Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: road.py Projeto: ikn/latof
    def add_car(self, lane, x=None, mode='moving'):
        # x is the front of the car
        x0, y0, w, h = self.rect
        dirn, cars = self.cars[lane]
        imgs = (self.car_crashed_imgs if mode == 'crashed' else self.car_imgs)
        imgs = imgs[weighted_rand(self.img_weightings)]
        iw, ih = imgs[0].get_size()

        if x is None:
            gap = conf.CAR_GAP[mode]
            if cars:
                # start after last car
                x = cars[-1].back(dirn) - dirn * gap
                if dirn == 1:
                    x -= iw
                # choose a random position at the front
                if dirn == 1:
                    mn = w - iw - gap
                    mx = w - 1
                    mn = 1 - iw
                    mx = gap
                x = randint(mn, mx)
        elif dirn == 1:
            x -= iw
        y = conf.ROAD_LANES[lane] - ih / 2

        cars.append(Car(self, imgs[dirn == 1], (x, y)))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__ (self, level, wmap, pos):
     self.level = level
     self.wmap = wmap
     # generate name
     gender = choice(conf.FORENAMES.keys())
     name = weighted_rand(conf.TITLES)
     if isinstance(name, tuple):
         name = name[gender == 'female']
     if name is None:
         name = ''
         name += ' '
     fore = choice(conf.FORENAMES[gender])
     sur = choice(conf.SURNAMES)
     if isinstance(sur, tuple):
         sur = sur[gender == 'female']
     name += fore + ' ' + sur
     self.name = name
     self.pos = pos
     self.cons = []
     self.knows = False
     self._know = []
     self.selected = False
     self.sending = False
     img = level.game.img
     self._imgs = (img('person.png'), img('person-knows.png'),
                   img('person-sel.png'), img('person-knows-sel.png'))
     w, h = self._imgs[0].get_size()
     self._offset = (-w / 2, -h / 2)
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: road.py Projeto: ikn/latof
    def add_car (self, lane, x = None, mode = 'moving'):
        # x is the front of the car
        x0, y0, w, h = self.rect
        dirn, cars = self.cars[lane]
        imgs = (self.car_crashed_imgs if mode == 'crashed' else self.car_imgs)
        imgs = imgs[weighted_rand(self.img_weightings)]
        iw, ih = imgs[0].get_size()

        if x is None:
            gap = conf.CAR_GAP[mode]
            if cars:
                # start after last car
                x = cars[-1].back(dirn) - dirn * gap
                if dirn == 1:
                    x -= iw
                # choose a random position at the front
                if dirn == 1:
                    mn = w - iw - gap
                    mx = w - 1
                    mn = 1 - iw
                    mx = gap
                x = randint(mn, mx)
        elif dirn == 1:
            x -= iw
        y = conf.ROAD_LANES[lane] - ih / 2

        cars.append(Car(self, imgs[dirn == 1], (x, y)))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _mk_news (self, items):
     if not isinstance(items, dict):
         items = dict((n, 1) for n in items)
     s = weighted_rand(items)
     if s is None:
         return None
     # substitute some values
     for c, sub in self._news_data.iteritems():
         s = s.replace('%' + c, sub)
     return s
Exemplo n.º 5
 def add_con (p1, p2):
     # need to add dist to self.dists before creating Connection
     key = frozenset((p1, p2))
     used_dists[key] = dists[key]
     # choose method types
     this_methods = set()
     for i in xrange(ir(max(1, n_methods()))):
     # create connection and add to stores
     c = Connection(level, (p1, p2), this_methods)
     g1 = groups[p1]
     g2 = groups[p2]
     # merge groups
     for p, g in groups.iteritems():
         if g is g2:
             groups[p] = g1
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: level.py Projeto: ikn/watlged
 def add_enemies (self, difficulty):
     es = self.enemies
     d = difficulty
     ws = conf.ENEMY_WEIGHTINGS
     e_types = conf.ENEMIES
     # position
     w, h = conf.RES
     axis, side = choice(((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)))
     bdys = ((-50, w + 50), (-50, h + 50))
     x = bdys[axis][side]
     a, b = bdys[not axis]
     y = rand_in(a, b)
     pos = [0, 0]
     while d > 0:
         e = conf.ENEMIES[weighted_rand(ws)]
         d -= e['diff']
         pos[axis] = x + rand_in(-25, 25)
         pos[not axis] = ev(.5 / difficulty)
         es.append(Enemy(self, pos, e['size'], e['mass'], e['health'],
                         e['speed'], e['intelligence'], e['damage'],
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: obj.py Projeto: ikn/watlged
 def update (self):
     pos = self.body.position
     if self.re_eval <= 0:
         intelligence = self.intelligence
         # aim at the nearest player
         ps = self.level.players
         r = conf.ENEMY_TARGET_ACC * intelligence
         targets = [
             ((1 / p.body.position.get_distance(pos)) * r, p)
             for p in ps
         ] + [(conf.ENEMY_LOST, None)]
         target = targets[weighted_rand(zip(*targets)[0])][1]
         if target is None:
             # aim somewhere random
             w, h = conf.RES
             b = conf.ENEMY_LOST_BORDER
             self.target = (rand_in(b, 1 - b) * w, rand_in(b, 1 - b) * h)
             self.targeting_player = False
             self.targeting_player = target
             self.target = target.body.position
         # speed
         mean_loss = conf.ENEMY_SPEED_THRESHOLD / intelligence
         self.speed = self.max_speed * (1 - ev(1. / mean_loss))
         self.re_eval = ev(1. / conf.ENEMY_REEVAL)
     self.re_eval -= 1
     to_move = tm = self.target - pos
     if to_move.get_length() < conf.ENEMY_MOVE_THRESHOLD:
         to_move = [0, 0]
     t = self.targeting_player
     if t:
         d = tm.get_length()
         if d < self.radius + t.radius:
             t.hit(self.damage * conf.ENEMY_DAMAGE,
                   self.kb * conf.ENEMY_KNOCKBACK, tm.get_angle())
     self.to_move = to_move
     ax, ay, a = Obj.update(self)
     self.update_aim(ax, ay, a)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__ (self, level, size, selected):
        Widget.__init__(self, size)
        self.level = level
        self.selected = selected
        self.selecting = None
        self._sel_area = None
        self._actions = []
        self._news = []
        self.areas = areas = {}
        w, h = self.size
        # generate areas
        names = sample(conf.AREAS, conf.NUM_AREAS)
        n_rows = int(ceil(len(names) ** .5))
        n_per_row = float(len(names)) / n_rows
        done_f = done = 0
        dy = ir(h / float(n_rows))
        y = dy / 2
        for j in xrange(n_rows):
            done_f += n_per_row
            n_this_row = int(done_f) - done
            dx = ir(w / float(n_this_row))
            x = dx / 2
            for i in xrange(n_this_row):
                areas[names[done + i]] = (x, y)
                x += dx
            done += n_this_row
            y += dy
        # generate people
        self.people = ps = []
        dists = {}
        self.dists = used_dists = {}
        b = conf.WMAP_BORDER
        x0 = y0 = b
        x1 = w - b
        y1 = h - b
        nearest = 2 * conf.PERSON_RADIUS + conf.PERSON_NEAREST
        for i in range(conf.NUM_PEOPLE):
            while True:
                x, y = randint(x0, x1), randint(y0, y1)
                this_dists = {}
                for p in ps:
                    ox, oy = p.pos
                    dist = ((ox - x) * (ox - x) + (oy - y) * (oy - y)) ** .5
                    if dist < nearest:
                    this_dists[p] = dist
                    new_p = Person(level, self, (x, y))
                    for p, dist in this_dists.iteritems():
                        dists[frozenset((new_p, p))] = dist
        # compute all remaining distances
        for p1 in ps:
            for p2 in ps:
                if p1 is not p2:
                    key = frozenset((p1, p2))
                    if key not in dists:
                        x1, y1 = p1.pos
                        x2, y2 = p2.pos
                        dists[key] = ((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2) ** .5

        def add_con (p1, p2):
            # need to add dist to self.dists before creating Connection
            key = frozenset((p1, p2))
            used_dists[key] = dists[key]
            # choose method types
            this_methods = set()
            for i in xrange(ir(max(1, n_methods()))):
            # create connection and add to stores
            c = Connection(level, (p1, p2), this_methods)
            g1 = groups[p1]
            g2 = groups[p2]
            # merge groups
            for p, g in groups.iteritems():
                if g is g2:
                    groups[p] = g1

        # generate connections
        methods = dict((method, data['freq'])
                       for method, data in conf.METHODS.iteritems())
        n_methods = conf.METHODS_PER_CON
        self.cons = []
        # and group by whether connected
        groups = dict((p, set((p,))) for p in ps)
        n_cons = conf.CONS_PER_PERSON
        max_cons = conf.MAX_CONS_PER_PERSON
        # give everyone connections biased towards people near them
        for p in ps:
            # distances have a non-zero minimum
            others = dict((other, 1. / dists[frozenset((p, other))] ** \
                          for other in ps if other is not p)
            for c in p.cons:
                del others[c.other(p)]
            targets = []
            this_n_cons = ir(max(1, min(max_cons, min(len(others), n_cons()))))
            for i in xrange(this_n_cons - len(p.cons)):
                other = weighted_rand(others)
                del others[other]
            for other in targets:
                add_con(p, other)
        # reduce to one group by adding extra connections
        frozen_groups = set(frozenset(g) for g in groups.itervalues())
        while len(frozen_groups) > 1:
            i = iter(frozen_groups)
            g1 = next(i)
            g2 = next(i)
            dist, p1, p2 = min(min((dists[frozenset((p1, p2))], p1, p2)
                                   for p2 in g2 if p2 is not p1) for p1 in g1)
            add_con(p1, p2)
            frozen_groups = set(frozenset(g) for g in groups.itervalues())

        # give some people full names
        ps = ps[:min(conf.NUM_FULL_NAMES, len(ps))]
        for p, name in zip(ps, sample(conf.FULL_NAMES, len(ps))):
            p.name = name
        # let someone know
        self.n_know = 0