Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: SDES.py Projeto: PJYGit/FT
def e_SDES_CBC(plaintext, key):
    undefined = utilities.get_undefined(plaintext, utilities.get_B6Code())
    text = utilities.remove_undefined(plaintext, utilities.get_B6Code())
    size = int(int(get_SDES_value('block_size')) / 6)
    blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(text, size)
    while len(blocks[-1]) != size:
        blocks[-1] += 'Q'

    IV = get_IV()

    ciphertext = ''
    for block in blocks:
        cipher_block = ''
        for b in block:
            cipher_block += encode_B6(b)

        cipher_block = utilities.xor(cipher_block, IV)

        for i in range(int(get_SDES_value('rounds'))):
            cipher_block = feistel(cipher_block, get_subKey(key, i + 1))

        cipher_block = cipher_block[
            int(len(cipher_block) /
                2):] + cipher_block[:int(len(cipher_block) / 2)]

        b_blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(cipher_block, 6)
        for b_b in b_blocks:
            ciphertext += decode_B6(b_b)

        IV = cipher_block

    ciphertext = utilities.insert_undefinedList(ciphertext, undefined)

    return ciphertext
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: SDES.py Projeto: PJYGit/FT
def d_SDES_ECB(ciphertext, key):
    # your code here
    if not isinstance(ciphertext, str) or len(ciphertext) == 0:
        print('Error(d_SDES_ECB): Invalid input', end='')
        return ''
    if get_SDES_value('encoding_type') == '' or get_SDES_value(
            'block_size') == '' or get_SDES_value('key_size') == '':
        print('Error(d_SDES_ECB): Invalid configuration', end='')
        return ''

    if len(key) == 0:
        if get_SDES_value('p') == '' or get_SDES_value(
                'q') == '' or get_SDES_value('key_size') == '':
            print('Error(d_SDES_ECB): Invalid key', end='')
            return ''
        key = generate_key_SDES()
    if not utilities.is_binary(key):
        print('Error(d_SDES_ECB): Invalid key', end='')
        return ''
    if len(key) != int(get_SDES_value('key_size')):
        print('Error(d_SDES_ECB): Invalid key', end='')
        return ''

    undefined = utilities.get_undefined(ciphertext, utilities.get_B6Code())
    text = utilities.remove_undefined(ciphertext, utilities.get_B6Code())
    size = int(int(get_SDES_value('block_size')) / 6)
    blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(text, size)

    plaintext = ''
    for block in blocks:
        plain_block = ''
        for b in block:
            plain_block += encode_B6(b)

        rounds = int(get_SDES_value('rounds'))
        for i in range(rounds):
            plain_block = feistel(plain_block, get_subKey(key, rounds - i))

        plain_block = plain_block[int(
            len(plain_block) / 2):] + plain_block[:int(len(plain_block) / 2)]

        b_blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(plain_block, 6)
        for b_b in b_blocks:
            plaintext += decode_B6(b_b)

    while plaintext[-1] == 'Q':
        plaintext = plaintext[:-1]

    plaintext = utilities.insert_undefinedList(plaintext, undefined)

    return plaintext
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: SDES.py Projeto: PJYGit/FT
def e_SDES_ECB(plaintext, key):
    # your code here
    if not isinstance(plaintext, str) or len(plaintext) == 0:
        print('Error(e_SDES_ECB): Invalid input', end='')
        return ''
    if get_SDES_value('encoding_type') == '' or get_SDES_value(
            'block_size') == '' or get_SDES_value('key_size') == '':
        print('Error(e_SDES_ECB): Invalid configuration', end='')
        return ''

    if len(key) == 0:
        if get_SDES_value('p') == '' or get_SDES_value(
                'q') == '' or get_SDES_value('key_size') == '':
            print('Error(e_SDES_ECB): Invalid key', end='')
            return ''
        key = generate_key_SDES()
    if not utilities.is_binary(key):
        print('Error(e_SDES_ECB): Invalid key', end='')
        return ''
    if len(key) != int(get_SDES_value('key_size')):
        print('Error(e_SDES_ECB): Invalid key', end='')
        return ''

    undefined = utilities.get_undefined(plaintext, utilities.get_B6Code())
    text = utilities.remove_undefined(plaintext, utilities.get_B6Code())
    size = int(int(get_SDES_value('block_size')) / 6)
    blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(text, size)
    while len(blocks[-1]) != size:
        blocks[-1] += 'Q'

    ciphertext = ''
    for block in blocks:
        cipher_block = ''
        for b in block:
            cipher_block += encode_B6(b)

        for i in range(int(get_SDES_value('rounds'))):
            cipher_block = feistel(cipher_block, get_subKey(key, i + 1))

        cipher_block = cipher_block[
            int(len(cipher_block) /
                2):] + cipher_block[:int(len(cipher_block) / 2)]

        b_blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(cipher_block, 6)
        for b_b in b_blocks:
            ciphertext += decode_B6(b_b)

    ciphertext = utilities.insert_undefinedList(ciphertext, undefined)

    return ciphertext
Exemplo n.º 4
def d_columnarTrans(ciphertext, key):
    # your code here
    key_order = get_keyOrder_columnarTrans(key)

    c = len(key_order)
    r = int(math.ceil(len(ciphertext) / c))

    matrix = utilities.new_matrix(r, c, '')

    blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(ciphertext, r)

    # fill the matrix according to the key_order
    counter = 0
    for i in key_order:
        for j in range(r):
            matrix[j][i] = blocks[counter][j]
        counter += 1

    # read the matrix and ignore the 'q'
    plaintext = ''
    for i in range(r):
        for j in range(c):
            if matrix[i][j] != 'q':
                plaintext += matrix[i][j]

    return plaintext
Exemplo n.º 5
def d_hill(ciphertext, key):
    # your code here
    if len(ciphertext) == 0:
        print('Error(d_hill): invalid ciphertext')
        return ''

    new_key = ''
    if len(key) > 4:
        new_key += key[:4]
    elif len(key) == 4:
        new_key += key
        new_key += key
        counter = 0
        while len(new_key) < 4:
            new_key += key[counter]
            counter += 1

    baseString = utilities.get_lower()

    key_matrix = matrix.new_matrix(2, 2, 0)
    count = 0
    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(2):
            key_matrix[i][j] = baseString.index(new_key[count].lower())
            count += 1

    if mod.gcd(matrix.det(key_matrix), 26) != 1:
        print('Error(d_hill): key is not invertible')
        return ''

    inverse_key_matrix = matrix.inverse(key_matrix, 26)

    plaintext = ''
    non_alpha = utilities.get_nonalpha(ciphertext)
    blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(utilities.remove_nonalpha(ciphertext), 2)

    for block in blocks:
        block_m = matrix.new_matrix(2, 1, 0)
        block_m[0][0] = baseString.index(block[0].lower())
        block_m[1][0] = baseString.index(block[1].lower())

        result_m = matrix.matrix_mod(matrix.mul(inverse_key_matrix, block_m),

        plaintext += baseString[result_m[0][0]].lower()
        plaintext += baseString[result_m[1][0]].lower()

    plaintext = utilities.insert_nonalpha(plaintext, non_alpha)
    while plaintext[-1] == 'q':
        plaintext = plaintext[:-1]

    return plaintext
Exemplo n.º 6
def cryptanalysis_vigenere(ciphertext):
    # yoru code here
    FriedmanL = utilities.getKeyL_friedman(ciphertext)
    ShiftL = utilities.getKeyL_shift(ciphertext)
    non_alpha = utilities.get_nonalpha(ciphertext)

    if ShiftL != 1:
        # try every possible size
        start = min(FriedmanL, ShiftL)
        if start >= 3:
            start -= 1
        end = max(FriedmanL, ShiftL) + 2
        modified = utilities.remove_nonalpha(ciphertext)
        for size in range(start, end):
            plaintext = ''
            shiftList = []
            blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(modified, size)
            baskets = utilities.blocks_to_baskets(blocks)

            for element in baskets:
                # get the list of chi_squared for every shift
                chiList = [round(utilities.get_chiSquared(utilities.d_shift(element, (i, 'l'))), 4)
                           for i in range(26)]


            for i in range(len(baskets)):
                baskets[i] = utilities.d_shift(baskets[i], (shiftList[i], 'l'))

            result = utilities.blocks_to_baskets(baskets)
            for e in result:
                plaintext += e

            plaintext = utilities.insert_nonalpha(plaintext, non_alpha)

            if utilities.is_plaintext(plaintext, 'engmix.txt', 0.90):
                plain = utilities.remove_nonalpha(plaintext)[:size]
                key = ''
                v_square = utilities.get_vigenereSquare()
                counter = 0
                for pChar in plain:
                    pIndex = v_square[0].index(pChar)
                    kIndex = v_square[pIndex].index(blocks[0][counter])
                    counter += 1
                    key += v_square[0][kIndex]

                utilities.text_to_file(plaintext, 'plaintext_Jiayao_Pang_q4.txt')
                return key, plaintext

    key = 0
    plaintext = ''

    return key, plaintext
Exemplo n.º 7
def e_RSA(plaintext, key):
    # your code here
    blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(plaintext, 6)
    while len(blocks[-1]) != 6:
        blocks[-1] += 'q'

    ciphertext = ''
    for block in blocks:
        num = encode_mod96(block)
        y = LRM(num, key[1], key[0])
        ciphertext += decode_mod96(y, 8)

    return ciphertext
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: SDES.py Projeto: PJYGit/FT
def d_SDES_OFB(ciphertext, key):
    undefined = utilities.get_undefined(ciphertext, utilities.get_B6Code())
    text = utilities.remove_undefined(ciphertext, utilities.get_B6Code())
    size = int(int(get_SDES_value('block_size')) / 6)
    blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(text, size)

    IV = get_IV()
    plaintext = ''
    counter = 0
    for block in blocks:
        temp = ''
        plain_block = IV
        rounds = int(get_SDES_value('rounds'))
        for i in range(rounds):
            plain_block = feistel(plain_block, get_subKey(key, i + 1))

        plain_block = plain_block[int(
            len(plain_block) / 2):] + plain_block[:int(len(plain_block) / 2)]

        IV = plain_block

        for b in block:
            temp += encode_B6(b)

        if counter <= len(blocks) - 2:
            plain_block = utilities.xor(plain_block, temp)
            plain_block = utilities.xor(temp, plain_block[:len(temp)])

        b_blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(plain_block, 6)
        for b_b in b_blocks:
            plaintext += decode_B6(b_b)

        counter += 1

    plaintext = utilities.insert_undefinedList(plaintext, undefined)

    return plaintext
Exemplo n.º 9
def d_RSA(ciphertext, key):
    # your code here
    blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(ciphertext, 8)

    plaintext = ''
    for block in blocks:
        c = encode_mod96(block)
        p = LRM(c, key[1], key[0])
        plaintext += decode_mod96(p, 6)

    while plaintext[-1] == 'q':
        plaintext = plaintext[:-1]

    return plaintext
Exemplo n.º 10
def e_xcrypt(plaintext, key):
    # your code here
    ciphertext = ''

    blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(plaintext, int(key))
    while len(blocks[-1]) != int(key):
        blocks[-1] += 'q'

    baskets = utilities.blocks_to_baskets(blocks)

    for basket in baskets:
        ciphertext += basket

    return ciphertext
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: SDES.py Projeto: PJYGit/FT
def d_SDES_CBC(ciphertext, key):
    undefined = utilities.get_undefined(ciphertext, utilities.get_B6Code())
    text = utilities.remove_undefined(ciphertext, utilities.get_B6Code())
    size = int(int(get_SDES_value('block_size')) / 6)
    blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(text, size)

    plaintext = ''
    IV = get_IV()
    temp = ''
    for block in blocks:
        plain_block = ''
        for b in block:
            plain_block += encode_B6(b)
        temp = plain_block

        rounds = int(get_SDES_value('rounds'))
        for i in range(rounds):
            plain_block = feistel(plain_block, get_subKey(key, rounds - i))

        plain_block = plain_block[int(
            len(plain_block) / 2):] + plain_block[:int(len(plain_block) / 2)]

        plain_block = utilities.xor(IV, plain_block)

        b_blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(plain_block, 6)
        for b_b in b_blocks:
            plaintext += decode_B6(b_b)

        IV = temp

    while plaintext[-1] == 'Q':
        plaintext = plaintext[:-1]

    plaintext = utilities.insert_undefinedList(plaintext, undefined)

    return plaintext
Exemplo n.º 12
def d_xcrypt(ciphertext, key):
    # your code here
    plaintext = ''
    size = int(math.ceil(len(ciphertext) / key))

    blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(ciphertext, size)
    baskets = utilities.blocks_to_baskets(blocks)

    for basket in baskets:
        plaintext += basket

    while plaintext[-1] == 'q':
        plaintext = plaintext[:-1]

    return plaintext
Exemplo n.º 13
def cryptanalysis_vigenere(ciphertext):
    # yoru code here
    alphabet = utilities.get_lower()
    key = ''
    values=[0] * 26
    x = 0
    keyLength = utilities.getKeyL_shift(ciphertext)
    nonalpha = utilities.remove_nonalpha(ciphertext)
    blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(nonalpha, keyLength)
    baskets = utilities.blocks_to_baskets(blocks)
    for text in baskets:
        for x in range(26):
            values[x] = utilities.get_chiSquared(utilities.d_shift(text, (x,'l')))
        index = values.index(min(values))
        key = key + alphabet[index]
    plaintext = d_vigenere(ciphertext, key)
    return key,plaintext
Exemplo n.º 14
def cryptanalysis_vigenere(ciphertext):
    # yoru code here
    alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    key = ''
    values = [0] * 26
    x = 0
    key_length = utilities.getKeyL_shift(ciphertext)
    nonalpha = utilities.remove_nonalpha(ciphertext)
    blox = utilities.text_to_blocks(nonalpha, key_length)
    baskits = utilities.blocks_to_baskets(blox)

    #dictList = utilities.load_dictionary_modified("engmix.txt",key_length)
    for text in baskits:
        for x in range(26):  #only 26 characters in alpha
            values[x] = utilities.get_chiSquared(
                utilities.d_shift(text, (x, 'l')))
        index = values.index(min(values))
        key = key + alphabet[index]
    plaintext = d_vigenere(ciphertext, key)
    #i = 0
    #tupleList = []
    #for word in dictList:
    #print(str(i) + ": " + str(word))
    #plaintext = d_vigenere(ciphertext, word)
    #I = utilities.get_indexOfCoin(plaintext)
    #if I >= 0.063 and I <= 0.067:
    #time2 = time.time()
    #print("Decryption took: " + str(round(time2-time1)) + " seconds")
    #return word,plaintext
    #targetIoCIndex = i
    #targetIVal = I
    #i = i + 1
    #key = tupleList[targetIoCIndex]
    #key = key[0]
    #plaintext = d_vigenere(ciphertext,key)
    return key, plaintext
Exemplo n.º 15
def d_myszkowski(ciphertext, key):
    # your code here
    key_order = get_keyOrder_myszkowski(key)

    c = len(key_order)
    r = int(math.ceil(len(ciphertext) / c))

    matrix = utilities.new_matrix(r, c, '')

    blocks = utilities.text_to_blocks(ciphertext, r)

    # combine all the blocks of the same key character to one block
    for i in range(c):
        Index = 0
        while i in key_order[Index:c]:
            if Index != 0:
                Index = key_order.index(i, Index, c)
                blocks[key_order[Index]] += blocks[key_order[Index] + 1]
                blocks.pop(key_order[Index] + 1)

            Index = key_order.index(i, Index, c)
            Index += 1

    # fill the matrix
    for i in range(c):
        counter = 0
        for j in range(r):
            Index = 0
            while i in key_order[Index:c]:
                Index = key_order.index(i, Index, c)
                matrix[j][Index] = blocks[i][counter]
                Index += 1
                counter += 1

    # read the matrix and ignore the 'q'
    plaintext = ''
    for i in range(r):
        for j in range(c):
            if matrix[i][j] != 'q':
                plaintext += matrix[i][j]

    return plaintext