Exemplo n.º 1
    def init_sequence(self):
        self.t = 0
        self.x = {}
        self.h = {}
        self.c = {}
        self.ct = {}

        self.input_gate = {}
        self.forget_gate = {}
        self.output_gate = {}
        self.cell_update = {}

        if hasattr(self, 'previous'):
            self.h[0] = self.previous.h[self.previous.t]
            self.c[0] = self.previous.c[self.previous.t]
            self.h[0] = zeros(self.hidden_size)
            self.c[0] = zeros(self.hidden_size)

        if hasattr(self, 'next'):
            self.dh_prev = self.next.dh_prev
            self.dc_prev = self.next.dc_prev
            self.dh_prev = zeros(self.hidden_size)
            self.dc_prev = zeros(self.hidden_size)

        for name, params, grad in self.params:
            grad[:] = 0
Exemplo n.º 2
    def read_epw(self):
        """Section 2 - Read EPW file
            self._header    # header data
            self.epwinput   # timestep data for weather
            self.lat        # latitude
            self.lon        # longitude
            self.GMT        # GMT
            self.nSoil      # Number of soil depths
            self.Tsoil      # nSoil x 12 matrix for soil temperture (K)
            self.depth_soil # nSoil x 1 matrix for soil depth (m)

        # Make dir path to epw file
        self.climateDataPath = os.path.join(self.epwDir, self.epwFileName)

        # Open epw file and feed csv data to climate_data
            climate_data = utilities.read_csv(self.climateDataPath)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("Failed to read epw file! {}".format(e.message))

        # Read header lines (1 to 8) from EPW and ensure TMY2 format.
        self._header = climate_data[0:8]

        # Read weather data from EPW for each time step in weather file. (lines 8 - end)
        self.epwinput = climate_data[8:]

        # Read Lat, Long (line 1 of EPW)
        self.lat = float(self._header[0][6])
        self.lon = float(self._header[0][7])
        self.GMT = float(self._header[0][8])

        # Read in soil temperature data (assumes this is always there)
        # ref: http://bigladdersoftware.com/epx/docs/8-2/auxiliary-programs/epw-csv-format-inout.html
        soilData = self._header[3]
        self.nSoil = int(soilData[1])  # Number of ground temperature depths
        self.Tsoil = utilities.zeros(
            self.nSoil, 12)  # nSoil x 12 matrix for soil temperture (K)
        self.depth_soil = utilities.zeros(
            self.nSoil, 1)  # nSoil x 1 matrix for soil depth (m)

        # Read monthly data for each layer of soil from EPW file
        for i in xrange(self.nSoil):
            self.depth_soil[i][0] = float(
                soilData[2 + (i * 16)])  # get soil depth for each nSoil
            # Monthly data
            for j in xrange(12):
                self.Tsoil[i][j] = float(soilData[
                    6 + (i * 16) +
                    j]) + 273.15  # 12 months of soil T for specific depth

        # Set new directory path for the moprhed EPW file
        self.newPathName = os.path.join(self.destinationDir,
Exemplo n.º 3
    def init_input_obj(self):
        """Section 4 - Create UWG objects from input parameters

            self.simTime            # simulation time parameter obj
            self.weather            # weather obj for simulation time period
            self.forcIP             # Forcing obj
            self.forc               # Empty forcing obj
            self.geoParam           # geographic parameters obj
            self.RSM                # Rural site & vertical diffusion model obj
            self.USM                # Urban site & vertical diffusion model obj
            self.UCM                # Urban canopy model obj
            self.UBL                # Urban boundary layer model

            self.road               # urban road element
            self.rural              # rural road element

            self.soilindex1         # soil index for urban rsoad depth
            self.soilindex2         # soil index for rural road depth

            self.BEM                # list of BEMDef objects
            self.Sch                # list of Schedule objects

        climate_file_path = os.path.join(self.epwDir, self.epwFileName)

        self.simTime = SimParam(self.dtSim, self.dtWeather, self.Month,
                                self.nDay)  # simulation time parametrs
        self.weather = Weather(
            climate_file_path, self.simTime.timeInitial, self.simTime.timeFinal
        )  # weather file data for simulation time period
        self.forcIP = Forcing(self.weather.staTemp,
                              self.weather)  # initialized Forcing class
        self.forc = Forcing()  # empty forcing class

        # Initialize geographic Param and Urban Boundary Layer Objects
        nightStart = 18.  # arbitrary values for begin/end hour for night setpoint
        nightEnd = 8.
        maxdx = 250.
        # max dx (m)

        self.geoParam = Param(self.h_ubl1,self.h_ubl2,self.h_ref,self.h_temp,self.h_wind,self.c_circ,\
            self.CPV,self.B, self.CM, self.COLBURN)

        self.UBL = UBLDef('C', self.charLength, self.weather.staTemp[0], maxdx,

        # Defining road
        emis = 0.93
        asphalt = Material(self.kRoad, self.cRoad, 'asphalt')
        road_T_init = 293.
        road_horizontal = 1
        road_veg_coverage = min(self.vegCover / (1 - self.bldDensity),
                                1.)  # fraction of surface vegetation coverage

        # define road layers
        road_layer_num = int(math.ceil(self.d_road / 0.05))
        thickness_vector = map(lambda r: 0.05, range(
            road_layer_num))  # 0.5/0.05 ~ 10 x 1 matrix of 0.05 thickness
        material_vector = map(lambda n: asphalt, range(road_layer_num))

        self.road = Element(self.alb_road,emis,thickness_vector,material_vector,road_veg_coverage,\

        self.rural = copy.deepcopy(self.road)
        self.rural.vegCoverage = self.rurVegCover
        self.rural._name = "rural_road"

        # Define BEM for each DOE type (read the fraction)
        if not os.path.exists(self.readDOE_file_path):
            raise Exception("readDOE.pkl file: '{}' does not exist.".format(

        readDOE_file = open(self.readDOE_file_path,
                            'rb')  # open pickle file in binary form
        refDOE = cPickle.load(readDOE_file)
        refBEM = cPickle.load(readDOE_file)
        refSchedule = cPickle.load(readDOE_file)

        # Define building energy models
        k = 0
        r_glaze = 0  # Glazing ratio for total building stock
        SHGC = 0  # SHGC addition for total building stock
        alb_wall = 0  # albedo wall addition for total building stock
        h_floor = self.flr_h or 3.05  # average floor height

        total_urban_bld_area = math.pow(
            self.charLength, 2
        ) * self.bldDensity * self.bldHeight / h_floor  # total building floor area
        area_matrix = utilities.zeros(16, 3)

        self.BEM = []  # list of BEMDef objects
        self.Sch = []  # list of Schedule objects

        for i in xrange(16):  # 16 building types
            for j in xrange(3):  # 3 built eras
                if self.bld[i][j] > 0.:
                    # Add to BEM list
                    self.BEM[k].frac = self.bld[i][j]
                    self.BEM[k].fl_area = self.bld[i][j] * total_urban_bld_area

                    # Overwrite with optional parameters if provided
                    if self.glzR:
                        self.BEM[k].building.glazingRatio = self.glzR
                    if self.albRoof:
                        self.BEM[k].roof.albedo = self.albRoof
                    if self.vegRoof:
                        self.BEM[k].roof.vegCoverage = self.vegRoof
                    if self.SHGC:
                        self.BEM[k].building.shgc = self.SHGC
                    if self.albWall:
                        self.BEM[k].wall.albedo = self.albWall

                    # Keep track of total urban r_glaze, SHGC, and alb_wall for UCM model
                    r_glaze = r_glaze + self.BEM[k].frac * self.BEM[
                        k].building.glazingRatio  ##
                    SHGC = SHGC + self.BEM[k].frac * self.BEM[k].building.shgc
                    alb_wall = alb_wall + self.BEM[k].frac * self.BEM[
                    # Add to schedule list
                    k += 1

        # Reference site class (also include VDM)
        self.RSM = RSMDef(self.lat, self.lon, self.GMT, self.h_obs,
                          self.weather.staTemp[0], self.weather.staPres[0],
                          self.geoParam, self.z_meso_dir_path)
        self.USM = RSMDef(self.lat, self.lon, self.GMT, self.bldHeight / 10.,
                          self.weather.staTemp[0], self.weather.staPres[0],
                          self.geoParam, self.z_meso_dir_path)

        T_init = self.weather.staTemp[0]
        H_init = self.weather.staHum[0]

        self.UCM = UCMDef(self.bldHeight,self.bldDensity,self.verToHor,self.treeCoverage,self.sensAnth,self.latAnth,T_init,H_init,\
        self.UCM.h_mix = self.h_mix

        # Define Road Element & buffer to match ground temperature depth
        roadMat, newthickness = procMat(self.road, self.MAXTHICKNESS,

        for i in xrange(self.nSoil):
            # if soil depth is greater then the thickness of the road
            # we add new slices of soil at max thickness until road is greater or equal

            is_soildepth_equal = self.is_near_zero(
                self.depth_soil[i][0] - sum(newthickness), 1e-15)

            if is_soildepth_equal or (self.depth_soil[i][0] >
                while self.depth_soil[i][0] > sum(newthickness):
                self.soilindex1 = i

        self.road = Element(self.road.albedo, self.road.emissivity, newthickness, roadMat,\
            self.road.vegCoverage, self.road.layerTemp[0], self.road.horizontal, self.road._name)

        # Define Rural Element
        ruralMat, newthickness = procMat(self.rural, self.MAXTHICKNESS,

        for i in xrange(self.nSoil):
            # if soil depth is greater then the thickness of the road
            # we add new slices of soil at max thickness until road is greater or equal

            is_soildepth_equal = self.is_near_zero(
                self.depth_soil[i][0] - sum(newthickness), 1e-15)

            if is_soildepth_equal or (self.depth_soil[i][0] >
                while self.depth_soil[i][0] > sum(newthickness):

                self.soilindex2 = i

        self.rural = Element(self.rural.albedo, self.rural.emissivity, newthickness,\
            ruralMat,self.rural.vegCoverage,self.rural.layerTemp[0],self.rural.horizontal, self.rural._name)
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: uwg.py Projeto: ocni-dtu/uwg
    def init_BEM_obj(self):
        Define BEM for each DOE type (read the fraction)
        self.BEM                # list of BEMDef objects
        self.r_glaze            # Glazing ratio for total building stock
        self.SHGC               # SHGC addition for total building stock
        self.alb_wall           # albedo wall addition for total building stock

        if not os.path.exists(self.readDOE_file_path):
            raise Exception("readDOE.pkl file: '{}' does not exist.".format(readDOE_file_path))

        readDOE_file = open(self.readDOE_file_path, 'rb')  # open pickle file in binary form
        refDOE = cPickle.load(readDOE_file)
        refBEM = cPickle.load(readDOE_file)
        refSchedule = cPickle.load(readDOE_file)

        # Define building energy models
        k = 0
        self.r_glaze_total = 0.             # Glazing ratio for total building stock
        self.SHGC_total = 0.                # SHGC addition for total building stock
        self.alb_wall_total = 0.            # albedo wall addition for total building stock
        h_floor = self.flr_h or 3.05  # average floor height

        total_urban_bld_area = math.pow(self.charLength, 2)*self.bldDensity * \
            self.bldHeight/h_floor  # total building floor area
        area_matrix = utilities.zeros(16, 3)

        self.BEM = []           # list of BEMDef objects
        self.Sch = []           # list of Schedule objects

        for i in xrange(16):    # 16 building types
            for j in xrange(3):  # 3 built eras
                if self.bld[i][j] > 0.:
                    # Add to BEM list
                    self.BEM[k].frac = self.bld[i][j]
                    self.BEM[k].fl_area = self.bld[i][j] * total_urban_bld_area

                    # Overwrite with optional parameters if provided
                    if self.glzR:
                        self.BEM[k].building.glazingRatio = self.glzR
                    if self.albRoof:
                        self.BEM[k].roof.albedo = self.albRoof
                    if self.vegRoof:
                        self.BEM[k].roof.vegCoverage = self.vegRoof
                    if self.SHGC:
                        self.BEM[k].building.shgc = self.SHGC
                    if self.albWall:
                        self.BEM[k].wall.albedo = self.albWall
                    if self.flr_h:
                        self.BEM[k].building.floorHeight = self.flr_h

                    # Keep track of total urban r_glaze, SHGC, and alb_wall for UCM model
                    self.r_glaze_total += self.BEM[k].frac * self.BEM[k].building.glazingRatio
                    self.SHGC_total += self.BEM[k].frac * self.BEM[k].building.shgc
                    self.alb_wall_total += self.BEM[k].frac * self.BEM[k].wall.albedo
                    # Add to schedule list
                    k += 1
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, input_size: int,
                 hidden_size: int,
                 init_range: float = 1.0,
        self.input_size = input_size
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size

        if previous:
            self.previous = previous
            previous.next = self

        def init(x: int, y: int):
            return initalize((x, y), init_range)

        h, n = hidden_size, input_size

        self.W_hi, self.W_hf = init(h, h), init(h, h)
        self.W_ho, self.W_hj = init(h, h), init(h, h)

        self.W_xi, self.W_xf = init(h, n), init(h, n)
        self.W_xo, self.W_xj = init(h, n), init(h, n)

        self.b_i, self.b_f = zeros(h), ones(h) * 3
        self.b_o, self.b_j = zeros(h), zeros(h)

        self.dW_hi, self.dW_hf = zeros(h, h), zeros(h, h)
        self.dW_ho, self.dW_hj = zeros(h, h), zeros(h, h)

        self.dW_xi, self.dW_xf = zeros(h, n), zeros(h, n)
        self.dW_xo, self.dW_xj = zeros(h, n), zeros(h, n)

        self.db_i, self.db_f = zeros(h), zeros(h)
        self.db_o, self.db_j = zeros(h), zeros(h)

        self.params = [
            ('W_hi', self.W_hi, self.dW_hi),
            ('W_hf', self.W_hf, self.dW_hf),
            ('W_ho', self.W_ho, self.dW_ho),
            ('W_hj', self.W_hj, self.dW_hj),

            ('W_xi', self.W_xi, self.dW_xi),
            ('W_xf', self.W_xf, self.dW_xf),
            ('W_xo', self.W_xo, self.dW_xo),
            ('W_xj', self.W_xj, self.dW_xj),

            ('b_i', self.b_i, self.db_i),
            ('b_f', self.b_f, self.db_f),
            ('b_o', self.b_o, self.db_o),
            ('b_j', self.b_j, self.db_j),
