def plot_posterior(prior, Nt=100): """ Plot the true (analytic) posterior density function along with the likelihood, prior and true value of theta. Parameters: ----------- prior : array_like ([dist_type, param1, param2]) Vector defining the prior distribution through the dist_type ('normal' or 'unif'), and two parameters (floats, mean and std for Gaussian, LHS and range for Uniform). Nt : int Number of points at which to evaluate each density function. Returns: -------- Plot the true (analytic) posterior density function along with the likelihood, prior and true value of theta. """ # Theta values for evaluating the posterior. tv = np.linspace(0,3,Nt) # Evaluate posterior, prior and likelihood. pv, p0v, Lv = posterior(tv, prior, ip_data) # Normalise. p0v = p0v/np.trapz(p0v,tv) Lv = Lv/np.trapz(Lv,tv) pv = pv/np.trapz(pv,tv) # Plot. fig, ax = myfigure() ax.plot(tv, pv, label='posterior') ax.plot(tv, Lv, label='likelihood') ax.plot(tv, p0v, label='prior') plt.axvline(x=np.log(ip_data['lam']), color='c', label='truth') ax.set_xlabel('theta') ax.set_ylabel('probability density') leg = ax.legend();
def hist_plot(hist, bin_centres): """ Plot a histogram of the input Markov chain. Parameters: ----------- hist : array Probability density values. bin_centres : array Bin centre values. Returns: -------- Plot the input histogram. """ # Plot histogram (manually). fig, ax = myfigure() ax.plot(bin_centres, hist, label='posterior') plt.axvline(x=np.log(ip_data['lam']), color='r', label='truth') ax.set_xlabel('theta') ax.set_ylabel('probability density') leg = ax.legend();
pv = np.zeros((3, Nt)) # Evaluate posterior. for n in range(Nt): pv[0, n], p0v[0, n], dummy1 = util.posterior(tv[n], prior1, ip_data) pv[1, n], p0v[1, n], dummy2 = util.posterior(tv[n], prior2, ip_data) pv[2, n], p0v[2, n], dummy3 = util.posterior(tv[n], prior3, ip_data) # Normalise. for i in range(3): p0v[i] = p0v[i] / np.trapz(p0v[i], tv) pv[i] = pv[i] / np.trapz(pv[i], tv) ## PLOT fig, ax = myfigure() ax.plot(tv, pv[0], '-b', label='posterior1') ax.plot(tv, p0v[0], ':b', label='prior1') ax.plot(tv, pv[1], '-r', label='posterior2') ax.plot(tv, p0v[1], ':r', label='prior2') ax.plot(tv, pv[2], '-g', label='posterior3') ax.plot(tv, p0v[2], ':g', label='prior3') plt.axvline(x=np.log(ip_data['lam']), color='c', label='truth') ax.set_xlabel('theta') ax.set_ylabel('probability density') leg = ax.legend()
## ---------- ## PLOT DATA: ## ---------- # Spatial locations (plotting). x = np.linspace(0,1,50) # Matrix representation of noisy data. d_mat = np.reshape(ip_data['d'],(ip_data['nt'],ip_data['nx'])) # Labels for y-axes. ylabs = ['u(x,0)', 'u(x,T/3)','u(x,2T/3)','u(x,T)'] # Initiate 2x2 plot. fig, ax = myfigure(nrows=2, ncols=2) for i,axi in enumerate(ax): if i == 0: # Initial data. axi.plot(x, np.squeeze(uxt(x,0,ip_data['lam']))) else: # Measurement times data. axi.plot(x, np.squeeze(uxt(x,ip_data['t_obs'][i-1],ip_data['lam']))) axi.plot(ip_data['x_obs'], d_mat[i-1,:], 'xr') axi.set_xlabel('x') axi.set_ylabel(ylabs[i]) axi.axis([0, 1, 0, 3])