Exemplo n.º 1
def _cpui_level_iterator(cpu, amr_filename, bisection_order, maxlevel, ndim) :
    f = file(amr_filename, 'rb')
    header = read_fortran_series(f, ramses_amr_header)
    skip_fortran(f, 13)

    n_per_level = read_fortran(f, _int_type, header['nlevelmax']*header['ncpu']).reshape(( header['nlevelmax'], header['ncpu']))
    if header['nboundary']>0 :
        n_per_level_boundary = read_fortran(f, _int_type, header['nlevelmax']*header['nboundary']).reshape(( header['nlevelmax'], header['nboundary']))

    if bisection_order :
        skip_fortran(f, 5)
    else :
        skip_fortran(f, 1)
    skip_fortran(f, 3)

    offset = np.array(header['ng'],dtype='f8')/2

    for level in xrange(maxlevel or header['nlevelmax']) :

        # loop through those CPUs with grid data (includes ghost regions)
        for cpuf in 1+np.where(n_per_level[level,:]!=0)[0] :
            #print "CPU=",cpu,"CPU on disk=",cpuf,"npl=",n_per_level[level,cpuf-1]

            if cpuf==cpu :

                # this is the data we want
                skip_fortran(f,3) # grid, next, prev index

                # store the coordinates in temporary arrays. We only want
                # to copy it if the cell is not refined
                x0,y0,z0 = [read_fortran(f, _float_type, n_per_level[level,cpu-1]) for ar in range(ndim)]

                skip_fortran(f,1 # father index
                              + 2*ndim # nbor index
                              + 2*(2**ndim) # son index,cpumap,refinement map

                refine = np.array([read_fortran(f,_int_type,n_per_level[level,cpu-1]) for i in xrange(2**ndim)])

                if level==maxlevel :
                    refine[:] = 0

                x0-=offset[0]; y0-=offset[1]; z0-=offset[2]

                yield (x0,y0,z0),refine,cpuf,level

            else :

                # skip ghost regions from other CPUs

        if header['nboundary']>0 :
            for boundaryf in np.where(n_per_level_boundary[level, :]!=0)[0] :

Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, f, take=None) :
     f_cx = file(os.path.join(f, "ic_velcx"))
     self._header = read_fortran(f_cx, genic_header)
     h = self._header
     self._dlen = int(h['nx']*h['ny'])
     self.properties['a'] = float(h['astart'])
     self.properties['h'] = float(h['h0'])/100.
     self.properties['omegaM0'] = float(h['omegam'])
     self.properties['omegaL0'] = float(h['omegal'])
     disk_family_slice = { family.dm: slice(0, self._dlen*int(h['nz'])) }
     self._load_control = chunk.LoadControl(disk_family_slice, _max_buflen, take)
     self._family_slice = self._load_control.mem_family_slice
     self._num_particles = self._load_control.mem_num_particles
     self._filename = f
Exemplo n.º 3
def _cpui_count_particles(filename) :
    distinguisher_field = int(particle_distinguisher[0])
    distinguisher_type = np.dtype(particle_distinguisher[1])

    f = file(filename)
    header = read_fortran_series(f, ramses_particle_header)
    npart_this = header['npart']
        data = read_fortran(f,distinguisher_type,header['npart'])
    except TypeError:
        data = np.zeros(npart_this)
    my_mask = (data!=0)
    nstar_this = (data!=0).sum()
    return npart_this, nstar_this, my_mask
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _derive_vel(self):
        self._create_array("vel", 3)
        vel = self["vel"]
        vel.units = "km s^-1"
        h = self._header
        if self.properties["a"] != float(h["astart"]):
            z0 = 1.0 / h["astart"] - 1
            a_bdot_original = float(h["astart"]) * analysis.cosmology.rate_linear_growth(self, z=z0)
            ratio = self.properties["a"] * analysis.cosmology.rate_linear_growth(self) / a_bdot_original
                "You have manually changed the redshift of these initial conditions before loading velocities; the velocities will be scaled as appropriate",
            ratio = 1.0

        for vd in "x", "y", "z":
            vel = self["v" + vd]
            f = file(os.path.join(self._filename, "ic_velc" + vd))
            h = read_fortran(f, genic_header)

            length = self._dlen * _data_type.itemsize

            alen = np.fromfile(f, util._head_type, 1)
            if alen != length:
                raise IOError, "Unexpected FORTRAN block length %d!=%d" % (alen, length)

            readpos = 0

            for readlen, buf_index, mem_index in self._load_control.iterate_with_interrupts(
                np.arange(1, h["nz"]) * (h["nx"] * h["ny"]),
                functools.partial(_midway_fortran_skip, f, length),

                if buf_index is not None:
                    re = np.fromfile(f, _data_type, readlen)
                    vel[mem_index] = re[buf_index] * ratio
                    f.seek(_data_type.itemsize * readlen, 1)

            alen = np.fromfile(f, util._head_type, 1)
            if alen != length:
                raise IOError, "Unexpected FORTRAN block length (tail) %d!=%d" % (alen, length)
Exemplo n.º 5
def _cpui_load_particle_block(filename, dm_ar, star_ar, offset, ind0_dm, ind0_star, _type, star_mask, nstar) :
    f = file(filename)
    header = read_fortran_series(f, ramses_particle_header)

    skip_fortran(f, offset)

    ind1_dm = ind0_dm+header['npart']-nstar
    ind1_star = ind0_star+nstar

    data = read_fortran(f, _type, header['npart'])

    if len(star_mask)>0 :
    else :

Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, f, take=None):
        super(GrafICSnap, self).__init__()
        f_cx = file(os.path.join(f, "ic_velcx"))
        self._header = read_fortran(f_cx, genic_header)
        h = self._header
        self._dlen = int(h["nx"] * h["ny"])
        self.properties["a"] = float(h["astart"])
        self.properties["h"] = float(h["h0"]) / 100.0
        self.properties["omegaM0"] = float(h["omegam"])
        self.properties["omegaL0"] = float(h["omegal"])

        disk_family_slice = {family.dm: slice(0, self._dlen * int(h["nz"]))}
        self._load_control = chunk.LoadControl(disk_family_slice, _max_buflen, take)
        self._family_slice = self._load_control.mem_family_slice
        self._num_particles = self._load_control.mem_num_particles
        self._filename = f

        boxsize = self._header["dx"] * self._header["nx"]
        self.properties["boxsize"] = boxsize * units.Unit("Mpc a")
Exemplo n.º 7
def _cpui_load_particle_block(filename, dm_ar, star_ar, offset, ind0_dm, ind0_star, _type, star_mask, nstar) :
    f = file(filename)
    header = read_fortran_series(f, ramses_particle_header)

    skip_fortran(f, offset)

    ind1_dm = ind0_dm+header['npart']-nstar
    ind1_star = ind0_star+nstar

    data = read_fortran(f, _type, header['npart'])
        if len(star_mask)>0 :
        else :
    except ValueError:
        # this translates into the data block loaded from disk not being
        # long enough
        raise IOError, "Could not load particle block"

Exemplo n.º 8
    def _load_array(self, name, fam=None) :
        if fam is not family.dm and fam is not None :
            raise IOError, "Only DM particles supported"

        if name=="mass" :
            boxsize = self._header['dx']*self._header['nx']
            rho = analysis.cosmology.rho_M(self, unit='Msol Mpc^-3 a^-3')
            tot_mass = rho*boxsize**3 # in Msol
            part_mass = tot_mass/self._header['nx']**3
            self['mass'][:] = part_mass
        elif name=="pos" :
            self._create_array('pos', 3)
            self['pos'].units="Mpc a"
            nx,ny,nz = [int(self._header[x]) for x in 'nx','ny','nz']

            # the following is equivalent to
            # self['z'],self['y'],self['x'] = np.mgrid[0.0:self._header['nx'], 0.0:self._header['ny'], 0.0:self._header['nz']]
            # but works on partial loading without having to generate the entire mgrid
            # (which might easily exceed the available memory for a big grid)

            pos_cache = np.empty((_max_buflen,3))
            fp0 = 0
            for readlen, buf_index, mem_index in self._load_control.iterate(family.dm, family.dm) :
                if mem_index is not None :
                    pos[mem_index] = _grid_gen(slice(fp0, fp0+readlen), nx, ny, nz, pos=pos_cache)[buf_index]
            a = self.properties['a']
            bdot_by_b = analysis.cosmology.rate_linear_growth(self, unit='km Mpc^-1 s^-1')/analysis.cosmology.linear_growth_factor(self)

            # offset position according to zeldovich approximation
            self['offset'] = self['vel']/(a*bdot_by_b)
            self['offset'].units=self['vel'].units/units.Unit('km Mpc^-1 s^-1 a^-1')
        elif name=="vel" :
            self._create_array('vel', 3)
            vel = self['vel']
            vel.units='km s^-1'
            h = self._header
            if self.properties['a']!=float(h['astart']) :
                z0 = 1./h['astart']-1
                a_bdot_original =  (float(h['astart']) * analysis.cosmology.rate_linear_growth(self, z=z0))
                ratio = self.properties['a'] * analysis.cosmology.rate_linear_growth(self) / a_bdot_original
                warnings.warn("You have manually changed the redshift of these initial conditions before loading velocities; the velocities will be scaled as appropriate", RuntimeWarning)
            else :
                ratio = 1.0
            for vd in 'x','y','z' :
                vel = self['v'+vd]
                f = file(os.path.join(self._filename, 'ic_velc'+vd))
                h = read_fortran(f, genic_header)
                length = self._dlen * _data_type.itemsize
                alen = np.fromfile(f, util._head_type, 1)
                if alen!=length :
                    raise IOError, "Unexpected FORTRAN block length %d!=%d"%(alen,length)

                readpos = 0
                for readlen, buf_index, mem_index in (self._load_control.iterate_with_interrupts(family.dm, family.dm,
                                                                                                 functools.partial(_midway_fortran_skip, f, length))) :

                    if buf_index is not None :
                        re = np.fromfile(f, _data_type ,readlen)
                        vel[mem_index] = re[buf_index]*ratio
                    else :
                        f.seek(_data_type.itemsize*readlen, 1)

                alen = np.fromfile(f, util._head_type, 1)
                if alen!=length :
                    raise IOError, "Unexpected FORTRAN block length (tail) %d!=%d"%(alen,length)
        else :
            raise IOError, "No such array"
Exemplo n.º 9
def _cpui_load_gas_vars(dims, maxlevel, ndim, filename, cpu, lia, i1,
                        mode = _gv_load_hydro ) :
    if config['verbose'] :
        print>>sys.stderr, cpu,
    nvar = len(dims)
    grid_info_iter = _cpui_level_iterator(*lia)

    f = file(filename)

    check_nvar_file = False

    if mode is _gv_load_hydro :
        header = read_fortran_series(f, ramses_hydro_header)
        nvar_file = header['nvarh']
    else :
        header = read_fortran_series(f, ramses_grav_header)

    if nvar_file<nvar :
        warnings.warn("Fewer hydro variables are in this RAMSES dump than are defined in config.ini (expected %d, got %d in file)"%(nvar, nvar_file), RuntimeWarning)
        nvar = nvar_file
        dims = dims[:nvar]
    elif nvar_file>nvar :
        warnings.warn("More hydro variables are in this RAMSES dump than are defined in config.ini", RuntimeWarning)

    for level in xrange(maxlevel or header['nlevelmax']) :

        for cpuf in xrange(1,header['ncpu']+1) :
            flevel = read_fortran(f, 'i4')[0]
            ncache = read_fortran(f, 'i4')[0]
            assert flevel-1==level

            if ncache>0 :
                if cpuf==cpu :

                    coords, refine, gi_cpu, gi_level =  grid_info_iter.next()
                    mark = np.where(refine==0)

                    assert gi_level==level
                    assert gi_cpu==cpu

                if cpuf==cpu and len(mark[0])>0 :
                    for icel in xrange(2**ndim) :
                        i0 = i1
                        i1 = i0+(refine[icel]==0).sum()
                        for ar in dims :
                            ar[i0:i1] = read_fortran(f, _float_type, ncache)[(refine[icel]==0)]

                        skip_fortran(f, (nvar_file-nvar))

                else :
                    skip_fortran(f, (2**ndim)*nvar_file)

        for boundary in xrange(header['nboundary']) :
            flevel = read_fortran(f, 'i4')[0]
            ncache = read_fortran(f, 'i4')[0]
            if ncache>0 :
                skip_fortran(f, (2**ndim)*nvar_file)