Exemplo n.º 1
def AddDetail(layout_id, corner1, corner2, title=None, projection=1):
    """Add new detail view to an existing layout view
      layout_id = identifier of an existing layout
      corner1, corner2 = 2d corners of the detail in the layout's unit system
      title[opt] = title of the new detail
      projection[opt] = type of initial view projection for the detail
          1 = parallel top view
          2 = parallel bottom view
          3 = parallel left view
          4 = parallel right view
          5 = parallel front view
          6 = parallel back view
          7 = perspective view
      identifier of the newly created detial on success
      None on error
    layout_id = rhutil.coerceguid(layout_id, True)
    corner1 = rhutil.coerce2dpoint(corner1, True)
    corner2 = rhutil.coerce2dpoint(corner2, True)
    if projection<1 or projection>7: raise ValueError("projection must be a value between 1-7")
    layout = scriptcontext.doc.Views.Find(layout_id)
    if not layout: raise ValueError("no layout found for given layout_id")
    projection = System.Enum.ToObject(Rhino.Display.DefinedViewportProjection, projection)
    detail = layout.AddDetailView(title, corner1, corner2, projection)
    if not detail: return scriptcontext.errorhandler()
    return detail.Id
Exemplo n.º 2
def AddDetail(layout_id, corner1, corner2, title=None, projection=1):
    """Adds new detail view to an existing layout view
      layout_id = identifier of an existing layout
      corner1, corner2 = 2d corners of the detail in the layout's unit system
      title[opt] = title of the new detail
      projection[opt] = type of initial view projection for the detail
          1 = parallel top view
          2 = parallel bottom view
          3 = parallel left view
          4 = parallel right view
          5 = parallel front view
          6 = parallel back view
          7 = perspective view
      identifier of the newly created detial on success
      None on error
    layout_id = rhutil.coerceguid(layout_id, True)
    corner1 = rhutil.coerce2dpoint(corner1, True)
    corner2 = rhutil.coerce2dpoint(corner2, True)
    if projection < 1 or projection > 7:
        raise ValueError("projection must be a value between 1-7")
    layout = scriptcontext.doc.Views.Find(layout_id)
    if not layout: raise ValueError("no layout found for given layout_id")
    projection = System.Enum.ToObject(Rhino.Display.DefinedViewportProjection,
    detail = layout.AddDetailView(title, corner1, corner2, projection)
    if not detail: return scriptcontext.errorhandler()
    return detail.Id
Exemplo n.º 3
def XformScreenToWorld(point, view=None, screen_coordinates=False):
    """Transforms a point from either client-area coordinates of the specified view
    or screen coordinates to world coordinates. The resulting coordinates are represented
    as a 3-D point
      point = 2D point
      view[opt] = title or identifier of a view. If omitted, the active view is used
      screen_coordinates[opt] = if False, point is in client-area coordinates. If True,
      point is in screen-area coordinates
      3D point on success
      None on error
      import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
      point2d = 200,100
      view = rs.CurrentView()
      point = rs.XformScreenToWorld(point2d, view)
      print point
    See Also:
    point = rhutil.coerce2dpoint(point, True)
    view = rhview.__viewhelper(view)
    viewport = view.MainViewport
    xform = viewport.GetTransform(Rhino.DocObjects.CoordinateSystem.Screen, Rhino.DocObjects.CoordinateSystem.World)
    point3d = Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(point.X, point.Y, 0)
    if screen_coordinates:
        screen = view.ScreenRectangle
        point3d.X = point.X - screen.Left
        point3d.Y = point.Y - screen.Top
    point3d = xform * point3d
    return point3d
Exemplo n.º 4
def XformScreenToWorld(point, view=None, screen_coordinates=False):
    """Transforms a point from either client-area coordinates of the specified view
    or screen coordinates to world coordinates. The resulting coordinates are represented
    as a 3-D point
      point (point): 2D point
      view (str, optional): title or identifier of a view. If omitted, the active view is used
      screen_coordinates (bool, optional): if False, point is in client-area coordinates. If True,
      point is in screen-area coordinates
      point: on success
      None: on error
      import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
      point2d = 200,100
      view = rs.CurrentView()
      point = rs.XformScreenToWorld(point2d, view)
      print point
    See Also:
    point = rhutil.coerce2dpoint(point, True)
    view = rhview.__viewhelper(view)
    viewport = view.MainViewport
    xform = viewport.GetTransform(Rhino.DocObjects.CoordinateSystem.Screen,
    point3d = Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(point.X, point.Y, 0)
    if screen_coordinates:
        screen = view.ScreenRectangle
        point3d.X = point.X - screen.Left
        point3d.Y = point.Y - screen.Top
    point3d = xform * point3d
    return point3d
Exemplo n.º 5
def XformScreenToWorld(point, view=None, screen_coordinates=False):
    """Transforms a point from either client-area coordinates of the specified view
    or screen coordinates to world coordinates. The resulting coordinates are represented
    as a 3-D point
      point = 2D point
      view[opt] = title or identifier of a view. If omitted, the active view is used
      screen_coordinates[opt] = if False, point is in client-area coordinates. If True,
      point is in screen-area coordinates
      3D point on success
      None on error
    point = rhutil.coerce2dpoint(point, True)
    view = rhview.__viewhelper(view)
    viewport = view.MainViewport
    xform = viewport.GetTransform(Rhino.DocObjects.CoordinateSystem.Screen,
    point3d = Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(point.X, point.Y, 0)
    if screen_coordinates:
        screen = view.ScreenRectangle
        point3d.X = point.X - screen.Left
        point3d.Y = point.Y - screen.Top
    point3d = xform * point3d
    return point3d