Exemplo n.º 1
    def utility_score(self, bot) -> float:

        car = bot.info.my_car

        if len(bot.info.teammates) == 0:
            team_committed01 = 0
            no_defence01 = 1
            mates = bot.info.teammates
            sum_pos = mates[0].pos + mates[0].vel * 0.5
            for mate in mates[1:]:
                sum_pos += mate.pos + mate.vel * 0.5
            avg_pos = sum_pos / len(mates)
            team_committed01 = clip01(
                norm(avg_pos - bot.info.own_goal.pos) / Field.LENGTH2)
            no_defence01 = clip01(
                       lambda mate: norm(mate.pos - bot.info.own_goal.pos))[1]
                / 1000)

        dist_to_ball01 = clip01(
            norm(car.pos - bot.info.ball.pos) / Field.LENGTH2)

        obj_bonus = {
            Objective.UNKNOWN: 1.0,
            Objective.GO_FOR_IT: 0,
            Objective.FOLLOW_UP: 0,
            Objective.ROTATING: 1.0,
            Objective.SOLO: 1.0,

        return 0.85 * team_committed01 * dist_to_ball01 * no_defence01 * obj_bonus
Exemplo n.º 2
    def utility_score(self, bot) -> float:

        car = bot.info.my_car
        ball = bot.info.ball

        follow_up_pos = bot.analyzer.ideal_follow_up_pos
        _, missing_follow_up_guy01 = argmin(
            bot.info.team_cars, lambda mate: 1.0 - clip01(
                norm(mate.pos - follow_up_pos) / Field.LENGTH2))
        attack_in_front = any(
            is_closer_to_goal_than(car.pos, mate.pos, car.team)
            for mate in bot.info.teammates
            if mate.objective == Objective.GO_FOR_IT)
        ball_in_front = is_closer_to_goal_than(car.pos, ball.pos, car.team)

        obj_bonus = {
            Objective.UNKNOWN: 0.5,
            Objective.GO_FOR_IT: 0,
            Objective.FOLLOW_UP: 1,
            Objective.ROTATING: 0,
            Objective.SOLO: 0.9,

        return attack_in_front * ball_in_front * missing_follow_up_guy01 * bot.info.my_car.onsite * obj_bonus
Exemplo n.º 3
def project_onto_nearest(pos: Vec3, planes: List[Plane]) -> Vec3:
    closest, _ = argmin(planes, lambda p: dist_to_plane(pos, p))
    return project_onto_plane(pos, closest)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def update(self, bot):
        ball = bot.info.ball

        # Find closest foe to ball
        self.opp_closest_to_ball, self.opp_closest_to_ball_dist = argmin(bot.info.opponents, lambda opp: norm(opp.pos - ball.pos))

        # Possession and on/off-site
        self.car_with_possession = None
        self.ally_with_possession = None
        self.opp_with_possession = None
        for car in bot.info.cars:

            # Effective position
            car.effective_pos = car.pos + xy(car.vel) * 0.8

            # On site
            car_to_ball = ball.pos - car.pos
            car_to_ball_unit = normalize(car_to_ball)
            car.onsite = dot(Vec3(y=-car.team_sign), car_to_ball_unit)

            # Reach ball time
            car.reach_ball_time = predict.time_till_reach_ball(car, ball)
            reach01 = 1 - 0.9 * lin_fall(car.reach_ball_time, 4) ** 0.5

            # Possession
            point_in_front = car.pos + car.vel * 0.5
            ball_point_dist = norm(ball.pos - point_in_front)
            dist01 = 1000 / (1000 + ball_point_dist)  # Halved after 1000 uu of dist, 1/3 at 2000
            in_front01 = (dot(car.forward, car_to_ball_unit) + 1) / 2.0
            car.possession = dist01 * in_front01 * reach01
            if self.car_with_possession is None or car.possession > self.car_with_possession.possession:
                self.car_with_possession = car
            if car.team == bot.team and (self.ally_with_possession is None or car.possession > self.ally_with_possession.possession):
                self.ally_with_possession = car
            if car.team != bot.team and (self.opp_with_possession is None or car.possession > self.opp_with_possession.possession):
                self.opp_with_possession = car

        # Objectives
        if len(bot.info.team_cars) == 1:
            # No team mates. No roles
            bot.info.my_car.objective = bot.info.my_car.last_objective = Objective.SOLO

        for car in bot.info.cars:
            car.last_objective = car.objective
            car.objective = Objective.UNKNOWN

        attacker, attacker_score = argmax(bot.info.team_cars,
                                          lambda ally: ((1.0 if ally.last_objective == Objective.GO_FOR_IT else 0.73)
                                                        * ease_out(0.2 + 0.8 * ally.boost / 100, 2)  # 50 boost is 0.85, 0 boost is 0.2
                                                        * ally.possession
                                                        * ally.got_it_according_to_quick_chat_01(bot.info.time)
                                                        * (1.0 if ally.onsite else 0.5)
                                                        * (0 if ally.is_demolished else 1)))

        attacker.objective = Objective.GO_FOR_IT
        self.ideal_follow_up_pos = xy(ball.pos + bot.info.own_goal.pos) * 0.5
        follower, follower_score = argmax([ally for ally in bot.info.team_cars if ally.objective == Objective.UNKNOWN],
                                          lambda ally: (1.0 if ally.last_objective == Objective.FOLLOW_UP else 0.73)
                                                        * ease_out(0.2 * 0.8 * ally.boost / 100, 2)
                                                        * (1 + ally.onsite / 2)
                                                        * lin_fall(norm(ally.effective_pos - self.ideal_follow_up_pos), 3000)
                                                        * (0 if ally.is_demolished else 1))
        if follower is not None:
            follower.objective = Objective.FOLLOW_UP
        for car in bot.info.team_cars:
            if car.objective == Objective.UNKNOWN:
                car.objective = Objective.ROTATING