Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    args = parse_args()
    if not os.path.exists(IMGSDIR_CALIB):
        print "(ERROR) Calibration images not found. Please place \
the LDWS_calibrate_short/ images in the current directory."

    if not os.path.exists(IMGSDIR_TEST):
        print "(ERROR) Test images not found. Please place the \
LDWS_test_short/ images in the current directory."


    imgpaths_calib = util.get_imgpaths(IMGSDIR_CALIB)
    if not os.path.isdir(args.imgsdir):
        imgpaths_test = [args.imgsdir]
        imgpaths_test = util.get_imgpaths(args.imgsdir)
    if args.reuse_calib:
        print "(Reusing camera calibration matrix)"
        K = np.array([[674.07224154, 0., 262.77722917],
                      [0., 670.26875783, 330.21546389], [0., 0., 1.]])
        print "(Estimating camera matrix...)"
        t = time.time()
        K = calibrate_camera.calibrate_camera(imgpaths_calib, 8, 8, 0.048)
        dur = time.time() - t
        print "(Finished. {0:.4f})".format(dur)

    for i, imgpath in enumerate(imgpaths_test):
        print "\n==== ({0}/{1}) Detecting lanes... [{2}]====".format(
            i + 1, len(imgpaths_test),
        I = cv2.imread(imgpath, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)
        h, w = I.shape[0:2]
        t = time.time()
        line1, line2 = detect_lanes.detect_lanes(I,
        dur = time.time() - t
        print "    Finished detecting lanes ({0:.4f}s)".format(dur)
        if line1 == None or line2 == None:
            print "({0}/{1}) Error: Couldn't find lanes.".format(
                i + 1, len(imgpaths_test))

        # Choose 4 points on the lanes to estimate the planar homography
        y1 = intrnd(0.45 * h)
        y2 = intrnd(0.65 * h)
        pts = np.array([
            [compute_x(line1, y1), y1],  # Left lane, far
            [compute_x(line2, y1), y1],  # Right lane, far
            [compute_x(line1, y2), y2],  # Left lane, close
            [compute_x(line2, y2), y2]
        ])  # Right lane, close
        # These world points have the origin at the middle of the lane,
        # directly below the camera.
        # Depths 5.0, 3.0 are chosen arbitrarily, as we don't have depth
        # information. Thus, the computed H will only be accurate in the
        # X axis.
        pts_worldm = np.array([
            [-LANE_W / 2.0, 5.0],  # Left lane, far
            [LANE_W / 2.0, 5.0],  # Right lane, far
            [-LANE_W / 2.0, 3.0],  # Left lane, close
            [LANE_W / 2.0, 3.0]
        ])  # Right lane, close
        # These world points are scaled+translated to generate a
        # reasonably-sized image w/ perspective effects removed.
        # Note: the origin here is not the same origin as in pts_worldm!
        pts_world = np.array([[0.0, 0.0], [LANE_W * 1e2, 0.0], [0.0, 500],
                              [LANE_W * 1e2, 500.0]])
                  0] += LANE_W * 1e2  # Let's see more of the horizontal image
        pts_world[:, 1] += 200  # Let's see more down the road
        # H_metric := Homography mapping the image (pixel coords) to the
        #             world plane defined by pts_worldm
        H_metric = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts.astype('float32'),
        H = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts.astype('float32'),

        ## Estimate where the camera is w.r.t. the world ref. frame
        R, T = estimate_extrinsic_parameters(H_metric)
        xdist = T[0] - (LANE_W / 2.0)
        print "    Distance from center of lane: X={0:.2f} meters".format(
        LEFT_THRESH = -1.0  # Stay within 1.0 meters of the center of the lane
        RIGHT_THRESH = 1.0
        if xdist >= RIGHT_THRESH:
            print "        WARNING: Camera center is awfully close to the \
RIGHT side of the lane!"

        elif xdist <= LEFT_THRESH:
            print "        WARNING: Camera center is awfully close to the \
LEFT side of the lane!"

        Irgb = cv2.imread(imgpath, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)
        Iipm = cv2.warpPerspective(Irgb.astype('float64'), H, (1000, 700))
        cv2.namedWindow("win2: Perspective-rectified image")
        cv2.imshow("win2: Perspective-rectified image", Iipm.astype('uint8'))

        Irgb = detect_lanes.draw_subwindow(Irgb, WIN_LEFT)
        Irgb = detect_lanes.draw_subwindow(Irgb, WIN_RIGHT)
        for _pt in pts:
            _pt = tuple([intrnd(x) for x in _pt])
            cv2.circle(Irgb, _pt, 3, (0, 0, 255))

        print "    ({0}/{1}) Displaying detected lanes.".format(
            i + 1, len(imgpaths_test))
        show_lanes(Irgb, line1, line2)

    print "Done."
def estimate_planar_homography(I, line1, line2, K, win1, win2, lane_width):
    """ Estimates the planar homography H between the camera image
    plane, and the World (ground) plane.
    The World reference frame is directly below the camera, with:
        - Z-axis parallel to the road
        - X-axis on the road plane
        - Y-axis pointing upward from the road plane
        - origin is on the road plane (Y=0), and halfway between the
          two lanes boundaries (center of road).
        nparray I
        nparray line1, line2: [a, b, c]
        nparray K
            The 3x3 camera intrinsic matrix.
        tuple win1, win2: (float x, float y, float w, float h)
        float lane_width
        nparray H
    where H is a 3x3 homography.
    h, w = I.shape[0:2]
    x_win1 = intrnd(w * win1[0])
    y_win1 = intrnd(h * win1[1])
    x_win2 = intrnd(w * win2[0])
    y_win2 = intrnd(h * win2[1])

    pts = []
    NUM = 10
    h_win = intrnd(h * win1[3])  # Assume window heights same btwn left/right
    for i in xrange(NUM):
        frac = i / float(NUM)
        y_cur = intrnd((y_win1 - (h_win / 2) + frac * h_win))
        pt_i = (compute_x(line1, y_cur), y_cur)
        pt_j = (compute_x(line2, y_cur), y_cur)
        pts.append((pt_i, pt_j))

    r1 = solve_for_r1(pts, K, lane_width)
    vanishing_pt = np.cross(line1, line2)
    vanishing_pt = vanishing_pt / vanishing_pt[2]
    vanishing_pt[1] = vanishing_pt[1]
    ## DEBUG Plot points on image, save to file for visual verification
    Irgb = util.to_rgb(I)
    COLOURS = [(255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0)]
    for i, (pt_i, pt_j) in enumerate(pts):
        clr = COLOURS[i % 2]
        cv2.circle(Irgb, tuple(map(intrnd, pt_i)), 5, clr)
        cv2.circle(Irgb, tuple(map(intrnd, pt_j)), 5, clr)
    cv2.circle(Irgb, (intrnd(vanishing_pt[0]), intrnd(vanishing_pt[1])), 5,
               (0, 0, 255))
    cv2.imwrite("_Irgb.png", Irgb)

    r3 = solve_for_r3(vanishing_pt, line1, line2, K)
    T = solve_for_t(pts, K, r1, r3, lane_width)
    print "T_pre:", T
    T = T * (2.1798 / T[1])  # Height of camera is 2.1798 meters
    T[2] = 1  # We want the ref. frame to be directly below camera (why 1?!)
    #T = T / np.linalg.norm(T)
    print "T_post:", T

    H = np.zeros([3, 3])
    H[:, 0] = r1
    H[:, 1] = r3
    H[:, 2] = T
    return np.dot(K, H)
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    args = parse_args()
    if not os.path.exists(IMGSDIR_CALIB):
        print "(ERROR) Calibration images not found. Please place \
the LDWS_calibrate_short/ images in the current directory."
    if not os.path.exists(IMGSDIR_TEST):
        print "(ERROR) Test images not found. Please place the \
LDWS_test_short/ images in the current directory."

    imgpaths_calib = util.get_imgpaths(IMGSDIR_CALIB)
    if not os.path.isdir(args.imgsdir):
        imgpaths_test = [args.imgsdir]
        imgpaths_test  = util.get_imgpaths(args.imgsdir)
    if args.reuse_calib:
        print "(Reusing camera calibration matrix)"
        K = np.array([[ 674.07224154,    0.,          262.77722917],
                      [   0.,          670.26875783,  330.21546389],
                      [   0.,            0.,            1.        ]])
        print "(Estimating camera matrix...)"
        t = time.time()
        K = calibrate_camera.calibrate_camera(imgpaths_calib, 8, 8, 0.048)
        dur = time.time() - t
        print "(Finished. {0:.4f})".format(dur)

    for i, imgpath in enumerate(imgpaths_test):
        print "\n==== ({0}/{1}) Detecting lanes... [{2}]====".format(i+1, len(imgpaths_test), os.path.split(imgpath)[1])
        I = cv2.imread(imgpath, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)
        h, w = I.shape[0:2]
        t = time.time()
        line1, line2 = detect_lanes.detect_lanes(I, win1=WIN_LEFT, win2=WIN_RIGHT,
                                                 threshold1=110, threshold2=220,
        dur = time.time() - t
        print "    Finished detecting lanes ({0:.4f}s)".format(dur)
        if line1 == None or line2 == None:
            print "({0}/{1}) Error: Couldn't find lanes.".format(i+1, len(imgpaths_test))

        # Choose 4 points on the lanes to estimate the planar homography
        y1 = intrnd(0.45 * h)
        y2 = intrnd(0.65 * h)
        pts = np.array([[compute_x(line1, y1), y1],    # Left lane, far
                        [compute_x(line2, y1), y1],    # Right lane, far
                        [compute_x(line1, y2), y2],    # Left lane, close
                        [compute_x(line2, y2), y2]])   # Right lane, close
        # These world points have the origin at the middle of the lane,
        # directly below the camera.
        # Depths 5.0, 3.0 are chosen arbitrarily, as we don't have depth
        # information. Thus, the computed H will only be accurate in the
        # X axis.
        pts_worldm = np.array([[-LANE_W/2.0, 5.0],           # Left lane, far
                               [LANE_W/2.0, 5.0],            # Right lane, far
                               [-LANE_W/2.0, 3.0],           # Left lane, close
                               [LANE_W/2.0, 3.0]])           # Right lane, close
        # These world points are scaled+translated to generate a 
        # reasonably-sized image w/ perspective effects removed.
        # Note: the origin here is not the same origin as in pts_worldm!
        pts_world = np.array([[0.0, 0.0],
                              [LANE_W*1e2, 0.0],
                              [0.0, 500],
                              [LANE_W*1e2, 500.0]])
        pts_world[:,0] += LANE_W*1e2 # Let's see more of the horizontal image
        pts_world[:,1] += 200 # Let's see more down the road
        # H_metric := Homography mapping the image (pixel coords) to the 
        #             world plane defined by pts_worldm
        H_metric = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts.astype('float32'), pts_worldm.astype('float32'))
        H = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts.astype('float32'), pts_world.astype('float32'))
        ## Estimate where the camera is w.r.t. the world ref. frame
        R, T = estimate_extrinsic_parameters(H_metric)
        xdist = T[0] - (LANE_W / 2.0)
        print "    Distance from center of lane: X={0:.2f} meters".format(xdist)
        LEFT_THRESH = -1.0    # Stay within 1.0 meters of the center of the lane
        RIGHT_THRESH = 1.0
        if xdist >= RIGHT_THRESH:
            print "        WARNING: Camera center is awfully close to the \
RIGHT side of the lane!"
        elif xdist <= LEFT_THRESH:
            print "        WARNING: Camera center is awfully close to the \
LEFT side of the lane!"

        Irgb = cv2.imread(imgpath, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)
        Iipm = cv2.warpPerspective(Irgb.astype('float64'), H, (1000, 700))
        cv2.namedWindow("win2: Perspective-rectified image")
        cv2.imshow("win2: Perspective-rectified image", Iipm.astype('uint8'))

        Irgb = detect_lanes.draw_subwindow(Irgb, WIN_LEFT)
        Irgb = detect_lanes.draw_subwindow(Irgb, WIN_RIGHT)
        for _pt in pts:
            _pt = tuple([intrnd(x) for x in _pt])
            cv2.circle(Irgb, _pt, 3, (0, 0, 255))

        print "    ({0}/{1}) Displaying detected lanes.".format(i+1, len(imgpaths_test))
        show_lanes(Irgb, line1, line2)

    print "Done."
def estimate_planar_homography(I, line1, line2, K, win1, win2, lane_width):
    """ Estimates the planar homography H between the camera image
    plane, and the World (ground) plane.
    The World reference frame is directly below the camera, with:
        - Z-axis parallel to the road
        - X-axis on the road plane
        - Y-axis pointing upward from the road plane
        - origin is on the road plane (Y=0), and halfway between the
          two lanes boundaries (center of road).
        nparray I
        nparray line1, line2: [a, b, c]
        nparray K
            The 3x3 camera intrinsic matrix.
        tuple win1, win2: (float x, float y, float w, float h)
        float lane_width
        nparray H
    where H is a 3x3 homography.
    h, w = I.shape[0:2]
    x_win1 = intrnd(w * win1[0])
    y_win1 = intrnd(h * win1[1])
    x_win2 = intrnd(w * win2[0])
    y_win2 = intrnd(h * win2[1])
    pts = []
    NUM = 10
    h_win = intrnd(h*win1[3]) # Assume window heights same btwn left/right
    for i in xrange(NUM):
        frac = i / float(NUM)
        y_cur = intrnd((y_win1-(h_win/2) + frac*h_win))
        pt_i = (compute_x(line1, y_cur), y_cur)
        pt_j = (compute_x(line2, y_cur), y_cur)
        pts.append((pt_i, pt_j))
    r1 = solve_for_r1(pts,
    vanishing_pt = np.cross(line1, line2)
    vanishing_pt = vanishing_pt / vanishing_pt[2]
    vanishing_pt[1] = vanishing_pt[1]
    ## DEBUG Plot points on image, save to file for visual verification
    Irgb = util.to_rgb(I)
    COLOURS = [(255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0)]
    for i, (pt_i, pt_j) in enumerate(pts):
        clr = COLOURS[i % 2]
        cv2.circle(Irgb, tuple(map(intrnd, pt_i)), 5, clr)
        cv2.circle(Irgb, tuple(map(intrnd, pt_j)), 5, clr)
    cv2.circle(Irgb, (intrnd(vanishing_pt[0]), intrnd(vanishing_pt[1])), 5, (0, 0, 255))
    cv2.imwrite("_Irgb.png", Irgb)

    r3 = solve_for_r3(vanishing_pt, line1, line2, K)
    T = solve_for_t(pts, K, r1, r3, lane_width)
    print "T_pre:", T
    T = T * (2.1798 / T[1])    # Height of camera is 2.1798 meters
    T[2] = 1 # We want the ref. frame to be directly below camera (why 1?!)
    #T = T / np.linalg.norm(T)
    print "T_post:", T
    H = np.zeros([3,3])
    H[:, 0] = r1
    H[:, 1] = r3
    H[:, 2] = T
    return np.dot(K, H)