Exemplo n.º 1
def set_inlineblocklocation(loc, block):
    Set location for code block
    :param loc: location object
    :param block: list of instructions
    return [set_loc(block[0], loc)] + \
        map(lambda i: set_loc(i, Types.Loc('', loc.loc_addr, loc.loc_visible)), block[1:])
Exemplo n.º 2
 def add_func_label(self, ufuncs, instrs):
     Insert function labels
     :param ufuncs: function list
     :param instrs: instruction list
     :return: instruction list with function declarations
     i = 0
     j = 0
     while True:
         if i == len(ufuncs) or j == len(instrs):
         hf = ufuncs[i]
         hi = instrs[j]
         iloc = get_loc(hi)
         if hf.func_begin_addr == iloc.loc_addr and hf.func_name not in iloc.loc_label:
             lab = '\n' + hf.func_name + ' : '
             if ELF_utils.elf_arm(): lab = '\n.thumb_func' + lab
             iloc.loc_label = lab + iloc.loc_label
             instrs[j] = set_loc(hi, iloc)
             i += 1
             j -= 1
         elif hf.func_begin_addr < iloc.loc_addr:
             i += 1
         j += 1
     return instrs
Exemplo n.º 3
 def translate_it_block(block):
     Translate IT block using normal branches
     :param block: instruction list of IT block
     :return: instruction list with normal branches
     itloc = get_loc(block[0])
     res = [
             ('b' + block[0][1], Types.Label('.LIT_%X.T' % itloc.loc_addr),
              itloc, False))
     branches = {'t': [], 'e': []}
     for i in xrange(1, len(block[0][0])):
         op = block[i][0].split('.')
         op[0] = op[0][:-2]
         instr = type(block[i])(('.'.join(op), ) + block[i][1:])
     endloc = get_loc(block[-1])
         Types.DoubleInstr(('b', Types.Label(
             ('.LIT_%X.E' % itloc.loc_addr)), endloc, False)))
     branches['t'][0][-2].loc_label += '.LIT_%X.T: ' % itloc.loc_addr
     res += branches['e'] + branches['t']
             Types.Loc('.LIT_%X.E: ' % itloc.loc_addr, endloc.loc_addr,
     return res
Exemplo n.º 4
 def get_returnenc(curr_instr, popcookie=False):
     Get code block for return address encryption
     :param curr_instr: return instruction
     :param popcookie: True if also frame cookie must be removed
     :return: return encryption instruction list
     pre = list(framecookietail) if popcookie else []
     loc = get_loc(curr_instr)
     if curr_instr[0].upper().startswith('POP'):
         # pop {...,pc}
         i = map(str.upper, curr_instr[1]).index('PC')
         rlist = curr_instr[1][:i] + ('lr', ) + curr_instr[1][i + 1:]
                 (curr_instr[0], Types.RegList(rlist), None, False)))
         curr_instr = Types.DoubleInstr(
             ('bx', Types.RegClass('lr'), None, False))
     elif curr_instr[0].upper().startswith(
             'LDR') and curr_instr[1].upper() == 'PC':
         # ldr pc, [sp], #4
             type(curr_instr)((curr_instr[0], Types.RegClass('lr')) +
         curr_instr = Types.DoubleInstr(
             ('bx', Types.RegClass('lr'), None, False))
     return set_inlineblocklocation(loc, pre + returnenc) + \
            [set_loc(curr_instr, Types.Loc('', loc.loc_addr, loc.loc_visible))]
Exemplo n.º 5
 def unify_loc(self, instrs):
     last_label = ''
     for i in xrange(len(instrs)):
         lo = get_loc(instrs[i])
         if lo.loc_label != '' and lo.loc_label == last_label:
             instrs[i] = set_loc(instrs[i],
                                 Types.Loc('', lo.loc_addr, True))
             last_label = lo.loc_label
     return instrs
Exemplo n.º 6
 def get_returnenc(curr_instr, popcookie=False):
     Get code block for return address encryption
     :param curr_instr: return instruction
     :param popcookie: True if also frame cookie must be removed
     :return: return encryption instruction list
     loc = get_loc(curr_instr)
     return set_inlineblocklocation(loc, framecookietail + returnenc if popcookie else returnenc) + \
            [set_loc(curr_instr, Types.Loc('', loc.loc_addr, loc.loc_visible))]
Exemplo n.º 7
 def get_framecookiecheck(curr_instr, funcID):
     Get code block for frame cookie check
     :param curr_instr: indirect branch instruction
     :param funcID: generated function ID
     :return: frame cookie check instruction list
     loc = get_loc(curr_instr)
     tmp = list(framecookiecheck)
     tmp[3][2] = Types.Normal(funcID)
     tmp[3] = Types.TripleInstr(tmp[3])
     return set_inlineblocklocation(loc, tmp) + \
            [set_loc(curr_instr, Types.Loc('', loc.loc_addr, loc.loc_visible))]
Exemplo n.º 8
 def get_framecookiehead(curr_instr, funcID):
     Get function header code block for frame cookie insertion
     :param curr_instr: function entry instruction
     :param funcID: generated function ID
     :return: frame cookie insertion instruction list
     loc = get_loc(curr_instr)
     tmp = list(framecookiehead)
     tmp[5][2] = Types.Normal(funcID)
     tmp[5] = Types.TripleInstr(tmp[5])
     return set_inlineblocklocation(loc, returnenc + tmp) + \
            [set_loc(curr_instr, Types.Loc('', loc.loc_addr, loc.loc_visible))]
Exemplo n.º 9
 def alignvldrARM(self, instrs):
     Insert alignment compiler instruction for vldr targets (ARM)
     :param instrs: instruction list
     self.ARMvldrtargets = sorted(set(self.ARMvldrtargets))
     i = 0
     j = 0
     while True:
         if i == len(instrs) or j == len(self.ARMvldrtargets): break
         loc = get_loc(instrs[i])
         if loc.loc_addr == self.ARMvldrtargets[j]:
             loc.loc_label = '\n.align 2' + loc.loc_label
             instrs[i] = set_loc(instrs[i], loc)
             j += 1
         elif loc.loc_addr > self.ARMvldrtargets[j]:
             j += 1
             i -= 2
         i += 1
     return instrs
Exemplo n.º 10
 def add_bblock_label(self, bbl, instrs):
     bbl1 = sorted(
         bbl, lambda b1, b2: b1.bblock_begin_loc.loc_addr - b2.
     i = 0
     j = 0
     while True:
         if i == len(instrs) and j < len(bbl1):
             raise Exception('failed to add block label')
         if j == len(bbl1): break
         hi = instrs[i]
         hb = bbl1[j]
         iloc = get_loc(hi)
         bloc = hb.bblock_begin_loc
         if bloc.loc_addr == iloc.loc_addr:
             iloc = Types.Loc(hb.bblock_name + ': ' + iloc.loc_label,
                              iloc.loc_addr, iloc.loc_visible)
             instrs[i] = set_loc(instrs[i], iloc)
             j += 1
         i += 1
     return instrs
Exemplo n.º 11
 def get_instr_list(self):
     Get instruction list
     return map(lambda e: set_loc(e[0], e[1]),
                zip(self.instr_list, self.locs))