Exemplo n.º 1
    def riverErosion(self, river):
        '''Simulate erosion in heightmap based on river path.
            * current location must be equal to or less than previous location
            * riverbed is carved out by % of volume/flow
            * sides of river are also eroded to slope into riverbed.
        # erosion of riverbed itself
        maxElevation = 1.0
        minElevation = 0.0
        for r in river:
            rx, ry = r
            if self.heightmap[rx, ry] < maxElevation:
                maxElevation = self.heightmap[rx, ry]
            minElevation = maxElevation * 0.99
            maxElevation = random.uniform(minElevation, maxElevation)
            self.heightmap[rx, ry] = maxElevation

        # erosion around river, create river valley
        for r in river:
            rx, ry = r
            radius = 2
            for x in range(rx - radius, rx + radius):
                for y in range(ry - radius, ry + radius):
                    if not self.wrap and utilities.outOfBounds([x, y], self.size):  # ignore edges of map
                    x, y = utilities.overflow(x, self.worldW), utilities.overflow(y, self.worldH)
                    curve = 1.0
                    if [x, y] == [0, 0]:  # ignore center
                    if [x, y] in river:  # ignore river itself
                    if self.heightmap[x, y] <= self.heightmap[rx, ry]:  # ignore areas lower than river itself
                    if not utilities.inCircle(radius, rx, ry, x, y):  # ignore things outside a circle

                    adx, ady = math.fabs(rx - x), math.fabs(ry - y)
                    if adx == 1 or ady == 1:
                        curve = 0.2
                    elif adx == 2 or ady == 2:
                        curve = 0.05

                    diff = self.heightmap[rx, ry] - self.heightmap[x, y]
                    newElevation = self.heightmap[x, y] + (diff * curve)
                    if newElevation <= self.heightmap[rx, ry]:
                        print('newElevation is <= than river, fix me...')
                        newElevation = self.heightmap[x, y]
                    self.heightmap[x, y] = newElevation
Exemplo n.º 2
    def findLowerElevation(self, source):
        '''Try to find a lower elevation with in a range of an increasing
        circle's radius and try to find the best path and return it'''
        x, y = source
        currentRadius = 1
        maxRadius = 40
        lowestElevation = self.heightmap[x, y]
        destination = []
        notFound = True
        isWrapped = False
        wrapped = []

        while notFound and currentRadius <= maxRadius:
            for cx in range(-currentRadius, currentRadius + 1):
                for cy in range(-currentRadius, currentRadius + 1):
                    rx, ry = x + cx, y + cy
                    # are we within bounds?
                    if not self.wrap and utilities.outOfBounds([rx, ry], self.size):

                    # are we within a circle?
                    if not utilities.inCircle(currentRadius, x, y, rx, ry):
                    rx, ry = utilities.overflow(rx, self.worldW), utilities.overflow(ry, self.worldH)

#                    if utilities.outOfBounds([x+cx, y+cy], self.size):
#                        print "Fixed:",x ,y,  rx, ry

                    elevation = self.heightmap[rx, ry]
                    if elevation < lowestElevation: # have we found a lower elevation?
                        lowestElevation = elevation
                        destination = [rx, ry]
                        notFound = False
                        if utilities.outOfBounds([x+cx, y+cy], self.size):

            currentRadius += 1
        if destination in wrapped:
            isWrapped = True
#            print "Wrapped lower elevation found:", rx, ry, "!"
        return isWrapped, destination
Exemplo n.º 3
    def isRiverNearby(self, radius, tryX, tryY):
        ''' return true if there is a river in the range of radius from
        source '''
        for x in range(-radius, radius + 1):
            for y in range(-radius, radius + 1):

                # are we within bounds?
                if utilities.outOfBounds({'x': tryX + x, 'y': tryY + y}, self.size):

                # are we within a circle?
                if not utilities.inCircle(radius, tryX, tryY, tryX + x, tryY + y):

                # found a river?
                if self.riverMap[tryX + x, tryY + y] > 0.0:
                    return True

        # no river found
        return False
Exemplo n.º 4
    def riverFlow(self, source):
        '''simulate fluid dynamics by using starting point and flowing to the
        lowest available point'''
        currentLocation = source
        path = [source]

        # start the flow
        while True:
            x, y = currentLocation
            lowerElevation = None
            quickSection = None            
            isWrapped = False

            for dx, dy in DIR_NEIGHBORS:  # is there a river nearby, flow into it
                ax, ay = x + dx, y + dy
                if self.wrap:
                    ax, ay = utilities.overflow(ax, self.worldW), utilities.overflow(ay, self.worldH)
                for river in self.riverList:
                    if [ax, ay] in river:
                        #print "Found another river at:", x, y, " -> ", ax, ay, " Thus, using that river's path."
                        merge = False
                        for rx, ry in river:
                            if [ax, ay] == [rx, ry]:
                                merge = True
                                path.append([rx, ry])
                            elif merge == True:
                                path.append([rx, ry])
                        return path  # skip the rest, return path

            # found a sea?
            #print "Flowing to...",x,y
            if self.heightmap[x, y] <= self.seaLevel:

            # find our immediate lowest elevation and flow there
            quickSection = self.findQuickPath(currentLocation)

            if quickSection:
                currentLocation = quickSection
                continue # stop here and enter back into loop
            isWrapped, lowerElevation = self.findLowerElevation(currentLocation)
            if lowerElevation and not isWrapped:
                lowerPath = None                                   
                lowerPath = aStar.pathFinder().find(self.heightmap, currentLocation, lowerElevation)            
                if lowerPath:
                    path += lowerPath
                    currentLocation = path[-1]
            elif lowerElevation and isWrapped:
                #TODO: make this more natural
                maxRadius = 40
                wrappedX = wrappedY = False
#                print 'Found a lower elevation on wrapped path, searching path!'
#                print 'We go from',currentLocation,'to',lowerElevation
                cx,cy = currentLocation
                lx,ly = lowerElevation
                nx,ny = lowerElevation
                if (x < 0 or y < 0 or x > self.worldW or y > self.worldH):
                    print("BUG: fix me... we shouldn't be here:", currentLocation, lowerElevation)
                if not utilities.inCircle(maxRadius, cx, cy, lx, cy):
                    # are we wrapping on x axis?
                    #print "We found wrapping along x-axis"
                    if cx-lx < 0:
                        lx = 0 # move to left edge
                        nx = self.worldW-1 # next step is wrapped around
                        lx = self.worldW-1 # move to right edge
                        nx = 0 # next step is wrapped around
                    ly = ny = int( (cy+ly)/2 ) # move halfway
                elif not utilities.inCircle(maxRadius, cx, cy, cx, ly):
                    # are we wrapping on y axis?
#                    print "We found wrapping along y-axis"
                    if cy-ly < 0:
                        ly = 0 # move to top edge
                        ny = self.worldH-1 # next step is wrapped around
                        ly = self.worldH-1 # move to bottom edge
                        ny = 0 # next step is wrapped around
                    lx = nx = int( (cx+lx)/2 ) # move halfway
#                    print "BUG: fix me... we are not in circle:", currentLocation, lowerElevation
                # find our way to the edge
                edgePath = None  
                edgePath = aStar.pathFinder().find(self.heightmap, [cx,cy], [lx,ly])
                if not edgePath:
#                    print "We've reached the end of this river, we cannot get through."
                    # can't find another other path, make it a lake
                path += edgePath # add our newly found path
                path.append([nx,ny]) # finally add our overflow to other side
                currentLocation = path[-1]
#                print "Path found from ", [cx,cy], 'to', [lx,ly], 'via:'
#                print edgePath
#                print "We then wrap on: ", [nx, ny]
                # find our way to lowest position original found
                lowerPath = aStar.pathFinder().find(self.heightmap, currentLocation, lowerElevation)
                path += lowerPath
                currentLocation = path[-1]
#                print "We then go to our destination: ", lowerElevation
#                print lowerPath
#                print " "                    
#                print "Full path begin and end ", path[0], path[-1]
                hx,hy = path[0]
                hlx,hly = path[-1]
#                print "Elevations: ", self.heightmap[hx,hy], self.heightmap[hlx,hly]
#                print "Erosion: ", self.erosionMap[hx,hy], self.erosionMap[hlx,hly]
#                print " "
            else: # can't find any other path, make it a lake
                break # end of river
            if utilities.outOfBounds(currentLocation, self.size):
                print("Why are we here:",currentLocation)

        return path
Exemplo n.º 5
    def riverSources(self):
        '''Find places on map where sources of river can be found'''
        riverSourceList = []
        if self.waterFlow is None:
            # Version 1, is 'good enough' but we can do better.          
            square = 32
            # square = int(math.log(self.worldH, 2)**2)
            # iterate through map and mark river sources
            for x in range(0, self.worldW - 1, square):
                for y in range(0, self.worldH - 1, square):
                    # print 'Ranges: ', x, y, square+x, square+y    
                    # find random location
                    sources = []
                    for sx in range(x, x + square):
                        for sy in range(y, y + square):
                            if not self.wrap and utilities.outOfBounds([sx, sy], self.size):
                            # convert to wrap around
                            sx, sy = utilities.overflow(sx, self.worldW), utilities.overflow(sy, self.worldH)
                            if self.heightmap[sx, sy] < BIOME_ELEVATION_HILLS or \
                                self.heightmap[sx, sy] > BIOME_ELEVATION_MOUNTAIN_LOW:
                            sources.append([sx, sy])
                    # print len(sources), sources
                    if sources:
                        # print "Possible sources: ", len(sources)
                        source = sources[random.randint(0, len(sources))]
                        # print "River source: ", source
            # Version 2, with rainfall
            #  Using the wind and rainfall data, create river 'seeds' by 
            #     flowing rainfall along paths until a 'flow' threshold is reached
            #     and we have a beginning of a river... trickle->stream->river->sea

            # step one: Using flow direction, follow the path for each cell
            #     adding the previous cell's flow to the current cell's flow.
            # step two: We loop through the water flow map looking for cells 
            #     above the water flow threshold. These are our river sources and
            #     we mark them as rivers. While looking, the cells with no
            #     out-going flow, above water flow threshold and are still 
            #     above sea level are marked as 'sources'.
            for x in range(0, self.worldW - 1):
                for y in range(0, self.worldH - 1):
                    rainFall = self.rainMap[x, y]
                    self.waterFlow[x, y] = rainFall

                    if self.waterPath[x, y] == 0:
                        continue  # ignore cells without flow direction
                    cx, cy = x, y  # begin with starting location
                    neighbourSeedFound = False
                    while not neighbourSeedFound:  # follow flow path to where it may lead

                        # have we found a seed?
                        if self.heightmap[cx, cy] >= BIOME_ELEVATION_HILLS_LOW and \
                            self.heightmap[cx, cy] <= BIOME_ELEVATION_MOUNTAIN_LOW and \
                            self.waterFlow[cx, cy] >= 10.0:

                            # try not to create seeds around other seeds
                            for seed in riverSourceList:
                                sx, sy = seed
                                if utilities.inCircle(9, cx, cy, sx, sy):
                                    neighbourSeedFound = True
                            if neighbourSeedFound:
                                break  # we do not want seeds for neighbors

                            riverSourceList.append([cx, cy])  # river seed
                            # self.riverMap[cx,cy] = self.waterFlow[cx,cy] #temp: mark it on map to see 'seed'

                        # no path means dead end...
                        if self.waterPath[cx, cy] == 0:
                            break  # break out of loop

                        # follow path, add water flow from previous cell                            
                        dx, dy = DIR_NEIGHBORS_CENTER[self.waterPath[cx, cy]]
                        nx, ny = cx + dx, cy + dy  # calculate next cell
                        self.waterFlow[nx, ny] += rainFall
                        cx, cy = nx, ny  # set current cell to next cell 
        return riverSourceList