Exemplo n.º 1
def test(directory, logger):
     if (os.path.exists(directory) and os.path.isdir(directory)):
        index = utilities.loadIndex(directory)
        objectFilePath = os.path.join(directory, 'objects')
        everythingIsFine = True
        counter = 0
        erroneousPaths = []
        try: #Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission (EAFP) Checks the files to be iterated over exist
            for fileName in os.listdir(objectFilePath):
                filePath = os.path.join(objectFilePath, fileName)
                hash = utilities.createFileSignature(filePath)[2]
                if hash != fileName:
                    logger.warn("This object's hash does not match its filename: " + str(hash)) #logs an unsuccessful run of test function
                    everythingIsFine = False

            for filename, hash in index.items():
                if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(objectFilePath, hash)):
                    logger.warn("This file could not be found in the objects directory: " + hash) #logs an unsuccessful run of test function
                    everythingIsFine = False
                    counter += 1
        except OSError: #throws an error if the files do not exist
            print "Error: The file does not exist!"

        if everythingIsFine and len(erroneousPaths) < 1: #Logs the successful running of test function
            logger.info("All objects' hashes match their filename and all index entries exist as objects in the archive")
        logger.info("The number of valid index entries is: " + str(counter))
         print "The backup archive has not been created! Use 'mybackup init' to initialise the directory before calling 'test'."
Exemplo n.º 2
def backupFile (archiveDir, fileName, index, logger):
    fileHash = utilities.createFileSignature(fileName)[2];
    if (index.has_key(fileName)):
        if (index[fileName] == fileHash):
            logger.debug("Backup file '"+fileName+"' already exists and is up-to-date; skipping.");
        #Check whether the file is already in the index
        #If so, remove the existing file
        canRemove = True;
        for key, value in index.items():
            if (value == fileHash and key != fileName):
                canRemove = False;#Another file exists with the same hash
        if (canRemove and os.path.exists(index[fileName])):
            os.remove(os.path.join(archiveDir, index[fileName]));
        logger.info("Replacing backup file '"+fileName+"'");
    logger.info("Adding new file '"+fileName+"' to backup.");
    index[fileName] = fileHash;
    shutil.copyfile(fileName, os.path.join(archiveDir, fileHash));