Exemplo n.º 1
class Basic(Strategy):
    Basic strategy that consists of evaluating if
    it loses or if it wins, nothing more, nothing less.
    WIN = 1000
    LOSE = -1000
    DRAW = 5

    def __init__(self):
        super(Basic, self).__init__()
        self.alpha_beta = AlphaBeta(self.eval, _max_depth=ALPHA_BETA_MAX_DEPTH)

    def eval(self, state, other_player=False):
        factor = 1
        if other_player:
            factor = -1  # If we evaluate for the other player, we must oppose the result
        current_player_won, other_player_won, draw = state.terminalTest()
        if current_player_won:
            return factor * self.WIN
        elif other_player_won:
            return factor * self.LOSE
            return factor * self.DRAW

    def chooseNextAction(self, state):
        :param state: the current state of the game
        :type state: C4State
        :return: the action chosn by the strategy
        :rtype: int
        if not state.empty:
            action = self.alpha_beta.alphaBetaSearching(state)
            possible_actions = state.possibleActions()
            action = possible_actions[random.Random().randint(0, len(possible_actions)-1)]
        print "Chosen column: ", action
        return action