def __reset(self): bgmPlayer("play", "main.ogg") self.level = 1 self.score = 0 self.maxlevel = self.lvl.readMaxLevel() self.cont = util.loadText("Continue <- " + str(self.level) + " ->", 16, (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), "modernab") self.hlcont = util.loadText("Continue <- " + str(self.level) + " ->", 16, (0xFF, 0xF6, 0x0), "modernab")
def __init__(self, pos): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self, self.containers) self.image = pygame.Surface((512, 32)) self.image.set_colorkey((0x00,0xff,0x00)) self.rect=self.image.get_rect() self.rect.topleft=pos self.image.fill((0x00,0xff,0x00)) fontcolor=(0xe0,0x79,0x00) self.scoretxt=util.loadText('SCORE', 12, fontcolor, 'ltypewriter') self.remainstxt=util.loadText('REMAINS', 12, fontcolor, 'ltypewriter') self.leveltxt=util.loadText('LEVEL', 12, fontcolor, 'ltypewriter') self.paytxt=util.loadText('PAY', 12, fontcolor, 'ltypewriter') self.hightxt=util.loadText('HIGHSCORE', 12, fontcolor, 'ltypewriter')
def __gameInput(self): self.input.handleInput() menucolor = (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF) hgcolor = (0xFF, 0xF6, 0x0) if self.input.lookup(UP): -= 1 if < 0: = 4 if self.input.lookup(DOWN): += 1 if > 4: = 0 if self.input.lookup(LEFT): if == 1: if self.level > 1: self.level -= 1 else: self.level = self.maxlevel self.cont = util.loadText("Continue <- " + str(self.level) + " ->", 16, menucolor, "modernab") self.hlcont = util.loadText("Continue <- " + str(self.level) + " ->", 16, hgcolor, "modernab") if self.input.lookup(RIGHT): if == 1: if self.level < self.maxlevel: self.level += 1 else: self.level = 1 self.cont = util.loadText("Continue <- " + str(self.level) + " ->", 16, menucolor, "modernab") self.hlcont = util.loadText("Continue <- " + str(self.level) + " ->", 16, hgcolor, "modernab") if self.input.lookup(ENTER): if == 0: self.__run() elif == 1: self.__run() elif == 2: HighScoreScreen(self.screen, self.highscore) # AskNameScreen(self.screen) elif == 3: HowtoScreen(self.screen) elif == 4: exit(0) if self.input.lookup(EXIT): exit(0) if self.input.lookup(BGMUSIC): if == 0: else:
def __init__(self, screen, highscore): self.screen = screen self.highscore = highscore self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.fps = 60 self.quit = False self.input = input.Input() self.input.bindKey(ENTER, pygame.K_RETURN, False) # self.input.bindKey(ENTER, pygame.K_ESCAPE, False) fontsize = 14 fontcolor = (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF) title = util.loadText("Best Workers", 20, fontcolor, "vera") text = [] for i in range(len(self.highscore.topscore)): name = util.loadText(str(self.highscore.topscore[i][0]), fontsize, fontcolor, "vera") money = util.loadText("$" + str(self.highscore.topscore[i][1]), fontsize, fontcolor, "vera") text.append((name, money)) back = util.loadText("Press 'ENTER' to return menu", 10, fontcolor, "vera") image = pygame.Surface((300, 300)) image.fill((0x43, 0x43, 0x43)) pygame.draw.rect(image, (0x0, 0x0, 0x0), (0, 0, 300, 300), 1) while not self.quit: self.clock.tick(self.fps) self.__gameInput() offset = 50 cx, cy = title.get_size() image.blit(title, ((image.get_width() - cx) / 2, 16)) for i in range(len(text)): image.blit(text[i][0], (50, offset + i * 20)) cx, cy = text[i][1].get_size() image.blit(text[i][1], (150 + ((150 - cx) / 2), offset + i * 20)) cx, cy = back.get_size() image.blit(back, ((image.get_width() - cx) / 2, 270)) self.screen.blit(image, ((self.screen.get_width() - image.get_width()) / 2, 100)) pygame.display.flip()
def __loadingScreen(self): self.screen.fill((0x0, 0x0, 0x0)) text = util.loadText("Loading...", 26, (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), "engex") cx, cy = text.get_size() self.screen.blit(text, ((512 - cx) / 2, 220)) pygame.display.flip()
def __init__(self, screen, level, score, highscore): self.screen = screen self.__loadingScreen() self.level = level self.score = score self.quit = 0 self.FPS = 60 self.rdy_delay = self.FPS * 1.5 self.win_delay = self.FPS * 3 = None self.pause = False = False self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.highscore = highscore self.gamingZone = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 448, 448) self.__loadSfx() self.PAYMENT = 500 * self.level self.MIN_PIPES = self.__calculateMinPipes() self.TERRAIN = 0 # Loaded from level self.MAX_START_DELAY = 1632 - (self.level * 72) # (192 - 1632) self.MAX_FLOW_VALUE = 456 - (self.level * 18) # (96 - 456) self.MIN_FLOW_VALUE = 32 self.limit_flow_value = self.MAX_FLOW_VALUE self.num_pipes = self.MIN_PIPES self.usedpipes = 0 self.currentpipe = None self.alarm = False self.pumpframe = 0 self.pumpcount = 0 self.pipetypes = [ "rightup", "leftup", "rightdown", "leftdown", "horizontal", "vertical", "cross", "horizontal", "vertical", ] self.bartiles = [util.loadPng("lateral0.png"), util.loadPng("lateral1.png"), util.loadPng("scorebar.png")] self.stack = [] self.input = input.Input() self.input.bindKey(EXIT, pygame.K_ESCAPE) self.input.bindKey(TURBO, pygame.K_SPACE) self.input.bindKey(PAUSE, pygame.K_RETURN, False) self.input.bindKey(MOTION, input.MOUSE_MOTION) self.input.bindKey(BUTTON1, input.MOUSE_BUTTON1, False) cursorGroup = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() pipeGroup = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() uiGroup = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() self.messageGroup = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() objects.Cursor.containers = cursorGroup objects.Oil.containers = cursorGroup objects.StackBar.containers = uiGroup objects.ScoreBar.containers = uiGroup objects.Pipe.containers = pipeGroup objects.Well.containers = pipeGroup objects.Refinery.containers = pipeGroup objects.Obstacle.containers = pipeGroup self.cursor = objects.Cursor((self.screen.get_width() / 2, self.screen.get_height() / 2)) # (0,0)) self.stackbar = objects.StackBar((self.screen.get_width() - 64, 0)) self.scorebar = objects.ScoreBar((0, self.screen.get_height() - 32)) textcolor = (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF) # (0x02,0x4e,0x02) self.leveltxt = util.loadText("Level " + str(self.level), 18, textcolor, "engex") self.readytxt = util.loadText("Ready!", 36, textcolor, "engex") self.pausetxt = util.loadText("Pause", 36, textcolor, "engex") losearray = [ util.loadText("You have failed", 26, textcolor, "engex"), util.loadText("You lost the contract", 26, textcolor, "engex"), util.loadText("You're fired!", 26, textcolor, "engex"), util.loadText("What are you doing?", 26, textcolor, "engex"), util.loadText("Next!", 26, textcolor, "engex"), util.loadText("You're a mess!", 26, textcolor, "engex"), ] self.morepipestxt = util.loadText("You needed more pipes", 26, textcolor, "engex") winarray = [ util.loadText("Good job!", 26, textcolor, "engex"), util.loadText("Mission accomplished!", 26, textcolor, "engex"), util.loadText("You did it!", 26, textcolor, "engex"), util.loadText("Way to go!", 26, textcolor, "engex"), util.loadText("Well done!", 26, textcolor, "engex"), util.loadText("You're the boss!", 26, textcolor, "engex"), util.loadText("You rock!", 26, textcolor, "engex"), ] self.losetxt = random.choice(losearray) self.wintxt = random.choice(winarray) self.dialog = util.loadPng("dialog.png") for i in range(4): self.__pushStack() tile = util.loadPng("grounds.png") = pygame.Surface((448, 448)) lvl = levelparser.LevelParser() lvl.saveMaxLevel(self.level) level = lvl.parseLevel(self.level) offset = 0 for i in range(14): for j in range(14): if level[i][j] == (0xB8, 0x16, 0x16, 0xFF): self.oil = objects.Oil((j * 32, i * 32), "right") self.well = objects.Well((j * 32, i * 32)), (j * 32, i * 32), (0, 0, 32, 32)) elif level[i][j] == (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF): self.refinery = objects.Refinery((j * 32, i * 32)), (j * 32, i * 32), (32, 0, 32, 32)) elif level[i][j] == (0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0xFF):, (j * 32, i * 32), (random.choice([0, 32]), 0, 32, 32)) objects.Obstacle((j * 32, i * 32), "rock1") elif level[i][j] == (0x60, 0x4A, 0x20, 0xFF):, (j * 32, i * 32), (random.choice([0, 32]), 0, 32, 32)) objects.Obstacle((j * 32, i * 32), "rock2") elif level[i][j] == (0x18, 0x67, 0x00, 0xFF):, (j * 32, i * 32), (random.choice([0, 32]), 0, 32, 32)) objects.Obstacle((j * 32, i * 32), "cactus1") elif level[i][j] == (0x3F, 0x9C, 0x22, 0xFF):, (j * 32, i * 32), (random.choice([0, 32]), 0, 32, 32)) objects.Obstacle((j * 32, i * 32), "cactus2") elif level[i][j] == (0xC6, 0xC1, 0xB0, 0xFF):, (j * 32, i * 32), (random.choice([0, 32]), 0, 32, 32)) objects.Obstacle((j * 32, i * 32), "bones") elif level[i][j] == (0x18, 0x85, 0x51, 0xFF):, (j * 32, i * 32), (random.choice([0, 32]), 0, 32, 32)) objects.Obstacle((j * 32, i * 32), "palmtree") elif level[i][j] == (0x0, 0x27, 0x08, 0xFF):, (j * 32, i * 32), (random.choice([0, 64]), 0, 32, 32)) objects.Obstacle((j * 32, i * 32), "shrub1") elif level[i][j] == (0xCC, 0xAF, 0x4D, 0xFF):, (j * 32, i * 32), (random.choice([0, 64]), offset, 32, 32)) elif level[i][j] == (0xBF, 0xA4, 0x48, 0xFF):, (j * 32, i * 32), (random.choice([0, 64]), offset, 32, 32)) elif level[i][j] == (0xB2, 0x99, 0x43, 0xFF):, (j * 32, i * 32), (96, offset, 32, 32)) elif level[i][j] == (0xA6, 0x8E, 0x3F, 0xFF):, (j * 32, i * 32), (128, offset, 32, 32)) else: continue contract = ContractScreen( self.screen, self.level, self.MIN_PIPES, self.TERRAIN, self.MAX_FLOW_VALUE, self.PAYMENT ) self.quit = not contract.accept bgm = random.choice(["bgm-1.ogg", "bgm-2.ogg", "bgm-3.ogg", "bgm-4.ogg"]) bgmPlayer("play", bgm) while not self.quit: self.clock.tick(self.FPS) self.screen.blit(, (0, 0)) val = self.__prepareGame(pipeGroup, uiGroup, cursorGroup) if val == -1: continue elif val == 1: return self.__gameInput() if self.oil.state == "next": list = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self.oil, objects.Pipe.containers, False) if len(list) > 0: self.currentpipe = list[0] if self.oil.dir in self.currentpipe.inarray: if self.num_pipes > 0: self.num_pipes -= 1 self.usedpipes += 1 self.score += 50 # self.highscore.appendScore('', self.score) self.messageGroup.add( util.Message(, "+50", (0x12, 0x3D, 0x15), 15) ) # (0x02,0x4e,0x02) self.currentpipe.startFlow() i = self.currentpipe.inarray.index(self.oil.dir) self.oil.dir = self.currentpipe.outarray[i] self.oil.flowing() else: self.__spillOil() else: self.__spillOil() elif (self.oil.state == "flowing") and not self.pause: # print 'flow',self.oil.flow_value, self.limit_flow_value self.oil.flow_value += self.oil.speed if self.currentpipe != None: self.currentpipe.update(self.oil.flow_value, self.limit_flow_value, self.oil.dir) if self.oil.flow_value >= self.limit_flow_value: self.oil.moveNext() # Check Win (Refinery) if self.oil.rect == self.refinery.rect: if self.num_pipes == 0: bgmPlayer("stop") = True else: self.losetxt = self.morepipestxt = False if not self.pause: cursorGroup.update() self.messageGroup.update() pipeGroup.draw(self.screen) cursorGroup.draw(self.screen) self.messageGroup.draw(self.screen) else: cx, cy = self.pausetxt.get_size() dx, dy = self.dialog.get_size() self.screen.blit(self.dialog, ((448 - dx) / 2, (448 - dy) / 2)) self.screen.blit(self.pausetxt, ((448 - cx) / 2, (416 - cy) / 2 + 16)) uiGroup.update(self) uiGroup.draw(self.screen) pygame.display.flip()
def __init__(self, screen): self.screen = screen self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.fps = 60 self.quit = False self.input = input.Input() self.input.bindKey(ENTER, pygame.K_RETURN, False) self.input.bindKey(ENTER, pygame.K_ESCAPE, False) fontsize = 11 fontcolor = (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF) self.text = [ util.loadText( "You have been contracted by Pixoil, an Oil Company. They need you", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera" ), util.loadText( "build oil pipelines to transport oil from oil wells to their refineries.", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera" ), util.loadText("", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera"), util.loadText("You must use at least the minimum number of pipes demanded by", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera"), util.loadText( "the company, otherwise you will lose the contract. If the oil is", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera" ), util.loadText("spilled you will lose the contract too.", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera"), util.loadText("", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera"), util.loadText( "For each pipe installed successfully you will earn a money bonus", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera" ), util.loadText( "and if oil is transported successfully to the refinery you will receive", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera" ), util.loadText("the payment.", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera"), util.loadText("", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera"), util.loadText( "Use the MOUSE to place the cursor at any part of the map and LEFT", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera" ), util.loadText( "CLICK to build the first pipe in the pipes queue. Use SPACEBAR to", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera" ), util.loadText( "accelerate the oil flow. In the main screen press F11 to turn on/off", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera" ), util.loadText("the background music", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera"), util.loadText("", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera"), util.loadText("GOOD LUCK!", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera"), ] back = util.loadText("Press 'ENTER/ESCAPE' to return menu", 10, fontcolor, "vera") image = pygame.Surface((416, 340)) image.fill((0x43, 0x43, 0x43)) pygame.draw.rect(image, (0x0, 0x0, 0x0), (0, 0, 416, 340), 1) image.set_alpha(128, pygame.locals.RLEACCEL) while not self.quit: self.clock.tick(self.fps) self.__gameInput() offset = 100 self.screen.blit(image, (40, 80)) for i in range(len(self.text)): self.screen.blit(self.text[i], (60, offset + i * 16)) cx, cy = back.get_size() self.screen.blit(back, ((512 - cx) / 2, 384)) pygame.display.flip()
def __init__(self, screen): self.screen = screen self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.fps = 60 = 0 self.askname = False self.lvl = levelparser.LevelParser() self.input = input.Input() self.input.bindKey(EXIT, pygame.K_ESCAPE) self.input.bindKey(UP, pygame.K_UP, False) self.input.bindKey(DOWN, pygame.K_DOWN, False) self.input.bindKey(LEFT, pygame.K_LEFT, False) self.input.bindKey(RIGHT, pygame.K_RIGHT, False) self.input.bindKey(ENTER, pygame.K_RETURN, False) self.input.bindKey(BGMUSIC, pygame.K_F11, False) menucolor = (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF) hgcolor = (0xFF, 0xF6, 0x0) self.start = util.loadText("New Game", 16, menucolor, "modernab") self.hlstart = util.loadText("New Game", 16, hgcolor, "modernab") self.cont = util.loadText("Continue <- 1 ->", 16, menucolor, "modernab") self.hlcont = util.loadText("Continue <- 1 ->", 16, hgcolor, "modernab") self.howto = util.loadText("How to play", 16, menucolor, "modernab") self.hlhowto = util.loadText("How to play", 16, hgcolor, "modernab") self.high = util.loadText("High Scores", 16, menucolor, "modernab") self.hlhigh = util.loadText("High Scores", 16, hgcolor, "modernab") self.quit = util.loadText("Quit", 16, menucolor, "modernab") self.hlquit = util.loadText("Quit", 16, hgcolor, "modernab") = util.loadPng("mainscreen.png") self.menuicon = util.loadPng("menuicon.png") self.copyright = util.loadText("Created by Wil Alvarez (C) Copyright 2008", 10, (0xA, 0xA, 0xA), "vera") self.highscore = objects.HighScore(top=100000, nonames=False) self.__reset() while True: self.clock.tick(self.fps) self.__gameInput() self.screen.blit(, (0, 0)) cx, cy = self.copyright.get_size() self.screen.blit(self.copyright, ((512 - cx) / 2, 140)) self.__updateMenu() pygame.display.flip()
def __init__(self, screen, level, pipes, terrain, pumping, pay): self.screen = screen self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.fps = 60 self.accept = False quit = False self.input = input.Input() self.input.bindKey(ENTER, pygame.K_RETURN, False) self.input.bindKey(EXIT, pygame.K_ESCAPE, False) fontsize = 11 fontcolor = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0) if terrain == 0: type = "Plain" elif terrain == 1: type = "Rocky" elif terrain == 2: type = "Wooded" elif terrain == 3: type = "Mixed" if 300 < pumping <= 448: pump = "Slow" elif 150 < pumping <= 300: pump = "Medium" else: pump = "Fast" back = util.loadText("Press 'ENTER' to Accept, 'ESCAPE' to Quit", 10, (0x0, 0x0, 0x0), "vera") contracttxt = util.loadText("Contract " + str(level), 20, (0x0, 0x0, 0x0), "vera") mintxt = util.loadText("Minimun Pipes: " + str(pipes), 10, (0x0, 0x0, 0x0), "vera") terraintxt = util.loadText("Terrain: " + type, 10, (0x0, 0x0, 0x0), "vera") temptxt = util.loadText("Pumping: " + pump, 10, (0x0, 0x0, 0x0), "vera") paytxt = util.loadText("Payment: $" + str(pay), 20, (0x0, 0x0, 0x0), "vera") leveltxt = util.loadText("A", 20, (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), "vera") image = util.loadPng("contract.png") bgmPlayer("play", "bgm-contract.ogg") while not quit: self.clock.tick(self.fps) quit = self.__gameInput() xoffset = 95 yoffset = 32 self.screen.fill((0xA7, 0xA7, 0xA7)) self.screen.blit(image, (95, 32)) self.screen.blit(contracttxt, (23 + xoffset, 95 + yoffset)) self.screen.blit(mintxt, (42 + xoffset, 275 + yoffset)) self.screen.blit(terraintxt, (42 + xoffset, 295 + yoffset)) self.screen.blit(temptxt, (42 + xoffset, 315 + yoffset)) self.screen.blit(paytxt, (42 + xoffset, 340 + yoffset)) self.screen.blit(leveltxt, (290 + xoffset, 40 + yoffset)) cx, cy = back.get_size() self.screen.blit(back, ((512 - cx) / 2, 420)) pygame.display.flip() bgmPlayer("stop")
def __init__(self, screen): self.screen = screen self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.fps = 60 self.quit = False self.input = input.Input() self.input.bindKey(ENTER, pygame.K_RETURN, False) self.input.bindKey(ENTER, pygame.K_ESCAPE, False) fontsize = 11 fontcolor = (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF) self.title = util.loadText("CONGRATULATIONS!", 24, fontcolor, "vera") self.text = [ util.loadText( "Well done! You have done a great job. Now, you are prepared to ", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera" ), util.loadText("conquer the world of the Oil Industries.", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera"), util.loadText("", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera"), util.loadText( "Next step will be to found your oil company and try to rule the", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera" ), util.loadText("oil bussiness, the world and the whole universe! (In", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera"), util.loadText("", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera"), util.loadText("", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera"), util.loadText("Design, graphics and development by:", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera"), util.loadText("Wil A. Alvarez", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera"), util.loadText("<*****@*****.**>", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera"), util.loadText("", fontsize, fontcolor, "vera"), util.loadText("THANKS FOR PLAYING!", 18, fontcolor, "vera"), ] back = util.loadText("Press 'ENTER/ESCAPE' to exit", 10, fontcolor, "vera") image = pygame.Surface((416, 340)) image.fill((0x43, 0x43, 0x43)) pygame.draw.rect(image, (0x0, 0x0, 0x0), (0, 0, 416, 340), 1) # image.set_alpha(128, pygame.locals.RLEACCEL) while not self.quit: self.clock.tick(self.fps) self.__gameInput() offset = 150 self.screen.blit(image, (40, 80)) cx, cy = self.title.get_size() self.screen.blit(self.title, ((512 - cx) / 2, 100)) for i in range(len(self.text)): cx, cy = self.text[i].get_size() self.screen.blit(self.text[i], ((512 - cx) / 2, offset + i * 16)) cx, cy = back.get_size() self.screen.blit(back, ((512 - cx) / 2, 384)) pygame.display.flip()
def __init__(self, screen): self.screen = screen self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.fps = 60 self.blink_delay = self.fps / 2 = True self.quit = False white = (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF) black = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0) bg = (0x9A, 0x89, 0x2B) # (0x43,0x43,0x43) title = util.loadText("Enter your name:", 20, white, "vera") footer = util.loadText("and press 'ENTER'", 11, white, "vera") = "" image = pygame.Surface((200, 110)) while not self.quit: self.clock.tick(self.fps) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN: self.quit = True elif (32 <= event.key < 127) or (256 <= event.key < 266): += event.unicode elif event.key == K_BACKSPACE: =[:-1] if len( > 15: =[:15] image.fill(bg) pygame.draw.rect(image, black, (0, 0, 200, 110), 1) image.blit(title, (10, 16)) cx, cy = footer.get_size() image.blit(footer, ((image.get_width() - cx) / 2, 90)) pygame.draw.rect(image, white, (10, 52, 180, 25), 0) pygame.draw.rect(image, black, (10, 52, 180, 25), 1) name = util.loadText(, 16, black, "vera") cx, cy = name.get_size() image.blit(name, (11, 54)) self.blink_delay -= 1 if self.blink_delay == 0: = not self.blink_delay = self.fps / 2 if cx, cy = name.get_size() pygame.draw.line(image, black, (cx + 11, 56), (cx + 11, 71), 1) self.screen.blit( image, ( (self.screen.get_width() - image.get_width()) / 2, (self.screen.get_height() - image.get_height()) / 2, ), ) pygame.display.flip()
def update(self, game): x=10 xtab=20 xspacing=-5 fontsize=11 ytitle=3 self.image.fill((0x0,0xff,0x0), (5,5,496,24)) xscore=10 xremains=100 xlevel=170 xpay=230 xhighs=300 self.image.blit(self.scoretxt, (xscore, ytitle)) x = xscore + self.scoretxt.get_size()[0]+xspacing text=util.loadText('$'+str(game.score), fontsize, (255,255,255), 'vera') self.image.blit(text, (x, ytitle+10)) self.image.blit(self.remainstxt, (xremains, ytitle)) x = xremains+ self.remainstxt.get_size()[0]+xspacing text=util.loadText(str(game.num_pipes), fontsize, (255,255,255), 'vera') self.image.blit(text, (x, ytitle+10)) self.image.blit(self.leveltxt, (xlevel, ytitle)) x = xlevel+self.leveltxt.get_size()[0]+xspacing text=util.loadText(str(game.level), fontsize, (255,255,255), 'vera') self.image.blit(text, (x, ytitle+10)) self.image.blit(self.paytxt, (xpay, ytitle)) x = xpay+self.paytxt.get_size()[0]+xspacing text=util.loadText('$'+str(game.PAYMENT), fontsize, (255,255,255), 'vera') self.image.blit(text, (x, ytitle+10)) self.image.blit(self.hightxt, (xhighs, ytitle)) x = xhighs+self.hightxt.get_size()[0]+(xspacing*5) name, score=game.getTopScore() text=util.loadText(name+': $'+str(score), fontsize, (255,255,255), 'vera') self.image.blit(text, (x, ytitle+10)) ''' self.image.blit(self.scoretxt, (x, ytitle)) x += self.scoretxt.get_size()[0]+xspacing text=util.loadText('$'+str(game.score), fontsize, (255,255,255), 'vera') self.image.blit(text, (x, ytitle+10)) x += text.get_size()[0]+xtab self.image.blit(self.remainstxt, (x, ytitle)) x += self.remainstxt.get_size()[0]+xspacing text=util.loadText(str(game.num_pipes), fontsize, (255,255,255), 'vera') self.image.blit(text, (x, ytitle+10)) x += text.get_size()[0]+xtab self.image.blit(self.leveltxt, (x, ytitle)) x += self.leveltxt.get_size()[0]+xspacing text=util.loadText(str(game.level), fontsize, (255,255,255), 'vera') self.image.blit(text, (x, ytitle+10)) x += text.get_size()[0]+xtab self.image.blit(self.paytxt, (x, ytitle)) x += self.paytxt.get_size()[0]+xspacing text=util.loadText('$'+str(game.PAYMENT), fontsize, (255,255,255), 'vera') self.image.blit(text, (x, ytitle+10)) x += text.get_size()[0]+xtab self.image.blit(self.hightxt, (x, ytitle)) x += self.hightxt.get_size()[0]+(xspacing*5) name, score=game.getTopScore() text=util.loadText(name+': $'+str(score), fontsize, (255,255,255), 'vera') self.image.blit(text, (x, ytitle+10)) ''' text=util.loadText('FPS: ' + str (int (game.clock.get_fps ())), 10, (255,255,255)) self.image.blit(text, (self.rect.width-50, 10))