Exemplo n.º 1
def main():

    # Parse commandline arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get layer name, environment and verbosity for gfw-sync.')
    parser.add_argument('--environment', '-e', default='DEV', choices=('DEV', 'PROD'),
                        help='the environment/config files to use for this run')
    parser.add_argument('--layer', '-l', required=True,
                        help='the data layer to process; must match a value for tech_title in the config')
    parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', default='debug', choices=('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error'),
                        help='set verbosity level to print and write to file')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Instantiate logger; write to {dir}\logs
    logging = logger.build_logger(args.verbose)
    logging.info("\n{0}\n{1} v{2}\n{0}\n".format('*' * 50, settings.get_settings(args.environment)['tool_info']['name'],
    logging.critical('Starting | {0}'.format(args.layer))

    # Open the correct sheet of the config table (PROD | DEV) and get the layerdef
    # Config table: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pkJCLNe9HWAHqxQh__s-tYQr9wJzGCb6rmRBPj8yRWI/edit#gid=0
    layerdef = gs.get_layerdef(args.layer, args.environment)

    # Pass the layerdef to the build_layer function
    layer = layer_decision_tree.build_layer(layerdef, args.environment)

    # Update the layer in the output data sources

    # Update the last-updated timestamp in the config table
    gs.update_gs_timestamp(args.layer, args.environment)

    # Delete scratch workspace

    logging.critical('Finished | {0}'.format(args.layer))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def update(self):
        Carry out the standard VectorLayer update for the country-specific data (self._update())
        Then grab the global_layerdef and use that to update the global layer of which this is a part

        # Update the country-specific layer-- same as for a standard vector layer

        # Grab the info about the global layer that we need to update
        global_layerdef = gs.get_layerdef(self.global_layer, self.gfw_env)

        # Update the global layer using it's own layerdef
Exemplo n.º 3
def build_layer(layerdef, gfw_env):
    Used to get a layerdef for our layer of interest, then build a layer object based on the type of layer input
    :param layerdef: a layerdef that defines a layers inputs/outputs from the Google Sheet
    :param gfw_env: the environment in which we're running the script (PROD | DEV)
    :return: a layer object to gfw-sync so that it can call the update method

    if layerdef["type"] == "simple_vector":
        layer = VectorLayer(layerdef)

    elif layerdef["type"] == "raster":
        layer = RasterLayer(layerdef)

    elif layerdef["type"] == "imazon_vector":
        datasource = ImazonDataSource(layerdef)
        layer = VectorLayer(datasource.get_layer())

    elif layerdef["type"] == "gran_chaco_vector":
        datasource = GranChacoDataSource(layerdef)
        layer = VectorLayer(datasource.get_layer())

    elif layerdef["type"] == "hot_osm_export":
        datasource = HotOsmExportDataSource(layerdef)
        layer = VectorLayer(datasource.get_layer())

    elif layerdef["type"] == "wdpa_vector":
        datasource = WDPADatasource(layerdef)
        layer = VectorLayer(datasource.get_layer())

    elif layerdef["type"] == "forest_atlas_vector":
        datasource = ForestAtlasDataSource(layerdef)
        layer = CountryVectorLayer(datasource.get_layer())

    elif layerdef["type"] == "global_forest_change":
        datasource = GlobalForestChange(layerdef)
        layer = GlobalForestChangeLayer(datasource.get_layer())

    elif layerdef["type"] == "country_vector":
        if layerdef['global_layer']:

            # Get the associated layerdef for the global_layer specified by our original dataset of interest
            # This is important because if we updated gab_logging, we also need to updated gfw_logging
            logging.debug('Found a value for global_layer. Validating this input using the VectorLayer schema')
            global_layerdef = gs.get_layerdef(layerdef['global_layer'], gfw_env)

            # Use the output value as the source so that all the tests (validating that the "source" exists etc pass
            # This allows us to leave the source field in the google spreadsheet blank for this dataset, which makes
            # sense. The source for a global layer is made up of a bunch of smaller country layers
            global_layerdef['source'] = global_layerdef['esri_service_output']
            logging.debug('Global layer validation complete')

            layer = CountryVectorLayer(layerdef)

            logging.error('Expecting to find global_layer associated with country_vector but did not.'
                          'If no global_layer associated, this should be classified as simple_vector. Exiting.')

    elif layerdef["type"] == "global_vector":
        logging.error('Please update global vector data by updating a country_vector dataset and specifying '
                      'the global layer in the global_layer column \n Exiting now.')

        logging.error("Layer type {0} unknown".format(layerdef["type"]))

    return layer