Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, parent, source, coeff, target):
        """Specifies the morphism source -> coeff * target. Note coeff has type
        TensorDGAlgebra of the two algebras that act on the DD structures.

        Generator.__init__(self, parent)
        MorObject.__init__(self, source, coeff, target)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, parent, source, coeff, target):
     """Specifies the morphism source -> coeff * target."""
     Generator.__init__(self, parent)
     MorObject.__init__(self, source, coeff, target)
     filt = []
     if hasattr(source, "filtration"):
         filt += [1-x for x in source.filtration]
     if hasattr(target, "filtration"):
         filt += target.filtration
     if filt != []:
         self.filtration = filt
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, parent, coeff_d, coeffs_a, source, target):
        """Specifies the morphism m(source, coeffs_a) -> coeff_d * target.
        source and target are generators in two type DA bimodules with same
        algebra actions. If the bimodules have left type D action by algebra1
        and right type A action by algebra2, then as a MorObject coeff is of
        type TensorDGAlgebra(algebra1, CobarAlgebra(algebra2)).

        Generator.__init__(self, parent)
        self.coeff_d, self.coeffs_a = coeff_d, coeffs_a
        cobar_alg = CobarAlgebra(source.parent.algebra2)
        tensor_alg = TensorDGAlgebra((source.parent.algebra1, cobar_alg))
        coeff = TensorGenerator(
            (coeff_d, TensorStarGenerator(coeffs_a, cobar_alg, source.idem2)),
        MorObject.__init__(self, source, coeff, target)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, parent, source, coeff, target):
     """Specifies the morphism source -> coeff * target."""
     DGenerator.__init__(self, parent, source.idem2.opp())
     MorObject.__init__(self, source, coeff, target)