Exemplo n.º 1
    def sample(self, N):
        """Sample N samples from the model. If N, n are both specified,
        then generate N samples, but only keep n of them"""
        N = int(N)

        # Get a random permutation of N elements
        perm = permutation(N)

        # Sample the number of samples from each view
        cnts = multinomial(N, self.weights)

        # Generate Xs
        xs = multivariate_normal(self.mean, self.sigma, N)
        ys = zeros((N, ))

        cnt_ = 0
        for i in xrange(self.k):
            cnt = cnts[i]
            # Generate a bunch of points for each mean
            beta = self.betas.T[i]

            perm_ = perm[cnt_:cnt_ + cnt]
            ys[perm_] = xs[perm_].dot(beta)
            cnt_ += cnt
        return xs, ys
Exemplo n.º 2
    def sample(self, N, n = -1):
        """Sample N samples from the model. If N, n are both specified,
        then generate N samples, but only keep n of them"""
        if n <= 0: 
            n = N
        shape = (n, self.d)

        #X = self._allocate_samples("X", shape)
        X = zeros(shape)
        # Get a random permutation of N elements
        perm = permutation(N)

        # Sample the number of samples from each view
        cnts = multinomial(N, self.weights)

        cnt_ = 0
        for i in xrange(self.k):
            cnt = cnts[i]
            # Generate a bunch of points for each mean
            mean, sigma = self.means.T[ i ], self.sigmas[ i ]
            perm_ = perm[cnt_ : cnt_ + cnt]
            X[perm_] = multivariate_normal(mean, sigma, cnt)
            cnt_ += cnt
        return X
Exemplo n.º 3
    def sample(self, N):
        """Sample N samples from the model. If N, n are both specified,
        then generate N samples, but only keep n of them"""
        N = int(N)

        # Get a random permutation of N elements
        perm = permutation(N)

        # Sample the number of samples from each view
        cnts = multinomial(N, self.weights)

        # Generate Xs
        xs = multivariate_normal(self.mean, self.sigma, N)
        ys = zeros((N,))

        cnt_ = 0
        for i in xrange(self.k):
            cnt = cnts[i]
            # Generate a bunch of points for each mean
            beta = self.betas.T[i]

            perm_ = perm[cnt_ : cnt_ + cnt]
            ys[perm_] = xs[perm_].dot(beta)
            cnt_ += cnt
        return xs, ys
Exemplo n.º 4
    def sample(self, N):
        """Sample N samples from the model. If N, n are both specified,
        then generate N samples, but only keep n of them"""
        shape = (N, self.d, 3)

        X = zeros(shape)
        # Get a random permutation of N elements
        perm = permutation(N)

        # Sample the number of samples from each view
        cnts = multinomial(N, self.weights)

        cnt_ = 0
        for i in xrange(self.k):
            cnt = cnts[i]
            # Generate a bunch of points for each mean
            mean = self.means.T[i]
            perm_ = perm[cnt_ : cnt_ + cnt]
            X[perm_,:,0] = multinomial(1, mean, size=int(cnt))
            X[perm_,:,1] = multinomial(1, mean, size=int(cnt))
            X[perm_,:,2] = multinomial(1, mean, size=int(cnt))

            cnt_ += cnt
        return X