def saveevent(request): try: if request.method != 'POST': raise Exception('This service requires POST requests.') __save_event_helper(request) # Return the file list as JSON. return HttpResponse(ApiResponse(success=True, message='Event saved successfully!').to_json(), mimetype="application/json") except Exception as ex: # Respond with error as JSON. return HttpResponse(ApiResponse.from_exception(ex).to_json(), mimetype="application/json")
def viewevents(request): try: events = [] allowedKeys = [] tsMax = 0 tsMin = sys.maxint hasFilter = False queryFilter = {} # If datetime range is supplied, use that, else return all events. timestampStart = timestampEnd = None if 'timestamp_start' in request.GET and request.GET['timestamp_start']: timestampStart = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(request.GET['timestamp_start'])) if 'timestamp_end' in request.GET and request.GET['timestamp_end']: timestampEnd = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(request.GET['timestamp_end'])) # If tag is supplied, use that, else return all events. eventTag = None if 'event_tag' in request.GET and request.GET['event_tag']: eventTag = __sanitize_input(request.GET['event_tag']) queryFilter['event_tags'] = eventTag hasFilter = True # Get heartbeat events. if timestampStart != None and timestampEnd != None: # eventQuery = Event.objects(__raw__={'event_timestamp': {"$gte": timestampStart, "$lt": timestampEnd}}) queryFilter['event_timestamp'] = {"$gte": timestampStart, "$lt": timestampEnd} hasFilter = True # If we have a filter, use a raw query. if hasFilter: eventQuery = Event.objects(__raw__=queryFilter) else: eventQuery = Event.objects() for event in eventQuery.order_by('+event_timestamp'): # for event in Event.objects.order_by('+event_timestamp'): eventDict = event.to_dict() if eventDict['event_timestamp'] > tsMax: tsMax = eventDict['event_timestamp'] if eventDict['event_timestamp'] < tsMin: tsMin = eventDict['event_timestamp'] events.append(eventDict) # Get allowed keys. for allowedKey in Allowed_event_key.objects.order_by('+key'): allowedKeys.append(allowedKey.key) # Return the file list as JSON. response = { 'heartbeat_events': events, 'timestamp_max': tsMax, 'timestamp_min': tsMin, 'allowed_event_keys': allowedKeys }; ser = json.dumps(response, default=json_util.default) return HttpResponse(ser, mimetype="application/json") except Exception as ex: # Respond with error as JSON. return HttpResponse(ApiResponse.from_exception(ex).to_json(), mimetype="application/json")
def viewtwitterevents(request): ''' Query the Twitter API for a given hashtag and date range, using these Twitter-Python bindings: ''' try: # Hashtag is required. hashtag = None query = None if 'hashtag' in request.GET and len(request.GET['hashtag']) > 0: hashtag = __sanitize_input(request.GET['hashtag']) else: raise Exception('Hashtag is required!') # If datetime range is supplied, use that, else return all events. dtStart = dtEnd = None strStart = strEnd = None if 'date_start' in request.GET and request.GET['date_start']: strStart = request.GET['date_start'] dtStart = datetime.datetime.strptime(strStart, "%Y-%m-%d").date() if 'date_end' in request.GET and request.GET['date_end']: strEnd = request.GET['date_end'] dtEnd = datetime.datetime.strptime(strEnd, "%Y-%m-%d").date() # Check for teh "no tweet cap" param. noTweetCap = False if 'no_tweet_cap' in request.GET and request.GET['no_tweet_cap'] == 'true': noTweetCap = True # First, check the cache for the Twitter API result. cacheKey = hashtag + '_' + strStart + '_' + strEnd secondaryCacheFilePath = settings.SECONDARY_CACHE_DIRECTORY + cacheKey + '.json' response = cache.get(cacheKey) if response == None: if os.path.isfile(secondaryCacheFilePath): with open(secondaryCacheFilePath, "r") as textFile: response = json.load(textFile) if response == None or len(response) == 0: totalEventCnt = 0 totalEventCntThresh = 0 events = [] tsMax = 0 tsMin = sys.maxint # Authenticate with Twitter API. tso = TwitterSearchOrder() tso.setLanguage('en') tso.setCount(100) tso.setIncludeEntities(False) tso.setResultType('recent') # Create a TwitterSearch object with our secret tokens twitterSearch = TwitterSearch( consumer_key=settings.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY, consumer_secret=settings.TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET, access_token=settings.TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN, access_token_secret=settings.TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET ) twitterSearch.authenticate() # Construct and run the twitter search query. if dtStart != None and dtEnd != None: query = hashtag tso.setUntil(dtEnd) else: query = hashtag tso.setKeywords([query]) maxId = 0 tweetCnt = MAX_INT32 doLoop = True # Page through the Twitter search API results until we either get no results or we arrive at the start date. while (doLoop): # Exit conditions. if not doLoop: break; if tweetCnt == 0: break if maxId > 0: tso.setMaxID(maxId) tso.setKeywords([hashtag]) # Reset counter. tweetCnt = 0 # Reset last tweet. lastTweet = None # Create an additional retry loop for when Twitter refuses the next page. try: for tweet in twitterSearch.searchTweetsIterable(tso): dt = __getDateFromTweetCreatedAt(tweet['created_at']) if < dtStart: doLoop = False break; ts = time.mktime(dt.timetuple()) if ts > tsMax: tsMax = ts if ts < tsMin: tsMin = ts lastTweet = tweet # Copy search results to the Event list. events.append( { 'event_key': hashtag, 'event_datetime': str(tweet['created_at']), 'event_timestamp': ts, 'event_value': tweet['text'], 'event_tags': [hashtag], 'raw_data': tweet } ) # Increment counter. tweetCnt += 1 totalEventCnt += 1 totalEventCntThresh += 1 if totalEventCntThresh >= 1000: print('Processed ' + str(totalEventCnt) + ' tweets.') totalEventCntThresh = 0 # Exit conditions: if not noTweetCap and totalEventCnt >= settings.TWITTER_SEARCH_API_TWEET_CAP: doLoop = False break except Exception as ex: # Wait and then try last request again. sleepDurationSeconds = 900 # 15 minutes. print("Got exception when querying Twitter search API: " + ex.message) # Save the portion of the events JSON. #with open('C:/Dev/labs-heartbeat-visualization-framework/json-backup/' + cacheKey + '-part-' + str(totalEventCnt) + '.json', "w") as textFile: with open(settings.SECONDARY_CACHE_DIRECTORY + cacheKey + '-part-' + str(totalEventCnt) + '.json', "w") as textFile: textFile.write(json.dumps(events, default=json_util.default)) print("Sleeping for " + str(sleepDurationSeconds) + " seconds.") time.sleep(sleepDurationSeconds) # Reset the tweet counter to make sure we don't artificually trigger the loop exit condition. tweetCnt = -1 print("Time to wake up and try again from maxId = " + str(maxId)) if lastTweet != None: maxId = long(lastTweet['id_str']) # Return the file list as JSON. response = { 'heartbeat_events': events, 'timestamp_max': tsMax, 'timestamp_min': tsMin, 'allowed_event_keys': [hashtag] }; # Now cache response. cache.set(cacheKey, response, 43200) # 12 hours # Finally, store the events in a text file (TODO: I may remove this later). with open(secondaryCacheFilePath, "w") as textFile: textFile.write(json.dumps(response, default=json_util.default)) ser = json.dumps(response, default=json_util.default) return HttpResponse(ser, mimetype="application/json") except Exception as ex: # Respond with error as JSON. return HttpResponse(ApiResponse.from_exception(ex).to_json(), mimetype="application/json")