Exemplo n.º 1
    def messagebox(msg, mode=0):
        Draw a `Message Box` with :attr:`msg` in a specified type defined by

        .. note:: This is a `static` method.

        :param msg: The information to be displayed in message box.
        :type msg: str
        :param mode: A flag indicating the type of message box to be
            displayed. The default value of `mode` is `0`.

            ====  ===========================================================
            mode  Message Box Type
            ====  ===========================================================
            0     A simple message box showing a message without any buttons.
            1     A message box with an `OK` button for user to confirm.
            2     A message box with `OK` and `Cancel` buttons for user to
            ====  ===========================================================
        :type mode: int
        :return: A flag indicating the choice made by user.

            ======  =====================================================
            Return  Condition
            ======  =====================================================
            0       #. No button is pressed while :attr:`mode` is `0`.
                    #. `OK` button pressed while :attr:`mode` is `1`.
                    #. `Cancel` button pressed while :attr:`mode` is `2`.
            1       `OK` button pressed while :attr:`mode` is `2`.
            ======  =====================================================
        :rtype: int
        pos_x = 24 if mode == 0 else 20
        pos_y = 10
        width = 30 if mode == 0 else 40
        height = 2
        messages = CommonUtil.cut_message(msg, width - 4)
        height += len(messages)
        if mode:
            height += 2
        # Draw Shadow
        shadow = curses.newwin(height, width, pos_y + 1, pos_x + 1)
        shadow.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(8))
        # Draw Subwindow
        screen = curses.newwin(height, width, pos_y, pos_x)
        screen.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(2))
        # Set local variable
        normal = curses.A_NORMAL
        select = curses.A_REVERSE
        # Insert messages
        for i in range(len(messages)):
            screen.addstr(1 + i, 2, messages[i].center(width - 4), normal)
        if mode == 0:
            # Draw subwindow frame
            line_height = 1 + len(messages)
            screen.hline(line_height, 1, curses.ACS_HLINE, width - 2)
            screen.addch(line_height, 0, curses.ACS_SSSB)
            screen.addch(line_height, width - 1, curses.ACS_SBSS)
            tab = 0
            key_in = None
            while key_in != 27:
                if mode == 1:
                    choices = ["OK"]
                elif mode == 2:
                    choices = ["OK", "Cancel"]
                    return 0
                for i, item in enumerate(choices):
                    item_str = ''.join(['[', item, ']'])
                    tab_pos_x = 6 + 20 * i if mode == 2 else 18
                    screen.addstr(line_height + 1, tab_pos_x, item_str,
                                  select if i == tab else normal)
                key_in = screen.getch()
                if mode == 2:
                    # OK or Cancel
                    if key_in in [9, curses.KEY_LEFT, curses.KEY_RIGHT]:
                        tab = [1, 0][tab]
                    if key_in in [ord('a'), ord('c')]:
                        key_in -= (ord('a') - ord('A'))
                    if key_in in [ord('C'), ord('O')]:
                        return [ord('C'), ord('O')].index(key_in)
                if key_in in [10, 32]:
                    return not tab
            return 0