Exemplo n.º 1
def samples():
    email = session.get('email', None)
    api_key = session.get('api_key', None)
    api = MetpetAPI(email, api_key).api

    filters = ast.literal_eval(json.dumps(request.args))
    offset = request.args.get('offset', 0)
    filters['offset'] = offset
    data = api.sample.get(params=filters)

    next, previous, last, total_count = paginate_model('samples', data, filters)

    samples = data.data['objects']
    for sample in samples:
        if 'minerals' in samples:
            mineral_names = [mineral['name'] for mineral in sample['minerals']]
            sample['mineral_list'] = (', ').join(mineral_names)

    first_page_filters = filters
    del first_page_filters['offset']

    if filters:
        first_page_url = url_for('samples') + '?' + urlencode(first_page_filters)
        first_page_url = url_for('samples') + urlencode(first_page_filters)

    return render_template('samples.html',
Exemplo n.º 2
def chemical_analyses():
    email = session.get('email', None)
    api_key = session.get('api_key', None)
    api = MetpetAPI(email, api_key).api

    filters = ast.literal_eval(json.dumps(request.args))
    offset = request.args.get('offset', 0)
    filters['offset'] = offset

    data = api.chemical_analysis.get(params=filters)
    next, previous, last, total_count = paginate_model('chemical_analyses',
                                                        data, filters)
    chemical_analyses = data.data['objects']

    first_page_filters = filters
    del first_page_filters['offset']

    if filters:
        first_page_url = url_for('chemical_analyses') + '?' + urlencode(first_page_filters)
        first_page_url = url_for('chemical_analyses') + urlencode(first_page_filters)

    return render_template('chemical_analyses.html',
Exemplo n.º 3
def chemical_analyses():
    api = drest.API(baseurl=env('API_DRF_HOST'))

    next = previous = last = total_count = None
    filters = literal_eval(json.dumps(request.args))
    filters['format'] = 'json'

    chemicals = api.make_request('GET', '/chemical_analyses/',
    chem_results = chemicals['results']
    next, previous, last, total_count = paginate_model('chemical-analyses',
                                                       chemicals, filters)

    for c in chem_results:
        c['sample'] = api.make_request('GET',
                                       '/samples/' + c['subsample']['sample'],
                                           'fields': 'number',
                                           'format': 'json'
        if c['analysis_date']:
            c['analysis_date'] = c['analysis_date'][:-10]

    return render_template('chemical_analyses.html',
                           first_page=url_for('chemical-analyses') + '?' +
Exemplo n.º 4
def samples():
    api = drest.API(baseurl=env('API_DRF_HOST'))

    next = previous = last = total_count = None
    filters = literal_eval(json.dumps(request.args))
    filters['format'] = 'json'

    samples = api.make_request('GET', '/samples/', params=filters).data
    sample_results = samples['results']
    next, previous, last, total_count = paginate_model('samples', samples,

    for s in sample_results:
        pos = s['location_coords'].split(" ")
        s['location_coords'] = [
            round(float(pos[2].replace(")", "")), 5),
            round(float(pos[1].replace("(", "")), 5)
        s['minerals'] = (', ').join([m['name'] for m in s['minerals']])
        if s['collection_date']:
            s['collection_date'] = s['collection_date'][:-10]

    return render_template('samples.html',
                           showmap='showmap' in filters,
                           first_page=url_for('samples') + '?' +
Exemplo n.º 5
def chemical_analyses():
    #similar to samples
    filters = dict(request.args)
    for key in filters.keys():
        f = ""
        for i in range(len(filters[key])):
            if filters[key][i]:
                f += str(filters[key][i])+','
        if f:
            filters[key] = f[:-1]
            del filters[key]
    filters["format"] = "json"
    if "minerals_and" in filters:
        del filters["minerals_and"]

    headers = None
    if session.get("auth_token", None):
        headers = {"Authorization": "Token "+session.get("auth_token")}
        filters["public_data"] = True

    ##MAKES Chemicals private visible to uploaders
    chemicals = get(env("API_HOST")+"chemical_analyses/", params = filters,headers=headers).json()
    chem_results = chemicals["results"]
    next_url, prev_url, last_page, total = paginate_model("chemical_analyses", chemicals, filters)

    #collect sample ids and corresponding names
    samples = set()
    for c in chem_results:
    samples = get(env("API_HOST")+"samples/", params = {"fields": "number,id",
        "ids": (",").join(list(samples)), "format": "json"}, headers = headers).json()["results"]
    numbers = {}
    for s in samples:
        numbers[s["id"]] = s

    for c in chem_results:
        c["sample"] = numbers[c["subsample"]["sample"]]
        if c["analysis_date"]:
            c["analysis_date"] = c["analysis_date"][:-10]

    return render_template("chemical_analyses.html",
        chemical_analyses = chem_results,
        total = total,
        next_url = next_url,
        prev_url = prev_url,
        first_page = url_for("chemical_analyses")+"?"+urlencode(filters),
        last_page = last_page,
        auth_token = session.get("auth_token",None),
        email = session.get("email",None),
        name = session.get("name",None)
Exemplo n.º 6
def chemical_analyses():
    #similar to samples
    filters = dict(request.args)
    for key in filters.keys():
        f = ""
        for i in range(len(filters[key])):
            if filters[key][i]:
                f += str(filters[key][i])+','
        if f:
            filters[key] = f[:-1]
            del filters[key]
    filters["format"] = "json"
    if "minerals_and" in filters:
        del filters["minerals_and"]

    headers = None
    if session.get("auth_token", None):
        headers = {"Authorization": "Token "+session.get("auth_token")}
        filters["public_data"] = True

    chemicals = get(env("API_HOST")+"chemical_analyses/", params = filters).json()
    chem_results = chemicals["results"]
    next_url, prev_url, last_page, total = paginate_model("chemical_analyses", chemicals, filters)

    #collect sample ids and corresponding names
    samples = set()
    for c in chem_results:
    samples = get(env("API_HOST")+"samples/", params = {"fields": "number,id",
        "ids": (",").join(list(samples)), "format": "json"}, headers = headers).json()["results"]
    numbers = {}
    for s in samples:
        numbers[s["id"]] = s

    for c in chem_results:
        c["sample"] = numbers[c["subsample"]["sample"]]
        if c["analysis_date"]:
            c["analysis_date"] = c["analysis_date"][:-10]

    return render_template("chemical_analyses.html",
        chemical_analyses = chem_results,
        total = total,
        next_url = next_url,
        prev_url = prev_url,
        first_page = url_for("chemical_analyses")+"?"+urlencode(filters),
        last_page = last_page,
        auth_token = session.get("auth_token",None),
        email = session.get("email",None),
        name = session.get("name",None)
Exemplo n.º 7
def samples():
    #filters sent as parameters to API calls
    #only return public data samples if not logged in
    filters = dict(request.args)
    for key in filters.keys():
        if key == "polygon_coords" and filters[key][0]:
            coords = filters[key][0][1:-1].split("],[")
            filters[key] = ["[["+("],[").join(coords)+"]]"]
            filters["polygon_coord"] = []
        filters[key] = (',').join([e for e in filters[key] if e and e[0]])
        if not filters[key]:
            del filters[key]
    filters["format"] = "json"

    #get sample data and use meta data to get pagination urls
    samples = get(env("API_HOST")+"samples/", params = filters).json()
    sample_results = samples["results"]
    next_url, prev_url, last_page, total = paginate_model("samples", samples, filters)

    #split location into (rounded!) latitude and longitude
    #make string of minerals for ... look and clean up date
    for s in sample_results:
        pos = s["location_coords"].split(" ")
        s["location_coords"] = [round(float(pos[2].replace(")","")),5),round(float(pos[1].replace("(","")),5)]
        s["minerals"] = (", ").join([m["name"] for m in s["minerals"]])
        if s["collection_date"]:
            s["collection_date"] = s["collection_date"][:-10]

    return render_template("samples.html",
        samples = sample_results,
        showmap = "showmap" in filters,
        extends = "render" in filters,
        total = total,
        next_url = next_url,
        prev_url = prev_url,
        first_page = url_for("samples")+"?"+urlencode(filters),
        last_page = last_page,
        auth_token = session.get("auth_token",None),
        email = session.get("email",None),
        name = session.get("name",None)
Exemplo n.º 8
def samples():
    #filters sent as parameters to API calls
    #only return public data samples if not logged in
    filters = dict(request.args)
    tmp_var = 0
    print("Pre-processing filters")

    for key in filters.keys():
        # Key is a map polygon
        if key == "polygon_coords" and filters[key][0]:
            # List of coordinate point strings; remove trailing comma, starting/trailing bracket,
            #   and split into coordinate points
            coords = filters[key][0].strip(',').strip('[').strip(']').split('],[')
            # Tack the first coordinate on to the end of the list so that the coordinates
            #   form a closed loop
            # Reassemble coordinates to be a list of two-element lists
            coords = '[[' + ('],[').join(coords) + ']]'
            filters[key] = coords
        # Unnecessary, empty, or blank key
        elif key == "polygon_coord" or not filters[key] or filters[key] == '' or filters[key][0] == '':
            del filters[key]
        # Any other key
            # Turn list into a comma-separated string
            filters[key] = (',').join([e for e in filters[key] if e and e[0]])

    print("Post-processing filters:")
    filters["format"] = "json"

    #get sample data and use meta data to get pagination urls
    samples = get(env("API_HOST")+"samples/", params = filters).json()
    # print samples
        sample_results = samples["results"]
            error = samples["error"]
            print error
            samples = {}
            samples = {}

    next_url, prev_url, last_page, total = paginate_model("samples", samples, filters)

    #split location into (rounded!) latitude and longitude
    #make string of minerals for ... look and clean up date
    for s in sample_results:
        pos = s["location_coords"].split(" ")
        s["location_coords"] = [round(float(pos[2].replace(")","")),5),round(float(pos[1].replace("(","")),5)]
        s["minerals"] = (", ").join([m["name"] for m in s["minerals"]])
        if s["collection_date"]:
            s["collection_date"] = s["collection_date"][:-10]

    return render_template("samples.html",
        samples = sample_results,
        showmap = "showmap" in filters,
        extends = "render" in filters,
        total = total,
        next_url = next_url,
        prev_url = prev_url,
        first_page = url_for("samples")+"?"+urlencode(filters),
        last_page = last_page,
        auth_token = session.get("auth_token",None),
        email = session.get("email",None),
        name = session.get("name",None)
Exemplo n.º 9
def chemical_analyses():
    #similar to samples
    filters = dict(request.args)

    for key in filters.keys():
        f = ""
        for i in range(len(filters[key])):
            if filters[key][i]:
                f += str(filters[key][i])+','
        if f:
            filters[key] = f[:-1]
            del filters[key]
    filters["format"] = "json"
    if "minerals_and" in filters:
        del filters["minerals_and"]

    # handle sorting
    sorting_dict = {'Point':'spot_id','Analysis Method':'analysis_method','Analysis Material':'mineral','Subsample Type':'subsample_type', \
                    'Analysis Location':'where_done','Owner':'owner','Reference':'reference','Analyst':'analyst','Analysis Date':'analysis_date','Total':'total'}
    if 'ordering' in filters and filters['ordering'] != ['']:
        sorting_name = filters['ordering']
        sorting_name = 'Point' # default
    if sorting_name in sorting_dict: # all but second page
        filters['ordering'] = sorting_dict[sorting_name]
    else: # second page
        rev_sorting_dict = dict((v, k) for k, v in sorting_dict.iteritems())
        sorting_name = rev_sorting_dict[filters['ordering'].strip("'").strip('[').strip(']')]

    # dynamic fields
    fields_dict = {'Sample Number':'sample','Subsample':'subsample','Point':'spot_id','Analysis Method':'analysis_method','Analysis Material':'mineral', \
                    'Stage X':'stage_x','Stage Y':'stage_y','Reference':'reference','Reference X':'reference_x','Reference Y':'reference_y','Subsample Type':'subsample_type', \
                    'Analysis Location':'where_done','Elements':'elements','Oxides':'oxides','Owner':'owner', \
                    'Analyst':'analyst','Analysis Date':'analysis_date','Total':'total'}
    fields_list, fields_dict, field_names = handle_fields(filters,False)
    filters['fields'] = fields_list[0]

    headers = None
    if session.get("auth_token", None):
        headers = {"Authorization": "Token "+session.get("auth_token")}
        filters["public_data"] = True

    # Make chemicals private visible to uploaders
    chemicals = get(env("API_HOST")+"chemical_analyses/", params = filters,headers=headers).json()
    chem_results = chemicals["results"]

    next_url, prev_url, last_page, total, page_num = paginate_model("chemical_analyses", chemicals, filters)

    for c in chem_results:
        if "analysis_date" in c and c['analysis_date']:
            c["analysis_date"] = c["analysis_date"][:-10]

    csv_url = env("API_HOST") + "chemical_analyses/?" + urlencode(filters) + "&format=csv"

    return render_template("chemical_analyses.html",
        chemical_analyses = chem_results,
        field_names = field_names,
        fields_dict = fields_dict,
        sorting_dict = sorted(sorting_dict),
        sorting_name = sorting_name,
        total = total,
        page_num = page_num,
        next_url = next_url,
        prev_url = prev_url,
        first_page = url_for("chemical_analyses")+"?"+urlencode(filters),
        extends = "render" in filters,
        last_page = last_page,
        auth_token = session.get("auth_token",None),
        email = session.get("email",None),
        name = session.get("name",None),
        csv_url = csv_url
Exemplo n.º 10
def samples():
    #filters sent as parameters to API calls
    #only return public data samples if not logged in
    # put header data here
    headers = None
    #this ideally should do nothing if passed to the metpetdb api

    filters = dict(request.args)
    tmp_var = 0
    print("Pre-processing filters:")

    # Gather polygons to be drawn on map
    polygons = []
    if "metamorphic_regions" in filters:
        names = []  # Keep names of regions because sample only stores name of its metamorphic region, not object
        for mr in filters["metamorphic_regions"][0].split(","):
            region = get(env("API_HOST")+"metamorphic_regions/" + mr, params={"fields":"shape,name", "format":"json"}).json()
            if "shape" in region:
                polygons.append({"type": "metamorphic_region", "points": extract_points_from_shape(region["shape"])})
        filters["metamorphic_regions"] = [",".join(names)]
    provenance_fields = ["owners", "collectors", "numbers", "references"]
    for field in provenance_fields:
        # replace comma-space separated elements with just comma (or API will try to match names starting with spaces)
        if field in filters:
            filters[field][0] = filters[field][0].split(",")
            filters[field][0] = ",".join([x.strip(" ") for x in filters[field][0] if x != ""])
            if filters[field][0] == "":  # delete field if resulting input is an empty string
                del filters[field]

    # handle sorting
    sorting_dict = {'Sample Number':'number','Subsample Count':'subsamples', 'Collection Date':'collection_date','Subsamples':'subsamples', 'Country':'country', \
                'Images':'images','Metamorphic Grades':'metamorphic_grades','Owner':'owner__name', 'References':'references__name', 'Rock Type':'rock_type__name', \
                'Chemical Analyses':'chemical_analyses'}
    if 'ordering' in filters and filters['ordering'] != ['']:
        sorting_name = filters['ordering'][0]
        sorting_name = 'Sample Number' # default
    if sorting_name in sorting_dict: #b all but second page
        filters['ordering'] = [sorting_dict[sorting_name]]
    else: # second page
        rev_sorting_dict = dict((v, k) for k, v in sorting_dict.iteritems())
        sorting_name = rev_sorting_dict[filters['ordering'][0]]

    # format fields in request and keep list of titles for interface
    filters['fields'], fields_dict, field_names = handle_fields(filters, True)

    for key in filters.keys():
        # Strip unused time values for start & end date queries
        if (key == "start_date" or key == "end_date") and filters[key]:
            filters[key] = filters[key][0][0:10]
        # Unnecessary, empty, or blank key
        elif key == "polygon_coord": # or not filters[key] or filters[key] == '' or filters[key][0] == '':
            del filters[key]
        elif key == "polygon_coords":  # pre-process polygon_coords
            filters[key] = filters[key][0].rstrip(",")  # strip off trailing commas from frontend
            # Add first point to the end of list as it is required by the backend to "close" the polygon
            # use regex because the input is a string, not a list
            first_point = re.search("\[(\-)?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?,(\-)?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?\]", filters[key])
            if first_point:
                filters[key] += "," + first_point.group(0)
                # Finally, enclose the string in brackets since we need to send a list of points
                filters[key] = "[" + filters[key] + "]"

        # Any other key
            # Turn list into a comma-separated string
            filters[key] = (',').join([e for e in filters[key] if e and e[0]]).rstrip(",")  # strip trailing commas

    print("Post-processing filters:")
    filters["format"] = "json"

        headers = {"Authorization":"Token "+session["auth_token"]}
        samples = get(env("API_HOST")+"samples/", params = filters,headers= headers).json()
        print "URL: ", get(env("API_HOST")+"samples/", params = filters,headers= headers)
    except KeyError:
        samples = get(env("API_HOST")+"samples/",params = filters).json()

        sample_results = samples["results"]
            error = samples["error"]
            print error
            samples = {}
            sample_results = {}
            samples = {}
            sample_results = {}

    # Decode utf8 before encoding as urld
    for k, v in filters.iteritems():
        if isinstance(v, unicode):
            v = v.encode("utf8")
        elif isinstance(v, str):
        filters[k] = v

    next_url, prev_url, last_page, total, page_num = paginate_model("samples", samples, filters)

    # clean up values for samples view
    for s in sample_results:
        if "metamorphic_grades" in s:
            s["metamorphic_grades"] = (", ").join([g for g in sorted(s["metamorphic_grades"])])
        if "metamorphic_regions" in s:
            s["metamorphic_regions"] = (", ").join([r for r in sorted(s["metamorphic_regions"])])
        if "minerals" in s:
            s["minerals"] = (", ").join([m for m in sorted(s["minerals"])])
        if "references" in s:
            s["references"] = (", ").join([r for r in sorted(s["references"])])
        if "regions" in s:
            s["regions"] = (", ").join([m for m in sorted(s["regions"])])

    csv_url = env("API_HOST") + "samples/?" + urlencode(filters) + "&format=csv"

    return render_template("samples.html",
        samples = sample_results,
        field_names = field_names,
        fields_dict = fields_dict,
        sorting_dict = sorting_dict,
        sorting_name = sorting_name,
        showmap = "showmap" in filters,
        extends = "render" in filters,
        polygons = polygons,
        total = total,
        page_num = page_num,
        next_url = next_url,
        prev_url = prev_url,
        first_page = url_for("samples")+"?"+urlencode(filters),
        last_page = last_page,
        auth_token = session.get("auth_token",None),
        email = session.get("email",None),
        name = session.get("name",None),
        csv_url = csv_url
Exemplo n.º 11
def samples():
    #filters sent as parameters to API calls
    #only return public data samples if not logged in
    # put header data here
    headers = None
    #this ideally should do nothing if passed to the metpetdb api

    filters = dict(request.args)
    tmp_var = 0
    print("Pre-processing filters")

    for key in filters.keys():
        # Key is a map polygon
        if key == "polygon_coords" and filters[key][0]:
            # List of coordinate point strings; remove trailing comma, starting/trailing bracket,
            #   and split into coordinate points
            coords = filters[key][0].strip(',').strip('[').strip(']').split('],[')
            # Tack the first coordinate on to the end of the list so that the coordinates
            #   form a closed loop
            # Reassemble coordinates to be a list of two-element lists
            coords = '[[' + ('],[').join(coords) + ']]'
            filters[key] = coords
        # Unnecessary, empty, or blank key
        elif key == "polygon_coord" or not filters[key] or filters[key] == '' or filters[key][0] == '':
            del filters[key]
        # Any other key
            # Turn list into a comma-separated string
            filters[key] = (',').join([e for e in filters[key] if e and e[0]])

    print("Post-processing filters:")
    filters["format"] = "json"
    samples = {}

        headers = {"Authorization":"Token "+session["auth_token"]} 
        print "HEADER:",headers
        samples = get(env("API_HOST")+"samples/", params = filters,headers= headers).json()
        print "URL: ",get(env("API_HOST")+"samples/", params = filters,headers= headers)
    except KeyError:
	samples = get(env("API_HOST")+"samples/",params = filters).json()

    # print samples
        sample_results = samples["results"]
            error = samples["error"]
            print error
            samples = {}
            samples = {}

    next_url, prev_url, last_page, total = paginate_model("samples", samples, filters)

    #split location into (rounded!) latitude and longitude
    #make string of minerals for ... look and clean up date
    for s in sample_results:
        pos = s["location_coords"].split(" ")
        s["location_coords"] = [round(float(pos[2].replace(")","")),5),round(float(pos[1].replace("(","")),5)]
        s["minerals"] = (", ").join([m["name"] for m in s["minerals"]])
        if s["collection_date"]:
            s["collection_date"] = s["collection_date"][:-10]

    return render_template("samples.html",
        samples = sample_results,
        showmap = "showmap" in filters,
        extends = "render" in filters,
        total = total,
        next_url = next_url,
        prev_url = prev_url,
        first_page = url_for("samples")+"?"+urlencode(filters),
        last_page = last_page,
        auth_token = session.get("auth_token",None),
        email = session.get("email",None),
        name = session.get("name",None)