Exemplo n.º 1
 def _getOriginalBoundary(self) -> None:
     extendedCable = [self.dest1] + self.cable + [self.dest2]
     extendedCable = VertexUtils.removeRepeatedVertsOrdered(extendedCable)
     self.boundaryPts = [
         VertexUtils.convertToPoint(vert) for vert in extendedCable
     self.originalPolygon = Polygon(self.boundaryPts)
Exemplo n.º 2
def isThereCrossMovement(cable, dest1, dest2):
    # I've also included the case where the polygon is not simple
    cable = getLongCable(cable, dest1, dest2)
    cable = removeRepeatedVertsOrdered(cable)
    if len(cable) < 3: return False
    p = Polygon([convertToPoint(v) for v in cable])
    return not p.is_simple()
Exemplo n.º 3
def getAllIntersectingObstacles(vertices):
	Given the vertices of a polygon, get all the Obstacles that fall intersect (fully or partially) the polygon

	vertices: `Vertex[]`

	:returns: A tuple of two arrays, First array are fully inside, second array is partially inside
    result = ([], [])
    poly = Polygon([convertToPoint(v) for v in vertices])
    for obs in model.obstacles:
        isIn = False
        isOut = False
        for pt in obs.vertices:
            # if isInsidePoly(poly, pt) or isOnPoly(poly, pt):
            if isInsidePoly(poly, pt):
                isIn = True
                isOut = True
        if isIn:
            if not isOut:
    return result
Exemplo n.º 4
def intersectPolygonAndSegment(poly: Polygon,
                               segment: Segment) -> List[PointOrSegmentNone]:
    if not isinstance(poly, Polygon):
        raise TypeError("poly should be a Polygon")
    if not isinstance(segment, Segment):
        raise TypeError("line should be a Segment")
    intersections = []
    for edge in poly.edges():
        res = intersection(segment, edge)
        if res:
    return intersections
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, name, pts):
		canvas: tk.Canvas

		color: color string

		name: str

		pts: [utils.cgal.types.Point]
        super().__init__(color=OBSTACLE_COLOR, name=name)
        self.vertices = []
        self._vertexByLocation = {}
        self._pts = pts
        self.polygon = Polygon(self._pts)
Exemplo n.º 6
class Triangulation(object):
    def __init__(self, cable: list, dest1, dest2, debug=False):

		boundingBox: List of 4 `Vertex`

		debug: `True` will add the edges to canvas
        self.cable = cable
        self.src1 = cable[0]
        self.src2 = cable[-1]
        self.dest1 = dest1
        self.dest2 = dest2
        # A dictionary of facesHandles (triangles) -> FaceInfo
        self.faceInfoMap = {}
        # Will be populated when finding convex hull
        self.fullyEnclosedPolygons = []
        self.partiallyEnclosedObstacles = []
        self.debug = debug
        # Maps point location to it's handle
        # This is used in finding a handle for a vertex
        self._ptHandles = {}
        # A dictionary of {Point,Point} -> TriangulationEdge
        self._canvasEdges = {}
        # The Polygon that define the boundary given by the cable before performing convex hull
        self.originalPolygon: Polygon = None
        # List of points that define the boundary of triangulation
        self.boundaryPts = []

        self.cgalTri = CgalTriangulation()
        self.triangleCount = 0
        if debug:

    def _getOriginalBoundary(self) -> None:
        extendedCable = [self.dest1] + self.cable + [self.dest2]
        extendedCable = VertexUtils.removeRepeatedVertsOrdered(extendedCable)
        self.boundaryPts = [
            VertexUtils.convertToPoint(vert) for vert in extendedCable
        self.originalPolygon = Polygon(self.boundaryPts)

    def _getConvexHull(self) -> None:
		Find the convex hull of the points.

		This is done to guarantee that the boundary of the triangulation would not intersect the constraints.

		:return: Convex Hull
        hull = []
        if not self.originalPolygon.is_convex():
            ConvexHull(self.boundaryPts, hull)
            self.boundaryPts = hull
         partials) = Geom.getAllIntersectingObstacles(self.boundaryPts)
        # Continue this until we converge
        # We converge because obstacles whose edges are on the boundary of the convex hull, technically, count as partial still
        while self.partiallyEnclosedObstacles != partials:
            for obs in partials:
            hull = []
            ConvexHull(self.boundaryPts, hull)
            # centroid = Geom.centroid(hull)
            # extruded = []
            # for pt in hull:
            # 	vec = Geom.getEpsilonVector(centroid, pt)
            # 	extruded.append(pt + vec)
            self.boundaryPts = hull
            self.partiallyEnclosedObstacles = partials
            # (self.fullyEnclosedPolygons, self.partiallyEnclosedObstacles) = Geom.getAllIntersectingObstacles(extruded)
             partials) = Geom.getAllIntersectingObstacles(self.boundaryPts)
        # After we converge, partials are actually fully enclosed
        self.fullyEnclosedPolygons = [
            obs.polygon for obs in self.fullyEnclosedPolygons

    def _debugConvexHull(self):
        for i in range(0, len(self.boundaryPts) - 1):
            pt1 = self.boundaryPts[i]
            pt2 = self.boundaryPts[i + 1]
            e = DebugEdge(model.canvas, "TE-%d" % i, [pt1, pt2], True)
        pt1 = self.boundaryPts[0]
        pt2 = self.boundaryPts[-1]
        e = DebugEdge(model.canvas, "TE-%d" % i, [pt1, pt2], True)

    def _insertPolygonIntoTriangulation(self, pts):
		Adds points to this triangulation while maintaining the handles in the `_ptHandles` dictionary

		This method should be called per entity.
		That is, all of the points that belong to one hole (obstacle) should be added at once and separately.
        if not pts:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot insert None into Triangulation.")

        handles = []
        for pt in pts:
            (added, handle) = self._addPtToTriangulation(pt)
        for i in range(len(handles) - 1):
            self.cgalTri.insert_constraint(handles[i], handles[i + 1])
        self.cgalTri.insert_constraint(handles[-1], handles[0])

    def _addPtToTriangulation(self, pt):
        if self._isPtHandleInDict(pt): return (False, self.getVertexHandle(pt))
        pt = VertexUtils.convertToPoint(pt)
        handle = self.cgalTri.insert(pt)
        self._insertPtHandleIntoDict(pt, handle)
        return (True, handle)

    def _insertPtHandleIntoDict(self, pt, handle):
        # We need to do this because for the triangulation we extrude the boundary
        # because of that the IDs might be off by an epsilon
        # FIXME: Might be unnecessary now that we have polygon intersection
        # vrt = Geom.getClosestVertex(pt)
        # key = VertexUtils.ptToStringId(vrt) if vrt else VertexUtils.ptToStringId(pt)
        key = VertexUtils.ptToStringId(pt)
        self._ptHandles[key] = handle

    def _isPtHandleInDict(self, pt) -> bool:
        key = VertexUtils.ptToStringId(pt)
        return key in self._ptHandles

    def _markInteriorTriangles(self):
		Populates `self.faceInfoMap`

		Explore the set of facets connected with non constrained edges,
		and attribute to each such set a nesting level.

		We start from the facets incident to the infinite vertex, with a
		nesting level of 0. Then we recursively consider the non-explored
		facets incident to constrained edges bounding the former set and
		increase the nesting level by 1.

		Facets in the domain are those with an odd nesting level.
        for face in self.cgalTri.all_faces():
            self.faceInfoMap[face] = FaceInfo()
        borders = []
        self._markInteriorTrianglesBFS(self.cgalTri.infinite_face(), 0,
        while borders != []:
            edge = borders[0]  # border.front
            borders = borders[1:]  # border.pop_front
            neighboringFace = edge[0].neighbor(
            )  # Edge is a tuple (face, vertexIndex) (see https://doc.cgal.org/latest/Triangulation_2/index.html#title3)
            if self.faceInfoMap[neighboringFace].isMarked():
            lvl = self.faceInfoMap[edge[0]].nestingLevel + 1
            self._markInteriorTrianglesBFS(neighboringFace, lvl, borders)

    def _markInteriorTrianglesBFS(self, startFace, nestingLvl, borderEdges):
        if self.faceInfoMap[startFace].isMarked():
        queue = [startFace]
        while queue != []:
            face = queue[0]  # queue.front
            queue = queue[1:]  # queue.pop_front
            if self.faceInfoMap[face].isMarked():
            self.faceInfoMap[face].nestingLevel = nestingLvl
            for i in range(3):
                edge = (
                    face, i
                )  # Edges are identified by a face and a vertex (see https://doc.cgal.org/latest/Triangulation_2/index.html#title3)
                neighboringFace = face.neighbor(i)
                if self.faceInfoMap[neighboringFace].isMarked():
                if self.cgalTri.is_constrained(
                ):  # A non-triangulation edge is a constrained edge (see https://doc.cgal.org/latest/Triangulation_2/index.html#title23)

    def _addCanvasEdge(self, segment, canvasEdge):
        pts = frozenset([
        self._canvasEdges[pts] = canvasEdge
        model.entities[canvasEdge.name] = canvasEdge

    def _insertCableConstraints(self) -> None:
        for i in range(len(self.cable) - 1):
            (_, h1) = self._addPtToTriangulation(self.cable[i])
            (_, h2) = self._addPtToTriangulation(self.cable[i + 1])
            self.cgalTri.insert_constraint(h1, h2)
        if VertexUtils.convertToPoint(self.src1) != VertexUtils.convertToPoint(
            (_, h1) = self._addPtToTriangulation(self.src1)
            (_, h2) = self._addPtToTriangulation(self.dest1)
            self.cgalTri.insert_constraint(h1, h2)
        if VertexUtils.convertToPoint(self.src2) != VertexUtils.convertToPoint(
            (_, h1) = self._addPtToTriangulation(self.src2)
            (_, h2) = self._addPtToTriangulation(self.dest2)
            self.cgalTri.insert_constraint(h1, h2)

    def _triangulate(self):
		Construct Triangles
        # Insert exterior
        # Insert interior (obstacles)
        for poly in self.fullyEnclosedPolygons:

    def _countTriangles(self):
		Updates self.triangleCount
        self.triangleCount = 0
        for _f in self.cgalTri.finite_faces():
            self.triangleCount += 1

    def _isFace(self, faceHandle: TriangulationFaceHandle):
        v0 = faceHandle.vertex(0)
        v1 = faceHandle.vertex(1)
        v2 = faceHandle.vertex(2)
        return self.cgalTri.is_face(v0, v1, v2)

    def _isFaceSurroundedByCable(self, face: TriangulationFaceHandle):
        pts = [face.vertex(i).point() for i in range(3)]
        for i in range(-1, 2):
            isOnCable = False
            longCable = [self.dest1] + self.cable + [self.dest2]
            for j in range(len(longCable) - 1):
                if VertexUtils.convertToPoint(
                        longCable[j]) == pts[i] and VertexUtils.convertToPoint(
                            longCable[j + 1]) == pts[i + 1]:
                    isOnCable = True
            if not isOnCable:
                return False
        return True

    def _filterNonDomainTriangle(self, face: TriangulationFaceHandle):
        if self.faceInfoMap[face].inDomain():
            return True
        if self._isFaceSurroundedByCable(face):
            return True
        return False

    def isPointInsideOriginalPolygon(self, vert):
		Check whether the given Vertex/Point falls inside the polygon originally given to triangulation as the boundary
		(i.e., before getting the convex hull)
        return Geom.isInsidePoly(self.originalPolygon, vert)

    def getCgalEdge(self, vertexSet):
		Finds the edge connecting the two points in vertexSet, or `None` if it doesn't exist.

		vertexSet: A set of two vertices

		An Edge in CGAL Triangulation is a tuple (faceHandle, vertexIndex)

		[read more](https://doc.cgal.org/latest/Triangulation_2/index.html#title3)
        # The input can be a vertex or a cgal Point ("%.14f" % pts[0].x()) == "450.18242783709655"
        if (len(vertexSet) != 2):
            raise RuntimeError("vertexSet must have two members")
        pts = [self.getVertexHandle(v) for v in vertexSet]
        if (not pts[0] or not pts[1]):
            return None
        faceHandleRef = TriangulationFaceRef()
        vertexIndRef = IntRef()
        if (not self.cgalTri.is_edge(pts[0], pts[1], faceHandleRef,
            return None
        faceHandle = faceHandleRef.object()
        vertexInd = vertexIndRef.object()
        return (faceHandle, vertexInd)

    def getVertexHandle(self, vertex):
		The handle to the point representing this vertex in the triangulation

		vertex: model.vertex.Vertex or utils.cgal.types.Point
        # See _insertHandleIntoDict()
        key = VertexUtils.ptToStringId(vertex)
        return self._ptHandles.get(key)

    def getIncidentTriangles(self, vertexSet):
		Finds the edge connecting the two points in vertexSet, if it exists, and returns a set of the two face [handles] incident to the edge

		vertexSet: A set of two vertices

		For more details see
        edge = self.getCgalEdge(vertexSet)
        if not edge:
            raise RuntimeError("No edge found for the vertex set")
        (faceHandle, vertexInd) = edge
        faces = [faceHandle, faceHandle.neighbor(vertexInd)]
        faces = list(filter(self._filterNonDomainTriangle, faces))
        return frozenset(faces)

    def getIncidentEdges(self, vert, faceHandle: TriangulationFaceHandle):
		Given a vertex and face handle, find the two edges incident to it

		A set of two sets, each containing a pair of vertices to represent an edge
        vertHandle = self.getVertexHandle(vert)
        ind = faceHandle.index(vertHandle)
        indices = {0, 1, 2} - {ind}
        edges = []
        for i in indices:
            pt = faceHandle.vertex(i).point()
            ptVert = model.getVertexByLocation(pt.x(), pt.y())
            edges.append(frozenset([vert, ptVert if ptVert else pt]))
            # edges.append(frozenset([vert, pt]))
        return frozenset(edges)

    def pushVertEpsilonInside(self, vert,
                              faceHandle: TriangulationFaceHandle) -> Point:
        edges = self.getIncidentEdges(vert, faceHandle)
        toBePushedPt = VertexUtils.convertToPoint(vert)
        if not edges or len(edges) != 2:
            raise RuntimeError("There must be 2 incident edges")
        vects = []
        for e in edges:
            for v in e:
                pt = VertexUtils.convertToPoint(v)
                if pt != toBePushedPt:
                    vects.append(pt - toBePushedPt)
        summed = vects[0] + vects[1]
        epsilon = Geom.getEpsilonVectorFromVect(summed)
        return VertexUtils.convertToPoint(vert) + epsilon

    def drawEdges(self, drawDomainOnly=False):
        i = 0
        # draw constraints
        for edge in self.cgalTri.finite_edges():
            i += 1
            if (not drawDomainOnly) and self.cgalTri.is_constrained(edge):
                segment = self.cgalTri.segment(edge)
                canvasE = DebugEdge("TE-%d" % i, segment, True)
                self._addCanvasEdge(segment, canvasE)
        #  draw triangulation edges on top of constraints
        for edge in self.cgalTri.finite_edges():
            i += 1
            if not self.cgalTri.is_constrained(edge) and self.faceInfoMap[
                # if not self.cgalTri.is_constrained(edge):
                segment = self.cgalTri.segment(edge)
                canvasE = DebugEdge("TE-%d" % i, segment)
                self._addCanvasEdge(segment, canvasE)

    def getCanvasEdge(self, vertexSet):
        pts = frozenset([
            for vert in vertexSet
        return self._canvasEdges[pts]

    def eraseDrawnEdges(self):
        for edge in self._canvasEdges:
        self._canvasEdges = {}

    def areTrianglesNeighbor(self, faceHandle1: TriangulationFaceHandle,
                             faceHandle2: TriangulationFaceHandle):
        return faceHandle1.has_neighbor(faceHandle2)

    def triangleHasVertex(self, faceHandle: TriangulationFaceHandle, vertex):
        vertHandle = self.getVertexHandle(vertex)
        if not vertHandle: return False
        return faceHandle.has_vertex(vertHandle)

    def getCommonEdge(self, faceHandle1: TriangulationFaceHandle,
                      faceHandle2: TriangulationFaceHandle):
        indices = {0, 1, 2}
        for i in indices:
            neighbor = faceHandle1.neighbor(i)
            if neighbor == faceHandle2:
                ptInds = indices - {i}
                verts = [faceHandle1.vertex(j).point() for j in ptInds]
                return frozenset(verts)
        return frozenset()

    def isPointInsideTriangle(self, faceHandle: TriangulationFaceHandle,
                              pt) -> bool:
		see [this](https://stackoverflow.com/a/2049593/750567)
        sign = lambda p1, p2, p3: (p1.x() - p3.x()) * (p2.y() - p3.y()) - (
            p2.x() - p3.x()) * (p1.y() - p3.y())
        pt = VertexUtils.convertToPoint(pt)
        d1 = sign(pt,
        d2 = sign(pt,
        d3 = sign(pt,
        has_neg = (d1 < 0) or (d2 < 0) or (d3 < 0)
        has_pos = (d1 > 0) or (d2 > 0) or (d3 > 0)
        return not (has_neg and has_pos)
Exemplo n.º 7
def isOnPoly(poly: Polygon, pt) -> bool:
	Check if point `pt` is inside Polygon `poly`
    return poly.has_on_boundary(convertToPoint(pt))