Exemplo n.º 1
def neighbours(robot, pos_intermediate):
    pos_x, pos_y = pos_intermediate
    passable_map = robot.get_passable_map()

    dirs = [(-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (1, -1), (0, -1),
            (-1, -1)]
    result = []

    for dirc in dirs:
        new_pos_x = pos_x + dirc[1]
        new_pos_y = pos_y + dirc[0]
        if not utility.is_out_of_bounds(
                len(passable_map), new_pos_x,
                new_pos_y) and passable_map[new_pos_y][new_pos_x]:
            result.append((new_pos_x, new_pos_y))
    return result
Exemplo n.º 2
def astar_search(robot, pos_initial, pos_final):

    nodes = [None]
    insert_counter = 0
    block_kicker = 0
    # robot.log(pos_initial)
    # robot.log(pos_final)
    occupied_map = robot.get_visible_robot_map()
    passable_map = robot.get_passable_map()
    if utility.is_out_of_bounds(
            len(passable_map), pos_final[0],
            pos_final[1]) or not passable_map[pos_final[1]][pos_final[0]]:
        return ()

    insert_counter = add(nodes, pos_initial, 0, insert_counter)

    came_from = {}
    cost_so_far = {}
    came_from[pos_initial] = None
    cost_so_far[pos_initial] = 0

    while len(nodes) > 1:
        current = pop(nodes)

        if str(current) == str(pos_final):

        for iter_a in neighbours(robot, current, passable_map, occupied_map):
            if iter_a:
                new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + 1
                if iter_a not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[iter_a]:
                    cost_so_far[iter_a] = new_cost
                    priority = new_cost + astar_heuristic(pos_final, iter_a)
                    # robot.log(str(priority))
                    insert_counter = add(nodes, iter_a, -priority,
                    came_from[iter_a] = current
        block_kicker += 1
        if (block_kicker > 30):
            return ()
    # robot.log(str(pos_initial))
    # robot.log(str(pos_final))
    # robot.log(came_from)

    return retrace_path(pos_initial, pos_final, came_from)
Exemplo n.º 3
def pilgrim_full(robot):
    pos_x = robot.me.x
    pos_y = robot.me.y
    carry_karb = robot.me.karbonite
    carry_fuel = robot.me.fuel

    karb_map = robot.get_karbonite_map()
    fuel_map = robot.get_fuel_map()
    passable_map = robot.get_passable_map()
    occupied_map = robot.get_visible_robot_map()
    directions = constants.directions

    if karb_map[pos_y][pos_x] == 1 or fuel_map[pos_y][pos_x] == 1:
        unused_store, friendly_units = vision.sort_visible_friendlies_by_distance(robot)
        if friendly_units:
            for f_unit in friendly_units:
                dx = f_unit.x - pos_x
                dy = f_unit.y - pos_y
                if f_unit.unit == constants.unit_church or f_unit.unit == constants.unit_castle:
                    if (dy, dx in directions) and abs(dx) <= 1 and abs(dy) <= 1 and (robot.get_visible_robot_map()[pos_y + dy][pos_x + dx] > 0):
                        robot.signal(0, 0)
                        return robot.give(dx, dy, carry_karb, carry_fuel)

    # FIXME - Make churches not be built if castle /other church is in vision range
        potential_church_postitons = []
        for church_pos in directions:
            if (not utility.is_cell_occupied(occupied_map, pos_x + church_pos[1],  pos_y + church_pos[0])) and passable_map[pos_y + church_pos[0]][pos_x + church_pos[1]] == 1 and karb_map[pos_y + church_pos[0]][pos_x + church_pos[1]] != 1 and fuel_map[pos_y + church_pos[0]][pos_x + church_pos[1]] != 1:
                count = 0
                for direction in directions:
                    if not utility.is_out_of_bounds(len(occupied_map), pos_x + church_pos[1] + direction[1], pos_y + church_pos[0] + direction[0]):
                        if karb_map[pos_y + church_pos[0] + direction[0]][pos_x + church_pos[0] + direction[1]] == 1 or fuel_map[pos_y + church_pos[0] + direction[0]][pos_x + church_pos[0] + direction[1]] == 1:
                            count += 1
                potential_church_postitons.append((church_pos[0], church_pos[1], count))
        max_resource_pos = (0, 0, 0)
        for pos in potential_church_postitons:
            if pos[2] > max_resource_pos[2]:
                max_resource_pos = pos
        if robot.karbonite > 50 and robot.fuel > 200:
            robot.log("Drop a church like it's hot")
            robot.signal(0, 0)
            return robot.build_unit(constants.unit_church, max_resource_pos[1], max_resource_pos[0])
Exemplo n.º 4
def astar_search(robot, pos_initial, pos_final, unit_type_move=2):

    if unit_type_move == 2:
        dirs = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (1, 1), (1, -1),
                (-1, -1), (0, 2), (0, -2), (2, 0), (-2, 0)]
    elif unit_type_move == 1:
        dirs = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (1, 1), (1, -1),
                (-1, -1)]
    elif unit_type_move == 3:
        dirs = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (1, 1), (1, -1),
                (-1, -1), (0, 2), (0, -2), (2, 0), (-2, 0), (-1, 2), (1, 2),
                (1, -2), (-1, -2), (2, -1), (2, 1), (-2, 1), (-2, -1), (2, 2),
                (2, -2), (-2, 2), (-2, -2), (0, 3), (0, -3), (3, 0), (-3, 0)]
    nodes = [None]
    insert_counter = 0
    block_kicker = 0

    came_from = {}
    cost_so_far = {}
    came_from[pos_initial] = None
    cost_so_far[pos_initial] = 0
    occupied_map = robot.get_visible_robot_map()
    passable_map = robot.get_passable_map()

    if utility.is_out_of_bounds(
            occupied_map, pos_final[0],
            pos_final[1]) or not passable_map[pos_final[1]][pos_final[0]]:
        return None

    def retrace_path(pos_initial, pos_final, came_from):
        current = pos_final
        path = []
        while current != pos_initial:
            current = came_from[current]
        # path.append(pos_initial)
        return path

    def neighbours(pos_intermediate):
        pos_x, pos_y = pos_intermediate
        result = []
        for dirc in dirs:
            new_pos_x = pos_x + dirc[1]
            new_pos_y = pos_y + dirc[0]
            if not utility.is_cell_occupied(
                    occupied_map, new_pos_x,
                    new_pos_y) and passable_map[new_pos_y][new_pos_x]:
                result.append((new_pos_x, new_pos_y))
        return result

    def _heapify(nodes, new_node_index):
        while 1 < new_node_index:
            new_node = nodes[new_node_index]
            parent_index = new_node_index / 2
            parent_node = nodes[parent_index]
            # Parent too big?
            if _is_higher_than(parent_node, new_node):
            # Swap with parent
            tmp_node = parent_node
            nodes[parent_index] = new_node
            nodes[new_node_index] = tmp_node
            # Continue further up
            new_node_index = parent_index
        return nodes

    # Add a new node with a given priority
    def add(nodes, value, priority, insert_counter):
        new_node_index = len(nodes)
        insert_counter += 1
        nodes.append((value, priority, insert_counter))
        # Move the new node up in the hierarchy
        _heapify(nodes, new_node_index)
        return insert_counter

    # Return the top element
    def peek(nodes):
        if len(nodes) == 1:
            return None
            return nodes[1][0]

    # Remove the top element and return it
    def pop(nodes):
        if len(nodes) == 1:
            raise LookupError("Heap is empty")
        result = nodes[1][0]
        # Move empty space down
        empty_space_index = 1
        while empty_space_index * 2 < len(nodes):
            left_child_index = empty_space_index * 2
            right_child_index = empty_space_index * 2 + 1
            # Left child wins
            if (len(nodes) <= right_child_index or _is_higher_than(
                    nodes[left_child_index], nodes[right_child_index])):
                nodes[empty_space_index] = nodes[left_child_index]
                empty_space_index = left_child_index
            # Right child wins
                nodes[empty_space_index] = nodes[right_child_index]
                empty_space_index = right_child_index
        # Swap empty space with the last element and heapify
        last_node_index = len(nodes) - 1
        nodes[empty_space_index] = nodes[last_node_index]
        _heapify(nodes, empty_space_index)
        # Throw out the last element
        return result

    # Will be really important later
    def astar_heuristic(pos_intermediate, pos_final):
        (x1, y1) = pos_intermediate
        (x2, y2) = pos_final
        dx = abs(x1 - x2)
        dy = abs(y1 - y2)
        heuristic = (dx + dy) - min(dx, dy)
        return heuristic * (1.0001)

    insert_counter = add(nodes, pos_initial, 0, insert_counter)

    while len(nodes) > 1:
        current = pop(nodes)

        if str(current) == str(pos_final) or block_kicker > 50:
            # robot.log("=> * " + str(len(nodes)))
            return retrace_path(pos_initial, current, came_from)

        for iter_a in neighbours(current):
            if iter_a:
                new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + 1
                if iter_a not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[iter_a]:
                    cost_so_far[iter_a] = new_cost
                    priority = new_cost + astar_heuristic(iter_a, pos_final)
                    # robot.log(str(priority))
                    insert_counter = add(nodes, iter_a, -priority,
                    came_from[iter_a] = current
            if robot.me.time < 80:
                return retrace_path(pos_initial, current, came_from)
        block_kicker += 1

    # robot.log(came_from)

    return retrace_path(pos_initial, pos_final, came_from)
Exemplo n.º 5
def astar_search(robot, pos_initial, pos_final):
    dirs = [(-1, 1), (1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, -1), (0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0),
            (-1, 0)]

    nodes = [None]
    insert_counter = 0
    block_kicker = 0

    came_from = {}
    cost_so_far = {}
    came_from[pos_initial] = None
    cost_so_far[pos_initial] = 0
    occupied_map = robot.get_visible_robot_map()
    passable_map = robot.get_passable_map()

    if utility.is_out_of_bounds(
            occupied_map, pos_final[0],
            pos_final[1]) or not passable_map[pos_final[1]][pos_final[0]]:
        return ()

    def retrace_path(pos_initial, pos_final, came_from):
        current = pos_final
        path = []
        while current != pos_initial:
            current = came_from[current]
        # path.append(pos_initial)
        return path

    def neighbours(pos_intermediate):
        pos_x, pos_y = pos_intermediate
        result = []
        for dirc in dirs:
            new_pos_x = pos_x + dirc[1]
            new_pos_y = pos_y + dirc[0]
            if not utility.is_cell_occupied(
                    occupied_map, new_pos_x,
                    new_pos_y) and passable_map[new_pos_y][new_pos_x]:
                result.append((new_pos_x, new_pos_y))
        return result

    insert_counter = add(nodes, pos_initial, 0, insert_counter)

    while len(nodes) > 1:
        current = pop(nodes)

        if robot.me.time < 50:
            return ()
        elif str(current) == str(pos_final) or block_kicker > 50:
            return retrace_path(pos_initial, current, came_from)

        for iter_a in neighbours(current):
            if iter_a:
                new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + 1
                if iter_a not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[iter_a]:
                    cost_so_far[iter_a] = new_cost
                    priority = new_cost + astar_heuristic(iter_a, pos_final)
                    # robot.log(str(priority))
                    insert_counter = add(nodes, iter_a, -priority,
                    came_from[iter_a] = current
        block_kicker += 1

    # robot.log(came_from)

    return retrace_path(pos_initial, pos_final, came_from)