def nsga2_replacement(new_pop, old_pop):
    Replaces the old population with the new population using NSGA-II
    replacement. Both new and old populations are combined, pareto fronts
    and crowding distance are calculated, and the replacement population is
    computed based on crowding distance per pareto front.
    :param new_pop: The new population (e.g. after selection, variation, &
    :param old_pop: The previous generation population.
    :return: The 'POPULATION_SIZE' new population.

    # Combine both populations (R_t = P_t union Q_t)

    # Compute the pareto fronts and crowding distance
    pareto = compute_pareto_metrics(new_pop)

    # Size of the new population
    pop_size = params['POPULATION_SIZE']

    # New population to replace the last one
    temp_pop, i = [], 0

    while len(temp_pop) < pop_size:
        # Populate the replacement population

        if len(pareto.fronts[i]) <= pop_size - len(temp_pop):

            # Sort the current pareto front with respect to crowding distance.
            pareto.fronts[i] = sorted(
                key=lambda item: pareto.crowding_distance[item])

            # Get number of individuals to add in temp to achieve the pop_size
            diff_size = pop_size - len(temp_pop)

            # Extend the replacement population

        # Increment counter.
        i += 1

    return temp_pop
Exemplo n.º 2
def nsga2_replacement(new_pop, old_pop):
    Replaces the old population with the new population using NSGA-II
    replacement. Both new and old populations are combined, pareto fronts
    and crowding distance are calculated, and the replacement population is
    computed based on crowding distance per pareto front.
    :param new_pop: The new population (e.g. after selection, variation, &
    :param old_pop: The previous generation population.
    :return: The 'POPULATION_SIZE' new population.

    # Combine both populations (R_t = P_t union Q_t)

    # Compute the pareto fronts and crowding distance
    pareto = compute_pareto_metrics(new_pop)

    # Size of the new population
    pop_size = params['POPULATION_SIZE']

    # New population to replace the last one
    temp_pop, i = [], 0

    while len(temp_pop) < pop_size:
        # Populate the replacement population
        if len(pareto.fronts[i]) <= pop_size - len(temp_pop):
            # Sort the current pareto front with respect to crowding distance.
            pareto.fronts[i] = sorted(pareto.fronts[i],
                                      key=lambda item:
            # Get number of individuals to add in temp to achieve the pop_size
            diff_size = pop_size - len(temp_pop)
            # Extend the replacement population
        # Increment counter.
        i += 1
    return temp_pop
Exemplo n.º 3
def nsga2_selection(population):
    """Apply NSGA-II selection operator on the *population*. Usually, the
    size of *population* will be larger than *k* because any individual
    present in *population* will appear in the returned list at most once.
    Having the size of *population* equals to *k* will have no effect other
    than sorting the population according to their front rank. The
    list returned contains references to the input *population*. For more
    details on the NSGA-II operator see [Deb2002]_.
    :param population: A population from which to select individuals.
    :returns: A list of selected individuals.
    .. [Deb2002] Deb, Pratab, Agarwal, and Meyarivan, "A fast elitist
       non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm for multi-objective
       optimization: NSGA-II", 2002.

    selection_size = params['GENERATION_SIZE']
    tournament_size = params['TOURNAMENT_SIZE']

    # Initialise list of tournament winners.
    winners = []

    # The flag "INVALID_SELECTION" allows for selection of invalid individuals.
    if params['INVALID_SELECTION']:
        available = population
        available = [i for i in population if not i.invalid]

    # Compute pareto front metrics.
    pareto = compute_pareto_metrics(available)

    while len(winners) < selection_size:
        # Return the single best competitor.
        winners.append(pareto_tournament(available, pareto, tournament_size))

    return winners
Exemplo n.º 4
def nsga2_selection(population):
    """Apply NSGA-II selection operator on the *population*. Usually, the
    size of *population* will be larger than *k* because any individual
    present in *population* will appear in the returned list at most once.
    Having the size of *population* equals to *k* will have no effect other
    than sorting the population according to their front rank. The
    list returned contains references to the input *population*. For more
    details on the NSGA-II operator see [Deb2002]_.
    :param population: A population from which to select individuals.
    :returns: A list of selected individuals.
    .. [Deb2002] Deb, Pratab, Agarwal, and Meyarivan, "A fast elitist
       non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm for multi-objective
       optimization: NSGA-II", 2002.

    selection_size = params['GENERATION_SIZE']
    tournament_size = params['TOURNAMENT_SIZE']

    # Initialise list of tournament winners.
    winners = []

    # The flag "INVALID_SELECTION" allows for selection of invalid individuals.
    if params['INVALID_SELECTION']:
        available = population
        available = [i for i in population if not i.invalid]

    # Compute pareto front metrics.
    pareto = compute_pareto_metrics(available)

    while len(winners) < selection_size:
        # Return the single best competitor.
        winners.append(pareto_tournament(available, pareto, tournament_size))

    return winners
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_moo_stats(individuals, end):
    Generate the statistics for an evolutionary run with multiple objectives.
    Save statistics to utilities.trackers.stats_list. Print statistics. Save
    fitness plot information.

    :param individuals: A population of individuals for which to generate
    :param end: Boolean flag for indicating the end of an evolutionary run.
    :return: Nothing.

    # Compute the pareto front metrics for the population.
    pareto = compute_pareto_metrics(individuals)

    # Save first front in trackers. Sort arbitrarily along first objective.
    trackers.best_ever = sorted(pareto.fronts[0], key=lambda x:[0])

    # Store stats about pareto fronts.
    stats['pareto_fronts'] = len(pareto.fronts)
    stats['first_front'] = len(pareto.fronts[0])

    if end or params['VERBOSE'] or not params['DEBUG']:
        # Update all stats.
        update_stats(individuals, end)

    # Save fitness plot information
    if params['SAVE_PLOTS'] and not params['DEBUG']:

        # Initialise empty array for fitnesses for all inds on first pareto
        # front.
        all_arr = [[] for _ in range(params['FITNESS_FUNCTION'].num_obj)]

        # Generate array of fitness values.
        fitness_array = [ for ind in trackers.best_ever]

        # Add paired fitnesses to array for graphing.
        for fit in fitness_array:
            for o in range(params['FITNESS_FUNCTION'].num_obj):

        if not end:

            # Append empty array to best fitness list.

            # Get best fitness for each objective.
            for o, ff in \

                # Get sorted list of all fitness values for objective "o"
                fits = sorted(all_arr[o], reverse=ff.maximise)

                # Append best fitness to trackers list.

        if params['VERBOSE'] or end:

            # Plot best fitness for each objective.
            for o, ff in \
                to_plot = [i[o] for i in trackers.best_fitness_list]

                # Plot fitness data for objective o.
                plotname = ff.__class__.__name__ + str(o)

                save_plot_from_data(to_plot, plotname)

            # TODO: PonyGE2 can currently only plot moo problems with 2 objectives.
            # Check that the number of fitness objectives is not greater than 2
            if params['FITNESS_FUNCTION'].num_obj > 2:
                s = "stats.stats.get_moo_stats\n" \
                    "Warning: Plotting of more than 2 simultaneous " \
                    "objectives is not yet enabled in PonyGE2."


    # Print statistics
    if params['VERBOSE'] and not end:

    elif not params['SILENT']:
        # Print simple display output.
        perc = stats['gen'] / (params['GENERATIONS'] + 1) * 100
        stdout.write("Evolution: %d%% complete\r" % perc)

    # Generate test fitness on regression problems
    if hasattr(params['FITNESS_FUNCTION'], "training_test") and end:

        for ind in trackers.best_ever:
            # Iterate over all individuals in the first front.

            # Save training fitness.
            ind.training_fitness = copy(

            # Evaluate test fitness.
            ind.test_fitness = params['FITNESS_FUNCTION'](ind, dist='test')

            # Set main fitness as training fitness.
   = ind.training_fitness

    # Save stats to list.
    if params['VERBOSE'] or (not params['DEBUG'] and not end):

    # Save stats to file.
    if not params['DEBUG']:

        if stats['gen'] == 0:

        save_stats_to_file(stats, end)

        if params['SAVE_ALL']:
            save_first_front_to_file(stats, end, stats['gen'])

        elif params['VERBOSE'] or end:
            save_first_front_to_file(stats, end)

    if end and not params['SILENT']:
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_moo_stats(individuals, end):
    Generate the statistics for an evolutionary run with multiple objectives.
    Save statistics to utilities.trackers.stats_list. Print statistics. Save
    fitness plot information.

    :param individuals: A population of individuals for which to generate
    :param end: Boolean flag for indicating the end of an evolutionary run.
    :return: Nothing.

    # Compute the pareto front metrics for the population.
    pareto = compute_pareto_metrics(individuals)

    # Save first front in trackers. Sort arbitrarily along first objective.
    trackers.best_ever = sorted(pareto.fronts[0], key=lambda x:[0])

    # Store stats about pareto fronts.
    stats['pareto_fronts'] = len(pareto.fronts)
    stats['first_front'] = len(pareto.fronts[0])

    if end or params['VERBOSE'] or not params['DEBUG']:
        # Update all stats.
        update_stats(individuals, end)

    # Save fitness plot information
    if params['SAVE_PLOTS'] and not params['DEBUG']:

        # Initialise empty array for fitnesses for all inds on first pareto
        # front.
        all_arr = [[] for _ in range(params['FITNESS_FUNCTION'].num_obj)]

        # Generate array of fitness values.
        fitness_array = [ for ind in trackers.best_ever]

        # Add paired fitnesses to array for graphing.
        for fit in fitness_array:
            for o in range(params['FITNESS_FUNCTION'].num_obj):

        if not end:

            # Append empty array to best fitness list.

            # Get best fitness for each objective.
            for o, ff in \

                # Get sorted list of all fitness values for objective "o"
                fits = sorted(all_arr[o], reverse=ff.maximise)

                # Append best fitness to trackers list.

        if params['VERBOSE'] or end:

            # Plot best fitness for each objective.
            for o, ff in \
                to_plot = [i[o] for i in trackers.best_fitness_list]

                # Plot fitness data for objective o.
                plotname = ff.__class__.__name__ + str(o)

                save_plot_from_data(to_plot, plotname)

            # TODO: PonyGE2 can currently only plot moo problems with 2 objectives.
            # Check that the number of fitness objectives is not greater than 2
            if params['FITNESS_FUNCTION'].num_obj > 2:
                s = "stats.stats.get_moo_stats\n" \
                    "Warning: Plotting of more than 2 simultaneous " \
                    "objectives is not yet enabled in PonyGE2."


    # Print statistics
    if params['VERBOSE'] and not end:

    elif not params['SILENT']:
        # Print simple display output.
        perc = stats['gen'] / (params['GENERATIONS'] + 1) * 100
        stdout.write("Evolution: %d%% complete\r" % perc)

    # Generate test fitness on regression problems
    if hasattr(params['FITNESS_FUNCTION'], "training_test") and end:

        for ind in trackers.best_ever:
            # Iterate over all individuals in the first front.

            # Save training fitness.
            ind.training_fitness = copy(

            # Evaluate test fitness.
            ind.test_fitness = params['FITNESS_FUNCTION'](ind, dist='test')

            # Set main fitness as training fitness.
   = ind.training_fitness

    # Save stats to list.
    if params['VERBOSE'] or (not params['DEBUG'] and not end):

    # Save stats to file.
    if not params['DEBUG']:

        if stats['gen'] == 0:

        save_stats_to_file(stats, end)

        if params['SAVE_ALL']:
            save_first_front_to_file(stats, end, stats['gen'])

        elif params['VERBOSE'] or end:
            save_first_front_to_file(stats, end)

    if end and not params['SILENT']: