Exemplo n.º 1
def parseOutput(output, lines) :
    Parse error output lines from the GLSL reference compiler,
    map them to the original source code location and output
    an error message compatible with Xcode or VStudio
    outLines = output.splitlines()
    for outLine in outLines :
        if outLine.startswith('ERROR: ') :
            # extract generated shader source column, line and message
            colStartIndex = 7
            colEndIndex = outLine.find(':', colStartIndex)
            if colEndIndex == -1 :
            lineStartIndex = colEndIndex + 1
            lineEndIndex = outLine.find(':', lineStartIndex)
            if lineEndIndex == -1 :
            msgStartIndex = lineEndIndex + 1
            colNr = int(outLine[colStartIndex:colEndIndex])
            lineNr = int(outLine[lineStartIndex:lineEndIndex])
            msg = outLine[msgStartIndex:]

            # map to original location
            lineIndex = lineNr - 1
            if lineIndex >= len(lines) :
                lineIndex = len(lines) - 1
            srcPath = lines[lineIndex].path
            srcLineNr = lines[lineIndex].lineNumber
            # and output...
            util.setErrorLocation(srcPath, srcLineNr)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def resolveDeps(self, shd, dep):
     Recursively resolve dependencies for a shader.
     # just add new dependencies at the end of resolvedDeps,
     # and remove dups in a second pass after recursion
     if not dep.name in self.blocks:
         util.setErrorLocation(dep.path, dep.lineNumber)
         util.fmtError("unknown block dependency '{}'".format(dep.name))
     for depdep in self.blocks[dep.name].dependencies:
         self.resolveDeps(shd, depdep)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def resolveDeps(self, shd, dep) :
     Recursively resolve dependencies for a shader.
     # just add new dependencies at the end of resolvedDeps,
     # and remove dups in a second pass after recursion
     if not dep.name in self.blocks :
         util.setErrorLocation(dep.path, dep.lineNumber)
         util.fmtError("unknown block dependency '{}'".format(dep.name))
     for depdep in self.blocks[dep.name].dependencies :
         self.resolveDeps(shd, depdep)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def checkAddUniform(self, uniform, list):
     Check if uniform already exists in list, if yes
     check if type and binding matches, if not write error.
     If uniform doesn't exist yet in list, add it.
     listUniform = findByName(uniform.name, list)
     if listUniform is not None:
         # redundant uniform, check if type and binding name match
         if listUniform.type != uniform.type:
             util.setErrorLocation(uniform.filePath, uniform.lineNumber)
                 "uniform type mismatch '{}' vs '{}'".format(
                     uniform.type, listUniform.type), False)
             util.fmtError("uniform type mismatch '{}' vs '{}'".format(
                 listUniform.type, uniform.type))
         if listUniform.bind != uniform.bind:
             util.setErrorLocation(uniform.filePath, uniform.lineNumber)
                 "uniform bind name mismatch '{}' vs '{}'".format(
                     uniform.bind, listUniform.bind), False)
             util.fmtError("uniform bind name mismatch '{}' vs '{}'".format(
                 listUniform.bind, uniform.bind))
         # new uniform from block, add to list
Exemplo n.º 5
    def resolveBundleUniforms(self, bundle) :
        Gathers all uniforms from all shaders in the bundle.
        for program in bundle.programs :
            if program.vs not in self.vertexShaders :
                util.setErrorLocation(program.filePath, program.lineNumber)
                util.fmtError("unknown vertex shader '{}'".format(program.vs))
            for uniform in self.vertexShaders[program.vs].uniforms :
                self.checkAddUniform(uniform, bundle.uniforms)

            if program.fs not in self.fragmentShaders :
                util.setErrorLocation(program.filePath, program.lineNumber)
                util.fmtError("unknown fragment shader '{}'".format(program.fs))
            for uniform in self.fragmentShaders[program.fs].uniforms :
                self.checkAddUniform(uniform, bundle.uniforms)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def resolveBundleUniforms(self, bundle) :
        Gathers all uniforms from all shaders in the bundle.
        for program in bundle.programs :
            if program.vs not in self.vertexShaders :
                util.setErrorLocation(program.filePath, program.lineNumber)
                util.fmtError("unknown vertex shader '{}'".format(program.vs))
            for uniform in self.vertexShaders[program.vs].uniforms :
                self.checkAddUniform(uniform, bundle.uniforms)

            if program.fs not in self.fragmentShaders :
                util.setErrorLocation(program.filePath, program.lineNumber)
                util.fmtError("unknown fragment shader '{}'".format(program.fs))
            for uniform in self.fragmentShaders[program.fs].uniforms :
                self.checkAddUniform(uniform, bundle.uniforms)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def parseSource(self, fileName):
        Parse a single file and populate shader lib
        print '=> parsing {}'.format(fileName)
        f = open(fileName, 'r')
        self.fileName = fileName
        self.lineNumber = 0
        for line in f:
            util.setErrorLocation(self.fileName, self.lineNumber)
            self.lineNumber += 1

        # all blocks must be closed
        if self.current is not None:
            util.fmtError('missing @end at end of file')
Exemplo n.º 8
    def parseSource(self, fileName) :
        Parse a single file and populate shader lib
        print '=> parsing {}'.format(fileName)
        f = open(fileName, 'r')
        self.fileName = fileName
        self.lineNumber = 0
        for line in f :
            util.setErrorLocation(self.fileName, self.lineNumber)
            self.lineNumber += 1

        # all blocks must be closed
        if self.current is not None :
            util.fmtError('missing @end at end of file')
Exemplo n.º 9
 def checkAddUniform(self, uniform, list) :
     Check if uniform already exists in list, if yes
     check if type and binding matches, if not write error.
     If uniform doesn't exist yet in list, add it.
     listUniform = findByName(uniform.name, list)
     if listUniform is not None:
         # redundant uniform, check if type and binding name match
         if listUniform.type != uniform.type :
             util.setErrorLocation(uniform.filePath, uniform.lineNumber)
             util.fmtError("uniform type mismatch '{}' vs '{}'".format(uniform.type, listUniform.type), False)
             util.setErrorLocation(listUniform.filePath, listUniform.lineNumber)
             util.fmtError("uniform type mismatch '{}' vs '{}'".format(listUniform.type, uniform.type))
         if listUniform.bind != uniform.bind :
             util.setErrorLocation(uniform.filePath, uniform.lineNumber)
             util.fmtError("uniform bind name mismatch '{}' vs '{}'".format(uniform.bind, listUniform.bind), False)
             util.setErrorLocation(listUniform.filePath, listUniform.lineNumber)
             util.fmtError("uniform bind name mismatch '{}' vs '{}'".format(listUniform.bind, uniform.bind))
     else :
         # new uniform from block, add to list