Exemplo n.º 1
def projection_solver(M, constraints, rank=2, maxiter=100, tol=1e-6):
    does projection, so that L.T L is closest to M(y)
    and y is the projection of cloest to L.T L what satisfies the contraints
    any fixed point is a valid solution
    lenys = len(M.matrix_monos)
    rowsM = len(M.row_monos)
    lenLs = rank*rowsM
    L = np.random.randn(rank, len(M.row_monos))
    L = np.array([[1,1,1,1],[1,2,4,8]])/np.sqrt(2) + np.random.randn(2,4)*0.3
    Bf = M.get_Bflat()
    A,b = M.get_Ab(constraints, cvxoptmode = False)

    weightone = 1
    A = A*weightone; b = b*weightone
    for i in xrange(maxiter):
        yL = Bf.dot(L.T.dot(L).flatten()[:, np.newaxis])/np.sum(Bf,1)[:,np.newaxis]
        y = util.project_nullspace(A,b,yL, randomize =0/np.sqrt(i+100))
        My = M.numeric_instance(y)

        objyconstrs = scipy.linalg.norm(L.T.dot(L) - M.numeric_instance(y)) + scipy.linalg.norm(A.dot(y)-b)
        L = V[0:rank,:]*np.sqrt(D[0:rank, np.newaxis])
        objprojL = scipy.linalg.norm(L.T.dot(L) - M.numeric_instance(y)) + scipy.linalg.norm(A.dot(y)-b)
        print '%d:\t%f\t%f' % (i, objyconstrs, objprojL)
        if objprojL < tol:
    return y,L
Exemplo n.º 2
def convex_projection_solver(M, constraints, rank=2, tau=1, delta = 0.1, maxiter=100, tol=1e-6):
    does projection, so that L.T L is closest to M(y)
    and y is the projection of cloest to L.T L what satisfies the contraints
    any fixed point is a valid solution
    lenys = len(M.matrix_monos)
    rowsM = len(M.row_monos)
    lenLs = rank*rowsM
    Bf = M.get_Bflat()
    A,b = M.get_Ab(constraints, cvxoptmode = False)

    weightone = 1
    A = A*weightone; b = b*weightone
    X = np.random.randn(rowsM, rowsM)
    for i in xrange(maxiter):
        yX = Bf.dot(X.flatten()[:, np.newaxis])/np.sum(Bf,1)[:,np.newaxis]

        yproj = util.project_nullspace(A,b,yX, randomize =0)

        y = yproj #yX + delta*(yproj - yX)
        My = M.numeric_instance(y)
        objyconstrs = scipy.linalg.norm(X- M.numeric_instance(y)) + scipy.linalg.norm(A.dot(y)-b)
        D = np.fmax(D - tau, 0)
        X = U.dot(np.diag(D)).dot(V)
        objprojL = scipy.linalg.norm(X - M.numeric_instance(y)) + scipy.linalg.norm(A.dot(y)-b)
        print '%d:\t%f\t%f' % (i, objyconstrs, objprojL)
        if objprojL < tol:
    return y,X