Exemplo n.º 1
def getShortTV(title):
        tvdbid = getShowId()
        if tvdbid:
            log(__name__, 'found show from tvdb: %s' % (tvdbid))
            # get tvshow's url from TVDB's id
            searchurl = 'http://' + apiurl + '/shows/display/' + tvdbid + '.xml?key=' + apikey
            log(__name__, " BetaSeries query : %s" % (searchurl))

            dom = minidom.parse(urllib.urlopen(searchurl))

            if len(dom.getElementsByTagName('url')):
                url = dom.getElementsByTagName('url')[0].childNodes[0]
                url = url.nodeValue
                return [url]

                'show not found from tvdb, try to find from betaseries search')
            searchurl = 'http://' + apiurl + '/shows/search.xml?title=' + urllib.quote(
                title) + '&key=' + apikey
            log(__name__, "search %s on betaseries" % (searchurl))
            dom = minidom.parse(urllib.urlopen(searchurl))
                " found %s shows" % (dom.getElementsByTagName('url').length))
            return [
                for e in dom.getElementsByTagName('url')
    except Exception as inst:
        log(__name__, "Error: %s" % (inst))
def getShortTV(title):
        tvdbid = getShowId()
        if tvdbid:
            log( __name__ , 'found show from tvdb: %s' % (tvdbid))
            # get tvshow's url from TVDB's id
            searchurl = 'http://' + apiurl + '/shows/display/' + tvdbid + '.xml?key=' + apikey
            log( __name__ , " BetaSeries query : %s" % (searchurl))

            dom = minidom.parse(urllib.urlopen(searchurl))

            if len(dom.getElementsByTagName('url')):
                url = dom.getElementsByTagName('url')[0].childNodes[0]
                url = url.nodeValue
                return [url]

            log( __name__ , 'show not found from tvdb, try to find from betaseries search')
            searchurl = 'http://' + apiurl + '/shows/search.xml?title=' + urllib.quote(title) + '&key=' + apikey
            log( __name__ , "search %s on betaseries" % (searchurl))
            dom = minidom.parse(urllib.urlopen(searchurl))
            log( __name__ , " found %s shows" % (dom.getElementsByTagName('url').length) )
            return [ e.childNodes[0].nodeValue for e in dom.getElementsByTagName('url') ]
    except Exception as inst:
        log( __name__, "Error: %s" % (inst))
def XBMC_OriginalTitle(OriginalTitle):
    MovieName =  xbmc.getInfoLabel("VideoPlayer.OriginalTitle")
    if MovieName:
        OriginalTitle = MovieName
        ShowID = getShowId()
        if ShowID:
            HTTPResponse = urllib2.urlopen("http://www.thetvdb.com//data/series/%s/" % str(ShowID)).read()
            if re.findall("<SeriesName>(.*?)</SeriesName>", HTTPResponse, re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL):
                OriginalTitle = re.findall("<SeriesName>(.*?)</SeriesName>", HTTPResponse, re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)[0]
    return OriginalTitle.encode('ascii', 'replace')
Exemplo n.º 4
def XBMC_OriginalTitle(OriginalTitle):
    MovieName = xbmc.getInfoLabel("VideoPlayer.OriginalTitle")
    if MovieName:
        OriginalTitle = MovieName
        ShowID = getShowId()
        if ShowID:
            HTTPResponse = urllib2.urlopen(
                "http://www.thetvdb.com//data/series/%s/" %
            if re.findall("<SeriesName>(.*?)</SeriesName>", HTTPResponse,
                          re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL):
                OriginalTitle = re.findall("<SeriesName>(.*?)</SeriesName>",
                                           re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)[0]
    return OriginalTitle.encode('ascii', 'replace')
Exemplo n.º 5
def getshowid(showname):
    showid = None
    showids = {}
    if os.path.isfile(showids_filename):
        showids_filedata = file(showids_filename, 'r').read()
        showids = eval(showids_filedata)
        if showname in showids:
                __name__, " show id for '%s' is '%s' (from cachefile '%s')" %
                (showname, showids[showname], showids_filename))
            return showids[showname]
    if showid is None:
        tvdbid = getShowId()
        if tvdbid:
            if not overloaded:
                response = apicall("GetShowByTVDBID", [tvdbid])
            if overloaded:
                return None
            if response is not None:
                showid = gettextelements(response, "response/showid")
                if len(showid) == 1:
                        " show id for '%s' is '%s' (found by TVDBid %s)" %
                        (showname, str(showid[0]), tvdbid))
                    showids[showname] = str(showid[0])
                    file(showids_filename, 'w').write(repr(showids))
                    return str(showid[0])
    if not overloaded:
        response = apicall("GetShowByName", [showname])
    if overloaded:
        return None
    if response is not None:
        showid = gettextelements(response, "response/showid")
        if len(showid) == 1:
                " show id for '%s' is '%s'" % (showname, str(showid[0])))
            showids[showname] = str(showid[0])
            file(showids_filename, 'w').write(repr(showids))
            return str(showid[0])
    if (showid is None) and ("'" in showname):
        if not overloaded:
            response = apicall("GetShowByName",
                               [string.replace(showname, "'", "''")])
        if overloaded:
            return None
        if response is not None:
            showid = gettextelements(response, "response/showid")
            if len(showid) == 1:
                    " show id for '%s' is '%s' (replaced ' with '')" %
                    (string.replace(showname, "'", "''"), str(showid[0])))
                showids[showname] = str(showid[0])
                file(showids_filename, 'w').write(repr(showids))
                return str(showid[0])
    okdialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
    ok = okdialog.ok("Error",
                     "Failed to get a show id from Bierdopje for " + showname)
    log(__name__, " failed to get a show id for '%s'" % showname)
    return None