Exemplo n.º 1
class MOOS2RVIZ:
    """Takes moos messages from an onboard moos db and displays the data in rViz"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.navpy_gps = GPS()

        self.holder = {}

    ### Init-related Functions #################################################
    def get_config(self):
        """saves the yaml config file info as instance attributes, utilizes
        values from the ROS parameter server
        self.DEBUG = bool(rospy.get_param('~DEBUG'))
        self.tag = rospy.get_param('~tag')

        self.UTMdatum = rospy.get_param('/UTMdatum')
        self.coord_sys = rospy.get_param("~coord_sys")
        self.color = {'r': float(rospy.get_param("/"+self.tag+"_color").split(',')[0]),
                      'g': float(rospy.get_param("/"+self.tag+"_color").split(',')[1]),
                      'b': float(rospy.get_param("/"+self.tag+"_color").split(',')[2])}
        self.legend_text_height = rospy.get_param("~legend_text_height")
        self.legend_text = rospy.get_param("/"+self.tag+"_text")      
        self.veh_mesh_resource = rospy.get_param("~veh_mesh_resource")
        self.err_ell_opacity = float(rospy.get_param('/err_ell_opacity'))

    def set_publishers(self):
        rospy.Subscriber("/moos/solutions/"+self.tag, ECEFpos, self.handle_msg)
        odom_topic = '/'.join(['moos', self.tag, 'odom'])
        ell_topic = '/'.join(['moos',self.tag, 'error_ellipse'])
        legend_topic = '/'.join(['moos', self.tag, 'legend'])

        self.odom_publisher = rospy.Publisher(odom_topic, Odometry)
        self.ell_publisher = rospy.Publisher(ell_topic, Marker)
        self.legend_publisher = rospy.Publisher(legend_topic, Marker)
        curpos_topic = '/'.join(['moos', self.tag, 'current_position'])
        self.curpos_publisher = rospy.Publisher(curpos_topic, Marker) # even though this is at the same position as the novatel error ellipse, we want it to have a different name in case the integrated solution is different
        rospy.Subscriber(odom_topic, Odometry, self.pub_at_position) # put the vehicle model at the accepted position solution

        if self.DEBUG:
            print('rvizBridge '+self.tag+': Publishers and Subscribers set')

    def cameraFollow_tf(self, odom_msg):
        reexamine if using urdf (base_footprint)
        msg = odom_msg
        br = tf.TransformBroadcaster()
                         (0, 0, 0, 1), # this is a unit quaternion\
                         ''.join([self.tag,"_base_link"]), "odom") 

    def handle_msg(self, msg):
        message callback
        skateboard = [msg.x, msg.y, msg.z, \
                      msg.x_covar, msg.y_covar, msg.z_covar, \
                      msg.orient, msg.header.stamp]

    def convert_odom_var(self, skateboard):
        Once all the information for a single odom msg from a single sensor
        (source) is built together, this function converts it to UTM in a 
        special UTM holder and sends it to the publishing function: mailroom.package_odom_var()
        Covariances - Lat/Lon Std Dev are output in meters already
        converts course to radians for ROS; Will orient odom arrows to velocity direction

        skateboard = [X, Y, Z, XStdDev, YStdDev, ZStdDev, Course, MOOStime]
        ## FIXME here an assumption is made about the order of variables - robustify later
        if self.DEBUG:
            print('rvizBridge: '+self.tag+': convert_odom_var: SKATEBOARD RECIEVED --')
        if self.coord_sys == 'ECEF':
            (E, N, _), _ = self.navpy_gps.ecef2utm((float(skateboard[0]),
            Xstray = float(skateboard[0])+float(skateboard[3])
            Ystray = float(skateboard[1])-float(skateboard[4]) # ASSUME Y ECEF IS NEGATIVE
            Zstray = float(skateboard[2])+float(skateboard[5])
            (Estray, Nstray, _), _ = self.navpy_gps.ecef2utm((Xstray, Ystray, Zstray))
            Esd = Estray - E
            Nsd = Nstray - N

            UTMtoPub = {}
            UTMtoPub['N'] = N - float(self.UTMdatum['N'])
            UTMtoPub['E'] = E - float(self.UTMdatum['E'])
            UTMtoPub['Nsd'] = abs(float(Nsd))
            UTMtoPub['Esd'] = abs(float(Esd))
            UTMtoPub['crs'] = radians(float(skateboard[6]))
            UTMtoPub['time'] = skateboard[7]
            if self.DEBUG:
                print('rvizBridge: '+self.tag+': convert_odom_var: UTMtoPub --')
            raise Exception('Only ECEF implemented thus far')

    def package_odom_var(self, UTMtoPub):
        Puts odom var (from UTM N & E) into a ros message and sends to the publishing decider.
            -does all the ROS packaging common to all sources
            -each individual legend is now
        if self.DEBUG:
            print('rvizBridge: '+self.tag+': In package_odom_var')
        combined_array = MarkerArray()

        ### Odometry Arrows ####################################################
        odom_msg = Odometry()
        # odom_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(UTMtoPub['time'])
        odom_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        odom_msg.header.frame_id = "odom" # may need to expand?
        odom_msg.pose.pose.position.x = UTMtoPub['E']
        odom_msg.pose.pose.position.y = UTMtoPub['N']
        odom_msg.pose.pose.position.z = 1.55
        # make a quaternion :: came from trial-and-error...
        quat = qfe(-pi, -pi, -UTMtoPub['crs']-pi/2)
        odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.x = quat[0]
        odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.y = quat[1]
        odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.z = quat[2]
        odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.w = quat[3]
        odom_msg.pose.covariance[0] = UTMtoPub['Nsd']
        odom_msg.pose.covariance[7] = UTMtoPub['Esd']
        odom_msg.pose.covariance[14] = 0

        ### Error Ellipses #####################################################
        ell_marker = Marker()
        ell_marker.header = odom_msg.header # clarify?
        ell_marker.id = 0 # enumerate subsequent markers here 
        ell_marker.action = Marker.MODIFY # can be ADD, REMOVE, or MODIFY
        ell_marker.pose = odom_msg.pose.pose # put at same place as its odom arrow
        ell_marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration() # will last forever unless modified
        ell_marker.ns = "Error_Ellipses__"+ self.tag
        ell_marker.type = Marker.CYLINDER
        ell_marker.scale.x = abs(odom_msg.pose.covariance[0]) # not visible unless scaled up
        ell_marker.scale.y = abs(odom_msg.pose.covariance[7]) # not visible unless scaled up
        ell_marker.scale.z = 0.000001 # We just want a disk
        ell_marker.color.r = self.color['r']
        ell_marker.color.g = self.color['g']
        ell_marker.color.b = self.color['b']
        ell_marker.color.a = self.err_ell_opacity
        ell_marker.color.a = 0.5

        ### Legend #############################################################
        legend_marker = Marker()
        legend_marker.header = odom_msg.header
        legend_marker.id = 0
        legend_marker.ns = ''.join(["Error_Ellipses", '__', self.tag, '__', self.tag])
        legend_marker.type = Marker.TEXT_VIEW_FACING
        legend_marker.text = self.legend_text
        legend_marker.action = Marker.MODIFY
        legend_marker.pose = odom_msg.pose.pose
        legend_marker.pose.position.z = self.legend_text_height # elevate to spread
        legend_marker.scale.x = .7
        legend_marker.scale.y = .7
        legend_marker.scale.z = .7
        legend_marker.color.r = self.color['r']
        legend_marker.color.g = self.color['g']
        legend_marker.color.b = self.color['b']
        legend_marker.color.a = .9


    def pub_at_position(self, odom_msg):
        Handles necessary information for displaying things at 
                                ACCEPTED (NOVATEL) POSITION SOLUTION:
            -vehicle mesh 
        !!!this should only be invoked when the accepted (novatel) position 
        is updated
        ### G35 Mesh ###########################################################
        marker = Marker()
        marker.header = odom_msg.header
        marker.id = 0 # enumerate subsequent markers here
        marker.action = Marker.MODIFY
        marker.pose = odom_msg.pose.pose
        marker.pose.position.z = 1.55
        marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration() # will last forever unless modified
        marker.ns = ''.join(["vehicle_model", '__', self.tag, '__', self.tag])
        marker.type = Marker.MESH_RESOURCE
        marker.scale.x = 0.0254 # artifact of sketchup export
        marker.scale.y = 0.0254 # artifact of sketchup export
        marker.scale.z = 0.0254 # artifact of sketchup export
        marker.color.r = self.color['r']
        marker.color.g = self.color['g']
        marker.color.b = self.color['b']
        marker.color.a = .1
        marker.mesh_resource = '//'.join(['file:',self.veh_mesh_resource])
        marker.mesh_use_embedded_materials = False
Exemplo n.º 2
class MOOS2RVIZ(MOOSCommClient):
    """Takes moos messages from an onboard moos db and displays the data in rViz"""
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.holder = {}
        self.navpy_gps = GPS()

    ### Init-related Functions #################################################
    def get_config(self, config):
        """saves the yaml config file info as instance attributes, utilizes
        values from the ROS parameter server
        self.ip = str(rospy.get_param('~sender_ip'))
        self.port = int(rospy.get_param('~port'))

        self.freq_max = config["freq_max"]
        self.UTMdatum = config["UTMdatum"]
        self.coord_sys = config["coord_sys"]
        self.sensor_name = config["sensor_name"]
        self.desired_variables = config["desired_variables"]
        self.color = config["color"]
        self.legend_text_height = config["legend_text_height"]
        self.legend_text = config["display_name"]
        self.ismaster = config["dictate_pos"] # this instance will govern the current position
        if self.ismaster:
            self.veh_mesh_resource = config["veh_mesh_resource"]
            self.veh_mesh_resource = None

    def set_publishers(self):
        odom_topic = '/' + self.sensor_name + '/odom'
        self.odom_publisher = rospy.Publisher(odom_topic, Odometry)
        ell_topic = '/' + self.sensor_name + '/error_ellipse'
        self.ell_publisher = rospy.Publisher(ell_topic, Marker)
        legend_topic = '/' + self.sensor_name + '/legend'
        self.legend_publisher = rospy.Publisher(legend_topic, Marker)
        if self.ismaster: # this instance dictates accepted position (veh disp mesh)
            curpos_topic = '/' + self.sensor_name + ''
            self.curpos_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/novatel/current_position', Marker) # even though this is at the same position as the novatel error ellipse, we want it to have a different name in case the integrated solution is different
            rospy.Subscriber(odom_topic, Odometry, self.pub_at_position) # put the vehicle model at the accepted position solution

    def create_cap_freq_holders(self):
        """makes none value holders to keep track of when the last of each 
        measurement was published -- to limit frequency
        last_gNovatel_zLat = None --> will have last published timestamp
        -used in mailroom.cap_freq function
        self.cap_freq_holders = {}
        for meas in range(len(self.desired_variables)):
            name = ''.join(['last_', self.desired_variables[meas]])
            self.cap_freq_holders[name] = time() # wall time

    def cameraFollow_tf(self, odom_msg):
        msg = odom_msg
        br = tf.TransformBroadcaster()
        br.sendTransform((msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y, msg.pose.pose.position.z),\
                         (0, 0, 0, 1), # this is a unit quaternion\
                         msg.header.stamp,"base_footprint", "odom") 
                            #time,    #child frame , #parent frame

    # def FPV_tf(self, odom_msg):
    #     msg = odom_msg
    #     br = tf.TransformBroadcaster()
    #     br.sendTransform((msg.pose.pose.position.x,
    #                       msg.pose.pose.position.y, 
    #                       msg.pose.pose.position.z),
    #                      (odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.x,
    #                       odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.y,
    #                       odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.z,
    #                       odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.w),
    #                      msg.header.stamp, "fpv", "odom") 
    #                         #time,    #child frame , #parent frame

    ##### Mailroom Functions ###################################################
    def onConnect(self): 
        """Function required in every pyMOOS App"""
        # print('liveBridge.py :: In onConnect')
        for var in self.desired_variables: # expand later
            self.Register(var) #defined in MOOSCommClient.py

    def onMail(self):
        """Function required in every pyMOOS App"""
        # print('In onMail')
        messages = self.FetchRecentMail()
        # print('Recent Mail Fetched')
        for message in messages:
        # print('Messages Handled')
        return True

    def handle_msg(self, msg):
        takes a msg and passes usable info to gather_odom_var
        if msg.IsDouble():
            var_type = "Double"
            value = str(msg.GetDouble()) #store all values as strings until handled specifically
        elif msg.IsString():
            var_type = "String"
            value = msg.GetString()
            rospy.logwarn('wtf? Unknown variable type')
        # obtain info from msg via functions defined in pyMOOSMsg.cpp
        time = msg.GetTime() # this may be grabbing the wrong time (not from the msg)
        name = msg.GetKey() # type of measurement "z______" string
        sens = msg.GetSource() # will yield "g______" string
        # print('Here')
        if (sens == self.sensor_name) and (name in self.desired_variables): # where desired messages are scooped
            if not self.cap_freq(name): # frequency capping
                self.gather_odom_var(name, var_type, value, time)
        # else:
        #     rospy.logwarn("handle_msg :: Unhandled msg: %(name)s of type %(var_type)s carries value %(value)s" % locals())

    def cap_freq(self, name):
        """enfores the maximum frequency by emitting boolean to send only messages
        arriving after the prescribed period following the previous message of 
        the same type
        # minimum amount of time between msgs for each sensor
        this_time = time()
        tmin = 1/self.freq_max 
        ## reconstruct name of last time holder to find its contents (last time)
        last_one_name = ''.join(['last_', name])
        last_one = self.cap_freq_holders[last_one_name]

        # publish if first time or enough time elapsed
        if self.freq_max == 0: # disable freq capping
            catch = False
        elif (last_one is None) or ((this_time - last_one) >= tmin):
            catch = False
            catch = True
        # update the holder since we're now publishing
        if not catch:
            last_one = time()
        return catch

    def gather_odom_var(self, name, var_type, value, time):
        This function will only invoke publishing when it can send off all necessary info for a single source at once
        # print("In gather_odom_var")
        time = int(time*1000.0)/1000.0 #rounding to 3 decimal places 
        # may build up unused messages if they aren't complete enough to publish
        if time not in self.holder: # no messages from this timestep yet, initialize a dictionary for this time
            self.holder[time] = {}
        # stick the message in a holder specific to its sensor/source, according to msg time
        self.holder[time][name] = dict([['var_type', var_type], ['value', value]]) # assume no multiple messages
        # the latest addition may have made something publishable - check to see if the HOLDER WE JUST ADDED TO now meets the req's at ANY OF ITS TIMESTAMPS
        tstamps_sent = []
        for tstamp in self.holder: # loop through all times (may be async)
            holder_attime_publishable = [False] *len(self.desired_variables) # assume that it isn't publishable until proven otherwise
            for des_var_ind in range(len(self.desired_variables)):
                if self.desired_variables[des_var_ind] in self.holder[tstamp]:
                    holder_attime_publishable[des_var_ind] = True
            if all(holder_attime_publishable): # ka-ching
                # this will just roll the publishable group of msgs from sensor "holder" at time "tstamp" over to convert_odom_var; note that it doesn't contain the sensor/source "g_______"
                skateboard = self.holder[tstamp] 
                # send it off
                self.convert_odom_var(skateboard, tstamp) 
                # remember what we've sent so it can be cleaned
        for tstamp in tstamps_sent:
            del self.holder[tstamp] # clean up the holder of anything we already printed        

    def convert_odom_var(self, skateboard, time):
        Once all the information for a single odom msg from a single sensor(source) is built together, this function converts it to UTM in a special UTM holder and sends it to the publishing function: mailroom.package_odom_var()
        Covariances - Lat/Lon Std Dev are output in meters already
        converts course to radians for ROS; Will orient odom arrows to velocity direction
        # print("In convert_odom_var")
        ## FIXME here an assumption is made about the order of variables - robustify later
        UTMtoPub = dict([['time', time]]) # is time really necessary? Not using as dictionary index in self...
        if self.coord_sys == 'ECEF':
            (Easting, Northing, _), info = self.navpy_gps.ecef2utm((float(skateboard[self.desired_variables[0]]),
        elif self.coord_sys == 'LLA':
            (Easting, Northing, _), info = self.navpy_gps.lla2utm((float(skateboard['zLat']['value']),
        # print("{} - {} = {}".format(Northing, self.UTMdatum['N'], Northing - self.UTMdatum['N']))
        UTMtoPub['N'] = Northing - self.UTMdatum['N']
        UTMtoPub['E'] = Easting  - self.UTMdatum['E']
        UTMtoPub['Nsd'] = float(skateboard['zLatStdDev']['value'])
        UTMtoPub['Esd'] = float(skateboard['zLongStdDev']['value'])
        UTMtoPub['crs'] = radians(float(skateboard['zCourse']['value']))

    def package_odom_var(self, UTMtoPub):
        Puts odom var (from UTM N & E) into a ros message and sends to the publishing decider.
            -does all the ROS packaging common to all sources
            -each individual legend is now
        ### Odometry Arrows ####################################################
        odom_msg = Odometry()
        odom_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(UTMtoPub['time'])
        odom_msg.header.frame_id = "odom" # may need to expand?
        odom_msg.pose.pose.position.x = UTMtoPub['E']
        odom_msg.pose.pose.position.y = UTMtoPub['N']
        odom_msg.pose.pose.position.z = 1.55
        # make a quaternion :: came from trial-and-error...
        quat = qfe(-pi, -pi, -UTMtoPub['crs']-pi/2)
        odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.x = quat[0]
        odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.y = quat[1]
        odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.z = quat[2]
        odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.w = quat[3]
        odom_msg.pose.covariance[0] = UTMtoPub['Nsd']
        odom_msg.pose.covariance[7] = UTMtoPub['Esd']
        odom_msg.pose.covariance[14] = 0

        ### Error Ellipses #####################################################
        ## pulls from the odom msg --
        ell_marker = Marker()
        ell_marker.header = odom_msg.header # clarify?
        ell_marker.id = 0 # enumerate subsequent markers here 
        ell_marker.action = Marker.MODIFY # can be ADD, REMOVE, or MODIFY
        ell_marker.pose = odom_msg.pose.pose # put at same place as its odom arrow
        ell_marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration() # will last forever unless modified
        ell_marker.ns = ''.join(["Error_Ellipses", '___', self.sensor_name])
        ell_marker.type = Marker.CYLINDER     
        ell_marker.scale.x = sqrt(odom_msg.pose.covariance[0]) *10 # not visible unless scaled up
        ell_marker.scale.y = sqrt(odom_msg.pose.covariance[7]) *10 # not visible unless scaled up
        ell_marker.scale.z = 0.000001 # We just want a disk
        ell_marker.color.r = self.color['r']
        ell_marker.color.g = self.color['g']
        ell_marker.color.b = self.color['b']
        ell_marker.color.a = 0.95

        ### Legend #############################################################
        marker = Marker()
        marker.header = odom_msg.header
        marker.id = 0
        marker.ns = self.sensor_name + '_legend'
        marker.type = Marker.TEXT_VIEW_FACING
        marker.text = self.legend_text
        marker.action = Marker.MODIFY
        marker.pose = odom_msg.pose.pose
        marker.pose.position.z = self.legend_text_height # elevate to spread
        marker.scale.x = 0.5
        marker.scale.y = 0.5
        marker.scale.z = 0.6
        marker.color.r = self.color['r']
        marker.color.g = self.color['g']
        marker.color.b = self.color['b']
        marker.color.a = 1.0

        # tell camera tf where the look if master ##############################
        if self.ismaster: # update the vehicle mesh position
            # self.FPV_tf(odom_msg) # add a view

    def pub_at_position(self, odom_msg):
        Handles necessary information for displaying things at 
                                ACCEPTED (NOVATEL) POSITION SOLUTION:
            -vehicle mesh 
        !!!this should only be invoked when the accepted (novatel) position 
        is updated
        ### G35 Mesh #############################################################
        marker = Marker()
        pub = self.curpos_publisher
        marker.header = odom_msg.header
        marker.id = 0 # enumerate subsequent markers here
        marker.action = Marker.MODIFY # can be ADD, REMOVE, or MODIFY
        marker.pose = odom_msg.pose.pose
        marker.pose.position.z = 1.55
        marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration() # will last forever unless modified
        marker.ns = "vehicle_model"
        marker.type = Marker.MESH_RESOURCE
        marker.scale.x = 0.0254 # artifact of sketchup export
        marker.scale.y = 0.0254 # artifact of sketchup export
        marker.scale.z = 0.0254 # artifact of sketchup export
        marker.color.r = .05
        marker.color.g = .05
        marker.color.b = .05
        marker.color.a = .2
        marker.mesh_resource = self.veh_mesh_resource
        marker.mesh_use_embedded_materials = False
Exemplo n.º 3
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, os
from util import GPS

in_loc =  '/home/rgcofield/devel/fhwa2_ws/fhwa2_viz/fhwa2_survey/survey/signs/sections_ecef.txt'
out_loc = '/home/rgcofield/devel/fhwa2_ws/fhwa2_viz/fhwa2_survey/survey/signs/sections_utm.txt'
out_file = open(out_loc, 'w')

gps = GPS()
datum_e = 659300
datum_n = 3607850

for line in open(in_loc, 'rU'):
    pt = line[0:-1].split(' ')

    if pt[0] == '':
    if pt[-1][0] not in ['n','s','e','w']: # exclude stop/yield/etc

    (E, N, _), _ = gps.ecef2utm((float(pt[0]), float(pt[1]), float(pt[2])))
    line = ', '.join([str(E-datum_e), str(N-datum_n), '0'])
