Exemplo n.º 1
    def feedforward_control(self, current_x, vel, rx, rv, ra):
        A = np.asmatrix([[
            -3.40636316e+00, 1.72084569e-15, -2.22044605e-16, 3.33066907e-16,
                             1.06332511e-15, -3.40636316e+00, -4.89821158e-15,
                             -9.49457230e-10, 5.97084703e-15
                             8.05604854e-15, -3.39407337e-16, -1.18314673e+01,
                             1.29496126e-16, -4.45369336e-15

        B = np.asmatrix([[-0.34751847, -0.34751847, 0.34751847, 0.34751847],
                         [0.34751847, -0.34751847, -0.34751847, 0.34751847],
                         [10.04133891, 10.04133891, 10.04133891, 10.04133891]])

        constantMatrix = np.matrix([[-2.88657986e-15], [-2.66501017e-14],

        rv_body = np.linalg.inv(util.rotation_matrix(current_x[2, 0])) * rv
        vel_body = np.linalg.inv(util.rotation_matrix(current_x[2, 0])) * vel
        xDot = np.linalg.inv(util.rotation_matrix(current_x[2, 0])) * ra

        x = np.matrix([[rv_body[0, 0]], [rv_body[1, 0]], [rv_body[2, 0]],
                       [rv_body[0, 0] * rv_body[2, 0]],
                       [rv_body[1, 0] * rv_body[2, 0]]])
        feedforward = np.linalg.pinv(B) * (xDot - A * x - constantMatrix)
        return feedforward
Exemplo n.º 2
def draw_points(state, waypoint, pts):
    delta_global = waypoint.position - state.position
    point_body = rotation_matrix(-state.heading) @ delta_global
    print(f"Waypoint in body frame: {point_body}")
    for x, y in pts:
        yield from move_arm(state, point_body + [x / 1000.0, y / 1000.0])
    yield from move_arm(state, None)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def actuate(self, magnitude, state):
     super(RotateBehavior, self).actuate(magnitude, state)
     direction = 1 if self.cw else -1
     theta = magnitude * direction * (self.world.MAX_ROT_VELOCITY) # Rad, CCW
     z_axis = [0, 0, 1]
     rm = util.rotation_matrix(z_axis, theta)
     dir_3d = np.append(state.direction, [0])
     state.direction = np.dot(rm, dir_3d)[:2] # Back to 2D
Exemplo n.º 4
 def circle_proba(self):
     cov = self.obstacle.pos_cov
     eig_value = np.linalg.eigvals(cov)
     rot_matrix = rotation_matrix(self.obstacle.angle)
     inv_rot = np.linalg.inv(rot_matrix)
     cov = inv_rot@cov@inv_rot.T
     # print(cov)
     # tt()
     var = np.max(eig_value)
     ans = compute_proba(self.robot.corner, np.array([self.obstacle.cx, self.obstacle.cy]), var=cov[0, 0])
     return ans
Exemplo n.º 5
    def control(self, x, v, rx, rv, ra):
        gRb = util.rotation_matrix(x[2, 0])

        gRp = util.rotation_matrix(rx[2, 0])
        error_path_relative = gRp * (rx - x)

        self.integral += self.dt * error_path_relative

        G = self.model.geom

        GTinv = np.linalg.pinv(G.T * 0.029)
        error = gRb.T * (rx - x)
        error[2, 0] *= 0.1

        derivative = gRb.T * (rv - v)
        derivative[2, 0] *= 0.01
        goal_acceleration = ra + self.Mp * (rx - x) + self.Md * (
            rv - v) + self.Mi * gRp.T * self.integral
        return self.model.inverse_dynamics_world(x, rv, goal_acceleration)
        uff = self.model.inverse_dynamics_world(x, rv, ra)
        up = self.Kp * GTinv * error
        ui = self.Ki * GTinv * np.diag([1, 1, 0]) * gRb * gRp.T * self.integral
        ud = self.Kd * GTinv * derivative
        return uff + up + ui + ud
Exemplo n.º 6
    def forward_dynamics_world(self, pose, velocity, voltage):
        Perform the forward dynamics calculation in world space.

         pose: world-space pose vector [x; y; theta]
         velocity: world-space velocity vector [x; y; theta]
         voltage: wheel voltage vector [v1; v2; v3; v4]
        coriolis = np.asmatrix([[0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]
                                ]) * velocity[2, 0]

        rotation_matrix = util.rotation_matrix(pose[2, 0])
        velocity_body = rotation_matrix.T * velocity
        acceleration_body = self.forward_dynamics_body(velocity_body, voltage)
        return coriolis * velocity + rotation_matrix * acceleration_body
Exemplo n.º 7
    def generate(self, theta=None):
        if theta is None:
            theta = self.angle
        x, y = self.cx, self.cy
        min_x, max_x = - self.ratio * self.length, (1 - self.ratio) * self.length
        min_y, max_y = - 0.5 * self.width, 0.5 * self.width

        rot_matrix = rotation_matrix(theta)

        pts = np.array([[min_x, max_y],
                        [max_x, max_y],
                        [max_x, min_y],
                        [min_x, min_y]])
        pts = np.matmul(rot_matrix, pts.T).T
        pts += np.array([x, y])
        return pts
Exemplo n.º 8
 def compute_convex_hull(self, center_point, vector):
     point_list = []
     #1. find all faces that have same coordinates
     counter = 0
     face_list = []
     for face, normal in zip(self.faces, self.normals):
         point_projected_to_face, dist = util.project_point2plane(center_point, normal, face)
         if abs(dist) < 0.001:
             for i in range(3):
                 T = util.rotation_matrix(vector, np.array([0,0,-1]))
                 rotated_face = np.matmul(T[0:3, 0:3], face[i, :])
         counter += 1
     q = ConvexHull(point_list)
     q_points = []
     for index in q.vertices:
     return q_points
Exemplo n.º 9
    def update(self):
        dt = 1. / 15
        velocity = self.state.drive_speed * np.array(
            [np.cos(self.heading), np.sin(self.heading)])
        self.position = self.position + velocity * dt
        self.heading = normalize_angle(self.heading +
                                       self.state.drive_angle * dt)
        self.time += dt

        self.state.time = self.time

        self.state.sim_position = self.position
        self.state.sim_heading = self.heading

        self.state.marvelmind_position = self.position + np.random.normal(
            0, 0.015, 2)

        self.state.realsense_position = self.rs_scale * rotation_matrix(
            -self.initial_heading) @ (self.position - self.initial_position)
        self.state.realsense_heading = normalize_angle(self.heading -
        self.state.rs_tracker_confidence = 2.0
        self.state.rs_mapper_confidence = 2.0
Exemplo n.º 10
    def trajectories(self, N=100, dt=0.02):
        perimeter = self.params['perimeter']
        T = self.params["T"]
        n = int(T / dt)
        mu, sigma, b = [
            for i in ["mean_rotation", "std_dev_rotation", "std_dev_forward"]

        rotation_velocities = torch.tensor(
            np.random.normal(mu, sigma, size=(n, N))).float()
        forward_velocities = torch.tensor(np.random.rayleigh(
            b, size=(n, N))).float()

        positions = ntorch.zeros((n, 2, N), names=("t", "ax", "sample"))
        vs = torch.zeros((n, N))
        angles = rotation_velocities
        directions = torch.zeros((n, 2, N))

        vs[0] = self.params["v0"]
        theta = torch.rand(N) * 2 * np.pi
        directions[0] = unit_vector(theta)
            "t": 0
        }] = ntorch.tensor(self.scene.random(N), names=("sample", "ax"))

        for i in range(1, n):
            dist, phi = self.scene.closestWall(positions[{
                "t": i - 1
            }].values, directions[i - 1])
            wall = (dist < perimeter) & (phi.abs() < np.pi / 2)
            angle_correction = torch.where(
                phi.sign() * (np.pi / 2 - phi.abs()), torch.zeros_like(phi))
            angles[i] += angle_correction

            vs[i] = torch.where(
                (1 - self.params["velocity_reduction"]) * (vs[i - 1]),
                "t": i
            }] = (positions[{
                "t": i - 1
            }] + directions[i - 1] * vs[i] * dt)

            mat = rotation_matrix(angles[i] * dt)
            directions[i] = torch.einsum("ijk,jk->ik", mat, directions[i - 1])

        idx = np.round(np.linspace(
            0, n - 2, self.params["trajectory_length"])).astype(int)
        # idx = np.array(sorted(np.random.choice(np.arange(n), size=self.params["trajectory_length"], replace=False)))

        dphis = ntorch.tensor(angles[idx] * dt, names=("t", "sample"))
        velocities = ntorch.tensor(vs[idx], names=("t", "sample"))
        vel = ntorch.stack((velocities, dphis.cos(), dphis.sin()), "input")

        xs = ntorch.tensor(positions.values[idx], names=("t", "ax", "sample"))
        # xs0 = positions[{'t': 0}]
        xs0 = ntorch.tensor(self.scene.random(n=N), names=("sample", "ax"))

        hd = torch.atan2(directions[:, 1], directions[:, 0])
        hd0 = ntorch.tensor(hd[0][None], names=("hd", "sample"))
        hd = ntorch.tensor(hd[idx + 1][None], names=("hd", "t", "sample"))

        xs = xs.transpose('sample', 't', 'ax')
        hd = hd.transpose('sample', 't', 'hd')
        vel = vel.transpose('sample', 't', 'input')
        xs0 = xs0.transpose('sample', 'ax')
        hd0 = hd0.transpose('sample', 'hd')

        return xs, hd, vel, xs0, hd0
def Petunin_ellipsoid(points):
    Строит эллипсоид Петунина
    :param points: shape = (n_points, dim)
    :return: c, radii, rot, alphas
    c - центр эллипсоида
    R - массив относительных расстояний до каждой точки входного массива (не отсортирован)
    coef - коеффициенты для получения полуосей эллипсоидов; Полуоси эллипсоида, отвечающего i-ой
           входной точке, являются R[i] * coef
    rot - матрица поворота
    alphas - shape = (dim-1,), углы поворотов, где alphas[i] - угол поворота в плоскости x_{i}, x_{i+1};
             применять от 0 до dim-1
    x = np.asarray(points)
    x = np.copy(x)
    d = x.shape[1]
    hull = ConvexHull(x)
    v = hull.vertices
    vl = v.shape[0]
    dists = np.array([[np.linalg.norm(x[v[i]] - x[v[j]]), (v[i],v[j])]
                    for i in range(vl)
                    for j in range(i)])
    #x[k] и x[l] лежат на диаметре
    k,l = dists[np.argmax(dists[:,0]),1]

    #выбираем точку с меньшей первой координатой, она перейдёт в начало координат
    if x[k][0] <= x[l][0]:
        x0 = x[k]
        x1 = x[l]
        x0 = x[l]
        x1 = x[k]

    new_x = x - x0

    direction = x1 - x0
    #поворачиваем direction так, чтобы вектор лежал на первой координатной оси (с положительной стороны)
    rot = np.eye(d)
    alphas = np.zeros((d-1,))
    for i in range(d - 1, 0, -1):
        if direction[i] == 0:
        alpha = -np.arctan2(direction[i], direction[i-1])
        alphas[i-1] = alpha
        cur_rot = util.rotation_matrix(d,i-1, i, alpha)
        direction = cur_rot.dot(direction)
        rot = cur_rot @ rot

    new_x = rot.dot(new_x.T).T

    #строим параллелепипед наименьшего объема; ищем нижние и верхние границы области по всем координатам
    lower = np.min(new_x[v],axis=0)
    upper = np.max(new_x[v],axis=0)

    #размеры сторон параллелепипеда
    size = upper - lower

    #смещаем параллелепипед и растягиваем его до гиперкуба со стороной size[0]
    new_x -= lower
    coef = size[0] / size
    new_x *= coef

    center = np.sum(new_x, axis=0) / new_x.shape[0]
    dists_center = np.linalg.norm(new_x - center, axis = 1)
    #dtype = [("dist", float), ("index", int)]
    #to_sort = np.array([(dist, k) for k, dist in enumerate(dists_center)], dtype=dtype)
    #sorted_dists = np.sort(to_sort, order="dist")
    #order = sorted_dists["index"]
    #R = sorted_dists["dist"]
    R = dists_center
    #R = np.max(dists_center)

    #обратные превращения
    c = center / coef
    c += lower
    c = rot.T.dot(c)
    c += x0

    #radii = R[-1] / coef

    return c, R, 1 / coef, rot.T, -alphas
Exemplo n.º 12
 def convertToBody(self, x, vec):
     return np.linalg.inv(util.rotation_matrix(x[2, 0])) * vec
Exemplo n.º 13
def main():
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()

    pos = np.asmatrix([0., 1., 0.]).T
    vel = np.asmatrix([3., 0., 3.]).T

    visualizer = vis.Visualizer()

    fps = 60
    dt = 1.0 / fps
    t = 0.0
    i = 0

    maxon_motor = motor.Motor(
    gearbox = motor.Gearbox(gear_ratio=20.0 / 60.0, gear_inertia=0)
    gear_motor = motor.GearMotor(maxon_motor, gearbox)
    our_robot = robot.Robot(
        wheel_angles = np.deg2rad([45, 135, -135, -45]))
        # wheel_angles=np.deg2rad([60, 129, -129, -60]))

    controller = Controller(dt, our_robot)

    while not visualizer.close:

        v = 3

        rx = np.asmatrix([np.sin(v * t), np.cos(v * t / 3), v * np.sin(t)]).T
        rv = v * np.asmatrix([np.cos(v * t), -np.sin(v * t / 3) / 3, np.cos(t)]).T
        ra = v ** 2 * np.asmatrix([-np.sin(v * t), -np.cos(v * t / 3) / 9, -np.sin(t) / v]).T

        vel_b = np.linalg.inv(rotation_matrix(pos[2,0])) * vel
        rv_b = np.linalg.inv(rotation_matrix(pos[2,0])) * rv

        rx_b = np.linalg.inv(rotation_matrix(pos[2,0])) * rx
        pos_b = np.linalg.inv(rotation_matrix(pos[2,0])) * pos

        # u = controller.feedforward_control(pos, vel, rx, rv, ra)
        state_vector = np.vstack((rx_b-pos_b,rv_b-vel_b))
        u = lqr.controlLQR(state_vector) # +=
        u = u[2:,0]
        # u = controller.control(pos, vel, rx, rv, ra)

        vdot_b = our_robot.forward_dynamics_body(vel_b, u)
        vdot = our_robot.forward_dynamics_world(pos, vel, u)

        # print(u - our_robot.inverse_dynamics_body(vel_b, vdot_b))

        robot.sysID(u[0,0], u[1,0], u[2,0], u[3,0], vel_b[0,0], vel_b[1,0], vel_b[2,0], vdot_b[0,0], vdot_b[1,0], vdot_b[2,0])
        visualizer.draw(pos, rx)
        pos += dt * vel + 0.5 * vdot * dt ** 2
        vel += dt * vdot
        # robot_data_line = [vdot_b[0,0], vdot_b[1,0], vdot_b[2,0], vel_b[0,0], vel_b[1,0], vel_b[2,0], u[0,0], u[1,0], u[2,0], u[3,0]]
        # robot_data.append(robot_data_line)

        t += dt
        i += 1
        if t > 20:
            print("t = 20")
            t = 0.0
            i = 0
            pos = np.asmatrix([0, 1, 0.]).T
            vel = np.asmatrix([3, 0, 3.]).T
Exemplo n.º 14
    def transformed_cb(self, plot=False, ax1=None, ax2=None):

        :param plot:
        :param ax1:
        :param ax2:
        :return: the rotated bounding box of the combined body and the transformed center of the obstacle
        W = self.obstacle.W

        # min_x, min_y, width, height
        bbx = min(self.cb_box[:,0]), min(self.cb_box[:,1]), max(self.cb_box[:,0]) - min(self.cb_box[:,0]), \
                  max(self.cb_box[:,1]) - min(self.cb_box[:,1])

        bounding_box_corner = np.array([[bbx[0], bbx[1]],
                                        [bbx[0], bbx[1] + bbx[3]],
                                        [bbx[0] + bbx[2], bbx[1] + bbx[3]],
                                        [bbx[0] + bbx[2], bbx[1]]

        self.cb_box_transformed = self.cb_box @ W.T
        cb_box_t = np.concatenate([self.cb_box_transformed, self.cb_box_transformed[0].reshape(1, 2)], axis=0)
        pg = Polygon(xy=cb_box_t, closed=True, facecolor="None", edgecolor='b', fill=False, linestyle='--')

        robot_plot = self.robot_corner @ W.T
        trans_robot = robot_plot
        robot_plot = np.concatenate([robot_plot, robot_plot[0].reshape(1, 2)], axis=0)
        robot_plot = Polygon(xy=robot_plot, closed=True, facecolor="blue", edgecolor='b', fill=True,
                             alpha=0.3, linestyle='-')

        demo_center = np.array([self.demo_obst.cx, self.demo_obst.cy]) @ W.T
        demo_obst = Obstacle(demo_center[0], demo_center[1],
                             width=self.obstacle.width, length=self.obstacle.length,
                             angle=self.obstacle.angle * 180 / np.pi,
                             pos_cov=W @ self.obstacle.pos_cov @ W.T)

        transformed_bbx = bounding_box_corner @ W.T
        plot_transformed_bbx = Polygon(xy=transformed_bbx, closed=True, facecolor="None", edgecolor='b',

        # compute angle
        line = np.array([1, 0]).reshape(1, 2)
        line = line @ W.T
        theta = np.arctan(line[0, 1] / line[0, 0])
        rot_matrix = rotation_matrix(- theta)
        # re-rotated combined body and its bounding box
        rot_transform_cb = cb_box_t @ rot_matrix.T
        rot_pg = Polygon(xy=rot_transform_cb, closed=True, facecolor="None", edgecolor='b', fill=False, linestyle='--')
        rot_bbx = min(rot_transform_cb[:,0]), min(rot_transform_cb[:,1]), \
                  max(rot_transform_cb[:,0]) - min(rot_transform_cb[:,0]), \
                  max(rot_transform_cb[:,1]) - min(rot_transform_cb[:,1])
        bounding_box_corner = np.array([[rot_bbx[0], rot_bbx[1]],
                                        [rot_bbx[0], rot_bbx[1] + rot_bbx[3]],
                                        [rot_bbx[0] + rot_bbx[2], rot_bbx[1] + rot_bbx[3]],
                                        [rot_bbx[0] + rot_bbx[2], rot_bbx[1]]
        plot_rotated_bbx = Polygon(xy=bounding_box_corner, closed=True, facecolor="None", edgecolor='orange',
        demo_center = np.array([self.obstacle.cx, self.obstacle.cy]) @ W.T @ rot_matrix.T
        demo_obst_rot = Obstacle(demo_center[0], demo_center[1],
                             width=self.obstacle.width, length=self.obstacle.length,
                             angle=self.obstacle.angle * 180 / np.pi,
                             pos_cov=W @ self.obstacle.pos_cov @ W.T)

        # TODO: bouding box for the shape
        if plot:
            demo_obst.plot(ax1, transformer=W)
            # ax.add_artist(plot_transformed_bbx)
            ax1.legend([robot_plot, pg], ["transformed robot", 'transformed cb polygon'])
            demo_obst_rot.plot(ax2, transformer=W)
            ax2.legend([plot_rotated_bbx, rot_pg], ["bounding box", 'rotated cb polygon'])
        # print("Collision probability upper bound: {}".format(compute_proba(bounding_box_corner, demo_center)))
        return bounding_box_corner, demo_center