Exemplo n.º 1
    def post(self):
        # add new post or edit existed post
        t_values = {}
        current_post_id = self.request.POST["current_post_id"]
        post_title = self.request.POST["blog_title"]
        post_slug = get_safe_slug(self.request.POST["blog_slug"])
        post_content = self.request.POST["blog_content"]
        # find category
        blog_category_id = self.request.POST["blog_category_id"]
        post_category = Category.get_by_id(long(blog_category_id))
        if post_category:
            logging.info("find category %s for id %s" % (post_category.name, blog_category_id))
            logging.error("category id %s can't be located" % (blog_category_id))

        if current_post_id:
            logging.info("PostManager: post : edit post current_post_id = %s" % (current_post_id))
            # update existed post
            post = Entry.get_by_id(long(current_post_id))
            if post:
                t_values['alert_message'] = "Post %s has been updated!" % (post.title)
                post.title = post_title
                post.slug = post_slug
                post.content = post_content
                post.entrytype = "post"
                # update category count if this post is public
                if post.is_external_page and post.category != post_category:
                    if post.category and (post.category.entrycount > 0):
                        post.category.entrycount -= 1
                    post_category.entrycount += 1
                post.category = post_category
            logging.info("PostManager: post : new post title %s" % (self.request.POST['blog_title']))
            # create new post
            post = Entry()
            post.title = post_title
            post.slug = post_slug
            post.content = post_content
            post.entrytype = 'post'
            post.category = post_category
            # save as public or private?
            operation = self.request.POST["submit_action"]
            if operation == "save_publish":
                post.is_external_page = True
                # update category count
                post.category.entrycount += 1
            else:  # "save" operation
                post.is_external_page = False
            # save the post
            t_values['alert_message'] = "Post %s has been created!" % (post.title)

        # show all posts
        posts = Entry.all().filter("entrytype =", 'post')
        t_values['posts'] = posts
        return self.response.out.write(render_template("posts.html", t_values, "", True))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def post(self):
        t_values = {}
        # add new post or edit existed post
        current_post_id = self.request.POST["current_post_id"]
        if current_post_id:
            logging.info("PageManager: post : current_post_id = %s" % (current_post_id))
            # update existed post
            post = Entry.get_by_id(long(current_post_id))
            if post:
                t_values['alert_message'] = "Post %s has been updated!" % (post.title)
                post.title = self.request.POST["blog_title"]
                post.slug = get_safe_slug(self.request.POST["blog_slug"])
                post.content = self.request.POST["blog_content"]
                post.entrytype = 'page'

            logging.info("PageManager: post : new post title %s" % (self.request.POST['blog_title']))
            # create new post
            post = Entry()
            post.title = self.request.POST["blog_title"]
            post.slug = get_safe_slug(self.request.POST["blog_slug"])
            post.content = self.request.POST["blog_content"]
            # post.categories = self.request.POST["blog_categories"]
            operation = self.request.POST["submit_action"]
            logging.info("operation = %s" % (operation))
            if operation == "save_publish":
                post.is_external_page = True
            else:  # "save" operation
                post.is_external_page = False
            post.entrytype = 'page'

            t_values['alert_message'] = "Page %s: %s has been created!" % (post.title, post.entrytype)

        # show all posts
        posts = Entry.all().filter("entrytype =", 'page')
        t_values['posts'] = posts
        return self.response.out.write(render_template("pages.html", t_values, "", True))