append(line(x["fa"], y["fa"][0], x["fa"], y["fa"][1], Colors[2], 1, 2)) # Start to build all ROOT objects from ROOT import TCanvas, gROOT, kTRUE gROOT.SetBatch(kTRUE) canvas = TCanvas("canvas", "canvas", 1600, 1300) canvas.Divide(1, 4) def __plot_curves(tpad, curves, y_limits, **kw): from ROOT import kCyan, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kBlack, kMagenta, kGray title = kw.pop("title", "") xlabel = kw.pop("xlabel", "") ylabel = kw.pop("ylabel", "") paintCurves = kw.pop("paintCurves", None) colorCurves = kw.pop("colorCurves", kGray) lines = kw.pop("lines", []) # create dummy graph x_max = 0 dummy = None for i in range(len(curves)): curves[i].SetLineColor(colorCurves) x = curves[i].GetXaxis().GetXmax() if x > x_max: x_max = x dummy = curves[i] dummy.SetTitle(title) dummy.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xlabel) dummy.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ylabel) dummy.GetHistogram().SetAxisRange(y_limits[0], y_limits[1], "Y") dummy.Draw("AL") # Plot curves for c in curves: c.SetLineWidth(1) c.SetLineStyle(3) c.Draw("same") # Paint a specifical curve if paintCurves: if len(paintCurves) > len(curves): for idx, c in enumerate(curves): c.SetLineWidth(1) c.SetLineColor(paintCurves[idx].second) c.SetLineStyle(1) c.Draw("same") else: for pair in paintCurves: curves[pair.first].SetLineWidth(1) curves[pair.first].SetLineStyle(1) curves[pair.first].SetLineColor(pair.second) curves[pair.first].Draw("same") # Plot lines for l in lines: l.Draw() # Update TPad tpad.Modified() tpad.Update() return x_max # __plot_curves end xlimits = list() for idx, key in enumerate(["mse", "sp", "det", "fa"]): # There are more plots x_max = __plot_curves( + 1), curves[key], minmax(curves[key], 8, pmask[idx] * percent), xlabel="Epoch", ylabel=ylabel[key], paintCurves=paint_curves, colorCurves=kGray + 1, lines=lines[key], ) xlimits.append(x_max) # Loop over plots # Check if there is any label if "label" in kwargs.keys(): tpad = from TuningStyle import Label Label(0.6, 0.7, kwargs["label"], 1, 0.15) tpad.Modified() tpad.Update() # Reference base line if ref == "Pd": tpad = lines["ref"] = line(0.0, refVal, xlimits[2], refVal, kGreen, 2, 1) lines["ref"].Draw() tpad.Modified() tpad.Update() if ref == "Pf": tpad = lines["ref"] = line(0.0, refVal, xlimits[3], refVal, kGreen, 2, 1) lines["ref"].Draw() tpad.Modified() tpad.Update() canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() canvas.SaveAs(savename) del canvas return savename
def plot_rocs(plotObjects, kwargs): from ROOT import kCyan, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kBlack, kMagenta, kGray, kWhite, kYellow Colors = [kBlue, kRed, kMagenta, kBlack, kCyan, kGreen] from RingerCore import StdPair as std_pair from util import line, minmax dset = kwargs["set"] ref = kwargs["reference"] refVal = kwargs["refVal"] eps = kwargs["eps"] savename = kwargs["cname"] + ".pdf" # Some protection if not ("op" in dset or "tst" in dset): raise ValueError("Option set must be: tst (test) or val (validation)") if not ("SP" in ref or "Pd" in ref or "Pf" in ref): raise ValueError("Option reference must be: SP, Pd or Pf") # Create dict to hold all list plots curves = dict() # list of dicts to dict of lists for name in plotObjects.keys(): curves[name] = plotObjects.tolist(name) paintIdx = kwargs["paintListIdx"] # [best, worst] paintCurves = [ std_pair(plotObjects.index_correction(paintIdx[0]), kBlack), std_pair(plotObjects.index_correction(paintIdx[1]), kRed), ] curves["roc"] = curves["roc_" + dset] # Start to build all ROOT objects from ROOT import TCanvas, gROOT, kTRUE gROOT.SetBatch(kTRUE) canvas = TCanvas("canvas", "canvas", 1600, 1300) x_limits = [0.00, 0.40] y_limits = [0.6, 1.03] # create dummy graph dummy = curves["roc"][0] dummy.SetTitle("Receive Operation Curve") dummy.GetXaxis().SetTitle("False Alarm") dummy.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Detection") dummy.GetHistogram().SetAxisRange(y_limits[0], y_limits[1], "Y") dummy.GetHistogram().SetAxisRange(x_limits[0], x_limits[1], "X") dummy.Draw("AL") corredor = None target = None from ROOT import TBox if ref == "Pf": corredor = TBox(refVal - eps, y_limits[0], refVal + eps, y_limits[1]) target = line(refVal, y_limits[0], refVal, y_limits[1], kBlack, 2, 1, "") elif ref == "Pd": corredor = TBox(x_limits[0], refVal - eps, x_limits[1], refVal + eps) target = line(x_limits[0], refVal, x_limits[1], refVal, kBlack, 2, 1, "") if ref != "SP": corredor.SetFillColor(kYellow - 9) corredor.Draw("same") target.Draw("same") canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() # Plot curves for c in curves["roc"]: c.SetLineColor(kGray + 1) # c.SetMarkerStyle(7) # c.SetMarkerColor(kBlue) c.SetLineWidth(1) c.SetLineStyle(3) # c.Draw('PLsame') c.Draw("same") marker = list() # Paint a specifical curve for pair in paintCurves: curves["roc"][pair.first].SetLineWidth(1) curves["roc"][pair.first].SetLineStyle(1) # curves['roc'][pair.first].SetMarkerStyle(7) # curves['roc'][pair.first].SetMarkerColor(kBlue) curves["roc"][pair.first].SetLineColor(pair.second) # curves['roc'][pair.first].Draw('PLsame') curves["roc"][pair.first].Draw("same") if ref == "SP": faVec = curves["roc"][pair.first].GetX() detVec = curves["roc"][pair.first].GetY() from RingerCore import calcSP spVec = [calcSP(detVec[i], 1 - faVec[i]) for i in range(curves["roc"][pair.first].GetN())] imax = spVec.index(max(spVec)) from ROOT import TMarker marker.append(TMarker(faVec[imax], detVec[imax], 4)) marker[-1].SetMarkerColor(pair.second) marker[-1].Draw("same") # Update Canvas canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() canvas.SaveAs(savename) del canvas return savename
comma.scale(1.3, 1.3).rotate(-30).move(5.5, 0).rotate(0).fill(ax, facecolor='black') circle.scale(0.7, 0.7).move(5.5, 0).rotate(0).fill(ax, facecolor='white') comma.scale(1.3, 1.3).rotate(-30).move(5.5, 0).rotate(120).fill(ax, facecolor='black') circle.scale(0.7, 0.7).move(5.5, 0).rotate(120).fill(ax, facecolor='white') comma.scale(1.3, 1.3).rotate(-30).move(5.5, 0).rotate(240).fill(ax, facecolor='black') circle.scale(0.7, 0.7).move(5.5, 0).rotate(240).fill(ax, facecolor='white') #block theta = 15 / 180 * np.pi block = Shape() block.add_array(line([-np.sin(theta), 0], [np.sin(theta), 0])) block.add_array(line([np.sin(theta), 0], [np.sin(theta), -np.cos(theta)])) block.add_array( arc([np.sin(theta), -np.cos(theta)], [-np.sin(theta), -np.cos(theta)], 1)) block.add_array(line([-np.sin(theta), -np.cos(theta)], [-np.sin(theta), 0])) block.loop() #moon moon = Shape() moon.add_array(arc([0, 0], [0, 1], 0.53)) moon.add_array(arc([0, 1], [0, 0], 1, out=False)) moon.loop() #2, 2 ax = axs[5] circle.scale(11, 11).fill(ax, facecolor='black')