def checkLunch(msg): nick = nickname(msg.sender) if(T.hour() < 6): botSpeak = nick + "! Don't be ridiculous. This is not the time for lunch, and you should be asleep." bot.send_message(msg.chatId, botSpeak).wait() return if(T.weekend()): botSpeak = nick + " get real! The Kista restaurants are closed on " + T.weekday() + "s" bot.send_message(msg.chatId, botSpeak).wait() return if(T.hour() < 10): botSpeak = "I think it's a bit early for lunch. Ask me after 10 again." bot.send_message(msg.chatId, botSpeak).wait() return if(T.hour() < 14): genericLunch(msg) return if(T.hour() < 18): botSpeak = "No such thing as a free lunch " + nick + ". Too late anyway." bot.send_message(msg.chatId, botSpeak).wait() return botSpeak = "At this hour, " + nick + "... I would rather recommend dinner." bot.send_message(msg.chatId, botSpeak).wait()
def fixAlias(self, phrase, msg): resp = phrase if(msg.nick == ""): # No override use defaults nick = self.nickname(msg.sender) else: nick = msg.nick helgaNick = self.rnd(self.helga) resp = resp.replace(u"#nick#", nick) resp = resp.replace(u"#weekday#", T.weekday()) resp = resp.replace(u"Helgafjäll", helgaNick) return resp
def checkMorning(update): chat_id = first_name = update.message.sender.first_name botSpeak = "Good morning " + nickname(first_name) + ", thank God it's " + T.weekday() + "!" bot.send_message(chat_id, botSpeak).wait()