def calibrate_test(self): # Iterate through input video range. During each iteration, fetch the # frame and obtain the optimal calibrated template size. start_time = time.time() for fnum in range(self.start_fnum, self.stop_fnum, self.step_size): frame = util.get_frame(self.capture, fnum, self.gray_flag) bbox, opt_conf, opt_w, opt_h = self.get_calibrate_results(frame) # Get the percent sign accuracy according to the default (480, 584) # to (360, 640) rescale change from (24, 32) to (18, 24). orig_conf_list, _ = self.get_tm_results(frame, 1, 0) # Display frame with a confidence label if show_flag is enabled. if self.show_flag: label = "({}, {}) {:0.3f} -> {:0.3f}".format( opt_w, opt_h, orig_conf_list[0], opt_conf) util.show_frame(frame, [bbox], label, self.save_flag, "output/{:07d}.png".format(fnum)) if cv2.waitKey(self.wait_length) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break # Display the time taken to complete the test. frame_count = (self.stop_fnum - self.start_fnum) // self.step_size util.display_fps(start_time, frame_count, "Calibrate")
def sweep_test(self): # Iterate through input video range. During each iteration, fetch the # frame and obtain the percent template confidences and bounding boxes. start_time = time.time() for fnum in range(self.start_fnum, self.stop_fnum, self.step_size): frame = util.get_frame(self.capture, fnum, self.gray_flag) confidence_list, bbox_list = self.get_tm_results(frame, 4, 0) # Display and save frame if the respective flags are enabled. if self.show_flag: label_list = ["{:0.3f}".format(i) for i in confidence_list] label = " ".join(label_list) util.show_frame(frame, bbox_list, label, self.save_flag, "output/{:07d}.png".format(fnum)) if cv2.waitKey(self.wait_length) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break # Display the time taken to complete the test. frame_count = (self.stop_fnum - self.start_fnum) // self.step_size util.display_fps(start_time, frame_count, "Sweep")
def show_ocr_result(frame): start_time = time.time() text = pytesseract.image_to_string(frame, lang="eng", config="--psm 8") print(text) util.display_total_time(start_time) start_time = time.time() pytess_result = pytesseract.image_to_boxes( frame, lang="eng", config="--psm 8", output_type=pytesseract.Output.DICT) print(pytess_result) util.display_total_time(start_time) bbox_list = list() for i, _ in enumerate(pytess_result['bottom']): tl = (pytess_result['left'][i], pytess_result['bottom'][i]) br = (pytess_result['right'][i], pytess_result['top'][i]) bbox_list.append((tl, br)) util.show_frame(frame, bbox_list=bbox_list, wait_flag=True) start_time = time.time() pytess_data = pytesseract.image_to_data( frame, lang="eng", config="--psm 8", output_type=pytesseract.Output.DICT) print(pytess_data) util.display_total_time(start_time) bbox_list = list() for i, conf in enumerate(pytess_data['conf']): if int(conf) != -1: print("\tconf: {}".format(conf)) tl = (pytess_data['left'][i], pytess_data['top'][i]) br = (tl[0] + pytess_data['width'][i], tl[1] + pytess_data['height'][i]) bbox_list.append((tl, br)) util.show_frame(frame, bbox_list=bbox_list, wait_flag=True)
def initialize_test(self): # Generate random frames to search for a proper template size. start_time, opt_w_list, bbox_list = time.time(), list(), list() random_fnum_list = np.random.randint(low=self.start_fnum, high=self.stop_fnum, size=self.num_init_frames) # Iterate through input video range. During each iteration, fetch the # frame and obtain the optimal calibrated template size. print("(opt_w, opt_h), (bbox), random_fnum, opt_conf") for random_fnum in random_fnum_list: frame = util.get_frame(self.capture, random_fnum, self.gray_flag) bbox, opt_conf, opt_w, opt_h = self.get_calibrate_results(frame) # Store the template width if above a confidence threshold. if opt_conf > self.conf_thresh: opt_w_list.append(opt_w) bbox_list.append(bbox) print((opt_w, opt_h), bbox, random_fnum, opt_conf) # Display frame with a confidence label if show_flag is enabled. if self.show_flag: orig_conf_list, _ = self.get_tm_results(frame, 1, 0) label = "({}, {}) {:0.3f} -> {:0.3f}".format( opt_w, opt_h, orig_conf_list[0], opt_conf) util.show_frame(frame, [bbox], label, self.save_flag, "output/{:07d}.png".format(random_fnum)) if cv2.waitKey(self.wait_length) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break # Display the optimal dims, ROI, and time taken to complete the test. opt_w, opt_h = self.get_opt_template_dims(opt_w_list) self.template_roi = self.get_opt_template_roi(bbox_list) print("Optimal Template Size: ({}, {})".format(opt_w, opt_h)) print("Optimal ROI bbox: {}".format(self.template_roi)) util.display_fps(start_time, self.num_init_frames, "Initialize") if self.show_flag: util.show_frame(frame, [self.template_roi], wait_flag=True)
def standard_test(self): # Create a timeline of the label history where the labels are stored as # integers while no result is (-1). Also create a bounding box list. dirty_timeline, bbox_hist = list(), list() # Iterate through video and use tfnet to perform object detection. start_time = time.time() for current_frame in range(0, self.end_fnum, self.step_size): self.capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, current_frame) _, frame = # Get the tfnet result with the largest confidence and extract info. bbox, label, confidence = self.get_tfnet_result(frame) # Store label if result found, or (-1) if no result was found. if label: dirty_timeline.append(LABELS_LIST.index(label)) bbox_hist.append(bbox) else: dirty_timeline.append(-1) bbox_hist.append(-1) # Display the frame if show_flag is enabled. Exit if q pressed. if self.show_flag: if confidence: text = '{}: {:.0f}%'.format(label, confidence * 100) util.show_frame(frame, bbox_list=[bbox], text=text) else: util.show_frame(frame) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break # Save the frame if the save_flag is enabled. if self.save_flag: cv2.imwrite('output/frame%07d.png' % current_frame, frame) # End the TfNet session and display time taken to complete. util.display_fps(start_time, len(dirty_timeline), "Initial Sweep") # Fill holes in the history timeline list, and filter out timeline # sections that are smaller than a particular size. clean_timeline = timeline.fill_filter(dirty_timeline, self.timeline_empty_thresh) clean_timeline = timeline.size_filter(clean_timeline, self.step_size, self.min_match_length_s) timeline.show_plots(dirty_timeline, clean_timeline, LABELS_LIST) # Get a list of the matches and avg bboxes according to clean_timeline. match_ranges = timeline.get_ranges(clean_timeline) match_bboxes = self.get_match_bboxes(match_ranges, bbox_hist) # Show the beginning and end of each match according to the filters. display_frames, display_bboxes = list(), list() for i, match_range in enumerate(match_ranges): display_frames += [ match_range[0] * self.step_size, match_range[1] * self.step_size ] display_bboxes += [match_bboxes[i], match_bboxes[i]] util.show_frames(self.capture, display_frames, display_bboxes)