Exemplo n.º 1
def parse_peers_list(data):
    if isinstance(data, bytes):
        if len(data) % 6 != 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'Invalid length of a compact representation of peers')
        return list(map(Peer.from_compact_form, slice(data, 6)))
        return list(map(Peer.from_dict, data))
Exemplo n.º 2
	def __init__(self, info):
		self.info = info

		self.piece_length = info["piece length"]
		self.length = info["length"]
		self.piece_num = (self.length - 1) / self.piece_length + 1
		self.data_db = {}
		self.comp_db = {}
		self.sha1 = slice(info["pieces"], 20)
		self.downloaded_size = 0
Exemplo n.º 3
def info_discionario(file):
	with open(file) as f:
		contents = f.read()
	# varia de acordo com o tamanho do arquivo
	tamanho_pedaco = 524288 
	# objeto info 
	info = {}
	# adicionando informações
	info["tamanho_pedaco"] = tamanho_pedaco
	info["tamanho"] = len(contents)
	info["nome"] = file
	info["md5sum"] = md5(contents).hexdigest()
	# Generate the pieces
	pieces = slice(contents, tamanho_pedaco)
	pieces = [ sha1(p).digest() for p in pieces ]
	info["pieces"] = collapse(pieces)

	return info
Exemplo n.º 4
    def from_dict(cls, dictionary):
        info_hash = hashlib.sha1(bencode(dictionary)).digest()

        if len(dictionary[b"pieces"]) % SHA1_DIGEST_LEN != 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid length of pieces string")
        piece_hashes = slice(dictionary[b"pieces"], SHA1_DIGEST_LEN)

        if b"files" in dictionary:
            files = list(map(FileInfo.from_dict, dictionary[b"files"]))
            files = [FileInfo.from_dict(dictionary)]

        return cls(info_hash,
                   dictionary[b"piece length"],
                   private=dictionary.get(b"private", False))
Exemplo n.º 5
def make_info_dict(file):
    """ Returns the info dictionary for a torrent file. """

    with open(file) as f:
        contents = f.read()

    piece_length = 524288  # TODO: This should change dependent on file size

    info = {}

    info["piece length"] = piece_length
    info["length"] = len(contents)
    info["name"] = file
    info["md5sum"] = md5(contents).hexdigest()

    # Generate the pieces
    pieces = slice(contents, piece_length)
    pieces = [sha1(p).digest() for p in pieces]
    info["pieces"] = ''.join([p for p in pieces])
    return info
Exemplo n.º 6
def make_info_dict(file):
	""" Returns the info dictionary for a torrent file. """

	with open(file) as f:
		contents = f.read()

	piece_length = 524288	# TODO: This should change dependent on file size

	info = {}

	info["piece length"] = piece_length
	info["length"] = len(contents)
	info["name"] = file
	info["md5sum"] = md5(contents).hexdigest()

	# Generate the pieces
	pieces = slice(contents, piece_length)
	pieces = [ sha1(p).digest() for p in pieces ]
	info["pieces"] = collapse(pieces)

	return info
Exemplo n.º 7
 def load_initial_pieces(self):
     self.piece_size = self.data["info"]["piece length"]
     self.num_pieces = int(
         ceil((self.data["info"]["length"] + 0.000000) / self.piece_size))
     #print self.data["info"]["length"], self.num_pieces
     self.pieces_bitmap = self.num_pieces * bitarray('0')
         f = open(self.data["info"]["name"], "r")
     except IOError:
         self.seeder = False
         self.pieces_data = [None for i in range(self.num_pieces)]
         self.pieces_count = 0
         self.left = self.data["info"]["length"]
         self.seeder = True
         self.pieces_data = slice(f.read(), self.piece_size)
         self.pieces_count = self.num_pieces
         self.left = 0
Exemplo n.º 8
def make_info_dict(file):
  """ Returns the info dictionary for a torrent file. """

  with open(file) as f:
    contents = f.read()

  piece_length = find_piece_length(len(contents))

  print 'File length "%s", using piece length "%s"' %(len(contents), piece_length,)

  info = {}

  info["piece length"] = piece_length
  info["length"] = len(contents)
  info["name"] = file
  info["md5sum"] = md5(contents).hexdigest()

  # Generate the pieces
  pieces = slice(contents, piece_length)
  pieces = [ sha1(p).digest() for p in pieces ]
  info["pieces"] = collapse(pieces)

  return info
Exemplo n.º 9
def decode_binary_peers(peers):
	""" Return a list of IPs and ports, given a binary list of peers,
	from a tracker response. """

	peers = slice(peers, 6) # Cut the response at the end of every peer
	return [(socket.inet_ntoa(p[:4]), decode_port(p[4:])) for p in peers]
Exemplo n.º 10
	def test_too_long(self):
		""" Test that a string too long works fine. """

		self.n = util.slice("abcd", 6)
		self.assertEqual(self.n, ["abcd"])
Exemplo n.º 11
	def test_longer(self):
		""" Test that a larger string slice works correctly. """

		self.n = util.slice("abcdef", 2)
		self.assertEqual(self.n, ["ab", "cd", "ef"])
Exemplo n.º 12
	def test_simple(self):
		""" Test that a small string slices correctly. """

		self.n = util.slice("abc", 1)
		self.assertEqual(self.n, ["a", "b", "c"])
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_too_long(self):
        """ Test that a string too long works fine. """

        self.n = util.slice("abcd", 6)
        self.assertEqual(self.n, ["abcd"])
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_longer(self):
        """ Test that a larger string slice works correctly. """

        self.n = util.slice("abcdef", 2)
        self.assertEqual(self.n, ["ab", "cd", "ef"])
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_simple(self):
        """ Test that a small string slices correctly. """

        self.n = util.slice("abc", 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.n, ["a", "b", "c"])
Exemplo n.º 16
def decode_binary_peers(peers):
    """ Return a list of IPs and ports, given a binary list of peers,
	from a tracker response. """

    peers = slice(peers, 6)  # Cut the response at the end of every peer
    return [(socket.inet_ntoa(p[:4]), decode_port(p[4:])) for p in peers]