Exemplo n.º 1
	def compareShows(self, shows_col1, shows_col2, watched=False, restrict=False):
		shows = []
		p = 'watched' if watched else 'seasons'
		for show_col1 in shows_col1:
			show_col2 = utilities.findShow(show_col1, shows_col2)
			if show_col2:
				season_diff = {}
				show_col2_seasons = show_col2[p]
				for season in show_col1[p]:
					a = show_col1[p][season]
					if season in show_col2_seasons:
						b = show_col2_seasons[season]
						diff = list(set(a).difference(set(b)))
						if len(diff) > 0:
							if restrict:
								t = list(set(show_col2['seasons'][season]).intersection(set(diff)))
								if len(t) > 0:
									eps = {}
									for ep in t:
										eps[ep] = show_col2['seasons'][season][ep]
									season_diff[season] = eps
								eps = {}
								for ep in diff:
									eps[ep] = ep
								season_diff[season] = eps
						if not restrict:
							if len(a) > 0:
								season_diff[season] = a
				if len(season_diff) > 0:
					show = {'title': show_col1['title'], 'tvdb_id': show_col1['tvdb_id'], 'year': show_col1['year'], 'seasons': season_diff}
					if 'imdb_id' in show_col1 and show_col1['imdb_id']:
						show['imdb_id'] = show_col1['imdb_id']
					if 'imdb_id' in show_col2 and show_col2['imdb_id']:
						show['imdb_id'] = show_col2['imdb_id']
					if 'tvshowid' in show_col1:
						show['tvshowid'] = show_col1['tvshowid']
					if 'tvshowid' in show_col2:
						show['tvshowid'] = show_col2['tvshowid']
				if not restrict:
					if 'in_collection' in show_col1 and show_col1['in_collection']:
						if self.countEpisodes([show_col1], watched=watched) > 0:
							show = {'title': show_col1['title'], 'tvdb_id': show_col1['tvdb_id'], 'year': show_col1['year'], 'seasons': show_col1[p]}
							if 'tvshowid' in show_col1:
								show['tvshowid'] = show_col1['tvshowid']
		return shows
Exemplo n.º 2
	def traktLoadShows(self):
		self.updateProgress(10, line1=utilities.getString(1485), line2=utilities.getString(1486))

		Debug('[Episodes Sync] Getting episode collection from trakt.tv')
		library_shows = self.traktapi.getShowLibrary()
		if not isinstance(library_shows, list):
			Debug("[Episodes Sync] Invalid trakt.tv show list, possible error getting data from trakt, aborting trakt.tv collection update.")
			return False

		self.updateProgress(12, line2=utilities.getString(1487))

		Debug('[Episodes Sync] Getting watched episodes from trakt.tv')
		watched_shows = self.traktapi.getWatchedEpisodeLibrary()
		if not isinstance(watched_shows, list):
			Debug("[Episodes Sync] Invalid trakt.tv watched show list, possible error getting data from trakt, aborting trakt.tv watched update.")
			return False

		shows = []
		i = 0
		x = float(len(library_shows))
		# reformat show array
		for show in library_shows:
			if show['title'] is None and show['imdb_id'] is None and show['tvdb_id'] is None:
				# has no identifing values, skip it

			y = {}
			w = {}
			for s in show['seasons']:
				y[s['season']] = s['episodes']
				w[s['season']] = []
			show['seasons'] = y
			show['watched'] = w
			show['in_collection'] = True
			if show['imdb_id'] is None:
				show['imdb_id'] = ""
			if show['tvdb_id'] is None:
				show['tvdb_id'] = ""


			i = i + 1
			y = ((i / x) * 8) + 12
			self.updateProgress(int(y), line2=utilities.getString(1488))

		i = 0
		x = float(len(watched_shows))
		for watched_show in watched_shows:
			if watched_show['title'] is None and watched_show['imdb_id'] is None and watched_show['tvdb_id'] is None:
				# has no identifing values, skip it

			if watched_show['imdb_id'] is None:
				watched_show['imdb_id'] = ""
			if watched_show['tvdb_id'] is None:
				watched_show['tvdb_id'] = ""
			show = utilities.findShow(watched_show, shows)
			if show:
				for s in watched_show['seasons']:
					show['watched'][s['season']] = s['episodes']
				y = {}
				w = {}
				for s in watched_show['seasons']:
					w[s['season']] = s['episodes']
					y[s['season']] = []
				watched_show['seasons'] = y
				watched_show['watched'] = w
				watched_show['in_collection'] = False

			i = i + 1
			y = ((i / x) * 8) + 20
			self.updateProgress(int(y), line2=utilities.getString(1488))

		self.updateProgress(28, line2=utilities.getString(1489))

		return shows