Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: relax.py Projeto: sburden/sim
def EulerBisect(t, x, p, hds, h, rx, n, debug=False, Zeno=False):
  trjs = EulerBisect(t, x, p, hds, h, rx, n, debug, Zeno)

  Compute Euler approximation to relaxed hybrid execution

  t   - 1 x 2 - time range
  x   - 1 x n - initial state
  p   - Struct - model paramters
  hds - hybrid model
  h   - scalar - Euler integration stepsize
  rx  - scalar - relaxation parameter
  n   - int - maximum number of hybrid transitions
  debug - flag for printing debugging info
  Zeno - flag for quitting executions with short modes

  trjs - list of trajectory dicts
  trj - trajectory dict
    .t - times
    .x - states
    .p - parameters
    .hds - hybrid model

  by Sam Burden, Humberto Gonzalez, Ram Vasudevan, Berkeley 2011
  tf = t[1] # store final time

  h0 = h # store given stepsize 

  p.debug = debug # enable model debugging

  t = np.array([t[0]])
  x = x.copy()
  if len(x.shape) == 1:
    x.shape = (1,x.size)

  trj = Struct(t=t,x=x,p=p,hds=hds)
  trjs = []

  # Euler loop
  while trj.t[-1] <= tf and not (trj.p.j == None) and len(trjs) < n:

    # initial data
    t0 = trj.t[-1]
    x0 = trj.x[-1,:]
    p0 = trj.p
    dx = trj.hds.F(t0, x0, p0)
    # Euler step
    j = trj.p.j
    t = t0 + h
    x = trj.hds.E(t0, x0, p0, h*dx)
    g = trj.hds.G(t,  x,  p0)

    # if transition occurs
    if ( g < -rx ):
      # find step size that lands trajectory on strip using bisection
      h = bisect( lambda s : trj.hds.G(t0+s,trj.hds.E(t0,x0,p0,s*dx),p0),
                  (0.,h), tol=rx )
      # debug
      if np.isnan(h):
        raise RuntimeError,'(euler)  cannot step to strip'
      # Euler step
      t = t0 + h
      x = trj.hds.E(t0, x0, p0, h*dx)
      g = trj.hds.G(t,  x,  p0)

    # append state to trj
    trj.t = np.append(trj.t, [t], axis=1)
    trj.x = np.append(trj.x, [x], axis=0)

    if debug:
      print '  :  j = %d  g = %0.2e  h = %0.2e  t = %0.3f  x = %s' % (j,g,h,t,str(x))

    # if state is on strip
    if (g < 0):

      # spend time on the strip 
      t = t + (rx + g)
      trj.t = np.append(trj.t, [t], axis=1)
      # can't move state without analytical strip
      trj.x = np.append(trj.x, [x], axis=0)

      if debug:
        print 'RX:  j = %d  g = %0.2e  h = %0.2e  t = %0.3f  x = %s' % (j,g,h,t,str(x))

      # append trj to trjs
      trjs += [trj]
      trj = trj.copy()

      if Zeno and (len(trj.t) <= 4):

        print '(euler)  possible Zeno @ stepsize h = %0.6f' % h0
        print 'RX:  j = %d  g = %0.2e  h = %0.2e  t = %0.3f  x = %s' % (j,g,h,t,str(x))
        return trjs

      # apply reset to modify trj
      t,x,p = hds.R(t,x,p0)
      if len(x.shape) == 1:
        x.shape = (1,x.size)

      t = np.array([t])
      trj.t = t
      trj.x = x
      trj.p = p

      # re-initialize step size
      h = h0

      if debug:
        print 'RX:  j = %d  g = %0.2e  h = %0.2e  t = %0.3f  x = %s' % (j,g,h,t,str(x[0,:]))

  trjs += [trj]
  trj = trj.copy()

  return trjs
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: relax.py Projeto: sburden/sim
def EulerPlanar(t, x, p, hds, h, n, debug=False, Zeno=False):
  trjs = Euler(t, x, p, hds, h, n, debug, Zeno)

  *** UNFINISHED ***

  Compute Euler approximation to hybrid execution assuming 
  guards are coordinate functions
  (thus transition time can be determined exactly)

  t   - 1 x 2 - time range
  x   - 1 x n - initial state
  p   - Struct - model paramters
  hds - hybrid model
  h   - scalar - Euler integration stepsize
  n   - int - maximum number of hybrid transitions
  debug - flag for printing debugging info
  Zeno - flag for quitting executions with short modes

  trjs - list of trajectory dicts
  trj - trajectory dict
    .t - times
    .x - states
    .p - parameters
    .hds - hybrid model

  by Sam Burden, Humberto Gonzalez, Ram Vasudevan, Berkeley 2011
  tf = t[1] # store final time

  h0 = h # store given stepsize 

  p.debug = debug # enable model debugging

  t = np.array([t[0]])
  x = x.copy()
  if len(x.shape) == 1:
    x.shape = (1,x.size)

  trj = Struct(t=t,x=x,p=p,hds=hds)
  trjs = []

  # Euler loop
  while trj.t[-1] <= tf and not (trj.p.j == None) and len(trjs) < n:

    # initial data
    t0 = trj.t[-1]
    x0 = trj.x[-1,:]
    p0 = trj.p
    g0 = trj.hds.G(t, x,  p0)
    # vector field
    dx = trj.hds.F(t0, x0, p0)
    # Euler step
    j = trj.p.j
    t = t0 + h
    x = trj.hds.E(t0, x0, p0, h*dx)
    g = trj.hds.G(t,  x,  p0)
    # if guard is triggered
    if g < 0:
      # move state exactly to transition
      s = g0 / trjs.hds.G(t, h*dx, p0)

    # halve step size until trajectory doesn't jump over strip
    k = 0
    kmax = 50
    while (g < -rx) and (k <= kmax):
      if debug:
        print 'RX:  jump over strip #%d' % k
      h  = h/2
      t  = t0 + h
      dx = h*dxdt + np.sqrt(h)*np.random.randn()*dxdw
      x  = trj.hds.E(t, x0, p0, dx)
      g  = trj.hds.G(t, x,p0)
      k += 1

    if (k >= kmax):
      raise RuntimeError,'(euler)  strip iterations exceeded'

    # append state to trj
    trj.t = np.append(trj.t, [t], axis=1)
    trj.x = np.append(trj.x, [x], axis=0)

    if debug:
      print '  :  j = %d  t = %0.3f  x = %s' % (j,t,str(x))

    # if state is on strip
    if (g < 0):

      # spend time on the strip 
      t = t + (rx + g)
      trj.t = np.append(trj.t, [t], axis=1)
      # can't move state without analytical strip
      trj.x = np.append(trj.x, [x], axis=0)

      if debug:
        print 'RX:  j = %d  t = %0.3f  x = %s' % (j,t,str(x))

      # append trj to trjs
      trjs += [trj]
      trj = trj.copy()

      if Zeno and (len(trj.t) <= 4):

        print '(euler)  possible Zeno @ stepsize h = %0.6f' % h0
        print 'RX:  j = %d  t = %0.3f  x = %s' % (j,t,str(x))
        return trjs

      # apply reset to modify trj
      t,x,p = hds.R(t,x,p0)
      if len(x.shape) == 1:
        x.shape = (1,x.size)

      t = np.array([t])
      trj.t = t
      trj.x = x
      trj.p = p

      # re-initialize step size
      h = h0

      if debug:
        print 'RX:  j = %d  t = %0.3f  x = %s' % (j,t,str(x[0,:]))

  trjs += [trj]
  trj = trj.copy()

  return trjs
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: relax.py Projeto: sburden/sim
def Euler(t, x, p, hds, h, rx, n, debug=False, Zeno=False):
  trjs = Euler(t, x, p, hds, h, rx, n, debug, Zeno)

  Compute Euler approximation to relaxed hybrid execution

  t   - 1 x 2 - time range
  x   - 1 x n - initial state
  p   - Struct - model paramters
  hds - hybrid model
  h   - scalar - Euler integration stepsize
  rx  - scalar - relaxation parameter
  n   - int - maximum number of hybrid transitions
  debug - flag for printing debugging info
  Zeno - flag for quitting executions with short modes

  trjs - list of trajectory dicts
  trj - trajectory dict
    .t - times
    .x - states
    .p - parameters
    .hds - hybrid model

  by Sam Burden, Humberto Gonzalez, Ram Vasudevan, Berkeley 2011
  tf = t[1] # store final time

  h0 = h # store given stepsize 

  p.debug = debug # enable model debugging

  t = np.array([t[0]])
  x = x.copy()
  if len(x.shape) == 1:
    x.shape = (1,x.size)

  trj = Struct(t=t,x=x,p=p,hds=hds)
  trjs = []

  # Euler loop
  while trj.t[-1] <= tf and not (trj.p.j == None) and len(trjs) < n:

    # do single Euler step
    t0 = trj.t[-1]
    x0 = trj.x[-1,:]
    p0 = trj.p
    dxdt = trj.hds.F(t0, x0, p0)
    dx = h*dxdt

    j = trj.p.j
    t = t0 + h
    x = trj.hds.E(t0, x0, p0, dx)
    g = trj.hds.G(t,  x,  p0)

    # halve step size until trajectory doesn't jump over strip
    k = 0
    kmax = 50
    while np.any(g < -rx) and (k <= kmax):
      #if debug:
      #  print 'RX:  jump over strip #%d' % k
      h  = h/2.
      t  = t0 + h
      dx = h*dxdt
      x  = trj.hds.E(t0, x0, p0, dx)
      g  = trj.hds.G(t,  x,p0)
      k += 1

    if (k >= kmax):
      raise RuntimeError,'(euler)  strip iterations exceeded'

    # append state to trj
    trj.t = np.append(trj.t, [t], axis=1)
    trj.x = np.append(trj.x, [x], axis=0)

    if debug:
      print '  :  j = %s, h = %0.2e, t = %0.3f, g = %s, x = %s' % (j,h,t,g,str(x))

    # if state is on strip
    if np.any(g < 0):

      # spend time on the strip 
      t = t + (rx + g.min())
      trj.t = np.append(trj.t, [t], axis=1)
      # can't move state without analytical strip
      trj.x = np.append(trj.x, [x], axis=0)

      if debug:
        print 'RX:  j = %s, t = %0.3f, g = %s, x = %s' % (j,t,g,str(x))

      # append trj to trjs
      trjs += [trj]
      trj = trj.copy()

      if Zeno and (len(trj.t) <= 4):

        print '(euler)  possible Zeno @ stepsize h = %0.6f' % h0
        print 'RX:  j = %s  t = %0.3f\nx = %s' % (j,t,str(x))
        return trjs

      # apply reset to modify trj
      t,x,p = hds.R(t,x,p0)
      if len(x.shape) == 1:
        x.shape = (1,x.size)

      t = np.array([t])
      trj.t = t
      trj.x = x
      trj.p = p

      # re-initialize step size
      h = h0

      if debug:
        j = p.j
        g = trj.hds.G(t[0],  x[0],  p)
        print 'RX:  j = %s, t = %0.3f, g = %s, x = %s' % (j,t,g,str(x[0,:]))

  trjs += [trj]
  trj = trj.copy()

  return trjs