Exemplo n.º 1
parser.add_argument("-pp", "--printOnly", help="Print only the commands on screen.",\
  action="store_true", default=False) 

  args = parser.parse_args()
  args = parser.parse_args([0])   # Send strKey=0
  args.strKey = raw_input(" Enter search string: ")
  if( not args.strKey ): sys.exit(1)
# Renaming for convenience ....
sepChar   = args.sepChar
printOn   = args.printOn
printOnly = args.printOnly

fileNos, fileList = filesFromList( "*"+args.strKey+"*" )

for filename in fileList:
  filename_new = reformatNumberInWord(filename, sepChar)
  cmd = 'mv {} {}'.format(filename, filename_new)
  if( printOn or printOnly ):
  if( not printOnly ):
    sb.call(cmd, shell=True)

Exemplo n.º 2
xlims = args.xlims
ylims = args.ylims
logOn = args.log
labelsOn = args.labels
saveFig = args.save

strKey = inputIfNone(strKey, " Enter search string: ")

plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=24)
#plt.rc('ytick.major', size=10)
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=24)
#plt.rc('ytick.minor', size=6)

while 1:

    fileNos, fileList = filesFromList(strKey + "*")

    pfig = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(10., 10.5))
    #pfig = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(6.,8.))
    for fn in fileNos:
        pdict = dict()
        pdict['filename'] = fileList[fn]
        pdict['Cx'] = factorX
        pdict['Cy'] = factorY
        pdict['lm'] = linemode
        pdict['logOn'] = logOn
        pdict['revAxes'] = revAxes
        pdict['xlims'] = xlims
        pdict['ylims'] = ylims

        pfig = plotCiXY(pfig, pdict)
Exemplo n.º 3
                    help="Reference value",
parser.add_argument("-w", "--waveMode", help="Discrete Wave Mode (overrides -v/--var option)",\
  action="store_true", default=False)

args = parser.parse_args()
#print type(args.var), args.var

if (not args.filename):
    fileNos, fileList = filesFromList("*.csv")
        args.filename = fileList[0]
        sys.exit('Could not obtain a valid CSV file. Exiting ...')

if (args.waveMode):
    varList = ["U:1", "U:2", "arc_length"]
    dat = extractFromCSV(args.filename, varList)
    Umag = np.sqrt(dat[0]**2 + dat[1]**2)
    xL = dat[2]
    waveAnalysis(Umag, xL)

    varList = args.var
    v_ref = args.ref
Exemplo n.º 4
fileKey   = args.fileKey
fileout   = args.fileout
filetopo  = args.filetopo
flt       = args.filter
allFiles  = args.allfiles
norm2one  = args.norm2one
printOn   = args.printOn or args.printOnly
printOnly = args.printOnly
vtkOn     = args.vtk

if( vtkOn and (filetopo == '')):
  sys.exit(' Error! VTK results require -ft/--filetopo. Exiting ...')

# Gather footprint data files: 
fileNos, fileList = filesFromList( "*"+fileKey+"*", allFiles )

# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =   #
# xO := origin coords. # xt := target coords. # ut := target speed

Ft = None; Ct = None; Zt = None

for fn in fileNos:

  print(' Processing file: {}'.format(fileList[fn]))

  Fi, X, Y, Z, Ci = readNumpyZFootprint( fileList[fn] )
  Fi *= Ci  # Return the footprint into unscaled state.
  if( Ft is None ):
    Ft = Fi.copy()
Exemplo n.º 5
# Rename ... that's all.
fileRef   = args.fileRef
filesDiff = args.filesDiff
excl      = args.excl

# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =   #
# xO := origin coords. # xt := target coords. # ut := target speed
  Fref, X, Y, Z, C = readNumpyZFootprint( fileRef ) # IdsOn=True
  sys.exit(' Could not read the footprint file: {}'.format(fileRef))

# Gather footprint data files: 
fileNos, fileList = filesFromList( "*"+filesDiff.strip(".npz")+"*.npz" )

for fn in fileNos:
    Fi, X, Y, Z, Ci = readNumpyZFootprint( fileList[fn] )
    sys.exit(' Could not read the footprint file: {}'.format(fileList[fn]))

  # Resolution:
  dPx = np.array([ (X[0,1]-X[0,0]) , (Y[1,0]-Y[0,0]) ])

  # Normalize s.t. global integral becomes one.
  print(' Normalizing the footprints such that SUM(Fp) = 1 ...')
  C1 = 1./np.sum( Fref  * np.prod(dPx));  Fref *= C1
  C2 = 1./np.sum( Fi    * np.prod(dPx));  Fi   *= C2
  print('... done! C1_ref = {} and C2 = {}'.format(C1, C2))
Exemplo n.º 6
fileKey = args.fileKey
outstr = args.outstr
vnames = args.vnames
sname = args.sname
notPrimes = args.notPrimes
nt = args.ntimeskip
cl = abs(int(args.coarse))
Establish two boolean variables which indicate whether the created variable is an
independent or dependent variable in function createNetcdfVariable().
parameter = True
variable = False

# Obtain a list of files to include.
fileNos, fileList = filesFromList(fileKey + '*')
for fn in fileNos:

    fileout = outstr + fileList[fn].split('_')[-1]

    # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = #
    # Read in data.
    dataDict = read3dDataFromNetCDF(fileList[fn], vnames[0], cl)
    up = dataDict['v']
    dataDict = read3dDataFromNetCDF(fileList[fn], vnames[1], cl)
    vp = dataDict['v']
    dataDict = read3dDataFromNetCDF(fileList[fn], vnames[2], cl)
    wp = dataDict['v']

    if (notPrimes):
        # Perform coord. rotation for horizontal components
Exemplo n.º 7
    action="store", default=3)
parser.add_argument("--labels", help="User specified labels.", action="store_true",\
parser.add_argument("--yx", help="Transpose x and y axes.", action="store_true",\

    args = parser.parse_args()
    args = parser.parse_args([0])  # Send strKey=0
    args.strKey = raw_input(" Enter search string: ")
    if (not args.strKey): sys.exit(1)

plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=14)
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=16)

while 1:

    fileNos, fileList = filesFromList(args.strKey)

    pfig = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(8., 8.))
    for fn in fileNos:
        pfig = plotDY(pfig, fileList[fn], args.dim, args.yx)

    if (args.labels):
        pfig = userLabels(pfig)

Exemplo n.º 8
parser.add_argument("-v", "--var", help="Variable Name in RAW-file", nargs='+',\
parser.add_argument("-r","--ref", help="Reference value", nargs='?', type=float,\

args = parser.parse_args()    

print type(args.var), args.var
varList = ["x","y","z"]
varList.extend(args.var)#; print varList
v_ref = args.ref#;         print v_ref

if( not args.filename ):
  fileNos, fileList = filesFromList( "*.raw" )
  filename = fileList[0]
  fileList = [args.filename]

for fx in fileList:
  data = extractFromRAW( fx , varList )

  x=data[0]; y=data[1]; z=data[2]
  v=data[3] # Only one var allow at this point.

  RadiusLimit = 0.616   
  vd = reduceByRadius(x,y,v,Rlim=0.6)

  #strOut = 
  print " "; print sepStr
Exemplo n.º 9
parser.add_argument("-t", "--utmTile", help="Utm tile code (2 chars). For example: P5",\
   type=str, default=None)
parser.add_argument("-s", "--scale", type=float,\
   help="Scale factor for the output. Default=1.", default=1.)
args = parser.parse_args()
writeLog( parser, args, args.printOnly )
# Rename ... that's all.
filename = args.filename 
utmTile  = args.utmTile
bandSelect = args.bandSelect
scale      = args.scale

# If the geotiff file has not been specified, ask specifically.
if( not filename ):
  fileNos, fileList = filesFromList( "*.tif" )
  try: filename = fileList[0]
  except: sys.exit('Could not obtain a valid GEOTIFF file. Exiting ...')

dataset = openGeoTiff( filename )
XOrig, resolution = getGeoTransform( dataset ) # Both 2d arrays. XOrig is Top Left!

nBands = numberOfRasterBands( dataset, True) # PrintOn = True/False

# Ask for the band ID if the user so wants (given that it makes sense)
ib = selectBand( nBands, bandSelect , 1 ) # last argument is for default

rb = getRasterBand( dataset, ib )
Exemplo n.º 10
        v[j] = isolateNumericalValues( data[:,icols[j]] , ['(',')'])
    return v

# ============ === ARGS === =========================== #

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-t","--torgue", help="Plot Torgues", action="store_true",\
parser.add_argument("--labels", help="User specified labels.", action="store_true",\
args = parser.parse_args()

# ============== === MAIN === ======================= #

fileNos, fileList = filesFromList('./postProcessing/forces/*/forces*'  )

Ftot = [[],[],[]]; Ttot =[[],[],[]]
time = []

for fn in fileNos:
    raw = np.loadtxt( fileList[fn], dtype=str )
    ncols = len(raw[0,:])-1  # How many columns of Force data

    t  = np.array( extractColumns( raw , [0,] )[0] )
    Fp = np.array( extractColumns( raw , [1,2,3] ) )
    Fv = np.array( extractColumns( raw , [4,5,6] ) )
    Fo = np.array( extractColumns( raw , [7,8,9] ) )
    Tp = np.array( extractColumns( raw , [10,11,12] ) )
    Tv = np.array( extractColumns( raw , [13,14,15] ) )
    To = np.array( extractColumns( raw , [16,17,18] ) )
Exemplo n.º 11
                    help="Search string for figures (2).")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--printOn", help="Print the renaming commands on screen.",\
  action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_argument("-pp", "--printOnly", help="Print only the commands on screen.",\
  action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_argument("-na", "--noAnim", help="Do not make an animation.",\
  action="store_true", default=False)
args = parser.parse_args()

# Renaming for convenience ....
printOn = args.printOn
printOnly = args.printOnly
noAnimation = args.noAnim

fileNos1, fileList1 = filesFromList("*" + args.fig1 + "*")
fileNos2, fileList2 = filesFromList("*" + args.fig2 + "*")

nfigs = min(len(fileList1), len(fileList2))

for i in range(nfigs):
    cmd = 'montage -mode concatenate -tile 1x2 {0} {1} output_{2:04d}.png'\
      .format(fileList1[i], fileList2[i], i )
    if (printOn or printOnly):
    if (not printOnly):
        sb.call(cmd, shell=True)

if (not noAnimation):
    cmd = 'convert output_* anim.gif '
    if (printOn or printOnly):