Exemplo n.º 1
def updatePositionalData(obj, level):
    def getCurrentHallway(hallways, position):

        hallwayNr = 0

        for hallway in hallways:
            hallwayPartNr = 0
            for hallwayPart in hallway.geometry:
                if hallwayPart[0] == position or hallwayPart[1] == position:
                    return hallways[hallwayNr]
                hallwayPartNr += 1
            hallwayNr += 1

    def getHallwayMovementOptions(hallway, position, movementOptions):

        hallwayMovementOption = getAt(level.landscape,
        for k in hallwayMovementOption:
            if (hallwayMovementOption[k]):
                movementOptions[k] = hallwayMovementOption[k]
        return movementOptions

    movementOptions = {UP: False, DOWN: False, LEFT: False, RIGHT: False}
    for direction in DIRECTIONS:
        if getAt(level.landscape,
                 (util.getNextField(direction, obj.position))).base.moveable:
            movementOptions[direction] = (util.getNextField(
                direction, obj.position))
    obj.movementOptions = movementOptions

    # check weather the Hereo left the room
    room = level.currentRoom
    if isinstance(room, Room) and not util.isClamped(
            obj.position, room.origin - pos(1, 1),
            room.origin + pos(room.width, room.length)):
        print("HABE RAUM VERLASSEN!!!")
        # leaving the room
        level.currentRoom = getCurrentHallway(
            [door.room for door in level.currentRoom.doors], obj.position)
        assert level.currentRoom
        obj.movementOptions = getHallwayMovementOptions(
            level.currentRoom, obj.position, movementOptions)

    elif isinstance(room, Room):
        if isDoor(obj.position, room.doors):
            doorMovementOption = getAt(level.landscape,
            for k in doorMovementOption:
                if (doorMovementOption[k]):
                    movementOptions[k] = doorMovementOption[k]
    elif not isinstance(room, Room):
        obj.movementOptions = getHallwayMovementOptions(
            room, obj.position, movementOptions)
        if isDoor(obj.position, room.doors):
            level.currentRoom = isDoor(obj.position, room.doors).room
            print("HABE RAUM BETRETEN")
Exemplo n.º 2
 def imprintOnLandscape(self, landscape):
     for i, j in itertools.product(range(self.width), range(self.length)):
         position = pos(i, j) + self.origin
         if util.isClamped(
                 position, self.origin,
                 pos(self.width, self.length) + self.origin - pos(1, 1)):
             getAt(landscape, position).base = Object("FLOOR", position)
                   position).base = Object("WALL", position, False)
     for door in self.doors:
         getAt(landscape, door.pos).base = Object("DOOR", door.pos)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,
                 ln=LEVELHEIGHT):  # constructor

        self.origin = pos(x, y)
        self.length = ln
        self.width = wd
        self.doors = []
        self.hallways = {}
        self.size = pos(ln, wd)

        self.attributeObjs = {
        }  # room-specific things that need to be called directly
        self.massObjs = []  # stuff that does not move (treasures, loot, etc.)
        self.monsters = []
        self.impassableObjs = []
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, nr, rowWidth=3, rowLength=3, missingRooms=2):

        self.nr = nr
        self.roomRowWidth = rowWidth
        self.roomRowLength = rowLength
        self.missingRooms = missingRooms
        self.roomRect = (int(LEVELWIDTH / self.roomRowWidth),
                         int(LEVELHEIGHT / self.roomRowLength))
        self.roomtally = 0

        self.rooms = []  # 2D array where the rooms are stored '[column, row]'
        self.specialRooms = {}
        self.hallways = []
        self.currentRoom = None
        self.landscape = [[
            Tile(Object("VOID", pos(i, j), False)) for i in range(LEVELHEIGHT)
        ] for j in range(LEVELWIDTH)]
        self.isLandscape = False

        self.wayDown = None
        self.wayUp = None

        self.build = False  # the actual levelproperties aren't created in the initializer butil.in an extra funktion.
Exemplo n.º 5
 def createLandscape(self):
     for tileX, tileY in util.iter2DIndex(self.landscape):
         tilePos = pos(tileX, tileY)
         util.setAt(self.landscape, pos(tileX, tileY),
                    Tile(Object("GRASS_1", pos(tileX, tileY))))
         if ((tileX == 0 or tileY == 0)
                 and ((tileX - int(LEVELWIDTH / 2)) +
                      (tileY - int(LEVELHEIGHT / 2)) < 10)):
                            tileY)).base = Object("MOUNTAIN_1",
                                                  pos(tileX, tileY))
     dungeonPos = (pos(LEVELWIDTH, LEVELHEIGHT) / 2).toInt()
     dungeonEntry = Object(LADDER_DOWN, dungeonPos)
     getAt(self.landscape, dungeonPos).objects.append(dungeonEntry)
     self.specialRooms[LADDER_DOWN] = Room()
         LADDER_DOWN] = dungeonEntry
     self.isLandscape = True
Exemplo n.º 6
def randomPositionIn(room):
    return room.origin + pos(random.randint(1, room.width - 2),
                             random.randint(1, room.length - 2))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def create(self):
        # TODO: build a new level from scratch based on the code on the beginning of the main game loop.
        roomNr = 0
        rooms = self.rooms
        for i in range(self.roomRowWidth):

        # creating the room's attributes
        for rectColumn in range(self.roomRowWidth):  # x
            for rectRow in range(self.roomRowLength):  # y
                xCoord_Room = rectColumn * self.roomRect[X] + random.randint(
                    2, int(self.roomRect[X] / 3))
                yCoord_Room = rectRow * self.roomRect[Y] + random.randint(
                    2, int(self.roomRect[Y] / 3))
                roomWidth = random.randint(
                    5, self.roomRect[X] -
                    (xCoord_Room - rectColumn * self.roomRect[X]) - 1)
                roomLength = random.randint(4, int(self.roomRect[Y] * 2 / 3))
                currentRoom = Room(xCoord_Room, yCoord_Room, rectColumn,
                                   rectRow, roomWidth, roomLength)
                roomNr += 1

        # deleting a few rooms
        for i in range(self.missingRooms):
            xNumber = random.randint(0, self.roomRowWidth - 1)
            yNumber = random.randint(0, self.roomRowLength - 1)
            self.rooms[xNumber][yNumber] = False

        # counting the number of rooms
        for column in self.rooms:
            for room in column:
                if room:
                    self.roomtally += 1

        # place doors where doors are needed and store there coordinates as well as their properties

        # getting a list of the rooms with greater range
        visited = [[False for i in range(self.roomRowLength)]
                   for i in range(self.roomRowWidth)]
        # creating doors
        # TODO: Implement range() for loops instead of 'roomRectX' variables
        for roomRectX, roomRectY, direction in itertools.product(
                range(self.roomRowLength), range(self.roomRowWidth),
            roomPos = pos(roomRectX, roomRectY)
            setAt(visited, roomPos, True)
            otherDirection = util.getOppositeDirection(direction)
            directionVector = util.toPosition(direction)
            otherDirectionVector = util.toPosition(otherDirection)
            otherRoomPos = roomPos + directionVector
            room = rooms[roomRectX][roomRectY]
            if util.isInBounds(rooms, otherRoomPos) and room and getAt(
                    rooms, otherRoomPos) and not getAt(visited, otherRoomPos):
                otherRoom = rooms[otherRoomPos.x][otherRoomPos.y]
                radial = pos((room.width - 1) * int(
                    (directionVector.x + 1) * 0.5), (room.length - 1) * int(
                        (directionVector.y + 1) * 0.5))
                otherRadial = pos((otherRoom.width - 1) * int(
                    (otherDirectionVector.x + 1) * 0.5),
                                  (room.length - 1) * int(
                                      (otherDirectionVector.y + 1) * 0.5))
                tangential = pos(
                    random.randint(1, room.width - 2) * abs(directionVector.y),
                    random.randint(1, room.length - 2) *
                otherTangential = pos(
                    random.randint(1, otherRoom.width - 2) *
                    random.randint(1, otherRoom.length - 2) *
                # Create Hallways

                CoordDoor1 = radial + tangential + room.origin
                CoordDoor2 = otherRadial + otherTangential + otherRoom.origin

                directionVec = util.toPosition(direction)
                CoordIndent1 = CoordDoor1 + directionVec
                CoordIndent2 = CoordDoor2 - directionVec
                orient = util.toOrientation(direction)

                Middle = int(((CoordDoor2 - CoordDoor1) * directionVec) / 2)
                CoordMiddle1 = CoordDoor1 + Middle * directionVec
                CoordMiddle2 = CoordDoor2 + (
                    (CoordDoor1 - CoordDoor2) * directionVec +
                    Middle) * directionVec

                newHallwayGeo = ((CoordDoor1, CoordIndent1),
                                 (CoordIndent1, CoordMiddle1), (CoordMiddle1,
                                 (CoordMiddle2, CoordIndent2), (CoordDoor2,
                newHallway = Hallway(
                    (Door(CoordDoor1, direction,
                          room), Door(CoordDoor2, otherDirection, otherRoom)),

                # Tell the rooms about there new doors
                room.doors.append(Door(CoordDoor1, direction, newHallway))
                    Door(CoordDoor2, otherDirection, newHallway))

                imprintHallway(newHallway, self.landscape)

        # Set up the player, monsters and other things in the rooms

        # put objects and enemies into rooms
        content = util.shuffle(['start', 'exit', 'heaven'] +
                               ['treasure' for i in range(self.roomtally - 3)])

        possibleContent = (item for item in content)
        for room in util.iter2D(self.rooms):
            if room:
                item = next(possibleContent)
                if item == 'start':
                    room.attributeObjs[LADDER_UP] = Object(
                        LADDER_UP, randomPositionIn(room))
                    self.specialRooms[LADDER_UP] = room
                elif item == 'exit' and self.nr < LEVELTALLY - 1:
                    room.attributeObjs[LADDER_DOWN] = Object(
                        LADDER_DOWN, randomPositionIn(room))
                    self.specialRooms[LADDER_DOWN] = room
                elif item == 'heaven':
                    room.attributeObjs[FOUNTAIN] = Object(
                        FOUNTAIN, randomPositionIn(room))
                elif item == 'treasure':
                        Object(TREASURE, randomPositionIn(room)))
                if not item in ['start', 'exit', 'heaven']:
                        Object(IMPWARRIOR, randomPositionIn(room)))

        print("LEVELNUMBER", self.nr)

        # finish the level
        self.build = True