def setup(self): time.sleep(1) DockerContainer.setup(self) util.shell_call( 'docker cp XcontainerBolt {0:s}:/home/XcontainerBolt'.format(, True) BenchmarkContainer.setup(self)
def setup_containers(args): if args.container == 'xcontainer': util.shell_call('xl cpupool-numa-split') if 'same-container' in args.test: m = create_application_container(args, True) b = None else: m = create_application_container(args) b = create_benchmark_container(args) if args.destroy: m.destroy() if b is not None: b.destroy() else: m.start() m.setup() if b is not None: b.start() b.setup() # b.benchmark() if args.container == 'xcontainer': balance_xcontainer(b, m, get_benchmark_processor(args.test))
def setup_linux(args): install_linux_dependencies() if args.process == "nginx": name = NGINX_CONTAINER_NAME container_ip = get_linux_container_ip(name) container_port = NGINX_CONTAINER_PORT machine_port = NGINX_MACHINE_PORT if container_ip is None: setup_linux_nginx_container() elif args.process == "memcached": name = MEMCACHED_CONTAINER_NAME container_ip = get_linux_container_ip(name) container_port = MEMCACHED_CONTAINER_PORT machine_port = MEMCACHED_MACHINE_PORT if container_ip is None: setup_linux_memcached_container() util.shell_call("sudo lxc-cgroup -n {0:s} memory.limit_in_bytes 1G".format(name)) else: raise "setup_linux: Not implemented" container_ip = get_linux_container_ip(name) if args.cores > 1: raise Exception("Error need to implement logic for multiple cores") util.shell_call("sudo lxc-cgroup -n {0:s} cpuset.cpus {1:d}".format(name, util.processor(0))) check_processor(args, name) machine_ip = get_ip_address('eno1') bridge_ip = get_ip_address('lxcbr0') print("machine", machine_ip, machine_port, "container", container_ip, container_port, "bridge", bridge_ip) setup_port_forwarding(machine_ip, machine_port, container_ip, container_port, bridge_ip) print("To benchmark run 'python -c linux -p {0:s} -b {1:s}:{2:d}'".format(args.process, machine_ip, machine_port))
def create_docker_nginx_container(args, docker_filter, is_xcontainer=False): configuration_file_path = '/dev/nginx.conf' setup_nginx_configuration(configuration_file_path) print(NGINX_CONTAINER_NAME, docker_filter) address = docker_ip(NGINX_CONTAINER_NAME, docker_filter) if args.cores > 1: raise "multi-core not implemented" cpu = "--cpuset-cpus={0:d}".format(util.processor(0)) if is_xcontainer: cpu = "" if address is None: command = 'docker run --name {0:s} -P {1:s} -v {2:s}:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro -d nginx' print(command) util.shell_call(command.format(NGINX_CONTAINER_NAME, cpu, configuration_file_path)) container_sleep(5) address = docker_ip(NGINX_CONTAINER_NAME, docker_filter) ports = nginx_docker_port() if is_xcontainer: machine_ip = get_ip_address('em1') else: machine_ip = get_ip_address('eno1') bridge_ip = get_ip_address('docker0') setup_port_forwarding(machine_ip, int(ports[1]), address, int(ports[0]), bridge_ip) print("To benchmark run 'python -c docker -p nginx -b {0:s}:{1:s}'".format(machine_ip, ports[1])) return ports
def setup_xcontainer(args): if args.process == "nginx": name = NGINX_CONTAINER_NAME container_port = NGINX_CONTAINER_PORT machine_port = NGINX_MACHINE_PORT create_docker_nginx_container(args, XCONTAINER_INSPECT_FILTER, True) elif args.process == "memcached": name = MEMCACHED_CONTAINER_NAME container_port = MEMCACHED_CONTAINER_PORT machine_port = MEMCACHED_MACHINE_PORT setup_docker_memcached_container(args, XCONTAINER_INSPECT_FILTER, True) else: raise Exception("setup_xcontainer: not implemented") docker_id = util.shell_output('docker inspect --format="{{{{.Id}}}}" {0:s}'.format(name)).strip() bridge_ip = get_ip_address('xenbr0') xcontainer_ip = generate_xcontainer_ip(bridge_ip) util.shell_call('docker stop {0:s}'.format(name)) machine_ip = get_ip_address('em1') util.shell_call('tmux new -s xcontainer -d') tmux_command('xcontainer', 'cd /root/experiments/native/compute06/docker') tmux_command('xcontainer', 'python --id {0:s} --ip {1:s} --hvm --name {2:s} --cpu={3:d}'.format(docker_id, xcontainer_ip, name, args.cores)) container_sleep(5) setup_port_forwarding(machine_ip, machine_port, xcontainer_ip, container_port, bridge_ip) print('Setup {0:s} X-Container on {1:s}:{2:d}'.format(args.process, machine_ip, machine_port)) util.shell_call('xl vcpu-pin memcached_container 0 {0:d}'.format(util.processor(0))) util.shell_call('python /root/x-container/') util.shell_call('python /root/x-container/')
def setup(self): time.sleep(10) util.shell_call("service docker restart") #util.shell_call('sudo docker stop {0:s}'.format( # TODO: Replace XContainer.setup(self) time.sleep(10) BenchmarkContainer.setup(self, False) BenchmarkContainer.benchmark(self)
def __init__(self, sameContainer=False, metric=None, intensity=None): DockerContainer.__init__(self, 'memcached_container', 'memcached') util.shell_call('tmux new -s {0:s} -d'.format("benchmark")) self.sameContainer = sameContainer if sameContainer: BenchmarkContainer.__init__(self, metric, intensity,, 'docker', 'memcached', 'default')
def check_git(): util.shell_call('git remote update') output = util.shell_output("git status --untracked-files=no").strip().split("\n") # Clean state should look like # On branch master # Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master' # nothing to commit (use -u to show untracked files) if len(output) > 3: raise Exception("Commit your code before you run this script!")
def setup(self): util.shell_call('docker stop {0:s}'.format( time.sleep(1) self.create_xconfig() util.tmux_command(self.tmux_name, 'cd /root/experiments/native/compute06/docker') util.tmux_command( self.tmux_name, 'python --id {0:s} --ip {1:s} --hvm --name {2:s} --cpu=1'. format(, self.ip(), time.sleep(10)
def __init__(self, sameContainer=False, metric=None, intensity=None): self.config_file = '/dev/nginx.conf' self.docker_tmux_name = 'nginx_docker' util.shell_call('tmux new -s {0:s} -d'.format(self.docker_tmux_name)) util.shell_call('tmux new -s {0:s} -d'.format("benchmark")) DockerContainer.__init__(self, 'nginx_container', 'nginx') self.sameContainer = sameContainer if sameContainer: BenchmarkContainer.__init__(self, metric, intensity,, 'docker', 'nginx', 'default')
def start(self): util.shell_call('lxc-create --name {0:s} -t ubuntu'.format(, True) util.shell_call('lxc-start --name {0:s} -d'.format(, True) util.shell_call( "lxc-cgroup -n {0:s} cpuset.cpus {1:d}".format(, self.processor), True) util.shell_call( "lxc-cgroup -n {0:s} cpuset.mems {1:d}".format(, self.mem), True) util.shell_call('tmux new -s {0:s} -d'.format(self.tmux_name), True) # Need to sleep to let container establish network connection time.sleep(5)
def start(self): v = '' if self.config() != '': v = '-v {0:s}'.format(self.config()) p = '' if self.ports() != '': p = '-p {0:s}'.format(self.ports()) util.shell_call( 'docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash --name {0:s} {1:s} {2:s} {3:s} -d {4:s} {5:s}' .format(, self.cpuset(), v, p, self.application, self.args()), True) time.sleep(5)
def setup_linux_memcached_container(): start_linux_container(MEMCACHED_CONTAINER_NAME) container_sleep(5) linux_container_execute_command(MEMCACHED_CONTAINER_NAME, 'sudo apt-get update') linux_container_execute_command(MEMCACHED_CONTAINER_NAME, 'sudo apt-get install -y memcached') container_ip = get_linux_container_ip(MEMCACHED_CONTAINER_NAME) linux_container_execute_command(MEMCACHED_CONTAINER_NAME, '/etc/init.d/memcached stop') linux_container_execute_command(MEMCACHED_CONTAINER_NAME, "sudo truncate -s0 /etc/memcached.conf") for line in get_memcached_configuration().split("\n"): linux_container_execute_command(MEMCACHED_CONTAINER_NAME, "sudo echo '{0:s}' >> /etc/memcached.conf".format(line)) util.shell_call('tmux new -s linux -d') tmux_command('linux', 'sudo lxc-attach -n {0:s}'.format(MEMCACHED_CONTAINER_NAME)) container_sleep(5) tmux_command('linux', 'memcached -m {0:d} -u root -p {1:d} -l {2:s} -t {3:d} &'.format(MEMCACHED_SIZE, MEMCACHED_CONTAINER_PORT, container_ip, MEMCACHED_THREADS))
def run_nginx_benchmark(args, num_connections, num_threads, duration): instance_folder = create_benchmark_folder(args) create_readme(args, instance_folder) print("Putting NGINX benchmarks in {0:s}".format(instance_folder)) rates = get_rates(args) results = [] for rate in rates: benchmark_file = "{0:s}/r{1:d}-t{2:d}-c{3:d}-d{4:d}".format(instance_folder, rate, num_threads, num_connections, duration) util.shell_call('XcontainerBolt/wrk2/wrk -R{0:d} -t{1:d} -c{2:d} -d{3:d}s -L http://{4:s} > {5:s}' .format(rate, num_threads, num_connections, duration, args.benchmark_address, benchmark_file), True) results.append((rate, parse_nginx_benchmark(benchmark_file))) print(results[-1]) result_files = ["avg_latency", "tail_latency", "throughput"] save_benchmark_results(instance_folder, result_files, results)
def setup(self): LinuxContainer.setup(self) LinuxContainer.execute_command(self, 'apt-get install -y memcached') util.tmux_command(self.tmux_name, 'lxc-attach -n {0:s}'.format( time.sleep(1) util.tmux_command(self.tmux_name, Memcached.start_command(self, self.ip())) time.sleep(1) util.shell_call("lxc-cgroup -n {0:s} cpuset.cpus {1:d}".format(, self.processor)) if self.sameContainer: LinuxContainer.copy_folder(self, 'XcontainerBolt') self.setup_benchmark() ApplicationContainer.setup_port_forwarding(self, self.machine_ip(), self.port, self.ip(), self.port, self.bridge_ip()) ApplicationContainer.benchmark_message(self)
def setup(self): LinuxContainer.setup(self) LinuxContainer.execute_command(self, 'apt-get install -y nginx') time.sleep(15) LinuxContainer.execute_command(self, 'truncate -s0 /etc/nginx/nginx.conf') for line in get_nginx_configuration().split("\n"): LinuxContainer.execute_command( self, "echo '{0:s}' >> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf".format(line)) LinuxContainer.execute_command(self, '/etc/init.d/nginx restart') util.shell_call("lxc-cgroup -n {0:s} cpuset.cpus {1:d}".format(, self.processor)) if self.sameContainer: LinuxContainer.copy_folder(self, 'XcontainerBolt') self.setup_benchmark() ApplicationContainer.setup_port_forwarding(self, self.machine_ip(), self.port, self.ip(), self.port, self.bridge_ip()) ApplicationContainer.benchmark_message(self)
def run_memcached_benchmark(args): num_connections = get_num_connections(args) instance_folder = create_benchmark_folder(args) create_readme(args, instance_folder) print("Putting Memcached benchmarks in {0:s}".format(instance_folder)) if not args.dry_run: util.shell_call('{0:s}load_memcache -z {1:d} -v {2:d} {3:s}'.format(MUTATED_FOLDER, NUM_MEMCACHED_KEYS, MEMCACHED_VALUE_SIZE, args.benchmark_address)) rates = get_rates(args) results = [] cores = util.physical_processors(args.cores) if not args.dry_run: for rate in rates: mem_funs = [] for i in range(args.cores): mem_funs.append(functools.partial(memcached_benchmark, results, instance_folder, num_connections, args.benchmark_address, rate, cores[i], args.duration)) run_parallel_instances(mem_funs) parse_memcached_results(args, instance_folder, num_connections, cores)
def setup(self): NginxDockerContainer.setup_config(self) # if self.sameContainer: # util.shell_call('docker cp XcontainerBolt {0:s}:/home/XcontainerBolt'.format(, True) # NginxDockerContainer.setup_benchmark(self, True) util.shell_call("service docker restart") XContainer.setup(self) NginxDockerContainer.setup_port_forwarding(self, self.machine_ip(), self.port, self.ip(), self.port, self.bridge_ip()) NginxDockerContainer.benchmark_message(self) util.tmux_command( self.tmux_name, "echo 'nameserver' | tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null") util.tmux_command(self.tmux_name, 'apt-get update') time.sleep(20) util.tmux_command(self.tmux_name, 'apt-get install -y curl') time.sleep(30) util.tmux_command(self.tmux_name, "nginx") if self.sameContainer: BenchmarkContainer.setup(self, False) BenchmarkContainer.benchmark(self)
def setup_docker_memcached_container(args, docker_filter, is_xcontainer=False): address = docker_ip(MEMCACHED_CONTAINER_NAME, docker_filter) configuration_file_path = '/dev/memcached.conf' setup_memcached_configuration(configuration_file_path) address = docker_ip(MEMCACHED_CONTAINER_NAME, docker_filter) if args.cores > 1 and not is_xcontainer: raise "multi-core not implemented" cpu = "--cpuset-cpus={0:d}".format(util.processor(0)) if is_xcontainer: cpu = "" if address is None: # TODO: Way to pass in memcached parameters like memory size util.shell_call('docker run --name {0:s} -P {1:s} -p{2:d}:{3:d} -d memcached memcached -m {4:d} -u root -t {5:d}' .format(MEMCACHED_CONTAINER_NAME, cpu, MEMCACHED_MACHINE_PORT, MEMCACHED_CONTAINER_PORT, MEMCACHED_SIZE, MEMCACHED_THREADS) ) address = docker_ip(MEMCACHED_CONTAINER_NAME, docker_filter) else: util.shell_call('docker start --name {0:s}'.format(MEMCACHED_CONTAINER_NAME)) check_processor(args, MEMCACHED_CONTAINER_NAME) ports = memcached_docker_port() print(ports) if is_xcontainer: container = "xcontainer" machine_ip = get_ip_address('em1') else: container = "docker" machine_ip = get_ip_address('eno1') bridge_ip = get_ip_address('docker0') setup_port_forwarding(machine_ip, MEMCACHED_MACHINE_PORT, address, int(ports[0]), bridge_ip) if not is_xcontainer: print("To benchmark run 'python -c {0:s} -p memcached -b {1:s}:{2:d}'".format(container, machine_ip, MEMCACHED_MACHINE_PORT)) return ports
def build(package=None): """ Builds a rpm package :param package: str full package name """ rpm_topdir = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/rpmbuild' rpm_sources = rpm_topdir + '/SOURCES' # get version and build version, bld = get_version_and_build() # get arch arch = shell_call('uname -m').split('\n')[0] # install pip install_pip() try: # delete previous build shell_call('rm -rf %s' % rpm_sources) # create default rpmbuild dir try: os.makedirs(rpm_sources) except: pass # create a weird setup file, because on _64 machines python will be installed weirdly if arch.endswith('_64'): """ [install] install-purelib=$base/lib64/python """ shell_call("echo '[install]' > setup.cfg") shell_call( "echo 'install-purelib=$base/lib64/python' >> setup.cfg") # install all dependencies install_pip_deps(package=package) # remove weird file shell_call('rm -rf setup.cfg', important=False) # create python package shell_call('cp packages/%s/ ./' % package) shell_call('python sdist --formats=gztar') # copy gz file to rpmbuild/SOURCES/ shell_call('cp -r dist/*.gz %s/' % rpm_sources) # create rpm package shell_call('cp packages/%s/rpm/%s.service %s' % (package, package, rpm_sources)) shell_call( 'rpmbuild -D "_topdir %s" -bb packages/%s/rpm/%s.spec --define "amplify_version %s" --define "amplify_release %s"' % (rpm_topdir, package, package, version, bld)) # clean shell_call('rm -r dist', important=False) shell_call('rm -r *.egg-*', important=False) shell_call('rm', important=False) except: print(traceback.format_exc())
def balance_xcontainer(b, m, p): util.shell_call('python /root/x-container/') util.shell_call('xl cpupool-migrate {0:s} Pool-node0'.format( util.shell_call('xl vcpu-pin {0:s} 0 {1:d}'.format(, m.processor), True) if b is not None: if p == 'logical': util.shell_call( 'xl cpupool-migrate {0:s} Pool-node1'.format(, True) else: util.shell_call( 'xl cpupool-migrate {0:s} Pool-node0'.format(, True) util.shell_call( 'xl vcpu-pin {0:s} 0 {1:d}'.format(, b.processor), True)
def execute_command(self, command): util.shell_call( 'lxc-attach --name {0:s} -- /bin/sh -c "{1:s}"'.format(, command), True)
def destroy(self): util.shell_call('tmux kill-session -t {0:s}'.format(self.tmux_name)) util.shell_call('lxc-stop --name {0:s}'.format( util.shell_call('lxc-destroy --name {0:s}'.format(
def build(): full_package_name = "nginx-amplify-agent" pkg_root = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/agent-pkg-root' pkg_final = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/agent-package' # get version and build version, bld = get_version_and_build() # get architecture arch = shell_call("dpkg-architecture -c 'echo ${DEB_BUILD_ARCH}'").split('\n')[0] # get codename shell_call("lsb_release -c") # checks that lsb_release is installed codename = shell_call("lsb_release -c | awk '{print $2}'").split('\n')[0] # install pip install_pip() try: # delete previous build shell_call('rm -rf %s' % pkg_root) shell_call('rm -rf %s && mkdir %s' % (pkg_final, pkg_final)) # install all dependencies install_pip_deps() # sed build to control shell_call("sed -i 's/^Version: .*$/Version: %s-%s~%s/' packages/deb/DEBIAN/control" % (version, bld, codename)) shell_call("sed -i 's/^Architecture: .*$/Architecture: %s/' packages/deb/DEBIAN/control" % arch) # sed first line of changelog changelog_first_line = '%s (%s-%s~%s) unstable; urgency=low' % (full_package_name, version, bld, codename) change_first_line('packages/deb/DEBIAN/changelog', changelog_first_line) # create python package shell_call('python install --install-layout=deb --prefix=/usr --root=%s' % pkg_root) # copy debian files to pkg-root shell_call('cp -r packages/deb/DEBIAN %s/' % pkg_root) # create deb package package_file = '%s_%s-%s~%s_%s.deb' % (full_package_name, version, bld, codename, arch) shell_call('fakeroot dpkg --build %s %s/%s' % (pkg_root, pkg_final, package_file)) # clean shell_call('rm -r build', important=False) shell_call('rm -r *.egg-*', important=False) except: print(traceback.format_exc())
def setup_port_forwarding(self, machine_ip, machine_port, container_ip, container_port, bridge_ip): util.shell_call( 'iptables -I FORWARD -p tcp -d {0:s} -j ACCEPT'.format( container_ip), True) time.sleep(1) util.shell_call( 'iptables -I FORWARD -p tcp -s {0:s} -j ACCEPT'.format( container_ip), True) time.sleep(1) util.shell_call( 'iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp -m multiport --dport {0:d} -s -j ACCEPT' .format(machine_port), True) time.sleep(1) command = 'iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING --dst {0:s} -p tcp --dport {1:d} -j DNAT --to-destination {2:s}:{3:d}' util.shell_call( command.format(machine_ip, machine_port, container_ip, container_port), True) time.sleep(1) command = 'iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -p tcp --dst {0:s} --dport {1:d} -j SNAT --to-source {2:s}' util.shell_call( command.format(container_ip, container_port, bridge_ip), True) time.sleep(1) command = 'iptables -t nat -I OUTPUT --dst {0:s} -p tcp --dport {1:d} -j DNAT --to-destination {2:s}:{3:d}' util.shell_call( command.format(machine_ip, machine_port, container_ip, container_port), True) time.sleep(1)
def copy_folder(self, folder): util.shell_call( 'find {0:s} | cpio -o | lxc-attach --name {1:s} -- cpio -i -d -v'. format(folder,, True) self.execute_command('mv {0:s} home/{0:s}'.format(folder))
def start(self): util.shell_call('tmux new -s {0:s} -d'.format(self.tmux_name))
def destroy(self): DockerContainer.destroy(self) util.shell_call('tmux kill-session -t {0:s}'.format( self.docker_tmux_name)) util.shell_call('tmux kill-session -t {0:s}'.format("benchmark"))
def build(): full_name = "nginx-amplify-agent" rpm_sources = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/rpmbuild/SOURCES' # get version and build version, bld = get_version_and_build() # get arch arch = shell_call('uname -m').split('\n')[0] # install pip install_pip() try: # delete previous build shell_call('rm -rf %s' % rpm_sources) # create default rpmbuild dir try: os.makedirs(rpm_sources) except: pass # create a weird setup file if arch.endswith('_64'): """ [install] install-purelib=$base/lib64/python """ shell_call("echo '[install]' > setup.cfg") shell_call("echo 'install-purelib=$base/lib64/python' >> setup.cfg") # install all dependencies install_pip_deps() # remove weird file shell_call('rm -rf setup.cfg', important=False) # create python package shell_call('python sdist --formats=gztar') # copy gz file to rpmbuild/SOURCES/ shell_call('cp -r dist/*.gz %s/' % rpm_sources) # create rpm package shell_call( 'rpmbuild -bb packages/rpm/%s.spec --define "amplify_version %s" --define "amplify_release %s"' % ( full_name, version, bld ) ) # clean shell_call('rm -r dist', important=False) shell_call('rm -r *.egg-*', important=False) except: print traceback.format_exc()
def start(self): util.shell_call('tmux new -s {0:s} -d'.format(self.tmux_name), True) DockerContainer.start(self)
def build(): full_name = "nginx-amplify-agent" rpm_topdir = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/rpmbuild' rpm_sources = rpm_topdir + '/SOURCES' python = '/usr/bin/python2.7' # get version and build version, bld = get_version_and_build() # get arch arch = shell_call('uname -m').split('\n')[0] # install pip install_pip(python=python) try: # delete previous build shell_call('rm -rf %s' % rpm_sources) # create default rpmbuild dir try: os.makedirs(rpm_sources) except: pass # create a weird setup file if arch.endswith('_64'): """ [install] install-purelib=$base/lib64/python """ shell_call("echo '[install]' > setup.cfg") shell_call( "echo 'install-purelib=$base/lib64/python' >> setup.cfg") # install all dependencies install_pip_deps() # remove weird file shell_call('rm -rf setup.cfg', important=False) # provide a new one - to create a package that will work with the strange amazon linux rpm shell_call("echo '[install]' > setup.cfg") shell_call( "echo 'install_lib = /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages' >> setup.cfg" ) # create python package shell_call('%s sdist --formats=gztar' % python) # copy gz file to rpmbuild/SOURCES/ shell_call('cp -r dist/*.gz %s/' % rpm_sources) # create rpm package shell_call( 'rpmbuild -D "_topdir %s" -bb packages/rpm/%s.spec --define "amplify_version %s" --define "amplify_release %s"' % (rpm_topdir, full_name, version, bld)) # clean shell_call('rm -r dist', important=False) shell_call('rm -r *.egg-*', important=False) shell_call('rm -rf setup.cfg', important=False) except: print(traceback.format_exc())
def destroy(self): util.shell_call('tmux kill-session -t {0:s}'.format(self.tmux_name))